Jealousy & a Jewelled Proposition

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Jealousy & a Jewelled Proposition Page 3

by Yvonne Lindsay

“It’s no bother. I was making breakfast for him anyway.”

  He accepted the cup of strong coffee complete with a splash of cream before replying. “And what about you? Where’s your breakfast?”

  “Oh, I’ll get something later. After Blake’s gone to preschool.”

  “Look, you’ve made far more than I can manage. What do you say, Blake? Should Rachel have breakfast with us?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Blake shouted excitedly. “Here!” He shoved a slice of bitten toast towards her, almost knocking over his glass of milk at the same time.

  “Hold on, tiger. You finish what you have on your plate and I’ll give her some of mine.”

  “Okay, you give Mummy some.”

  The air in the room thickened. Rachel shot Matt a worried look. How was he going to handle this? She saw him take a deep breath, the fine white cotton of his business shirt expanding slightly across the breadth of his chest.

  Matt’s cool grey eyes met her gaze steadily before he broke contact and looked directly at his son.

  “Blake, you know Rachel is your nanny, not your mummy.”

  “But I want her to be my mummy.” A tiny frown appeared between the little boy’s dark brows and he set his lips in a mutinous line.

  “Sweetheart, you already have a mummy.” Rachel hunkered down beside Blake’s chair. “We talk to her at bedtime, remember? And tell her about each day.”

  “But she’s not here and I want a mummy that’s here! I want you.” Tears pooled in the lower lids of Blake’s sharp green eyes, before one big, fat drop spilled over the edge and tracked down his chubby cheek.

  “Son, you can’t just have a mummy like that.”

  “Why not?” the tearful child demanded.

  Rachel’s heart ached at the expression on Matt’s face. There was no easy answer. His next words twisted her heart even more.

  “Because a mummy and a daddy have to love each other first.”

  “Don’t you love Rachel, Daddy?”

  Rachel caught her breath. She wished she could disappear from the room. She didn’t want to hear Matt’s denial.

  “We’re friends, Blake. We’ve known each other a long time.”

  Rachel could tell Matt was hedging, trying to find the most diplomatic, yet firm, way out of the situation.

  “But why don’t you love her? I love her.”

  As if it could be as simple as that. It was time to step in. She didn’t know if she was capable of standing up to hearing Matt’s answer.

  “C’mon, buddy, have you had enough to eat? Let’s go and get your teeth brushed. We’ll talk about this later, okay? I’ll race you upstairs.”

  She helped Blake down from his booster seat, wiped off his sticky hands and face with a damp cloth and gave him a little tickle to distract him. Suddenly she remembered the call.

  “Someone called for you, Matt, said his name was Quinn Everard. I’ve left the number on the pad by the phone. He wanted you to call him back straight away.”

  She heard the rapid scrape of Matt’s wooden chair on the tiles behind her.

  “Did he say what it was about?”

  “No, just that he wanted you to call back as soon as you could.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  It must have been important, Rachel realised, when she came back downstairs with Blake. There was an edge of excitement about Matt that hadn’t been there before.

  “After you’ve dropped Blake off at preschool, can you pack a few things for me? I know it’s not in your job description, but with your mother away—”

  “You’re going away again?” Her voice rose incredulously. “But you’ve just arrived home.”

  Hadn’t he listened to a word she’d said last night? Had this morning’s incident with Blake not shown him how important it was that he be there more for his son?

  “This trip is unavoidable.”

  “So send someone else, someone from the office. Surely you don’t need to go yourself.”

  “This is something I’ve been waiting for, for a long time. Everard believes he’s tracked the owner of the fifth diamond.”

  Rachel’s blood thrilled in her veins. The last of the infamous Blackstone Rose diamonds? She’d been here looking after Blake when Matt had received the news he’d inherited four incomparable pink diamonds in Marise’s estate—diamonds that had been proven to be from the Blackstone Rose necklace, which had mysteriously gone missing thirty years ago. The necklace Matt’s father, Oliver, had been accused of stealing. She knew how important it was to Matt to bring the stones back together and to show the world that his father was innocent of the slur on his name.

  A sudden solution presented itself.

  “Good, we’ll come with you, then. Where are we going?”

  Matt gave her a piercing look. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I said, where are we going?”

  “I’m going to Tahiti, but you’re not coming with me.”

  Rachel braced her feet firmly and took a deep breath. “Oh, yes we are. Blake needs to spend time with you. Your business will take, what? A few hours? It’s a perfect opportunity for both of you, and it’s away from here, from the memories. You’re planning to be there what—two, three nights?”

  “And then I’ll be back.”

  “And you’ll be gone again. Didn’t this morning show you anything? Honestly, Matt, I just don’t understand you. Don’t you want to strengthen your bond with your own son?”

  He took a step back, as if she’d given him a physical shove. His face paled slightly and the line of his jaw firmed. She knew, from past experience, he was weighing his words very carefully. Eventually he spoke.

  “Rachel, this is a business trip. Not a holiday. You’re not coming with me. Simple.”

  “Then you’ll have to take Blake on your own, because I won’t be here.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I mean it, Matt. You have to put Blake first for once. If you don’t take us, you’ll be taking him by yourself because I’ll be walking out that door and I will not come back. I’m not bound to you in any way, I’m not on contract and I’m tired of my life being on hold while you sort out yours. So what’s it to be?”

  As much as it would kill her to do so, Rachel had every intention of following through on her threat. Obviously something in the tone of her voice made him realise it, too. Finally he let go of an exasperated sigh.

  “Fine. Have it your way. I’ll have my secretary make the arrangements and let you know when we’re leaving.”

  “Good.” Rachel scooped Blake up in her arms and danced him around the room. “Hey, Blake, we’re going on a trip with Daddy, isn’t that neat?”

  The little boy laughed in her arms and started enumerating the toys he wanted to take with him. Over Blake’s dark head her gaze met Matt’s. She knew he was angry. Very angry. A tremor of an aftershock ran through her body. She’d never stood up to anyone like that before, least of all Matt Hammond. There was one thing he hated above everything else and that was to be manipulated, and she’d thoroughly manipulated him just now.

  But it was worth it. Somehow she had to break through the invisible barrier he’d erected between himself and his son, and then maybe, just maybe, he could make room in his heart for another.

  For someone like her. Someone who would stand by him, love him, no matter what.


  Rachel had worked for some very wealthy clients over the years but the speed with which the trip to Tahiti was organised gave her a new appreciation of the power of Hammond money. By the time Matt had arrived home that afternoon, a private charter jet had been organised for departure at nine the next morning.

  Rather than be snarled up in rush-hour traffic, they covered the distance to Auckland Airport by helicopter, touching down outside the Skycare terminal, where the charter company’s staff greeted them and introduced them to the customs and immigration officials assigned to process their flight.

  Blake was beside himself wit
h excitement and it took every ounce of Rachel’s skill and patience to keep him occupied. Eventually, though, he settled into his plush leather seat on the Gulfstream jet and watched goggle-eyed through the window as the plane was pushed back in readiness for departure. Once they were at altitude, Rachel watched in some relief as, with the somnolent hum of the jet’s engines, his eyelids started to drift closed. He’d been so excited the night before he’d hardly slept, ensuring, in his regular visits to Rachel’s bedroom to see if it was time to get up yet, that she had little sleep also.

  “You look tired,” Matt commented as he unclipped his seat belt and stood. “Why don’t you see if you can get some sleep, too?”

  Just what every woman wanted to hear. Mind you, she did feel as though she was a bit of a wreck.

  “I think I will. Blake’s bound to be full of energy when we get there. I’ll need a head start on him,” she replied, her eyes skimming over him.

  He’d surprised her this morning by coming through from his master suite dressed in his usual business wear. Not that there was anything wrong with the cut of his suit or the set of his tie, it was just that she’d expected him to dress down for the journey. Tahiti was, after all, a tropical holiday mecca. She hoped he’d loosen up once they were there. It would be no fun for Blake if Matt ended up involved in business matters for the duration of their stay.

  “That’ll be a good idea. By the way, Tahiti is twenty-two hours behind New Zealand time. We’ll arrive about four-thirty in the afternoon, yesterday.”

  Rachel adjusted her watch to the new time zone. “Right, I’ve got it. So are you planning to meet with the diamond’s current owner straight away?”

  “Yes. Everard teed up the meeting yesterday. I’ll see you and Blake settled at the hotel then I’ll call my contact. I expect to head straight out. I probably won’t be back before Blake’s dinner time.”

  “Will you be there to put him to bed?”

  “To make certain, he can stay up a little later tonight. Given the time difference and the sleep he’s having now, he’ll probably be wired.”

  “I’m sure he will be,” she said with a slight smile on her face. “But he’ll be thrilled if you’re there for him at bedtime.” Rachel leaned over and smoothed a dark lock of hair from Blake’s face, unaware of Matt’s intense expression as he watched her do so.

  “I have work to do. If you or Blake need anything, just signal the attendant.”

  The Gulfstream was spacious and comfortable and offered a full office set-up, which was one of the reasons Matt preferred this aircraft. He opened his briefcase and sorted through his papers, but his mind wouldn’t focus on the work he needed to get through. Instead, his line of vision kept travelling down the cabin.

  Rachel had reclined her seat, her eyes closed. One hand was tucked up against the chair back, her cheek resting on it. In his mind’s eye he saw her reach out and touch Blake as he slept. It was foolish to envy his son that unconscious gesture but envy him he did. He shook his head ever so slightly. He’d been mad to let them come along with him. He would have been back at home by tomorrow night if everything went according to plan. But still, the prospect of a little rest and relaxation in the sunshine with Blake held no small amount of allure. As much as he hated to admit it, Rachel was right. He spent too little time with his son.

  Matt forced his attention to the jewellery designs he’d spread out in front of him. He’d had personal input into each and every piece of the Matt Hammond Heirloom Range. A swell of pride grew from deep within him. The launch would see him realise a dream he’d held since he’d entered House of Hammond under his father’s wing while in his late teens. Although House of Hammond specialised in antique and estate jewellery, he’d always dreamt of developing a range of his own—a blend of the past and the present with reproduction antique jewellery. His own personal and irrevocable stamp on the world.

  It was no small personal pleasure to know that time had come. As had the time for a lot of things.

  Growing up, Matt had always been aware of the undercurrent of jealousy that had tainted his father’s life when faced with Howard Blackstone’s success. The rift between the families had widened irrevocably when Howard had accused Oliver of stealing the Blackstone Rose necklace at the thirtieth birthday celebration of his wife, Oliver’s sister, Ursula. Worse, Blackstone had even gone so far as to suggest that Oliver and his wife, Katherine, had had something to do with the kidnapping of James Blackstone, Howard and Ursula’s first-born son.

  As soon as Matt had been old enough to understand, he’d sworn he’d help his father clear his name and take Blackstone down in the bargain. Well, he might have lost his chance to take down Howard Blackstone, but he would succeed at the next best thing. Taking control of Blackstone Diamonds.

  Share by painstaking share he’d acquired power within the company. Now, with only a minor additional share holding, voting power would be his. For a moment Matt allowed the anticipation of success to wash over him, imagined the surprise and pleasure on his father’s face when informed of the news. It had been hard graft, and risky, getting here. But it had been worth every cent.

  And now he was only hours away from another success. The acquisition of the last of the missing Blackstone Rose diamonds.

  The balance of the flight passed swiftly and it was only as they began their descent into Papeete that Rachel and Blake stirred. The flurry of disembarking, going through customs and transferring to a ferry flight to Moorea was accomplished in minimum time, one of the pleasures of charter jet travel. Matt wondered what was going through Rachel’s mind as their limousine drove them to the resort where they were staying. Her sparkling hazel eyes were glued to their surroundings, drinking in the startlingly colourful array of flora around them. Blake chattered a mile a minute, gasping at the colour of the ocean, and he squirmed with excitement when Rachel promised him a swim once they were settled.

  Would she wear a bikini? he wondered. A spasm tightened muscles deep in the pit of his stomach. It didn’t matter whether she did. The creamy flesh she chose to expose was totally off-limits. He should be grateful that he wouldn’t be there to witness their aquatic foray.

  The resort they were booked into was beautifully set on a private lagoon on the northern shore. Matt had specified a garden bungalow, knowing his son’s curiosity would literally lead him into deep water if they’d utilised the over-water bungalows available.

  “This looks marvellous,” Rachel commented as they entered the comfortably appointed bungalow. “Which bedroom shall we have, Blake?”

  “Blake will bunk in with me,” Matt said before his son could reply. “That is the point of this, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, of course. Lucky you, honey.” She ruffled Blake’s hair. “You get to sleep with Daddy.”

  Rachel’s hand stilled before flying to her mouth to cover her lips. Her stricken eyes caught his. Matt watched as a flush of peach bloomed over Rachel’s cheeks.

  “I didn’t mean—”

  “Of course you didn’t,” he replied smoothly, but his voice contradicted the instant reaction of his body. The sudden hungry need that uncoiled inside.

  “Could you get his swimsuit out? I’ll take him to the lagoon while you’re at your meeting.”

  “Sure, see you in five.”

  Rachel was standing out on the terrace when he finally brought Blake to her. The low afternoon sun promised a spectacular sunset, but its gilded kiss through the gauzy long shirt she wore over her bikini sent a fierce shaft of heat through Matt’s body as he drank in the silhouette of her lushly feminine curves. Suddenly his business suit and tie were uncomfortably tight, less of the armour he’d subconsciously chosen for today and more an instrument of torture.

  She turned to face them. “I was just admiring the sunset. It’s early here, isn’t it?”

  “Between five and six, from what I understand. You guys had better make the most of the light that’s left and I’ll see you when I get back.”

el reached for Blake’s hand. “See you later then. Say bye to Daddy, Blake.”

  Matt watched them stroll along the garden path towards the lagoon, feeling a twinge of envy at their carefree chatter. How long had it been since he’d allowed himself to simply feel pleasure? Damn, he couldn’t even remember. But pleasure would be high on his agenda very, very soon. And it would start with the acquisition of the elusive pear-shaped diamond he needed to complete the Blackstone Rose set.

  He went inside the bungalow and lifted the phone, quickly dialling in the local calling number Quinn Everard had given him.

  “Mr Sullivan, please,” he asked as the phone was answered at the other end. “This is Matt Hammond.”

  “One moment, sir.”

  After a short time another male voice came on the line.

  “Mr Hammond, welcome to Tahiti. I trust your journey was a pleasant one.”

  “Thank you, yes. I’m calling to confirm our meeting tonight.”

  “Certainly, that is still in place. I understand that you have travelled here with your son and a companion. Please, bring them with you.”

  “My son’s nanny.” Matt corrected the other man’s assumption. “It isn’t necessary that they come with me. This is a business matter.”

  “Ah, but, Mr Hammond, we’re inclined to be a little more informal in our business matters than perhaps you’re used to. I will send a car for you at seven o’clock. And please, dress comfortably. I don’t believe in standing on ceremony.”

  Because he would not jeopardise the successful outcome of the meeting, Matt had no other recourse but to accept. He threw off his jacket and ripped his tie undone, throwing them both on the bed Blake had chosen for him. Making tonight a social occasion didn’t sit comfortably, but he would do what he had to do to achieve his goal. Acquiring the diamond was the only thing he needed to worry about.

  He changed into chinos and a short-sleeved shirt and went in search of Blake and Rachel to tell them of the change in plans. He found them both splashing and laughing in the shallows of the lagoon. From the lengthening shadows cast by a stand of palms, he watched Rachel unabashedly frolic in the water. Her muslin blouse clung to her, moulding to her breasts and the curve of her hip, as Blake splashed water in her direction. Her hair was loose, and hanging in wet ringlets down her back. Blake squealed as she chased after him in the water, her longer legs making short work of the distance between them. As she bent to scoop the little boy up in her arms Matt caught a tantalising glimpse of bikini-clad backside.


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