Cry Me a River

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Cry Me a River Page 15

by Devyn Dawson

  “River, my parents are here, come on out and talk with us.” He looks down at my legs. “You make shorts one of my favorite outfits of yours,” Caide’s lowers his voice. “They’re the perfect shorts for sex while eating Better than Sex cake.”

  I look down and realize I have my hoochie shorts on. “I’m going to put on a pair that isn’t so revealing and a bra.”

  “Okay, but know, my dad would appreciate the ones you have on.”

  I tap him on the arm. “Ewwww, you didn’t just say that! I’ll be out in two minutes.”

  He’s being a lot calmer than I expected. I figured we were going to get here and he was going to down a bottle of whiskey and yell and scream. Hopefully, the idea of getting Lucy back is making him happy.

  My phone beeps with a text from Ryan.







  The rain is coming down in sheets now that the sun is going down. Everyone is in the living room and Caide and his dad are in the kitchen preparing dinner for all of us. Lucinda is someone I’d like to hang out with. She’s funny and likes to tell jokes; however, she doesn’t get the punch line right. Tim and Caide tease her relentlessly about her inability to tell a joke the right way. I find it a charming characteristic. His mom, Ryan and I, have cheese and crackers with a bottle of wine, Caide brought out from his wine collection.

  Ryan tells us he heard about our wedding on the news. Apparently, someone told the media that Caide and I got married. Caide called the news station to inform them they are reporting rubbish. They assured us they would announce a retraction during the next newscast. Thanks to Hanna, we don’t have to worry about a reporter showing up to get a statement in person.

  Dinner comes and I’m happy to be a part of a family who loves one another. I wish my dad could have lived and given me this life. Laughter fills the room as we’re all seated at the formal dining table. Jed tells us funny stories about criminals he’s had to deal with. Ryan whispers to me a few times about how happy he sees Caide has made me. I can’t help but have a stupid grin plastered on my face after a couple of glasses of wine.

  The wind is picking up outside, the trees are bending over sideways, and pinecones are bouncing off the roof. We boarded up the window that runs across the front of the house. The weatherman has changed the Hurricane Watch to a Hurricane Warning. Hanna is on track to hit Atlantic Beach within the next 24 hours. It’s unclear if it will continue to stay a 2 or if it will weaken to a 1, either way, we’re getting hit by a powerful storm. Caide has a huge hurricane preparedness room in the house. It is filled with ready to eat soups, peanut butter, crackers, store bought snacks, candles, batteries, and lanterns. Lucky for us, he has a generator that will continue to run the air conditioner so we won’t have to endure the muggy heat that follows a hurricane.

  One year, a hurricane hit and mom and I went without power for five days. We didn’t have a generator which left us hot and cranky. Mom’s hurricane preparedness consisted of boxes of wine and cans of ravioli for me. She stayed drunk, and I stayed away from her.

  Since Caide wants his parents to stay with us tonight, he offers up the room I’m staying in. My cheeks burn as they flush a lovely color of crimson. There are two bedrooms on the third floor, only one of them is set up as a bedroom. The other room upstairs is a workout room that Caide frequents every day. We convince Ryan to stay over in the room upstairs, so he won’t have to go home and sit through the storm alone. His dog is at the kennel, so he doesn’t have to worry about her.

  I can’t help but think about not getting to vote on the cake and sex.

  Everyone heads to bed, including Caide and I. On the table in the sitting area is a candle burning and two plates with cake on them.

  “I thought we’d test the validity of the cake’s title.” Caide’s voice is soft and alluring, and I’m a big puddle on the floor.

  My insides are suddenly warm and tingling in all the right places. His parents are in a room down the hall, I remind myself.

  “They won’t hear us; I had this room soundproofed last year. Besides, they’re probably asleep. Wine knocks my mom out.”

  I don’t let my mind wonder why he had it soundproofed, no, not thinking about that! I feel my heartbeat in places I’ve never noticed had a pulse before. “What do you have in mind?”

  He smiles and steps forward, closing the space that separates us. He reaches for my shirt and gingerly pulls it up and over my head. Without missing a beat, he pulls my pants down, leaving me in nothing but a bra and lacey panties. Stepping back, he admires me before removing his shirt and pants too.

  The necklace I bought him while we were near Kitty Hawk is brilliantly displayed around his neck. It is braided leather with a sterling silver ankh. He bought me a silver anklet with a black ankh to match his necklace. The ankh is considered the key to life in ancient Egypt and those who are adorned with one will have eternal life.

  “May I take your picture, River?” Caide holds up his I-phone. “No naked pics, just a couple in your bra and panties….which I happen to like - a lot.”

  I contemplate his proposal for a moment before answering him. “If you promise you won’t post them on the internet, I’ll let you take pictures. I’m not doing naughty ones though.”

  He chuckles for a moment and I relax. “For my eyes only, scout’s honor.”

  “You weren’t a scout.” I cross my arms and pretend I’m annoyed.

  “On my honor, I promise,” he kisses my forehead.

  “You’ve twisted my arm, yes, you can take pictures.”

  Caide grins like a teen getting his first car. “Will you sit in one of the chairs by the table with the cake on it? I want to remember our experiment forever.”

  I laugh and strike a pose on the chair. To boost his fantasy, I take a forkful of cake and open my mouth as wide as it can go. Slowly, I put it in my mouth and bite down. I swipe my finger through the frosting and seductively lick it off.

  He tosses the phone on the table and scoops me into his arms, carrying me to the bed.

  “You’re mouth watering, River. I want to make love to you with slow, deliberate precision.”

  He takes my hand and kisses my palm before taking his tongue and runs it up the length of my arm. My arms have never been considered my trigger points for sex, until now.

  My head drops backward and he takes his tongue and traces the length of my neck. I intake my breath as his fingers run from my pubic area straight up to my chin.

  “Do you know how much I like you? You do things to me in a way that I can’t get enough of. You’re like the perfect blend of sexy, smart, loving, and funny. When we’re alone, I want nothing more than to be next to you. You’re irresistible, River Murphy.” The words are whispered into my ear, close enough for me to feel the heat of his breath.

  “You do the same for me, Caide Palmer. We’ve been through so much in such a short time, I can’t imagine what I would have done if I had to face it alone. Thank you for being there….here, for me.”

  His mouth is on mine and we’re clinging to one another for life. His muscles ripple beneath my fingertips. With every arch of my back, a moan escapes his beautifully formed mouth. Our legs wrap around each other, begging to be bound together. The salt on my tongue fuels my fire as I lick his neck and kiss my way down his chest. Our hands grasp - pull - tug one another just enough to cause minor pain, but enough to make us want more. We are one in this moment, not to be pulled apart by anything or anyone. I dig my nails into his flesh, pleading with my fingertips for him to continue this sweet, soul-moving act of love.

  Act of love.

  Act of love.

  Oh shit, act of love.

  We’re honestly making love.

  We’re not fu

  It’s spiritual.

  And beautiful.

  Tears are threatening to spring up as I realize I’ve fallen for Caide Palmer.

  We’re face to face, naked, in the dark…minus the candle that’s casting shadows on the wall. The winds have been howling and gaining strength as minutes turn to hours.



  “Are you crying?” His concern is genuine and sweet.

  “Uh-uh,” I semi-lie, I haven’t sprung a leak yet.

  “I don’t need to taste the cake, I know the answer,” he murmurs. “I’ll take sex with you over cake any day.”

  “I concur, I would too.” I admit. I stroke his face with the backs of my fingers. His stubble lightly scratches me. He has no idea that I’m a smitten schoolgirl madly in love with him.

  He mimics me with his hand as he brushes across my face. “I love you, River Murphy, and I want you to be a part of my life.”

  I catch my breath and forget to breathe for the next five seconds. He loves ME! When did he realize it? I honestly just figured it out.

  I study his face, he isn’t joking. Tears spring in my eyes, and I can’t hold back the floodgates. “I love you, too!”

  The very next instant I’m on my back and Caide is on top of me, showering me with kisses. He kisses my eyes and nose before he takes my mouth with his and we breathe into one another.


  Chapter Fifteen

  And thus the words were spoken,

  And this the plighted vow,

  And, though my faith be broken,

  And, Though my heart be broken,

  Here is a ring, as token

  That I am happy now!

  Edgar Allan Poe


  Reluctantly, I get up out of bed. Not without first, kissing River on the nose. The rain is still coming down outside and the wind has blown limbs and leaves everywhere. The lights flickered a couple of times last night while everyone was asleep. Everyone, but me. I’ve now told two women I love them, and one of them is dead. The feelings for River are not built on being young and dumb. We’re in love for the right reasons.

  Lucy will be coming home soon and will meet River for the first time. When Lucy first comes home, I’m spending every single moment she’s awake with her. I’ve been thinking about things I can do to incorporate Lucy into my cooking life. I’m going to talk to the local news about doing a kid’s food segment and when Lucy is older, she can help me. I smile to myself thinking about her helping out.

  I turn on the TV to find out about the storm. Hanna has stalled out but will be coming ashore in the next few hours. Flooding is pretty bad already and everything is closed down. No one with any sense will go out in such a storm. Stewart didn’t even bother surfing yesterday because he isn’t here waking up with a hangover.

  Who would have thought I’d wake up in-love with a great girl and I’m not hung-over? John, from Al Anon runs through my mind, how much he loved his wife and how everything changed in an instant. The court ordering me to go to Al Anon is the only reason I went, and the only reason River is my lover.

  Something large sounding hit the side of the house, causing me to jump. The wind is out of control and there’s nothing to do but ride it out.

  The sound of someone padding down the hall distracts me. River looks adorable with her bed-head and rumpled up clothes. She was naked when I left her, now she’s in a pair of my gym shorts and my t-shirt.

  “Hey sexy, why aren’t you sleeping?” I ask.

  “You’re the one who’s not sleeping. The room is cold without you to snuggle with. Are you coming back to bed? We can ride out the storm under the covers all day long.” River sounds like a little girl telling a story to her parents.

  I reach up and pull her onto my lap. “I’ll keep you warm,” I promise.


  Jed and I head out to check out the damage. Hanna lingered and left a path of destruction for us to clean. We lost power for a good 12 hours before it came back on about an hour ago. The generators worked perfect. Trees are down all over the neighborhood. We’re loaded up with chainsaws and work gloves to help clear them out.

  The rain has slowed to a trickle, giving a much needed reprieve to outdoor workers. Jed is going home to check on things, it isn’t as though I need him to protect us any longer. Garrett has been out and about checking on his clients and told us River’s house is okay. She was one of the lucky ones and didn’t lose power at all. His company will stay on as security for my office and to keep the store site from becoming a party zone. I don’t know anyone who would party there, but I’m not a fifteen year old boy anymore.

  River and mom went out and cleared the debris from the yard. The pool guys will show up in the next few days and deal with the mess in the pool. Like a well-oiled machine, everything works together.

  How the death of Heather has changed my life boggles my mind. With every leaf and limb I pick up, it’s like pieces of my past being tossed out. Drugs ruined her life, and because of it, I have found love.

  River is bending over intensely studying something on the ground when I walk up.

  “What did you find?” I ask quietly trying not to startle her.

  “Oh hey, it’s a penny. I like old pennies, my dad collected them. I only collect the ones dated the year he passed away and earlier. It really makes it less cluttered now. When I was a kid, it was really easy finding coins dated 1995 and before. Now, they’re less common.” She holds the penny up for me to see the date. Sure enough, it’s a 1995 penny. “I tell myself they are signs from him to let me know he’s always around. Sounds silly, huh?”

  “I don’t think so. I think it sounds like someone who loved their daddy very much. I hope to be loved like that too,” I admit.

  “I have no doubt you are. The news said the government offices will be open tomorrow. Maybe, we will hear something from Alex.” She stands up and adjusts her shorts. She smells like bug spray to ward off the mosquitoes and me.

  My mom comes around the corner with a lawn bag filled to the brim. “Caide, do you have more lawn bags? I told you to stock up, but I don’t see any under the sink or in the utility room.”

  “That’s because I don’t keep them in either one of those places, they’re in the garage. I’ll go grab a box. I came to the house to get more myself. You’ve done enough; go home and get some rest.” I take the bag from her and set it out on the curb. As the sun shined through the clouds, a small rainbow appeared. A fucking awesome rainbow!


  The phone ringing wakes me up from a dead sleep. I wiggle out from under River to reach the phone. I have the blackout curtains drawn and it looks like the middle of the night in the room. I glance at the clock and it reads 10:30 am.

  “Hello, Caide speaking,” I say, though I’m not sure why.

  “Caide, are you sleeping?”

  “Yeah, who is this?”

  “Alex, it’s after ten in the morning. Wake up.” She demands.

  I shake my head trying to free myself from the lingering effects of sleep. “I’m good, what’s up?”

  “You got her, Caide! She’s yours! They took a plea deal, and the judge gave you full custody. They’re huge people in the community so they only got one year locked up and five years probation. It doesn’t matter; Lucy is on her way back from Raleigh with the nanny. She’ll be here by 1:00. Meet me at the office and you can take her home. Congratulations!”

  “That’s it? It’s all done? Oh shit! Thank you so much, Alex!” We hang up and I pounce onto the bed and kiss River’s face until she opens her eyes. “River, Lucy is mine!”

  She sits up and the two of us giggle like kids on Christmas morning.

  Two and a half hours has never taken so long before. My mind is running in circles, worried Lucy forgot me or won’t want to live with me. River holds my hand a
nd reminds me over and over how daughters don’t forget their dads. Inside, I know she’s right, but it doesn’t keep me from thinking it.

  I’m too nervous to sit inside Alex’s office, so I stand outside on the sidewalk. The traffic is still light since everyone is working on the hurricane damage. I watch each and every single car, waiting until the one with my baby girl arrives. A dark blue SUV pulls into the parking lot and I catch my first glimpse of her since the week her mom died. Erin, the nanny, smiles at me as she opens her door.

  “Hi, Mr. Caide, Lucy is excited to see you. Would you like me to put her car-seat in your car?”

  “We’ll figure all of that out in a few minutes.” I walk over and open the door to the backseat. “Goosey Lucy! I missed you!”

  “Daddy!” She squeals and holds her hands up as I unbuckle her. I barely have it undone and she has leaped out and wrapped her arms around my neck.

  I see River standing on the sidewalk with a big grin across her face.

  Lucy gives me sloppy kisses and keeps saying Daddy over and over.

  The weight of everything I’ve been carrying on my shoulders is lifting away and tears stream down my face. I motion for River to come over and I pull her into our first group hug. My daughter, the woman I’m going to marry (if she says yes), and a deeper understanding about addicts, love, and determination.

  “Let’s go home,” I say as I kiss Lucy for the hundredth time. “River, are you hungry for hot dogs and some mac-n-cheese?”

  “Sounds delicious,” River says and slides her arm around my back.

  I mouth the words, I love you to her. She mouths it back to me.

  The End


  If you’d like to take a sneak peak at Devyn’s New Adult Paranormal Romance, Sapphire a Werewolf Love Story, keep reading!

  Accidental drug overdose is becoming an epidemic with both recreational drugs as well as prescription medicine. In 2010 the LA Times reported 74% of prescription drug deaths are accidental. Fatal prescription drug overdose outnumbered deaths by heroin and cocaine combined. The CDC reports in 2008, 36,000 people died from prescription drug overdose. If you know someone who needs help fighting drug or alcohol addiction please help them to reach out for help.


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