by Amber Kell
"Yes," Sergeant Wallace said. "I can have one ready for you in an hour if you want to get your stuff together and head for the dock."
Kres didn't have much to pack. As a soldier he only had a rucksack full of clothes and a few personal items.
"Thank you, Sergeant, for all your help." He hoped he was able to convey his gratitude to the man who'd essentially saved him from prison. After saluting both men, he turned to leave.
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
The Thresl bounded after him, his huge body as tall as Kres's thigh.
Kres looked back at the cage. "Do I need a collar or something?"
The Thresl gave a low growl.
Captain Thomson shook his head. "He's yours now. He won't do anything unless you are in danger, and if that is the case, you don't want to be on the other side of a leash."
The hair on Kres's arms stood on end. He could see no way this entire situation was going to end well.
With a salute to his superiors, Kres headed to his room.
* * * *
The shuttle trip to the Thresl moon gave Kres plenty of time to think over the mess his life had become. Unfortunately no amount of analyzing uncovered a secret escape plan to his current situation. Still stunned over the new path his career had taken, Kres curled up in his shuttle seat beside his purring companion and let exhaustion take over.
Someone shook his shoulder, pulling him out of his slumber.
A large man in a military uniform towered over him. "Are you Kreslan Piers?"
Kres rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Yeah."
"I'm Jones. Come with me."
Kres blinked at the Thresl as he rubbed against him, almost knocking him off his feet. "Take it easy," he muttered as he stood up, hoping the beast didn't push him over in his rush of affection.
"Wow, that's the biggest Thresl I've ever seen," the soldier said, eyeing the beast nervously. Where's his cage?"
Kres gave the cat beast a long look.
It purred.
"The Captain said a bonded Thresl didn't need one."
The soldier gave him a shy smile. "Sorry, my information was faulty. I thought you were escorting it here. I didn't know you were the bonded one. In general, they are saved for ambassadors, kings, high-ranking officers, and the occasional diplomat. I've never seen one bonded with a lieutenant. How did you get it to bond with you?" The soldier watched Kres as if he were going to confess a deep dark secret.
"Just lucky I guess," Kres glared at the creature. The Thresl jumped up, placed his paws on Kres's shoulders and licked his cheek.
The word whispered through Kres's mind with a tone of smug satisfaction and made him laugh. He gently pushed the clawed and fanged creature away.
"I'll escort you to the training facility. Admiral Holland is waiting to meet you. Now I know why. It's rare that a regular soldier has the acceptance of a Thresl. Everyone's going to be jealous. I suspect there will be bets going around that you'll not get it fully bonded. I put my money on you, so don't let me down."
"I'll try not to," Kres said. He was making no promises. If things went horribly wrong, maybe he could ditch the growly creature.
The Thresl snorted beside him. Not for the first time Kres wondered about the beast's IQ. He'd heard they were an intelligent race, but he had no idea how intelligent. He knew little about them since they weren't something he ran into every day. He'd heard rumors they changed into humans, but from the space of time between bonding with the Thresl to being sent onto a shuttle, he'd learned nothing beyond the vague rumors he'd heard as a child.
It was a short walk from the dock to central command. Admiral Holland met them just outside his office. Jones quickly made the introductions before stepping back and trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. The admiral was a big man with cropped blond hair and an expression on his face that said he didn't accept excuses from anyone. His eyes were like shards of ice as he looked over Kres.
The Thresl didn't approve. Placing himself between Kres and Holland, the beast opened his mouth, flashed his razor sharp teeth, and gave a low growl.
"Control your beast."
"You're going to get my ass kicked," Kres projected towards the Thresl.
A soft chuffing noise came from the beast. He moved back to stand at Kres's side.
"Impressive." The cold eyes held grudging approval.
Kres didn't bother telling the man he had little control over the Thresl. It was probably better at this point to let the man have his illusions. The more command others thought he had over the Thresl, the better the chance he could keep the cat free and find a good home for him in the future.
The Thresl growled at Kres.
"Hush," Kres murmured at him. He didn't want to fight with the big cat, especially not in front of the admiral.
"I am assigning you to basic training. It's to help you work as a partner with your Thresl and help it decide on a final form."
"Is it true they turn into humans?"
"Sometimes," the admiral said. "It depends. They generally choose some sort of humanoid form, but I've seen them turn into wolfmen, three-armed bears, and even once, an octopus for a sea-dwelling bondmate. I would say over ninety percent of the time they are some sort of human. Unfortunately, you don't get to pick its form. It will pick the shape it thinks will suit you best."
"How will training help the Thresl decide on a form?"
The admiral shrugged. "I'm not sure how it works, but something about the Thresl psyche helps it determine what would be its best form to suit its master. You will learn more details in your class. For now, take your bag and drop it in your room. You can head directly to the classroom in the south wing after that. Jones can show you where you need to go."
Kres saluted the admiral before taking his leave. Great. A large cat followed him around, and he was going back into military training.
He was never going to have sex again.
Chapter Two
The training area was an empty white room with three other human and Thresl pairs.
"You must be Kres." A large man with a nice collection of scars stood at the front of the room with a beautiful black-haired woman. When she turned to look at him, Kres could see from the lack of iris in her eyes she wasn't human.
"I'm Commander Tiller, and this is my Thresl, Muir."
"Nice to meet you."
Kres saluted the commander and gave the Thresl a polite bow.
"Why did you do that?" the commander asked.
"Do what?" Kres looked at the man in confusion.
"Bow to my Thresl."
"It's rude to not acknowledge another being." His mother had taught him good manners.
The commander looked him over as if inspecting a new life form.
"I've introduced Muir to thousands of people over the years, and you are the first to acknowledge her as an individual being."
Kres found that hard to believe, but he wasn't going to call the commander a liar. However his expression must've given him away.
"You don't believe me." The commander laughed. He turned to the other humans in the room. "Did any of you acknowledge Muir?" The other three men shook their heads, and all of them gave Kres measuring looks as if wondering how he'd fit into the group.
Great, more buddies.
Kres's Thresl stepped in front of him and let out a low growl.
The other three Thresls hid behind their humans.
"I guess we've discovered who's alpha in this pack," the commander said with satisfaction.
"What do you mean?" one of the other men asked.
"Kres, these are Davis, Zander, and Brice, your training partners. Together you will learn how to work with and fight with your Thresls. Eventually, they will transform into the perfect partner for you." He motioned to his own Thresl. "Muir is a specialist in diplomacy and small weapons, both things that have gotten me out of more than one tight spot. The shape your Thresl will take will determine where you go next i
n your training. When Thresls are first trained, they need an alpha, a pack leader if you will. Since Kres's Thresl is the biggest and most aggressive of the four, he will become the alpha of this group." He turned to examine Kres closely. "Has he grown since he was freed from his cage?"
Kres looked his Thresl over. "Not really, he was pretty damn big to begin with."
"Hmm. Interesting. His aggression is surprising in a Thresl not yet fully bonded."
Muir stepped forward.
"Yes, Muir?"
"I think we should start them out with the loyalty test." Her voice was silky smooth, the voice of someone who used charm to get her way. Next to the rough commander, Kres could see how they meshed together. They were a good fit. Kres didn't want to be a perfect partner with a Thresl. He wanted to be a spaceship captain, and he didn't see that happening while he had a Thresl to watch over.
"Good thinking," Commander Tiller said. "Davis, come forward."
Davis walked to the front of the room until he stood before the commander. He wore his dark hair cropped short, and the Thresl beside him had light brown fur. Davis looked quite a bit older than Kres and had an air of command.
Without warning, the Commander picked up a firearm and shot at Davis's feet. The Thresl took the back of Davis's shirt in his teeth and tugged him away from the danger.
"Good instincts," Commander Tiller said. "You may step back."
The pair went back into line.
"Brice, your turn."
Brice was a blond with longer hair and an earring in one ear. Kres bet his parents had purchased his Thresl, a shiny black-furred creature more pretty than powerful.
"You're not gonna shoot me, are you, Commander?" he asked in a slow drawl.
"I might if you don't stop sleeping with my staff," the commander growled.
The commander pointed his gun at Brice, and the Thresl hid behind the human.
"Failed," Commander Tiller said.
"What do you mean failed?" Brice demanded, stomping his foot.
"I mean your parents can buy you a Thresl, but they can't make it bond with you. You've had yours for three months, and it won't lift a paw to save you when someone is holding a gun on you. No devotion. Your Thresl will be collected and given to another owner."
"No!" Brice screamed.
"This is a military base. I don't care who your father is. I'm not going to force a Thresl who isn't interested in bonding. You can try another or head back home."
"But I don't want it for military use!" Brice glared at the commander.
The commander didn't look impressed and Kres watched as the commander subtly push a button on the communicator strapped to his wrist. "A Thresl's first instinct is to protect its bonded. Your father acquired yours to be a personal bodyguard. If it doesn't want to guard you then it isn't trying to be what you need. If it wanted to be your pet it would still want to protect you. Basically by hiding behind you the Thresl said it would rather you were killed than it. So you failed." The commander spoke slowly as if talking to a child.
Brice glared at the Commander. "This isn't over." He turned to go. He stopped when his Thresl didn't follow. "Come!"
The cat flattened its ears and ignored the command.
Before Brice could argue further or release the scream his red face indicated was seconds from coming out of his mouth, two soldiers in medic uniforms rushed in and herded the Thresl out of the room.
"You know the law," Commander Tiller said. "No Thresl can be kept if it refuses to bond with you."
Kres's heart slammed against his chest. "You can still get out of this," he whispered to the animal beside him.
The Thresl purred.
Brice left in a stomping fury. If there had been a door, he would've slammed it.
"Zander, you're next."
A slim man with cropped black hair and intense blue eyes stepped forward. Commander Tiller raised his gun to fire. Zander's Thresl knocked him to the ground, covering him with his own body.
"Excellent," the commander praised.
"Kres, you're next."
"I don't think that is such a good idea, Commander. My Thresl doesn't like it when people aim weapons at me."
"That's the idea. Don't be a wimp; I thought you were a soldier." Commander Tiller's eyes were hard with anger.
"You were warned," Kres said. He stepped forward.
As soon as the commander pointed the gun at Kres, his Thresl leaped forward, slammed into the commander, and took him to the floor. The Thresl's sharp teeth snapped at the man's wrist. Screaming, Tiller dropped his weapon.
Satisfied the man was unarmed, Kres's Thresl stayed on the commander's chest, teeth bared, growling low.
"I am so fucked," Kres muttered. Muir stepped forward, but the Thresl snapped his teeth at her. She turned her head so they were no longer making eye contact.
"Thresl, heel," Kres shouted.
With a last growl, the Thresl jumped down and walked over to Kres. He circled, rubbing his body all over Kres, making sure he was marked with his scent before sitting on his haunches with a rumbly purr. Kres laughed at the smug expression on the beast's face.
Muir pressed the emergency button, and the two medical personnel came back into the room.
The commander was quickly bandaged and given a shot to prevent infection. Muir helped the white-faced commander to his feet. The look he gave Kres was filled with an admiration he wasn't sure he'd earned.
"That was truly impressive, and I can't say you didn't warn me." The older soldier gave a rusty chuckle. "I've had Thresl's growl, cower, knock down their owners, but I've never seen one so determined to totally take out the threat and protect what was his. That is not only the biggest damn Thresl I've ever seen he's the most devoted."
"Y-you don't think he can be re-bonded with someone else, do you?" Kres tried not to convey how much he really wanted that to be the case. He didn't want to hurt the cat's feelings, but damn, he didn't want to be here.
The commander gave him a pitying look. "Sorry, kid, you were meant to be the bonded match of a Thresl."
Kres's Thresl gave a snarl.
"I meant a match for that Thresl."
A low purr filled the air.
"I hope you didn't have plans for a wife, because most Thresls won't share." He gave a fond look at Muir. "Even the most mild-mannered Thresl."
Muir gave him a smile, showing off a set of sharp teeth.
"No, I didn't have any plans for a wife, but I was kind of hoping for a husband." Kres gave the Thresl a sad look. The creature stood on his back legs and licked his cheek.
"Sorry, soldier, but if you're lucky, your Thresl will take that into consideration when he chooses a form."
"The first lesson for the day is over." The Commander looked at his wrist communicator. "Get some rest and we'll start something less violent tomorrow."
* * * *
The room assigned to them was the usual military barrack room with white sterile walls, a bed with a thin mattress, and minimal comforts. The only difference was the large pillow splayed out on the floor.
The Thresl walked over to the pillow, gave it a sniff, and jumped onto the bed.
"No, bad cat, that's my bed."
The Thresl flattened his ears as he stared at Kres.
"No." He crossed his arms. "I am not sleeping on the floor."
Purring, the animal scooted over, leaving a Kres-sized space beside him. Gold eyes peered at him from a pleased expression on the cat face.
Sighing, Kres stripped down to his underwear and climbed into bed. "I might as well get used to you. It doesn't look like you're going anywhere." The purring at his back was loud, but the constant vibration and warmth soothed him. Tension from the day eased from his body. Before he had time to worry about the future, he was sound asleep.
* * * *
The Thresl curled next to his human, sniffing at the young man he'd chosen as his. He smelled sweet. The Thresl wanted to roll around in the man's essence until he stank of the soldie
r's scent. He had to stay close. He didn't trust the other soldiers. They looked at his man like they wanted to do him harm.
No one was allowed to hurt his man.
Growling gently, the creature slid closer, curling his body around the human. A crackling sound filled the air as his bones adjusted to their new larger form. He needed to be bigger and stronger than the others. None of them could threaten what was his.
Pain ripped through his frame as his body elongated and his muscles expanded to reshape to his new body shape. He could feel his heartbeat thrum as his blood increased its flow through his veins to feed his growth.
Fully focused on the sleeping man beside him, the Thresl concentrated. It was his nature to be the perfect counterpart to his bondmate. Kreslan was a handsome, intelligent man with a good heart and strong ethics, a man who needed someone to watch his back. To let others know he wasn't prey.
The Thresl bit his lips to keep back a shout. His entire body burned as hair sank into smooth tanned skin, claws retracted, and his spine snapped into its final formation. Once the change was complete, he would abandon his cat form forever.
He would miss his tail.
A whimper escaped the Thresl, making Kreslan stir uneasily in the bunk beside him.
"Shh. Shh," he whispered through the pain. His sweet man didn't need to see this. To outsiders, the transformation was a horror to observe. Unfortunately, the change came when it willed, and he didn't get a chance to get away before the transformation hit. He desperately sent out a sleeping scent to keep his human unconscious.
After what felt like hours, the Thresl gave in to the pain and fell asleep.
Chapter Three
Kres stirred in his sleep. Something was off, disturbing his rest. Shifting his position didn't work because he was held too tightly.
Blinking awake, he cautiously turned to look over his shoulder. Letting out a shout, he startled his bedmate into letting him go and tumbled out of bed.
Kres didn't even feel his ass hit the floor. His eyes were too focused on the person in his bed. The man was well over six feet tall, edging closer to seven since his feet hung off the bed. Despite feeling like a voyeur, he crawled towards the bed to examine the man more closely. Smooth light brown skin covered a body formed with hard muscle and sprinkled lightly with black hair.