44: Book Six

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44: Book Six Page 12

by Jools Sinclair

  Kate stood up.

  She started to say something but I held up my hand.

  “I don’t want to hear it if you’re going to argue with me,” I said.

  She smiled, a tear forming under her left eye.

  “No,” she said. “I’ve been thinking about it too. But you’re wrong about one thing. You’re not a chain. You’re my baby sister.”

  She got up and walked toward me.

  “Well, I’ll always be good with that,” I said as she hugged me. “I just want to make sure I’m not your big baby sister.”

  We smiled at each other through the tears.

  “What was the other thing?” she said, rubbing her face.

  “The other thing?”

  “You said you had made ‘a couple’ of resolutions.”

  “Oh, yeah. Well, it’s kind of connected with the first thing,” I said. “It’s just that I don’t want to involve you as much with all my ghost stuff. I really appreciate all your help, but I don’t think it’s fair. To you, I mean. It’s my problem, my burden, my gift, or whatever. Not yours. You have your life and your job. And, I guess, this is mine now. I mean, I can tell you about it sometimes, like you tell me about stories you’re working on. But that’s all.”

  She was quiet for a minute.

  “And you have your mind made up?” she said finally.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Well, I guess I still have a few days then,” she said. “To try and help. Before New Year’s, I mean. Before these resolutions kick in. So let’s stop wasting time.”

  “All right,” I said, smiling.

  “Still no luck convincing April?” she asked.

  “No,” I said. “I don’t think that’s gonna happen.”

  “Well, I don’t know how useful it is, but I’ve found out some things about her boyfriend.”

  “What?” I said.

  “I just did a check on him at work and ran his name through the state crime database. He’s got two DUII’s in this past year and one assault charge three years ago involving the woman he was living with.”


  “No, it was some other girl. He pleaded guilty and did a little community service for it.”

  “I wonder if April knows about that.”

  Kate shrugged.

  “Hard to say,” she said. “There’s probably a lot of women who might look past that and convince themselves it doesn’t matter. Or maybe she really doesn’t know. The way you describe her, it sounds like she could go either way.”

  “Well, thanks. Thanks for looking into him for me.”

  “I hate to sound like a broken record, but just be careful, Abby,” Kate said. “Don’t get too close to them, all right?”

  “I’ll be careful,” I said. “I promise.”

  She started walking out the kitchen and then stopped.

  “Hey, is it okay if we have one more guest for dinner?” she said.

  “Sure,” I said. “Who?”

  She paused and then smiled awkwardly.

  “Evan,” she said. “Just someone I’ve been seeing.”

  I nodded.

  “Yeah. Of course,” I said, trying not to sound too surprised.

  She smiled again and said good night.

  I started putting away the cookbooks and magazines. I was happy that Kate had found someone. Someone new. But it made me a little sad too.

  Dr. Mortimer had waited too long.


  It was snowing harder now, really coming down. I stood in the alley.

  The church bell rang once, but it was only a soft prayer, faint as a whisper.

  I squinted up into the snow. It was so beautiful. Floating down, down, down.

  When I looked back I saw the blood. More blood than ever.

  April was in the middle of it. But there was something else this time. A dark shape lying next to her. Covered in a sea of bright red blood.

  I stepped closer.

  I knew April must still be alive if the bell was still ringing. As I knelt beside her I glanced up and saw a shadow coming toward me in the distance. It was the ghost.

  “Save her,” she said again as she hovered over me.

  I looked down at April, but it was too late. She was dead.

  But she wasn’t alone. The body next to her also had a slash across her throat.

  I screamed when I recognized her face, having seen it thousands of times.

  I was dead too.


  I couldn’t stop shaking, even after a long hot shower. I couldn’t catch my breath.

  I knew now that it wasn’t just about saving April anymore.

  I remembered when Dr. Krowe had asked me how I would feel if the shoe was on the other foot. If someone came to me and told me they saw me die in a vision. Well, I didn’t have to imagine anymore. I knew how it felt. I didn’t like it.

  I tried to talk myself down as I headed over to Back Street. I must have been just getting too close to everything. Maybe it had all seeped into my subconscious and shown up in a dream, a nightmare. Not a vision. Just an everyday run of the mill dream. A dream that didn’t mean anything.

  But I knew better. It wasn’t a dream.

  And whatever it meant, I knew I couldn’t just leave it alone. I had to find April and make her listen to me. Whatever it took, we were both on the line here.

  “Hey, Abby,” Mike said as I walked in. “Are you okay?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I said. “Just a little frazzled.”

  “‘Tis the season,” he said. “Hey, I have something for you. Here.”

  He handed me an envelope.

  “It’s that time of year,” he said. “Just a token of my appreciation for everything you do around here.”

  I opened it. It was a check for $200. I totally wasn’t expecting it.

  “Oh, my God,” I said.

  “Merry Christmas, Abby,” he said, giving me a hug, the pompom from his Santa hat hitting me in the eye.

  “Mike, this is too much.”

  “No. It’s not. You all are the reason we’ve done so well this year. Just do something fun with it. Now, onto business. Oh, I hate to ask but can you cover for David again? He called to say his meeting was pushed back at the last minute until today.”

  “Sure, of course,” I said. “And thanks, Mike.”

  I went to the back, stuffed the check in my purse, and smiled. This was a good place to work.


  I was running late. I was supposed to have a drink with Paloma. After that I still had to do all the shopping for tomorrow night’s dinner. And after that I was meeting Kate at Tony’s party.

  At least it wasn’t snowing. That was a huge weight off my mind. The forecast held steady. They were still insisting that it would snow. All the signs were there. The sky was light gray. The temperature was right, hovering just around freezing. But so far, except for a stray, lonely flake here or there, nothing had happened.

  “Hey, Pal o’mine,” I said, giving her a hug when I walked in.

  We were at Cascades Lakes Lodge off of Century. It was just after seven.

  “What’s good here?” Paloma said, looking at the menu.

  “I know the beer’s good,” I said, remembering when Ty and I had come here once. “Other than that I don’t know.”

  She told me how her job at the Astro Lounge was going. And about her sister and how they were going back to Tucson for New Year’s to visit their parents and some friends. Then she asked me about my vision. It had only been a few weeks since we had been to Portland but it seemed like so much had happened. I gave her a quick update, only hitting the major points.

  “I wish I had some insight for you regarding this April chick,” she said when I had finished. “As you know, I’m the one who came looking for you with my problem. I don’t have the first idea how you would approach someone like that.”

  “So you and Rosie are still coming over tomorrow night, right?”

  “You know i
t, girl,” she said.

  She looked down at my beer, most of it still there.

  “Still getting over Clyde, huh?” she said, holding up her half full glass. “Me too.”

  We laughed.

  We talked for a few more minutes and then it was time to go.

  “Hey, Rosie and I are exchanging presents tonight, you know, it’s what we do, and then we’re going to St. Matthews. You’re probably busy and all, but maybe you could meet us there. If you want.”

  “That sounds nice,” I said. “I’ll see what I can do. Maybe I’ll see you there.”

  “Yeah, it’s kind of extra special this year too,” she said. “They have a new bell they brought over from an old church in Assisi, in Italy. Anyway they’re going to ring it for the first time tonight at the midnight mass. Either way, I’ll say a prayer for you, Abby.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “What happened to the old bell?”

  “I don’t know if they ever had a bell,” Paloma said. “When I blew into town a couple of years ago, they had this sad ass electronic chime, sounded more like a doorbell than something worthy of a church. Anyway, that broke down last year. I guess they’ve been saving up for a real bell since then.”

  The pieces of the puzzle were suddenly coming together. It was going to happen tonight.

  At midnight.


  After talking with Paloma I now knew why I hadn’t ever heard the church bell before in real life. They didn’t have one. More importantly I had learned that they were going to ring the new bell for the first time tonight at midnight.

  This fit in with the visions. I had heard at least seven bells and then lost count. Before, I had placed the time of the murder between seven and midnight. Now with what I knew there would be no bells at seven, eight, nine, ten, or eleven. But there would be at midnight. Twelve bells. And the last vision had made it clear that April and I would be dead by one o’clock.

  I looked at the Jeep’s clock. 8:34. There was still time.

  As I flew down the aisles of the supermarket, trying to block out the Christmas muzak I had heard nonstop now for more than a month, I thought about what I had to do. I had to find April and try to make her understand. One last time. Failing that, I had to be in the alley at midnight.

  I had to find a way to stop her murder. And mine.

  “It’s started,” the box boy packing my groceries said with a smile. “The snow.”

  My heart sped up at the thought that my timetable was off, wrong in some way. But by the time I made it out to the parking lot, it had stopped. There were just a few flakes frozen on the windshield.

  I hurried home, put away the perishables, leaving everything else out on the counter. Then I went into Kate’s bedroom and got what I needed.

  I grabbed my down jacket, locked the front door, and walked back out into the night.


  I was breathing hard, the defroster having a difficult time keeping up with me. I pulled the Jeep in front of the apartment building and took yet another deep breath.

  I looked at my watch. It was just past nine.

  There was still time to stop it.

  I checked my phone. There were three messages from Kate. I went ahead and called her back, trying to sound normal.

  “Abby, where are you?” she said without any greeting.

  “Sorry. I’m running late. Paloma and I were catching up and time got away from me. But I got my shopping done.”

  “So are you on your way over now?” she asked.

  “Well, yeah. Soon. I have to put things away and change first. See you in about an hour.”

  “An hour?” Kate said, her voice loud over the laughter in the background. “But Tony just lives a mile away. What are you doing?”

  “I’ll be there,” I said. “Don’t worry.”

  “Okay,” she said. “But I’m coming to get you if I don’t see you soon. Get over here, okay? There’s somebody here I want you to meet.”

  The weight of Kate’s gun in my jacket pocket banged against my hip, reminding me that I wasn’t really going in alone. It made me feel better, even if I hadn’t been to the shooting range in a while.

  I headed up the walkway, hoping April was home.


  Logan opened the door.

  He let out a long alcohol-infused sigh when he saw that it was me.

  “Hi,” I said, my voice a little too high. “I was looking for April. Is she home?”

  It was the first time I had seen him since that night at the Center. His hair was long and stringy, hanging just past his shoulders. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and his feet were bare. He had on a pair of jeans, the top button undone. He appeared to be in the first trimester, just starting to show signs of a beer belly. Otherwise, was skinnier than I remembered, his ribs poking through the pale skin.

  His eyes were shiny and glazed over. He leaned up against the door as he gave me the once over.

  “April?” he said, rubbing his chin.

  “Yeah, is April home?” I said again with more authority.

  He had been drinking, the strong smell of hard booze mixing in with the icy air in front of me. He opened the door wider, so I could see in. It looked as though a small tornado had gone through the living room.

  “April!” he screamed. “You here?”

  He waited a minute and then leered at me again.

  “Guess not,” he said, smiling. “Guess she’s gone.”

  “So do you know when she’s coming back?”

  “April doesn’t live here anymore,” he said.

  He broke into a crazed round of laughter, holding his bare stomach with one hand while hanging onto the door with the other.

  “That was good, wasn’t it?” he said. “But really. Come in, Abby from the soup kitchen. Let’s have some words.”

  He fell back into the apartment, leaving the door wide open. I stood for a moment, not knowing what to do. Time was running out, but it wasn’t midnight. April was still alive, somewhere. But then the strong image of me lying in the alley, blood flowing out from my neck, flashed in my head. I stood paralyzed there, not sure what to do.

  Then I thought that maybe Logan wasn’t telling the truth. Maybe April was home, but was being held inside against her will.

  I felt Kate’s gun in my jacket pocket, telling myself I could use it if I had to, and then headed inside.


  “Go on, have a seat,” he said, pointing at a chair covered in empty potato chip bags and Coke cans. I made room and sat down at the edge of the cushion and glanced around.

  The room smelled of mold and stale beer. I kept my hand in my pocket.

  I stared at Logan and studied his energy. It was gray, moving around him faster than the last time I had seen him. But it wasn’t as dark as I was expecting.

  “I know about you,” he said, his eyes closing slightly.

  He reached over and grabbed a can of PBR and downed the remains. I didn’t say anything, waiting.

  “I know about you and that contest scam you’re running. I think maybe it’s just your way of making friends. You saw me and my girl and wanted to get in on the action. I get it. Girls get like that with me. So how about we go get friendly in the bedroom right now, you and me? I’ll give you a test ride and see how you do.”

  He rubbed his stomach and let his tongue hang out of his mouth, making me want to vomit. But I held steady, reminding myself why I was there.

  “So where did April go?” I said finally.

  He leaned back and exhaled loudly.

  “Who the hell knows,” he said, throwing the empty can across the room. “She took off this morning. Packed up a suitcase. Said she’d be back tomorrow for the rest. Suits me. I don’t give a shit anymore.”

  He wasn’t looking at me.

  “I got a job. Cleaned myself up. Making my way back. But no. It still wasn’t good enough for the bitch, all high and mighty.”

  This was going nowhere. I stole a glance dow
n at my watch. It was almost 10:30.

  “I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend,” he said. “I admit that there’s room for improvement. But at least I was the faithful one. I should get credit for that at least.”

  I let the words sit for a moment.

  “April was cheating on you?”

  I saw the anger in his eyes. And the pain.

  “Not was. Is.”

  I nodded.

  “That’s why she dumped me. I confronted her this morning. I knew all along, but last night I found the proof.”


  He scratched himself and stumbled over to the kitchen table. He picked up a small book with a fancy looking cover. He stared at it for a moment and then threw it at me. I ducked and heard it hit the wall behind me.

  It was a copy of Romeo and Juliet.

  “It was in her backpack.”

  He wandered back to the sofa and flipped on the television.

  “You know, she was supposed to be going to school so she could get a better job and help out around here. What a load of crap. Go ahead. Read the mumbo jumbo on the first page. Like I said. Proof.”

  I opened the book, keeping one eye on Logan. There were only two lines.

  But in those two lines, I realized how very, very wrong I had been.

  Logan wasn’t the killer.

  “Go on! Read it out loud!”

  My heart raced and I cleared my throat, my hand still on the gun as Logan’s energy turned darker and angrier.

  “To April. That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

  I got up and put the book on the table.

  “I have to get going,” I said.


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