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RULES OF LOVE (A Navy SEALs Romance)

Page 31

by Bella Grant


  I left Nick’s office determined not to overanalyze the situation. I had shamelessly had sex with a man who probably didn’t care too much about me now that he had gotten into my panties. One part of me regretted giving myself so completely to him. The logical thing to do was to call him and cancel the dinner plans we’d made for tonight, then ignore him and let things die. But I knew Mr. Rich too well. He would never back down from anything he wanted, and if he wanted me, there was no escaping him.

  Amy couldn't make it to the dinner even though she really wanted to go. One of her co-workers was leaving their company and she had to attend an informal send-off dinner.

  I had wanted her to come with me –almost like a chaperone– but on the other hand, Nick and I had gone too far to need a babysitter.

  Thinking of sitters, I rubbed my belly. I had been so carried away I forgot to use protection. I crossed my fingers and prayed I was safe. Either way, it was too late to worry. Nick had released his seed in me and I had gladly received it. I didn't want it any other way.

  Amy came over to my house to dress for her party because, as she had stated over the phone, she wanted to make sure I was dressed appropriately for the occasion.

  "Amy, you know you don't have to be here," I grumbled as I opened the door, but she pushed past me, bubbling with excitement. I swear no one could be as excitable as Amy.

  "What do you mean I don't have to be here? Sara, the man would be ashamed of being seen with you, the way you dress. He's used to classy women, remember? Your goal is to entice him and make him want you."

  I snorted. "What's wrong with how I dress? Besides, I don't need to entice him."

  Amy placed her purse on the chair and looked at me. "What do you mean?" I tried to hide the smirk on my face but was unsuccessful. "You slut. You total slut! You slept with him, didn't you?"

  I couldn’t deny it even if I wanted. This was Amy and what Amy wanted, she got. Instead of denying it, I smiled and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

  "You are not denying it?”

  "Amy, how is this your business?"

  "My best friend loses her virginity and it's none of my business?"

  "It really isn't. Please don't ask me to tell you the details. Because I won't," I said as I left her standing in the living room. I went to my closet to pick out clothes.

  "Sara, there is no way I'd let you not tell me. It was your first time and I have a right to know every detail. Was he big? Was he good? Did he go down on you?" She had followed me to my closet.

  "Amy! I'm not telling,"

  "Just a little, please. At least tell me if it was good."

  I stood in my closet, sorting through the hangers, trying to decide what to wear. Suddenly my closet, which had been mostly functional for years, seemed so inadequate.

  "Help please?" I turned to Amy. If anyone knew how to put together an ensemble, Amy did. She could mix and match my clothes and present amazing selections. But she didn't budge; she stood there, hands akimbo, apparently waiting for me to tell her about my day with Nick.

  "It was nice," I said in a voice so low you had to be right next to me to hear it.

  “Just nice?" Amy said, smiling.

  "It was great and I'm glad I waited for the right man."

  "Oh, he's suddenly the right man? A few days ago, he was the man who had forced himself on you and now he’s the perfect man? Are you kidding me?”

  I smiled and nodded. How do I explain how I felt in Nick's arms earlier that day? How do I tell her the secrets Nick and I now shared? We had only just met, met officially, but somewhere deep down, I knew Nick was the right man for me. I wasn't going to rush it, though. I was not the type of person to rush into things, most of the time.

  "He is sort of cool," I rephrased my sentence, hoping Amy would leave me alone. It seemed to have worked because she looked at me, smiled, moved to my closet, and pushed me to the side.

  "Let me do this."

  I moved aside and let her work her magic. In a few seconds, she uncovered a black, silky dress with tags on it. I had purchased it years ago, but it had been too big. I’d kept it because I truly loved it. I had since put on a little weight and the dress might just be right.

  "I forgot this was here," I told her, taking the hanger from her.

  "Well, I didn't. We bought it together and I remember how much you liked it. It might fit better now."

  I pulled the dress over me and walked to the mirror. It had fit like it should, flattering my curves and clinging to the parts of my body Nick would find fascinating.

  "That's my girl. You're going to knock the socks off this guy. Oh, wait, I forgot. You already knocked his pants off."

  "Stop!" I said to Amy, playfully hitting her. Yes, he had laid in my arms naked. I remembered the feel of my hands on his skin, how solid he had felt when I traced the definitions in his body. He had been in a hurry to take his clothes off and I hadn’t hesitated either. As I applied my makeup and stepped into a pair of black stilettos, I hoped tonight would be the same.

  "Your limo is here," Amy announced as we heard a knock on the door. "You know, in New York City, most of us take cabs to dates, not limos."

  "Well, not all of us date billionaires. What can I say?" I said, smiling and kissing her on the cheek. "Please make sure to lock up after you leave."


  Nick arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes before the scheduled time. He had never done that, arrived early. Usually he was right on time, or a few minutes late, but Sara wasn't someone he wanted to keep waiting. Not when he had spent the entire day thinking about her and getting lost in the painting in his office.

  In his dreams, he and Sara transported magically into the painting and lived most of their days there. Of course, he'd have to come back to the real world in order to make money to survive, but he could see spending every spare minute in those lush lands, honoring Sara's body. At the thought of her body, a smile spread across his face. She was exactly what he wanted in a woman. Her ass was shapely - that was probably the first thing that attracted him even though he would never admit that to himself. And her pussy? She had been so warm and tight, he secretly hoped she would let him get that close to her again.

  At exactly 7:30, the host directed Sara to his table. He didn't have to look up because he knew his limo would be on time. As their eyes caught, he rose and walked toward her, willing himself to stay calm. Sara was so much prettier than the last time he saw her. The black dress she wore made her look like a goddess, and her shoes made her legs seem endless. He swallowed as he walked toward her. He couldn’t wait to hug her tight and hold her. His eyes caught hers again, and he knew the sparkle he saw in them was for him.

  "Sara, you look lovely." He reached for her, unsure if he should hug her, kiss her, or shake her hand. Yes, they had shared an intimate moment in the heat of passion, but he didn't know how comfortable she was with him displaying his emotions publicly, especially since the ever-lingering paparazzi would splatter her face on the evening news before they got home from the restaurant.

  Sara made it easy for him; she turned her face, and he planted a kiss on her cheek. It wasn't what he wanted, but he was okay with it. Any closeness to her was sufficient.

  "Is that all I get?" he whispered after giving her a kiss.

  He could tell she wasn't sure what he was asking. Instead of repeating his question, he pulled her close to him and claimed her mouth, not caring who was looking. He felt his groin tighten, but he willed himself to say calm, hoping he would survive the few seconds of intimacy they shared without his cock embarrassing him. Other women he had dated hadn't stirred his animalistic instincts like Sara. Yes, he got excited when he saw them and responded adequately to their feminine seduction, but his inner beast had never arisen, until Sara walked into his life carrying his coffee.

  Sara kissed him back, and he could feel her heart throbbing. She was truly his, no denying it. Now to dine her and see if he could convince her to get closer
to him.

  "You do love kissing me," Sara said as the kiss ended. “I like it.”

  "I do," Nick said. "But I guess I’ll have to force it out of you every time."

  Sara smiled and sat down as the waiter pulled out a chair for her. Nick sat as well and picked up the menu. "I ordered some wine. You seem like a red wine lover," Nick said, smiling suggestively. He already knew that fact about her from reading the report from his private investigator. Red wine and sushi were her weaknesses.

  "Right again," Sara teased, smiling back.

  The waiter, who was standing by within ear shot but didn't intrude on them, moved closer to their table and poured wine into Sara's glass.

  "Thank you," she said as she lifted the glass to her lips.

  "A toast?" Nick asked.

  "Oh yeah. Sorry. I don't dine out often." Sara returned the glass to the table.

  "No need to apologize, Sara. You never have to apologize to me, ever."

  "Hmmm... you might have to take those words back some day," Sara said. “I can be mean sometimes.”

  Nick looked at her keenly. Did she just allude to the possibility of something more than this dinner for them? He didn't want to think too much about her words, but he felt a sense of lightness. Maybe she did care for him as much as he cared for her.

  "So, let's toast to..." Nick’s voice trailed off. His voice never waned when he talked to women, but Sara was not a regular girl.

  "Friendship?" Sara completed his sentence.

  "Friendship. The future. Us,” Nick said.

  "Yes," Sara said. "To friendship and the future."

  “Cheers,” they said as they clinked their glasses.

  Nick noticed she didn’t say us, but he didn’t let it bother him. He had sensed she was overly cautious about their budding relationship, and he wanted her to come around in her own time.

  "What would you like to order?" Nick asked when they put their wine glasses down.

  "I'll try the house special," Sara said. “Whatever that may be.”

  "Playing it safe?” he joked.

  "I don't play it safe, which is why I ordered something I don't even know about."

  "That's true. I didn't think about it that way. Let's see if you can handle the suspense." He signaled to the waiter to come take their orders. "I'll have the house special as well."

  "Have you been to this restaurant before?” Sara asked.

  “Yes, a few times,” Nick replied. “Why?”

  “Because you probably already know what the house special is. How is that taking a risk?"

  "You don't know me," Nick said. "We need to do something about that."

  "We do?" Sara asked.

  Nick nodded. "Yeah, you need to know a few more things about me.”

  “Like what?” Sara asked teasingly.

  “For one, I have been thinking about you all day. Secondly, I can’t stay still watching you. And lastly, I wish we could leave right now and go somewhere we could be alone, even if it’s just for a few hours.”

  He watched Sara as she looked at him shyly, his focus on her lips. He hadn’t intended to make her uncomfortable, but he had done it again. She looked like a shy school girl, young, sexy, and innocent and totally turning him on. Those lips. He wanted so much to reach across the table and kiss her fiercely, but that would embarrass her. Besides, he had already made enough show with her for the evening as it was.

  “Well, that we can do, but only after I get my house special.”

  "Waiter?” Nick beckoned to a waiter, who was nearby. “How fast can we get our dinner?”


  The house special, a combination of seafood and veggies, arrived, and between the main course and dessert, I was stuffed and ready to leave the restaurant.

  “So, my invitation still stands,” Nick said with a wicked grin on his face.

  “What invitation?” I asked as if I didn’t know he wanted me to go home with him.

  “Disappearing with you somewhere private. I want you to come with me. Somewhere nice and relaxing.”

  I swallowed the words I would have normally said, which caught in my throat. I couldn’t tell him I was not the sort of girl who slept with men on the first date because I had already slept with him before our first date. Instead of talking, I nodded.

  “Would you want to go?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said, excited at the prospect of somewhere nice. I bet it was probably his penthouse. Isn’t that where men like him took the women they bedded? The thought of him taking me to the same place he took every girl he met made me feel dirty, but the idea of being with him again and feeling him inside of me superseded my reservations.

  “Then I’ll have the limo pick you up tomorrow. We’ll be out of town for a few days.”

  “Tomorrow?” I asked, my eyes widening.

  “Is that okay?” he asked, looking at me. “We can stay in the city if you’d like.”

  “Yes, it’s fine,” I said. “It’s just that I have to pack, and since I don’t know where we’re going, packing will be challenging.”

  “No need to. I’ll have one of my assistants get what you’ll need. Of course you might want some of your personal stuff, but I’ll take care of the rest.”

  I nodded. This was unreal. Someone was going to shop for me and pack my bag? I could get used to this billionaire lifestyle. “Thanks.”

  “My pleasure,” he said. He signaled to the waiter. Once he settled the check, he walked me outside to the limo that had brought me to the restaurant.

  “David will take you back,” he told me as he leaned against the limo and pulled me against him.

  “What about you? How will you get home?”

  He pointed to another limo on the opposite side of the street. I hadn’t noticed it. “That’s my ride,” he said. “I won’t be stranded.”

  “Looks nice,” I commented. “Well, good night then.” He kissed me so quickly on the lips I could swear it had not happened.

  “I’ll see you in the morning?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said.


  As usual, Amy was at my apartment when I got in. “So, what happened?” She was standing at the door.

  “Can I at least come in first?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said as she opened the door. “So how did it go?”

  “Very well,” I told her, pushing past her and walking to my bedroom. She would not give up until she got the response she needed from me. I smiled as I walked quickly away from her. She was hot on my trail.

  “Young lady, where do you think you’re going?” she said as she pulled me back.

  “Where else would I be going at this late hour? To bed.”

  “No way, Sara Nolles. Not until you tell me what you and Nick Saunders were up to.”

  “Nothing. He’s taking me somewhere special tomorrow and that’s it.”

  “That’s all? You’re going to be locked away in some fancy hotel for days with his hot ass and you say that’s all? How many days are you staying?”

  Amy’s question made me realize I hadn’t asked Nick how long our trip would be. He hadn’t volunteered the information either, but I had a feeling he knew I was off work for a couple of days. He knew my every move, which should have made me uncomfortable. I was flattered, though, and had a gut feeling he would never hurt me.

  “You don’t know, do you?” Amy asked, eyebrow raised. “I bet you were so excited to go frolicking with him you forgot to ask.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I smiled at her as I pushed past her again. “I need to go to bed. I have an early day with a billionaire tomorrow.”

  “You do like him, don’t you?” Amy asked.

  “Yes, I do like him. A lot. Maybe more than a lot.”

  Amy looked at me suspiciously. “Oh my God, you love him, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I said with a secretive smile, but Amy had hit a raw nerve. I did, in fact, like Nick more than I should, but I wasn’t going to admit th

  “You’re in love,” she sang in a childlike, annoying voice. “You’re in love.”

  “Stop, Amy,” I said, smacking her playfully on the arm. “I need to go to bed. See you later,” I said as I tried to close my bedroom door.

  “You’re not going to pack your things tonight?”

  “No, his staff will take care of all of that.” Amy groaned. “What?” I asked innocently.

  “You sound stuck-up and you’re not even married to him yet,” she yelled after me.

  “Who said I was marrying him?” I asked as I closed my bedroom door for some peace. A few minutes later, I heard Amy grab a blanket from the closet in the hallway; she was sleeping on my couch tonight. She left me with some hard truth to think about. I was in love with Mr. Rich. Oh great!


  My doorbell rang at seven the next morning. Nick had sent the limo to retrieve me, and when I opened the door, he was standing there, dressed in a tee-shirt and jeans.

  “Hi. Good morning,” I stammered.


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