Claiming Cinderella: A Dirty Billionaire Fairy Tale

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Claiming Cinderella: A Dirty Billionaire Fairy Tale Page 6

by Amy Brent

  Relief washed over me. “Oh, I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions, but I’m glad you had the chance to clarify.”

  “Me too. I can only imagine what you thought of me.” He let out a long breath and held onto the rail as he leaned forward into it.

  “Not much, I’m afraid. Well, that’s not true.” I shrugged, but he got a curious grin on his face.

  “So, tell me. What did you think of me?” He gave me a nudge, and I couldn’t help but laugh.”

  “I thought you were an asshole,” I mumbled the word like I’d just said something much worse.

  “A what?” He cupped his ear and leaned in.

  “I thought you were an asshole,” I stated much more clearly and with my head held a little higher.

  “Ouch.” He held his heart and winced. “You’re brutal. I like that. Would you like to come up and see that view from up there?” He pointed to a big beautiful balcony, and I had to admit the night sky would have been much amazing from up there.

  But I hesitated. “I’m not sure.”

  “Why not?” He nudged my side. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

  “How do I know that?” I folded my arms across me, as the wind chilled my shoulders.

  “I just gave you my word.” He met my eyes, and I shrugged like I wasn’t impressed.

  “Besides, I could grab you something for your chills up there, but down here,” he looked around. “You’d have to settle for my coat.” He started to unbutton his coat, and I grabbed his hand.

  “It’s okay. I’m not cold, but since you insist, I’d love to go up there with you.”

  A slow smile spread his perfect lips, and it was enough to make my heart beat faster. He took my hand and led me through the crowd, careful to keep me from bumping into anyone, and then we took to the stairs walking slowly hand in hand. He’d stop behind me on the landings, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was checking out my ass. The thought of his eyes on me made me feel tingly inside, and I wondered if he really liked me like I hoped.

  The Twins could have put him up to this, then again, they’d warned me off of him, and now they were nowhere to be found. I couldn’t help but wonder if they were watching from afar. Or if they’d really kill me if they knew I was with him.

  Once we were upstairs, where there was a bench to sit, he’d shut the doors behind us. “Hope that’s okay with you, but I’d like a little bit more privacy with you.”

  “Shouldn’t you be down entertaining your other guests. I hate to keep you all to myself.” I second-guessed myself. Why was he giving me such special treatment?

  “I’m more interested in you.”

  “Why?” I let loose a deep breath. “Sorry, that came out a little harsh, but I can’t help but wonder why me.”

  “Why not you? You’re fascinating and beautiful. I like that you have something to talk about. Most want to talk about me and my money, but I don’t think it impresses you one bit, so I’d like to hear more about you and your passion.”

  “You mean the jewelry?” His nod surprised me, and I kept proceeding with caution, still unsure if this was some colossal prank.

  “Yeah, how on earth did you learn to make your own jewelry? Designing it must take time too, and you’re so good at it. That piece you have on is timeless.”

  “Thank you. I learned from my mother.” I wasn’t about name-dropping, but I also couldn’t hide who I was.

  “Your mother made jewelry too? Did she ever sell any?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, she was Layla Ford, I’m not sure if you’ve—

  “Heard of her? Are you kidding? Your mother is my mother’s favorite jewelry designer, and she’s got several custom pieces in her personal collection.” He shook his head like he couldn’t believe it. “You’re just as wealthy as others here.” He gave me a sideward glance like I’d been lying to him about who I was.

  “Not exactly. I’m afraid my mother’s illness drained our account, and I’m having to live with friends and work as a personal assistant.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken out of turn like that.” His face turned red, and he raked his hand through his hair.

  “It’s fine. I know, I find it hard to believe too. My mother built a fortune, and that dreadful disease took everything. It’s okay though. I’m lucky to have my mom’s best friend looking out for me.”

  His eyes narrowed a bit, and then he smiled. “So, you want to follow in her footsteps?”

  “She’s taught me everything she knows, so yeah. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. I will do it someday too. I was actually hoping that by coming here, I’d meet a few of the right kind of people. Maybe someone in the business who could show me a thing or two, help me get a foot in the door.”

  His eyes narrowed again. “Your mother didn’t leave you with prospects? Surely, she had clients that would help you. Her jewelry is worth quite a bit of money.”

  “I’m afraid most of her clients are a little leery working with me. Considering my name is Ford, too, you’d think I’d have an advantage, but I’m not sure if they respect me trying to ride her coattails. I do have a few of her exclusive pieces that I’m going to use for security.” I held my chin up and smiled. “I’ll be okay. Mom worked her way up. I can too.”

  “It doesn’t seem like you should have to. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a whole lot to do for my father’s company, and I can appreciate you wanting to pave your own way, but you should at least have the security of your mother’s work to get you there. I supposed it’s good you’ve got those pieces. Have you thought about selling them?” I wondered if he was going to offer and I shook my head.

  “No, not anytime soon at least. There are a few I’ll never part with. They mean too much to me.”

  “I can respect that. Some things are not replaceable.” I felt a bit closer to him knowing he’d lost someone to, and knowing that in my mourning, those phases were something he’d be able to relate to.

  “I could introduce to a few people if you like. Some would be very eager to work with you knowing your mother. She was well-loved, and I know my mother was very heartbroken by her passing, and she even attended the memorial service.”

  “Considering her guest list, perhaps she wouldn’t be that impressed with me.” I gave a little laugh. He’d made it quite certain his mother only saw the wealthy as worthy.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure, Ella Ford. I think she’d be more than impressed. I know I am.”

  “What if I wasn’t Ella Ford? What if my name was Ella Smith or Ella Jones?” I wondered how important namesake was to him and his mother.

  “I was interested in you when your name was just Ella, so, I hope that answers your question.” He stepped a bit closer, and my heart soared as he took my hand and led me to the bench.

  Chapter 12


  Something wasn’t sitting right with me about Ella Ford and her predicament, but I figured I’d take things much slower and get to know her before I said anything. The fact that her mother had left her without anything was mind-boggling, but then again, I didn’t know the entire situation.

  I sat with her on the bench outside on the balcony and looked into her eyes as she glanced up at the stars as if she had a million thoughts in her head and they held the answers. I slipped off my mask, but she left hers in place.

  She dropped her chin and glanced in my direction. “What about you, Aiden Prince? What’s your passion?”

  The question took me back a bit, but only because no one had ever really asked me. Most people assumed to know me and from they did know, they assumed all I cared about was money and how to spend it.

  “You really want to know?” I gave a little chuckle and raked my hand through my hair. “My dad was in real estate, and he used to take my mother’s clients out and show them the island property he had for sale by taking them on plane rides around the island. Every now and then, he’d let me go along. Especially if it was someone I really liked. I met a lot of f
amous people that way, but then after a while of hearing them talk about what kind of floor tile they want or how many bathrooms, the celebrity wears off, and you realize that they are just like anyone else.”

  “So, you stopped going?” She narrowed her eyes as if trying to understand.

  “No, but it stopped being about who was with us and more about the planes and the pilots. I met some of the best, and that’s when I decided I wanted to learn how to fly.”

  “You want to be a pilot?” Her smile spread so wide I could count all of her teeth. “I’m so scared of those little planes. I would never go on them. My mother used to take me on bigger planes, but I’d throw a fit if we had to board a small one.”

  “I am a pilot, actually. I finished my hours right before my father’s death and since I haven’t been up much. I’d like to change that though. And the small ones aren’t that bad. Maybe if I took you up sometime, you’d learn to love them.” I thought about having her in my plane, how intimate of a space it would be, and then I realized I’d never taken a woman up with me, and nobody else had ever cared to know that I could fly a plane, just that I owned one.

  “I’m not sure I’d go without sedation,” she said with a laugh. Her laugh was amazing, and before I knew what I was doing, I leaned in and kissed her.

  She pulled back and touched her lips and stared at me wide-eyed.

  “I’m not going to apologize for that.”

  “I don’t expect you to. It was just a bit sudden.” She turned her head and stared at a planter beside us.

  “Well, maybe after we talk some more, you’ll let me do it again?”

  Laughter bubbled from her, and I couldn’t help but get rock hard when she said, “Okay, maybe next time I’ll kiss you instead.”

  I wondered for a moment how Zep was doing upstairs.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking?” She turned and met my eyes.

  “I was just thinking about my best friend, actually. He’s more like a brother. My mother took him in when we were kids, and I haven’t really been without him much since.”

  “Yeah, I always wanted a sibling. I guess every only child does at some point.”

  “I wouldn’t know, by the time I could even think about that kind of thing Patricia brought Zep home. But I never resented him. He’s been good to me.”

  “His name is Zep? That’s unusual.”

  “His father was a rockstar. You know how they all name their kids some weird-ass name. I’ve teased him about it for years. He loves it though, and it fits him.”

  “Does he share your same passion for flying?”

  “No, he’s supportive though. His passion is more with the ladies.” I couldn’t help but let out a belly laugh at the thought of Zep in the room with those twins and wondering how far he’d gotten with Sadie. My bet was, not far.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Ella, and I wanted to kiss her again but was afraid I’d come off too strong. I didn’t want to scare the poor girl away, but at the same time, she was so hot that I was starting to sweat. I loosened my coat and took it down my arms, letting it fall behind me.

  “Are you getting hot?” Her words made me even hotter, but I shrugged it off like it was nothing.

  “Tuxes aren’t my thing either, but my mother threatened me and Zep if we showed up in jeans.” She’d put her foot down on my neck if I tried to go against her on the tux and I’d learned to choose my battles.

  “Are you and your mother close?”

  “Normally I call her by her first name, but for the sake of avoiding confusion, I’m clarifying with mother.”

  “Oh, I see.” She looked away, and I wondered if she thought I hated the woman.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love the woman, but she drives me crazy as most mothers do their sons. But she’s okay. It’s different now that my father’s gone. We share the estate, and I think she had hoped it would all be hers. Dad wanted me in control of it all though, not her. He’d had to bail her ass out of the fire a few times with her musicians, and he was afraid of what might happen if he gave her full control. I think she’s a little bitter toward me because of it, but she can’t help but love me since I’m her son.”

  “I’d think there were a million reasons to love you.” She pulled her lips in tight and looked away.

  I scooted in closer. “Yeah? You think so, huh?” She turned to face me and was only a breath away.

  “Yeah, what’s not to love?” She eased toward me, and her lids fluttered as I closed the distance and took her mouth with mine.

  She didn’t pull away this time and instead melted toward me, her hands finding my hair as I held her delicate chin.

  Suddenly she shifted in her seat, and the kiss deepened, and I found my hand on the small of her back, wanting so desperately to go under her shirt.

  The kiss broke for a second and only for long enough to exchange a look and take a breath, then our tongues stroked past one another, mingling together with long hot strokes, and I imagined it working along my cock, which was stiff as a hammer.

  Her hand went to my chest, and she leaned away. “Maybe we should go back downstairs.” It wasn’t what my body was telling me to do, but I agreed with her knowing it wouldn’t look good to protest or to make her feel obligated. I liked my women willing.

  But I pulled her in for a quick peck, which she accepted with a smile and another one back and then I brushed her loose strands away from her face. “I could get carried away with you, and someday I’d like to.”

  “I’d like that too, but you have a whole party down there.” She gave me a look that told me she didn’t want to go any more than I did.

  “Promise me you’ll go out with me sometime and accompany me while I play host.”

  “I promise. But there might be people down there that take issue with me and you being together.”

  “I’ve never cared about what other’s think, why should you?”

  “Well, the girls I came here with, they’re pretty vicious, and since I work for them, I don’t want to step on any toes.”

  “You won’t. Let’s go down, and if you see your friends, you can introduce me to them.” I gave her another quick peck, and she stood with me, still seeming like she was unsure.

  It took all of my willpower to lead her back downstairs and to the party. Zep and the twins were nowhere to be found, and that was a good thing. I wanted to give all of my time to Ella. We walked down the stairs and about halfway down, I took her hand.

  She seemed surprised, and a little cautious, but then she smiled and lit up the entire room. She was so amazing, and I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by her. I stopped her, pulling her hand and pulling her close.

  I had needed another kiss from her, and my aching cock needed more too. I hadn’t been this infatuated so quickly in years, and I hoped that she was too.

  But as quickly as I had kissed her, I noticed someone coming toward us as we hit the last few steps. Ella stiffened beside me as she looked up and saw Zep and the twins, totally overlooking my mother as she dropped my hand and bee-lined for the gruesome twosome twins.

  Chapter 13


  I was walking on a cloud as I descended the stairs with Aiden Prince, and I felt just like a princess, as he stopped and kissed me, in front of an audience. But then I caught a glance at the people around us and noticed one angry woman coming his way, her resemblance so similar to his, that I knew in an instant she was his mother.

  Before I could worry about her though, my attention was turned to the Blue twins. They stood across the room with Aiden’s friend, and both were draped on him like ornaments, and upon a closer look, I realized why they were so adorned and why they’d run me out of the bathroom. They were wearing my mother’s jewelry from my personal collection, those special pieces that I’d said they couldn’t borrow.

  Aiden’s mother stormed up to him as I pushed past and headed across the room to the girls who were both giving me glares that one would expect to turn me to stone.
  “What are you doing with my jewelry!” I snapped.

  “Fuck your jewelry, you basic bitch! What are you doing with Aiden?” Sadie lunged forward and grabbed my arm dragging me off to the other room. Halle followed, but I wasn’t afraid of either of them. All I wanted was my mother’s things back. I glanced over my shoulder to see Aiden trying to get to us when his friend stopped him.

  Once we were away from the rest of the party, they let me go and stood glaring with their arms crossed. I straightened my back and squared my shoulders. “Aiden talked to me. He kissed me. He likes me. Get over it. And if you don’t take off my mother’s jewelry this instant I will choke you to death with it.” I glared down my nose at the two of them, and Zep caught up to us and pulled Halle to safety.

  “You’re so stupid. How could he want you when he’s already made plans to be with both of us?” I tried to catch my breath as I realized what they were saying. “That’s right, Ella dear, Aiden isn’t interested in you, he’s only killing time entertaining the drags of his party so after we can have a little foursome fun, and you’re not invited.”

  “You’re lying!” I snapped.

  “No, we’re not lying. That’s why we’re entertaining Zep here because when Aiden’s done with this boring little party, we’re going to fuck the both of them. If you don’t believe us, ask him yourself.

  I turned and looked at his friend who looked like he’d been caught with his pants down. It was true. I narrowed my eyes and pegged him with a glare wondering where Aiden was and if his mother still had hold of him. “Is that true, Zep? Did Aiden make those plans.”

  The look on his face told me all I needed to know. “It’s not like that, let me explain.” The guy looked like he was going to be in trouble if he said much more and I could tell that he didn’t want to rat out his oldest friend out.

  “Either you’re lying to her, or you’re lying to us, Zep, so which is it? Aiden did say he’d be to bed with us as soon as he’s done with his guests. Did he not?”


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