Shotgun Groom

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Shotgun Groom Page 1

by Kristin Morgan

  “It’s not every day that you tell me you want to get married and get pregnant.

  Letter to Reader

  Title Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  “It’s not every day that you tell me you want to get married and get pregnant.

  Give me a moment for it all to sink in,” Jack said, hugging her tight.

  Beth nestled her body against his, savoring the warmth of being as close to him as possible. He was her security blanket. Her shoulder to cry on. He knew her as no one else did. Finally, in spite of her desire to stay snuggled against him, she stepped back and gazed directly into his eyes. “Jack, I’m going to need your help with this one. I can’t do it alone.”

  “Hey, you know you can always count on me. I’m your best friend, remember? Don’t we always help each other?”

  She nodded.

  “Then what can I do to help you?” he asked.

  Beth licked her lips. “Well,’s really quite simple. I need you to marry me and get me pregnant....”

  Dear Reader,

  This month, Romance is chock-full of excitement. First, VIRGIN BRIDES continues with The Bride’s Second Thought, an emotionally compelling story by bestselling author Elizabeth August. When a virginal bride-to-be finds her fiance with another woman, she flees to the mountains for refuge...only to be stranded with a gorgeous stranger who gives her second thoughts about a lot of things....

  Next, Natalie Patrick offers up a delightful BUNDLES OF JOY with Boot Scootin’Secret Baby. Bull rider Jacob “Cub” Goodacre returns to South Dakota for his rodeo hurrah, only to learn he’s still a married man...and father to a two-year-old heart tugger. BACHELOR GULCH, Sandra Steffen’s wonderful Western series, resumes with the story of an estranged couple who had wed for the sake of their child...but wonder if they can rekindle their love in Nick’s Long-Awaited Honeymoon.

  Rising star Kristin Morgan delivers a tender, sexy tale about a woman whose biological clock is booming and the best friend who consents to being her Shotgun Groom. If you want a humorous—red-hot!—read, try Vivian Leiber’s The 6’2”, 200 lb. Challenge. The battle of the sexes doesn’t get any better! Finally, Lisa Kaye Laurel’s fairy-tale series, ROYAL WEDDINGS, draws to a close with The Irresistible Prince, where the woman hired to find the royal a wife realizes she is the perfect candidate!

  In May, VIRGIN BRIDES resumes with Annette Broadrick, and future months feature titles by Suzanne Carey and Judy Christenbeny, among others. So keep coming back to Romance, where you’re sure to find the classic tales you love, told in fresh, exciting ways.


  Joan Marlow Golan

  Senior Editor, Silhouette Romance

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  Shotgun Groom

  Kristin Morgan

  KRISTTN MORGAN lives in Lafayette, Louisiana, the best heart of Acadiana, where the French language of her ancestors is still spoken fluently by her parents and grandparents. Happily married to her high school sweetheart, she has three children. She and her husband have traveled all over the South, as well as other areas of the United States and Mexico, and they both count themselves lucky that their favorite city, New Orleans, is only two hours away from Lafayette.

  In addition to her writing, she enjoys cooking and preparing authentic Cajun food for her family with recipes passed on to her through generations. Her hobbies include reading—of course!—flower gardening and fishing. She loves walking in the rain, newborn babies, all kinds of music, chocolate desserts and love stories with happy endings. A true romantic at heart, she believes all things are possible with love.

  Chapter One

  Thirty-four-year-old Bethemy Trahan needed a sperm donor.

  But not just any old sperm donor. Uh-uh. No way. Not for her baby.

  It had to be someone she knew and cared for. Someone who would be willing to marry her temporarily and get the job done in the good, old-fashioned way that couples had used since the beginning of time. She was, after all, a traditional-minded woman. She couldn’t just make use of a sperm bank and then have an illegitimate baby, no matter how much she wanted a child of her own. It went against everything she had ever planned for herself. She had to get married first, then get pregnant.

  But since Mr. Right had put a major damper on her plans by failing to show up in her life, Beth had recently decided that it was time she took matters into her own hands. A daunting fact she could no longer ignore was that her mother had gone through menopause at the young age of thirty-seven. There was always the chance that Beth would, too. Time, she knew, was very possibly running out for her. No more could she rely solely on Fate to get the job done.

  But then, she really didn’t have to. She was lucky. She wasn’t going to have to depend on the laboratorylike coldness of a sperm bank. She had an alternative. She had Jack Kincaid. He was her oldest and dearest friend in the whole wide world. Without question, he was the perfect specimen for what she had in mind. He had a great set of genes. He was intelligent, handsome, funny—the very best friend a girl could ask for. The fact that he was her best friend and was sometimes—well, more often than not—easy to convince to her way of thinking was only extra pudding in the pie. A bit of lapniappe. In fact, Beth had no earthly idea why she hadn’t thought of marrying him a long time ago for the sole purpose of getting pregnant.

  Of course, as of yet, Jack was oblivious to all of this. He had no idea of the plan she’d recently come up with. In fact, his job as a sales representative for a Louisiana based food export company had taken him abroad to Europe for the past two weeks. But he was back home now, and he was coming over for dinner at her house later that evening. She planned to tell him then. Undoubtedly he was going to be surprised at her news. Somewhat shocked, even. Actually Beth was still a bit dazzled herself over the plan she’d concocted. Naturally she was anxious to get the moment behind her.

  Well...on second thought, she was more than just anxious. She was scared silly of what she had in mind—or, at least, a part of her was. The last thing she wanted under any circumstance was to jeopardize the long-standing relationship she already had with Jack. His friendship was too important to her. Too necessary. And too much of the time she needed him to be there for her. He had been her best pal since first grade. Since the day she tore the pretty new dress she had just gotten for her birthday while playing hopscotch at recess and he’d given her a piece of his candy bar to stop her from crying. On that day, a unique bond had formed between them and just the thought of losing even a small portion of what they shared caused Beth unbearable distress.

  Then again, there was no reason why her recent idea should jeopardize her and Jack’s present relationship. Not if she had planned it accurately.

  And, of course, she had. She always planned accurately. According to Jack, sometimes to a fault.

  In fact, it was her ability to work out the details of an idea that made this new plan of hers so stunningly brilliant. Jack’s involvement was going to be so minimal, there wouldn’t be enough time to jeopardize anything—certainly, not enough time for them to, let’s say, accidentally fall in love with each other and ruin everything. She knew the result of letting something like that happen between friends. Her own parents
were a good example. Married once, but now divorced, their behavior these days suggested that they hated each other, and Beth wasn’t so sure that wasn’t the case. Thanks, but no thanks. That wasn’t the unhappy ending she wanted for herself and Jack. His friendship meant too much to her.

  Short and quick. In and out. No time—or plans, for that matter—for falling in love. That was the name of her game. Besides, how long could it take for a virile guy like Jack to get her pregnant? Two months tops, right?

  Maybe less.

  The thought of it made her stomach quiver.

  And as soon as she found out that she was pregnant, they would get a divorce and their lives would return to normal. Jack could go back to his single, carefree life-style, and she would have her baby. It was a perfect plan. Absolutely perfect.

  At least, she thought so.

  Karen was a different matter.

  A close friend who had just dropped in for a brief visit, Karen now gazed at her from across the kitchen as if she had just grown two heads. “Are you crazy, Beth? Jack is never going to go for an idea like that. Not in a million years. Not even for you.”

  “I know it sounds a bit wild,” Beth said hesitantly, wondering if all her friends—including Jack—were going to feel the same way about her idea. Her heart began pounding in her throat. Jack was her last hope. He was the only man she felt she could ask to father her child. If he said no...

  The truth was, he was the only man she wanted to ask. Now that she’d come up with this plan, the idea of having his baby was... well... comforting. Somehow, it fit. He was her friend, after all. They were like two peas in a pod. But what if, like Karen, he thought she’d gone off the deep end and refused to help her, deciding, instead to have her institutional-ized for treatment. How was he ever going to get her pregnant while she was locked in a padded cell?

  Realizing how weird her thoughts had become, Beth shook her head. Okay, so she was losing it, somewhat. It was her nerves, she knew. They were strung out like barbed wire, and Karen’s disapproving looks from across her kitchen certainly weren’t helping matters. “I’m going to ask him anyway,” Beth stated with renewed conviction, placing the green salad she’d just made inside the refrigerator.

  “Fine. Be my guest,” Karen exclaimed. “But if you get your feelings crushed, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “I consider myself warned,” Beth replied flatly.

  “You’re barking up the wrong tree. Jack will never go for it,” Karen said in a singsong voice.

  “He might.”

  “Not our Jack. He’s the last man on earth who wants to get married—for any reason. You, of all people, should know that about him.”

  “I do. I’m simply hoping I can talk him into it.”

  “Well, I must admit,” Karen said nonchalantly, “if anyone can talk him into something as wild and crazy as this, no doubt about it, it’s you. He’ll listen to anything you have to say.” She paused with a smirk. “He isn’t that open-minded when it comes to listening to the rest of us.”

  “You’re forgetting something important, Karen. Jack and I have been friends since we were kids. Of course he listens to what I have to say.” She smiled knowingly. “In fact, he knows he had better.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that old story before,” Karen said with a wave of her hand. “How the two of you have been friends since grade school. But in spite of what you say, I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s much more to this ‘Beth and Jack thing’ than either of you will ever admit.”

  “Well, you’re wrong,” Beth said. “Jack and I both freely admit that we have a very special friendship. But that’s it—period.”

  Karen rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  Beth frowned in frustration. She hated it when she had to defend her relationship with Jack to their friends. So it lacked any sexual undertones—why was that so difficult for everyone to understand? This was the nineties, for heaven’s sake. Surely there were plenty of other men and women who shared a special bond that had nothing whatsoever to do with their crawling into bed together. Their friends needed to wake up and smell the variety of coffee out there on the market today. Times had changed, and Beth was proud in knowing that she and Jack were an intricate part of that change. If only some of their friends were so enlightened.

  “Look, Karen,” Beth said a moment later, “if what you believe about Jack and me is so true, then what about his little black book?”

  Karen shrugged. “What about it?”

  “Well, if what you’re trying to imply is true, why does he carry one around with him? And why doesn’t it bother me?”

  Once more, Karen shrugged. “Beats me. As far as I can see, nothing’s standard procedure when it comes to the two of you.” Stopping short, she tilted her head to the side and peered thoughtfully at Beth. “By the way, since you’ve brought up the subject of Jack’s little black book...have you ever seen him actually use it?”

  “Of course, I have. Lots of times,” Beth replied, without the slightest hesitation. After giving herself another moment to think about it, she pulled her eyebrows into a frown. Or had she?

  Of course she had, she told herself a second later. Plenty of times. At the moment, she just couldn’t recall a particular incident where that was true. Given time, she most certainly would. It was just that Karen had her under the gun and, therefore, her brain was scrambled. “Karen, I really don’t have time right now to discuss this with you. Jack’s coming over soon. So could we please drop the subject?”

  “Sure,” Karen replied coolly.

  Taking a deep breath, Beth forced a smile. “Thank you.”

  Hoping that the subject was now officially closed, at least for the time being, Beth began bustling around her brightly lit kitchen, mentally checking off the last-minute things she had to do before Jack would arrive for the gourmet dinner she had planned for them later that night. All the while, though, her stomach was in knots. She wanted this night to be perfect. She had bought Jack’s favorite wine... prepared his favorite foods... and had put his favorite music in the CD player.

  The mood was set. No matter what anyone else thought, her plan was a good one. It could work. It would work.

  It was all up to Jack now.

  Everything—her hopes, her dreams—was banking on her ability to convince Jack that she needed his help. Badly. Desperately. He’d never let her down before. Never. Without question, if anyone could help her, it was Jack.

  Beth set a vase of fresh spring flowers from the florist at the center of the linen-draped table she had set, then stepped back and studied it.

  Standing nearby, Karen began shaking her head from side to side. “Poor guy. Jack is going to be walking head-on into a trap and he doesn’t even have the slightest clue.”

  Ignoring her friend’s comment, Beth frowned thoughtfully as she stepped back a few feet more and carefully inspected the table. “Does it look to you like I’ve covered everything?”

  Karen gazed at the formal setting and then shrugged. “As far as I can tell, everything but the kitchen sink.”

  Deepening her frown, Beth looked up at her friend. “In all honesty, Karen, do you think there’s even the slightest chance that Jack will turn me down?”

  It took Karen a moment to answer, but finally she broke into a reassuring smile. “Look, don’t mind me, honey. I was just being an old fuddy-duddy earlier. If this is what you think you need to do, then go for it.”

  “Oh, Karen,” Beth said, grabbing her friend’s hands and holding onto them for a moment. “Thanks for understanding.”

  Karen’s smile warmed even more. “Sometimes it’s a real challenge to keep up with you, Beth, but I’m trying. In any case, you can take what I’m about to tell you with a grain of salt, but it’s true nonetheless. When Jack arrives, if you just bat those big brown eyes of yours at him like this—” she demonstrated the technique with her own eyes “—he won’t stand a chance. I’ve seen it happen before. He’s putty in your hands
when you look at him like that.”

  “Really?” Beth asked, her dark eyes widening in surprise. “I never noticed.”

  “Of course you haven’t. You’re too busy making sure that everyone knows that you’re simply his best buddy—and not his love interest.”

  Beth gave her friend a mild glare. “Karen...”

  “Okay, okay. I’m finished. In fact, now that I’ve had a moment, I think you’re right. Jack is the perfect choice to father your child.”

  Beth released a deep sigh. “Well now,” she said,

  “see how easy that was.”

  “I’m only changing my mind because I’m hoping that this plan of yours will somehow wake up at least one of you to the truth,” Karen replied. “Otherwise, it looks to me like you two may very well end up going through life as nothing more than friends.”

  “Actually that’s exactly what Jack and I plan to do,” Beth said stubbornly.

  Suddenly Karen glanced down at her wristwatch and gaped. “Good grief, would you look at the time? I’ve got to scoot. Beth, don’t forget about the party tomorrow night at my house. And remind Jack of it, too, will you?”

  “I will,” Beth replied.

  Karen turned abruptly, like a wasp that was suddenly honed in on its prey, and headed for the door. “The dry cleaner down the street closes in fifteen minutes and I won’t have a thing to wear tomorrow if I don’t get there in time to pick up my clothes,” she said, swiping up her leather purse from the kitchen counter.

  Beth followed her friend to the door, a nagging thought from their earlier discussion still on her mind. Suddenly it seemed vitally important to Beth that Karen understand her plan wasn’t going to change anything between herself and Jack. At this point, the last thing she needed was a misunderstanding with Karen. If that were to happen, undoubtedly it would quickly spread like wildfire among their friends. “Karen, listen to me,” Beth said. “I don’t want you getting ideas about me and Jack that are simply not true. Nothing has changed. Jack and I are Mends—period.


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