Marilyn Monroe

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Marilyn Monroe Page 84

by Donald Spoto

  Chinese Theatre (Hollywood)

  Christian Science

  Cieszynski, Ted


  Citron, Herman

  Clark, John

  Clash by Night (Odets)

  Claude Productions

  Clemmons, Jack


  Clift, Montgomery

  Clurman, Harold

  Cohn, Harry

  Cole, Jack

  Coleman, Jerry

  Columbia Studios

  Conover, David

  first meeting with Norma Jeane

  Consolidated Film Industries

  Conte, Richard

  Cook, Alton

  “Cop and the Anthem, The”

  Corbett, Leonora

  Corday, Eliot

  Cornwall, C. Norman

  Corsaro, Frank

  Cotten, Joseph

  Courtney, Elizabeth

  Cowan, Lester

  Cox, Wally

  Crawford, Cheryl

  Crawford, Joan

  Cronyn, Hume

  Crosby, Bing

  Crowther, Bosley

  Crucible, The (Miller)

  Cukor, George

  Curphey, Theodore

  Curtis, Tony

  Dana, Bill

  Dangerous Years

  Daniels, William

  D’Arcy, Alex

  Death of a Salesman (Miller)

  De Cicco, Pat

  de Dienes, André

  Delaney, Frank

  Delgado, Al

  Denny, Reginald

  Dewey, Mrs. (orphanage administrator)

  Diamond, I. A. L.

  “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” (song)

  Dickinson, Angie

  Dietrich, Marlene

  DiMaggio, Dorothy

  DiMaggio, Joe


  divorce from Marilyn

  final decree

  the press and

  after divorce from Marilyn

  Christmas 1961

  Greenson and

  July 1962

  remarriage plans

  end of Marilyn-Natasha relationship and

  first meeting with Marilyn

  after death of Marilyn


  hospitalization of Marilyn and

  marriage to Marilyn

  breakup of

  career issues

  condescension of Joe

  Japan, 1954 trip (1954)

  Monroe-Hecht autobiography project and

  Natasha Lytess and

  physical abuse

  Schaefer-Marilyn relationship and

  The Seven Year Itch

  There’s No Business Like Show Business and

  relationship with Marilyn before marriage

  career issues

  during River of No Return shooting

  wedding to Marilyn

  “Wrong Door Raid” and

  DiMaggio, Joe, Jr.

  Dinesen, Isak

  “Do It Again” (song)

  Don’t Bother to Knock

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor

  Double Cross

  Dougherty, Ethel

  disapproval of Marilyn

  Dougherty, James

  alleged call by Norma Jeane to her father and


  divorce from Norma Jeane

  marriage to Norma Jeane (Marilyn)

  after his return to California (1945)

  during 1943 and 1944

  ceremony and reception

  Glady’s coming to live with Norma Jeane

  household tasks


  his account of

  marriage certificate

  her modeling career and

  origin of idea of

  sexual relationship

  social life

  in Merchant Marines

  physical appearance

  premarital relationship with Norma Jeane

  return to California (1945)

  separation from Norma Jeane

  Dougherty, Marion

  Douglas, Paul

  “Down in the Meadow” (song)

  Dreiser, Theodore

  Dudley, Fredda

  DuMain, Ken

  Dunne, Philip

  Durgom, George

  Duse, Eleanora

  East of Eden (film)

  Ebbins, Milton

  Eddy, Mary Baker

  Eldridge, Florence

  Eley, Gladys Pearl (other names: Monroe, Baker, Mortensen)

  birth of Norma Jeane (Marilyn)

  in a clinic-supervised boardinghouse

  at Consolidated Film Industries

  depression of

  divorce from Baker

  friendship with Grace McKee

  grandfather’s death by suicide and

  house purchased by (1933)

  identity of Norma Jeane’s father

  life with mother

  in Marilyn’s will

  marriage to Baker

  marriage to Mortensen

  mental illness and institutionalization of

  attempt to escape from hospital at Norwalk

  1946 institutionalization

  money for care of

  mother’s death

  myth of family madness and

  in 1946

  1952 letter to Marilyn

  relationship with Norma Jeane (Marilyn)

  foster family, Norma Jeane placed in

  Norma Jeane taken from Bolenders

  visits by mother

  Eley, John Stewart

  Emerson Junior High School

  Engelberg, Hyman

  Engleburg, Charlotte

  Enright, Dorothy

  Evans, Reginald

  Ewell, Tom

  Famous Artists Agency

  Farberow, Norman

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  file on Marilyn

  Miller and

  Feldman, Charles

  breaking of contract with

  Fox-Monroe contract disputes and

  Feldman, Phil

  Fell, Fifi

  Fergus, John

  Field, Betty

  Field, Fred Vanderbilt

  Fields, Leila

  “Fine Romance, A” (song)

  Fireball, The

  Fishbaugh, E. C.

  Fitzgerald, Ella

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Flaherty, Vincent X.

  Flanagan, Agnes

  Flynn, Errol

  Fox. See Twentieth Century–Fox

  Fox, William

  Franklin, Joe

  French, Hugh

  Freud, Anna

  Freud, Ernst

  Freud, Sigmund

  Fried, William. See Fox, William

  Frosch, Aaron

  Frosch, John

  Gable, Clark

  Gable, Kay

  Gang, Martin

  Gardel, Bunny

  Garland, Judy

  Gaynor, Janet

  Gazzo, Michael

  Genn, Leo

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

  Giancana, Sam

  Giesler, Jerry

  Giffen family

  Gifford, Charles Stanley

  Gilels, Emil

  Giventer, Harry

  Glamour Preferred (play)

  Glass, Bea

  Goddard, Eleanor (Bebe)


  relationship with Norma Jeane (Marilyn)

  Goddard, Ervin Silliman (Doc)

  attempt to sexually abuse Norma Jeane

  personal characteristics

  Goddard, Grace McKee


  Doc Goddard and

  Jean Harlow as seen by

  Gladys Monroe and

  move back to California

  Norma Jeane (Marilyn) and

  Chicago visit by Norma Jeane

  James Dougherty–Norma Jeane relationship

  guardianship sought by Grace

>   Jean Harlow as model for Norma Jeane

  letter of June 15, 1944, from Norma Jeane

  marriage of Norma Jeane to Jim Dougherty

  motives of Grace

  move to West Virginia

  movie star, Grace’s idea of Norma Jeane as

  1946 contract with Twentieth Century–Fox

  Norma Jeane sent to live with relatives (1937)

  visits to orphanage

  physical appearance

  Goddard, Nona. See Lawrance, Jody

  Goddess (Summers)

  Goldenberg Galleries (Beverly Hills)

  Golden Boy (Odets)

  “Golden Dreams” calendar

  1952 scandal over

  Golden Globe Award (1962)

  Goldschmidt, Lena

  Goldstein, Robert

  Goodman, Ezra

  Goodwin, Richard

  Goslar, Lotter

  Gould, Milton

  Grable, Betty

  Graf, William

  Graham, Sheilah

  Grainger, Charles

  Grandison, Lionel

  Grant, Allan

  Grant, Cary

  Grauman, Sid

  Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. See Chinese Theatre

  Graves, Lyle Arthur

  Greene, Amy

  marriage to Miller and

  Greene, Milton


  affair with Marilyn

  Arthur Miller and

  Bus Stop and

  country home

  disaffection and breakup of relationship with Marilyn

  Marilyn Monroe Productions (MMP) and

  Marilyn’s marriage to Miller and

  1954–1955 photographs of Marilyn

  The Prince and the Showgirl and

  Greenson, Daniel

  Greenson, Hildi

  Greenson, Joan

  Greenson, Ralph

  anger of


  death of Marilyn and

  departure for trip abroad

  dismissal of, Marilyn’s contemplation of

  drug taking by Marilyn and

  Eunice Murray and

  facial injuries of Marilyn and

  house purchase by Marilyn and

  Joe DiMaggio and

  letter of March 1 and 2, 1961, to

  Something’s Got to Give and

  Grey, Sabin

  Group Theater

  Guastafeste, Al

  Guilaroff, Sidney

  Guiles, Fred Lawrence

  Gurdin, Michael–8

  Guthman, Edwin

  Halsman, Philippe

  Hammes, Betsy Duncan

  Harlow, Jean

  change of name to


  as Grace McKee’s model for Norma Jeane

  as model for Marilyn

  parallels between lives of Marilyn and

  personal characteristics

  project for film on life of

  Haspiel, James

  Hathaway, Henry

  Haver, June

  Hawks, Howard

  Hayden, Harry

  Health of Marilyn Monroe

  during adolescence


  during Bus Stop shooting

  chronic endometriosis


  gynecological problems


  “Heat Wave” (song)

  Hecht, Ben

  My Story ghostwritten by

  writing achievements

  Hecht, Rose

  Henderson, A. S.

  Herbert, F. Hugh

  Hitchcock, Alfred

  Hoffman, Irving

  Hogan, George

  Hogan, Jennie Nance

  Hogan, Sarah Owens

  Hogan, Tilford Marion

  suicide of

  Hohenberg, Margaret

  Holga Steel Company

  Holliday, Judy

  Hollywood Foreign Press Association

  Hollywood Museum Associates

  “Hollywood Star Playhouse” (radio program)

  Hollywood Ten

  Home Town Story

  Hook, The (Miller)

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley

  Hopper, Hedda

  Hornblow, Arthur

  House Un-American Activities Committee

  Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Chester

  How to Be Very, Very Popular

  How To Marry a Millionaire

  Hoyt, Carolyn

  Hughes, Howard

  Hull, Gen. John E.

  Hurrell, George

  Huston, Angelica

  Huston, John


  stunts and

  Hyams, Joe

  Hyde, Johnny


  Iannone, Marvin

  I Love Louisa (proposed film)

  “I’m Gonna File My Claim” (song)

  Institute for Sex Research

  Ishii, Tom

  Jackson, Anne

  Jacobs, Arthur

  Jacobs, Natalie Trundy

  Japan, 1954 trip to

  Jean Harlow Story, The (proposed film)

  Jeffries, Keith

  Jeffries, Norman

  Jergens, Adele

  Johnson, Erskine

  Johnson, Nunnally

  Jones, Harmon

  Jordan, Ted

  Kafka, Franz

  Kanter, Hal

  Kanter, Jay

  Karger, Fred

  Kauffmann, Stanley

  Kazan, Elia

  affair with Marilyn

  Miller-Marilyn relationship and

  Kellerman, Annette

  Kelley, Natalie

  Kelley, Tom

  Kennedy, Ethel

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John F.

  birthday gala for (1962)

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  allegations of affair with Marilyn

  Kenton, Stan

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kilgallen, Dorothy

  Kingsley, Sidney

  Kinney, Abbot

  Kinsey, Alfred R.

  Kirkland, Douglas

  “Kiss” (song)

  Knebelkamp, Enid

  Knight, Esmond

  Korda, Michael

  Kotz, Florence

  Krasna, Norman

  Krekes, Tibor

  Krim, Arthur

  Krim, Mathilde

  Kris, Marianne

  hospitalization of Marilyn and

  Krohn, Leon, M.D.

  Kuchel, Thomas H.

  Kupchik, George

  LaClair, Philip

  Ladies of the Chorus

  Landau, Mr. and Mrs. Abe

  Lang, Fritz

  Lang, Walter

  Lange, Hope

  Laughton, Charles

  Lawford, Patricia

  Lawford, Peter

  on day of Marilyn’s death

  Lawrance, Jody

  Lederer, Charles

  Legion of Decency

  Lehman, Ernest

  Leigh, Vivien

  LeMaire, Charles

  Lembourn, Hans

  Lemmon, Jack

  Leonardi, Peter

  Let’s Make It Legal

  Let’s Make Love

  Levathes, Peter G.

  dismissal of Marilyn and

  Levine, George

  Levy, Alan

  Lewis, Robert

  Libeled Lady

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lingenfelder, Benjamin

  Lipton, Harry

  Litman, Robert

  Loeb, John

  Logan, Joshua

  Lombard, Charles

  Loos, Anita

  Los Angeles Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission

  Los Angeles Orphans Home

  Losman, Marian (later Zaich)

  Louis, Jean

  Love Happy

  Lovell, Gloria

  Love Nest (movie)

  Lower, Edith Ana Atch


  Norma Jeane’s return to home of

  Lower, Edmund H. (Will)

  Lyon, Ben

  choice of name “Marilyn Monroe” and

  Lytess, Natasha

  as acting coach

  The Asphalt Jungle

  Clash by Night

  contracts with Fox

  Don’t Bother to Knock

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

  How To Marry a Millionaire

  motivation and thought, emphasis on

  raise demanded by Marilyn

  River of No Return

  There’s No Business Like Show Business

  apartment shared with

  attempt by Marilyn to contact her father and

  DiMaggio-Marilyn relationship and

  on divorce of Marilyn and DiMaggio

  end of Marilyn’s relationship with

  house purchased by

  love for Marilyn

  Marilyn’s refusal to see (1956)

  as surrogate mother

  McCarthy, Frank

  McCarthy, Kevin

  McCullers, Carson

  McGrew, Charles

  McKee, Grace. See Goddard, Grace McKee

  McKee, John Wallace

  McKnight, Marian

  McPherson, Aimee Semple

  Mailer, Norman

  Malneck, Matty

  Manhattan Merry-Go-Round

  Mankiewicz, Joseph L.

  Mansfield, Jayne

  March, Frederic

  Marilyn: The Last Take (Brown and Barham)

  Marilyn and Me (television movie)

  Marilyn (Mailer)

  Marilyn Monroe Productions (MMP)

  Arthur Miller and

  Fox suit against

  Milton Greene and

  Rosenfeld and

  Marilyn Remembered

  “Marilyn” (song)

  Markle, Lester

  Marshall, Don

  Martin, Dean

  Martin, Ida

  Marx, Groucho

  Marx Brothers

  Masters, George

  Mayer, Louis B.

  Maysles, David

  MCA (Music Corporation of America)

  Melson, Inez

  Men in White (Kingsley)

  Meryman, Richard

  Method, The

  MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)

  Jean Harlow and

  Miller, Arthur


  contempt citation against

  The Crucible

  Death of a Salesman

  divorce from Marilyn

  divorce from Mary Grace Slattery

  early meetings with Marilyn

  House Un-American Activities Committee and

  Let’s Make Love and

  Marilyn Monroe Productions (MMP) and

  marriage to Marilyn


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