Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series

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Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series Page 6

by A. J. Markam

  Apparently, it was the first time Alaria had heard about them, either.

  “What the hell is a robot?” she asked, perplexed.

  “A mechanical automaton made of metal! They are the future I spoke of earlier! The ones who attend to my lair are humanoid, obviously, but robots can be any shape, size, or form. Their appearance is only limited by the imagination – and mine is unlimited!”

  Good God, the ego on this guy.

  We came to a dark alcove jutting off the main tunnel. Orlo stopped next to a metal rocker switch set into the stone wall.

  “The robots you have seen walking past us are but my first – yet admittedly brilliant – foray into the field. However, I have created something that will render them merely a footnote to my brilliant exploits!”

  The gnome waved his hands theatrically, then threw the switch. “BEHOLD!”

  Lights blazed overhead, illuminating the alcove and what stood within it.

  As I stood there staring at his newest creation, I had to admit – the little fucker might be on to something.

  It was a robotic version of a succubus. She was made of gleaming, burnished metal – and every bit as gorgeous as her flesh-and-blood counterparts.

  Her skin was smooth and flawless. Her hair was darker than the rest of her silver skin, and was basically black metal sculpted to look like curly tresses. Two silver horns projected from her forehead and curved gracefully into the air.

  Her eyes were frosted glass and glowed a faint yellow. Her face was beautifully sculpted, with a thin nose, high cheekbones, and curving lips. Her amused smile reminded me of the Mona Lisa – except that she actually looked hot.

  The rest of her was hot, too. She had toned arms and a slender neck. Sexy stilettoes graced her tiny feet. Her waist was freakishly small under her black leather corset, which Orlo had apparently borrowed from Soraiya’s wardrobe.

  One thing she didn’t have were wings. Her back was completely devoid of them, although she did have a metallic, prehensile tail that ended in a triangle.

  Her most noticeable feature by far, though, were her breasts.

  Which were GINORMOUS.

  Up until this point, Alaria had the largest breasts I had ever seen in real life.

  Actually, I should qualify that: Alaria had the largest, most beautiful real breasts I’d ever seen on a thin chick. 300-pound women with droopy hangers and porn stars with basketball-sized implants didn’t count.

  Alaria was far beyond the realm of Double D’s. Triple E’s, maybe, or even Triple F’s.

  But this robot… good God Almighty.

  If Alaria was the Rocky Mountains, then the robot chick had a couple of Mt. Everests.

  Her metal bazongas were at least 50% bigger than my crimson succubus’s. And they were shapely, too – beautifully rounded, and right on the verge of busting out of her bustier.

  I wasn’t the only one who noticed them.

  “I see you’re still fond of tits bigger than you are, Orlo,” Alaria remarked drily.

  Apparently the gnome didn’t see that as a ‘short joke,’ because he launched into an impassioned rant.

  “Aren’t they magnificent?! I had over 170 models come here to pose, and let me tell you, that was some prime research!” The gnome chortled lasciviously. “170 pairs of wonderful breasts! I graphed them, mapped them, charted them, weighed them, made molds of them, and experimented endlessly to find the perfect balance between pendulous and firm, and the end result is what you see before you: the perfect breasts! With customizable nipples!”

  “Why in the Seven Hells would you need to customize her nipples?” Alaria asked disdainfully.

  “Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to recreate the way biological nipples grow erect when aroused – yet. In the meantime, I have interchangeable nipples for whatever mood I find myself in! Sometimes I enjoy them flat and unobtrusive, and sometimes I like them hard and pointy!”

  Alaria stared at him. “Are you saying this is a – ”

  “A sexual robot, yes!” Orlo cried out happily. “I call it a ‘sexbot’!”

  Alaria frowned in bewilderment, then pointed at Soraiya. “But you have a real one right THERE!”

  “Well, yes, but – she doesn’t have customizable nipples, does she?”

  “She does if you get her turned on!”

  Orlo waved his hand dismissively. “Bah! The sexbot has far more options – trust me!”

  Alaria made a disgusted face. “So you have sex with it?”

  “Well, no, not yet… I’ve still been integrating her personality cortex. Vara, come online!”

  The robot’s eyes glowed a brighter yellow, and suddenly she smiled.

  “Hello, Master Orlo,” the robot said in a digitized but beautifully feminine voice. Her metal lips moved flawlessly, as supple and expressive as normal skin. “How may I serve you?”

  Stig, Alaria, and I all flinched in shock – not because the robot was threatening, but because she was so lifelike.

  “Vara,” Orlo said gleefully, “walk over to this other gentleman and let him sample your wares!”

  By ‘other gentleman,’ he apparently meant me. Vara cozied up to me and pressed her breasts against my side.

  As gorgeous as her rack looked, though, it felt like two giant, metal ball bearings were pressed up against me. Nice to look at, not so much to touch.

  “Like this, Master Orlo?” the robot asked.

  “Yes, exactly like that!”

  “How did you get her lips and face to move so realistically?” I asked in amazement. “I mean, she is made out of metal, isn’t she?”

  Orlo beamed, delighted that I had noticed his handiwork. “Her skin is a micro-steel mesh, so fine that it is invisible to the naked eye! Now – touch her derriere!”


  “Go on, touch it!” Orlo commanded me. He reached up, grabbed my hand, and slapped it on the robot’s bare metal ass, which had only a tiny leather thong between the cheeks. “Get a really good grip!”

  I complied, though I was a little embarrassed. It wasn’t every day that I was ordered to fondle a woman in front of an audience.

  Once I had a handful, though, it was definitely a pleasant experience.

  I once temped in a building that had glass doors in the main lobby. The handles were silky-smooth metal bars that tapered sensuously, from bigger to smaller and back to bigger again. They were kind of a turn-on to touch, in an abstract sort of way – like they’d been modeled after the female body with all its curves. Every time I put my hands on the door handles, I liked to run my fingers over them.

  Not that I would have admitted that to my co-workers at the time.

  That’s sort of what touching the robot’s ass was like: sensual… pleasing to the touch… sexy in a weird way… and surprisingly –

  “Warm,” I commented.

  “Yes!” Orlo cried out like he was having a mini-orgasm. “I installed her own internal heating apparatus so she’s always the perfect temperature! No more heart-stopping moments when she slips into your bed on a cold winter’s night!”

  “I thought you hadn’t slept with her yet,” Alaria said accusingly.

  “Well… not this particular model,” Orlo conceded. “But the prototypes before her, in winter? Brrrrrr.”


  As I stood there fondling the robot’s ass, enjoying the sensual curve of her cheeks, I looked up.

  Alaria was standing there with her arms crossed across her chest, a disgruntled expression on her face.


  “Like what you feel?” she asked in irritation.

  “Uhhh… it’s okay,” I said, and withdrew my hand.

  “‘Okay’?! ‘OKAY’?!” Orlo fumed. “Vara is perfection itself!”

  “We’ll see about that,” Alaria said, and stalked over to the robot. She took the metal succubus away from me, put her arm around the automaton’s ridiculously tiny waist, pulled her in tight, and laid a massive kiss on the robot’s lips.
r />   Vara seemed shocked at first – and then gave in willingly. She curled her arms around Alaria’s neck and kissed her back.

  Then Alaria upped the ante.

  She pulled down the front of Vara’s corset, exposing her gorgeous metal breasts.

  Holy SHIT.

  Orlo really had done his homework, because her tits were nearly perfect. They were over-the-top huge, yes, but they were lusciously round and sloping, with a heavier underside. And the customizable nipples? Niiiiice. The perfectly round areolas were a darker, grayer color than her skin, and stood out beautifully against the shiny silver. The nipples were somewhere between turned on and completely relaxed, and stuck out about a quarter inch.

  The only bad thing about her breasts was they didn’t move, sway, or jiggle, and instead stayed fixed and immobile.

  But still, they looked pretty damn nice.

  Alaria immediately ran her hand over the robot’s left breast and began to rub its nipple.

  Orlo looked conflicted, like he was enjoying the show but didn’t want other kids playing with his toys. “Um… I don’t know if – ”

  “Mmmmmm,” the robot murmured into Alaria’s mouth as they French kissed.

  “Never mind,” Orlo said, and continued to watch in amazement.

  Orlo was starting to pitch a gnome-sized pup tent under his robes. Not that I was trying to look, but gnomes apparently have proportionally small erections – more like a baby gherkin than a dill pickle.

  Just sayin’.

  He wasn’t the only one getting turned on – my own pants were getting quite a bit tighter. I even noticed that Soraiya’s mouth was hanging open, and her bat wings quivered the tiniest bit.

  Then Alaria took it even further.

  As she continued to make out with Vara, my succubus slipped her hand inside the robot’s black panties and began to move her fingers.

  “Wait, I don’t – oh my,” Orlo murmured.

  “MMMMMM,” the robot moaned as it kissed Alaria.

  Meanwhile, my succubus’s hand was moving faster and faster beneath the panties.

  Vara’s entire body vibrated like a piece of washing machine on spin cycle. Sparks began to pop! out of her silver ears, followed by wisps of smoke. Her glowing yellow eyes flickered, then went dark as her entire body went limp.

  My succubus withdrew her arm from around the robot’s waist, and the metal body dropped and hit the floor with a CRASH!

  Alaria couldn’t have done a more effective mic-drop if she’d tried.

  “Needs work,” she said in a bored voice.

  “Yes, well, obviously, there are improvements to be made,” Orlo grumbled, refusing to look Alaria in the eyes.

  Alaria gave a victorious smirk. “Face it, Orlo – some things are always better in flesh and blood.”

  “We’ll see,” the gnome said, and a strange smile played briefly over his face. “Let’s go, I need to show you where you’ll be staying for the night.”


  Orlo led us to a bedroom that branched off a smaller tunnel. For a room cut into bedrock a hundred feet underground, it was pretty luxurious. There was polished onyx furniture, including a stone bedframe with a down mattress and soft sheets. Enchanted crystals lit the room with a soft glow. And though there weren’t any windows, a ten-foot portion of one wall was missing so that we could have a view of an underground cavern with a waterfall, all of it lit by bioluminescent mushrooms. It was surprisingly beautiful.

  Stig waddled around the room sniffing at everything like a dog, and even climbed over the faux windowsill into the waterfall area.

  “I’ll send Soraiya for you in the morning, and we’ll all have breakfast,” Orlo said as he gestured to the plum-colored succubus. Then he chuckled. “Maybe I can even convince you to rethink this whole vengeance nonsense.”

  “Don’t count on it,” Alaria retorted.

  “Well, then at least we can all have one more meal together before my impending doom,” Orlo laughed condescendingly, the way you might treat a three-year-old who said she was going to beat you at arm wrestling. “In the meantime, sleep tight!”

  He and Soraiya left the room and pulled the carved oak door shut behind them.

  I threw the wooden bolt to lock the door, then waited until I heard the muffled click click click of Soraiya’s heels disappear. When the sound was gone, I turned to Alaria, who had plopped down on the bed. “Are you getting a really weird vibe off of all of this?”

  “Very weird,” she agreed. She was lying on her side, her head propped up by her hand and the curve of her waist and hips forming a beautiful crimson landscape. “Although Orlo’s relatively odd to begin with, so I don’t know how much of it is weirdness from before that I just don’t remember, and how much of it is new weirdness.”

  “I… yeah,” I said, entranced by the bare skin between her bikini top and thong underwear.

  Alaria clicked her fingers in the air. “Focus,” she said, though she smirked playfully as she did it. She knew full well the effect she had on me, and she loved it.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled. “What’s with the weird robot servants? Did he have those when you were here?”

  “No. He still had his demons back then.”

  I thought about the black-robed figures and their mirrored masks. There was something incredibly familiar about them, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. As I’d seen over and over again – from Hark Silo, to our Vizzini-like host – the game designers reveled in pop culture references, so the servants were probably drawn from somewhere… but I just couldn’t place them.

  Spider-Man’s villain Mysterio, the one with the fishbowl helmet? He wore green and purple, not black, and he had no hood. Plus, he talked. No, it had to be something else.

  I shuddered. “There’s something about them that’s just… I don’t know. Creepy.”

  “Very creepy,” Alaria agreed as she rolled over onto her back – which caused her breasts to spread out magnificently. They were so firm that they still stood up five inches in the air, pressing against her black leather bra.

  “I… uh…” I muttered as I stared at her chest.

  She grinned. “You just can’t think when certain things are on display, can you?”

  “It’s hard,” I admitted.

  Her eyes dropped to my pants. “I’ll bet it is.”

  Then she smiled seductively and crooked one finger at me in a come here gesture.

  I willingly obliged, crawling across the bed towards her, until I was right above her. I lowered my head, my lips seeking out hers –

  “Ugh,” Stig groaned. “Awkward.”

  We both looked over to see his head above the stone windowsill at the end of the room.

  “Go play in the waterfall,” I ordered him.

  “I want to sleep,” the imp pouted.

  “Well go sleep under the waterfall, then.”

  “You ALWAYS – ”

  He fwap-fwap-fwapped his finger through the OK sign.

  “Can you NOT – ”


  “ – for ONE night?”

  I sighed in irritation. “Maybe we can get Orlo to get you your own – ”

  Suddenly there was a quick rapping at the door, soft but frenetic.

  I looked at Alaria, who was lying beneath me. She stared back.

  We immediately jumped up from the bed and struck defensive poses.

  “Get ready for anything,” I whispered, and she nodded. “You too, Stig.”

  He leapt over the windowsill and conjured a fireball in the palm of his hand.

  I put my hand on the wooden bolt… looked at the others… silently mouthed, One, two, THREE –

  Then threw the bolt and flung the door open.

  But instead of Orlo, there stood Soraiya, a look of desperation on her face.

  She rushed in and threw her arms around Alaria.

  “Please,” she sobbed. “Please, you have to get me out of here.”


Alaria and I exchanged confused looks as she patted Soraiya’s back consolingly.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked the plum-colored succubus.

  “What’s wrong?! I’m enslaved to an insane gnome, that’s what’s wrong! All he cares about are his robots! He banished all of his demons years ago, so it’s just me down here with him. He only keeps me around to fulfill his twisted sexual fantasies – until he perfects his sexbots,” she said in disgust – which rapidly changed to a look of longing as she gazed into Alaria’s eyes. “I haven’t actually touched another living being besides Orlo for… I don’t know how long…”

  I had sort of been wondering, what with two succubi around, how long it would take for them to start hitting on each other.

  Not long, apparently.

  Alaria’s eyes dropped to Soraiya’s pouting lips, then down to her breasts bound tight by the corset.

  Soraiya brushed a strand of hair back from Alaria’s face, and they both stared longingly into each other’s eyes.

  Now I knew what Stig felt like when Alaria and I started to get busy.


  “Ahem,” I said, interrupting the eye-fucking.

  Both succubi looked over at me with a hint of annoyance.

  “I can free you, if you like. I’ll have to attack you, unfortunately, and nearly kill you – ”

  “You can’t,” Soraiya said unhappily. “Orlo anticipated your offer, so he cast a spell on me where he can tell if I’m attacked. He’ll show up before you can finish freeing me, and then he’ll destroy us all.”

  “If you want to be free, then,” Alaria said, “that means you’re going to have to help us figure out a way to kill him.”

  The plum-colored succubus nodded her head vigorously. “Of course. Anything to get out of here. Anything.” Her eyes dropped back down to Alaria’s lips again, and she whispered, “The things you did to that robot… I can’t tell you how long I’ve fantasized about someone doing those things to me…”

  “Ahem,” I coughed.

  Both succubi looked over at me again, even more annoyed by my intrusion.


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