Death Bringer sj-2

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Death Bringer sj-2 Page 10

by Kate Pearce

  “But why? Liz thinks—”

  Ella sat up straighter. “What’s Liz got to do with it? Is all this coming from her?”

  “She’s seeing a lot of connections between Vadim and Adam in her Fae-Web. Serious connections.”

  “So? He said they shared some of the same bloodlines. Doesn’t that account for it?” Feehan studied her carefully and she felt herself blushing. “What?”

  “She also insists that you and Vadim are, um, closer than you admit to being.” He held up his hand. “I have to say I found that part a bit difficult to swallow, until I noticed how vigorously you’ve been defending him over the past couple of days.”

  “Do you think he’s controlling me with his magic?”

  “God forbid, just that you might be—” Feehan was beet-red now and struggling to meet her gaze,”—physically intimate, and as you are close to your twenty-seventh birthday, you might not be reacting in an emotionally secure way.”

  “You think I’m like a sex-crazed teen who will do anything to protect her man?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Wow.” She stared at Feehan for a long moment. “Well, that was ballsy.”

  “I know, I can’t believe I said it. But Ella, I’m your boss. I don’t want this team imploding during an important investigation.”

  He’d impressed her. Who’d have thought it? Now she had to decide how to respond. There was only one answer.

  “I suppose I should tell you something important.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Morosov is my Otherworld-approved mate.”


  “I have the paperwork somewhere, if you want to check it out. I’m not infatuated with him, I’m mated to him. That means my empath gifts are working just fine, and I’m in no danger of going nuts next week. It also means I can connect with Morosov’s mind, and he isn’t the killer.”

  Feehan kept gawping at her.

  She waved her hand in front of his face. “Boss? Are you okay? I’m telling you this in the strictest confidence, because I don’t want you imagining all this other stuff is a problem. You know me, I wouldn’t lie to you and compromise a case.”

  She supposed at this point she should vouch for Vadim’s integrity too, but she didn’t want to inhibit him. He definitely was hiding stuff. Hopefully she’d said enough to keep Feehan happy at least for a while.

  He reached for her hand and awkwardly patted it. “Well, I’m very pleased for you—I think. Vadim is...”

  “Well equipped to deal with me. I think that’s what you’re trying to say, isn’t it?”

  His smile was wary. “Something like that.”

  “Seriously, boss, Morosov and I want to solve this case. If I thought he was the murderer, I sure as hell would tell you.”

  “Then what do you think is going on?”

  “I think this Adam guy is trying to draw attention away from himself and onto Vadim to confuse us. And it’s working. But at least this time we’re better prepared for when Adam comes back.”

  “He’ll be back?”

  “You have to assume he’ll want to complete his task and force Ms. Phelps to kill herself.”

  “Hopefully we’ll be able to stop that this time.”

  “Ms. Walsh, what the fuck are you doing?”

  She slammed down her shields. “I’m sure we will. Shall we go back now?”

  Feehan left her at the door to Ms. Phelps’s room, and she braced herself for what lay within. Vadim was leaning back against the wall, arms crossed. His expression wasn’t encouraging and his eyes were narrowed to icy blue chips. The temperature in the room dropped below freezing, and a couple of black feathers swirled in the air.

  Oh, crap.

  “Ms. Walsh.”

  “Morosov.” She gestured at the bed. “No change here, then?”


  She sighed. “For God’s sake, stop sulking. I had to tell Feehan something. Between him and Liz, you were starting to figure as a shoo-in for the killer.”

  “So you told him we were mated?”

  “It was better than telling him about your connections with Adam and the Otherworld sect, wasn’t it? I had to choose the lesser of two evils.”

  “Our mating is an ‘evil’ now?”

  “Don’t split hairs, you know what I mean.” She glared at him. “I thought you’d be pleased. You’re the one who’s always complaining that I don’t take it seriously or want to tell anyone.”

  “You didn’t share the news because you were happy about it. You shared it to get yourself out of an awkward confrontation.”

  She shot to her feet and advanced toward him, batting a few feathers out of her way. “I shared it to get you out of an awkward situation, you dumbass.”

  He stared down at her and she shook her head and turned away. “You’re such an idiot sometimes, Morosov.”


  He reached for her, but she shook him off and marched right out of the room. She should have agreed with everything Feehan suggested and let Vadim sort it out from his Otherworld prison cell. She halted in the hallway. Where the hell was she going? She’d agreed to share the night shift with him.

  She started walking again. He’d be fine while she got herself something nice and sugary to eat at the cafeteria. When she calmed down, she’d go back, and maybe, if he had any sense, he’d be the one to leave for a while...

  The door to the janitor’s office to her right opened and she instinctively went for her weapon.

  “It’s all right, Ella, it’s only me.” Rossa’s head appeared around the door and he beckoned to her. “Come in here!”

  She glanced around and then followed him into the small, crowded space, which smelled of disinfectant, damp rags and skin-stripping chemicals.

  “What do you want?”

  He blinked at her. “I got the impression you wanted to talk to me.”

  “From where?”

  “You used my name.”


  His smile was blinding. “You’re family now, and I heard you. Now, what did you want?”

  Ella studied his beautiful face. Up close he was even more stunning. His eyes were honeyed silver and his mouth begged to be kissed. She wanted to stroke the pure white feathers that covered parts of his skin. Mentally, she gave herself a slap. Number one, she knew better than to be taken in by Fae glamour. Number two, Vadim would probably kill them both if she laid a single finger on his relative. But Rossa was here with her, all nice and tight and up close in the janitor’s closet, so she might as well make use of him.

  “Do you know anything about an ancient Otherworld sect that competes to collect things?”

  Rossa shifted his stance and his wings rustled, almost dislodging some of the bottles on the shelves. “What sort of things?”

  “I think you know. They tend to collect groups of three.”

  His face paled. “I...don’t know anything about that.”

  “If Morosov knows of them, I’m sure you do too. My question is, why are they collecting stuff in my world, and what does it have to do with my partner?”

  “I have no idea.”

  She stared into his eyes for as long as she could. “If you’re lying to me, all I have to do is take a peek in your mind and I’ll know.”

  He flinched away. “Don’t touch me, Soul Sucker.”

  “Then tell me what’s going on. Does this have something to do with Morosov’s family wanting him back in Otherworld?”

  “Not all of them want him back.”

  “But those that do.”

  “It’s highly likely his family are involved somewhere, but the sect plays by its own rules and doesn’t listen to anyone.”

  “So the two things could be totally separate.” Ella sighed. “You’re not much help, are you?”

  “I’m too afraid of your mate to be much help.” He studied her face. “It’s a shame he got to you first. I should imagine you are very creative in bed for a human.”

>   “Well I certainly like sex.”

  Rossa grinned. “Cygnet is a lucky male, then. When he is executed, perhaps you will allow me to console you.”

  “Why do you assume he’ll be executed?”

  “Because one way or another they’ll force him back to Otherworld to answer for his crimes.” His smile faded. “And he won’t be allowed to escape his fate a second time.”

  “Are you suggesting he’s already a tried and convicted man?”

  “Didn’t he mention that? Crimes against the Royal blood, especially when it’s your own line, are definitely frowned upon.” He looked back at the door. “I have to go.”

  “Don’t tell me Morosov’s spotted you?”

  “No, it’s something worse than that. You’re the one who sucks out emotions. Can’t you feel it?” He shivered and all his feathers stood up on end.

  “Just tell me one more thing. Do you know this Adam who is stealing human faces?”

  “Is that what he’s calling himself now?” Rossa started to disappear. “Whoever he is, I’m not staying around to see him.”

  “He’s here? Rossa, wait!”

  But it was too late, the Fae had already gone, leaving her in the closet alone.

  * * *


  After the door shut behind Ella, Vadim cursed as quietly as he could. Why was she so contrary? And why had she told Feehan about their being mated? He took a long, slow breath and contemplated the still figure on the bed. Ms. Phelps couldn’t be left alone, so he couldn’t even chase Ella down. Tentatively, he touched his mate’s mind, but her shields held firm. He could get through them, but he didn’t want to force the issue.

  Especially when he’d made a complete ass of himself...

  She’d told Feehan they were mated to protect him?

  There was no other explanation, and he’d gone and made her feel bad about it. All this recent contact with the immorality of Otherworld was making him as paranoid as his parents. He wasn’t used to dealing with someone who literally said what she thought and acted accordingly, whether he liked it or not. No wonder the whole of Otherworld was scared of her...

  He leaned his head back and banged it on the wall. When he opened his eyes, Ms. Phelps was sitting bolt upright and staring at something at the end of the bed—something that shimmered and bent the air into different shapes.

  Vadim held up his hand, and a shield instantly surrounded Ms. Phelps.

  “A little help here, partner?” Politeness forgotten, he shoved the message into Ella’s mind.

  Coldness pushed at his magic, trying to find a way in, and he strengthened the barrier. As he advanced toward the bed, the shape materialized into the distinct form of a man.

  “You can’t beat me in this realm, Adam, or whatever you are calling yourself these days.”

  Laughter rang in a discordant note that made Vadim want to cover his ears. “You’re wrong, little cygnet. I’ve grown up.”

  “You’re dead.”

  “Am I?”

  “I killed you. Nothing I kill survives, so who are you really, behind that mask?”

  “I’m coming in.”

  Ella, just outside the door. “Do it slowly.”

  He couldn’t afford to look at her. His power was already being tested too much.

  “What do you want, Adam?”

  “My trophy.”

  “You can’t have her.”

  “You can’t stop me.”

  “Obviously, I can. Ella, do you see him?”

  “Barely. What do you want me to do?”

  “Can you access his thoughts?”

  The bright image wavered. “Stand back, Soul Sucker. This is not yet your battle.”

  “Sure it is. You’re in my world and you’re killing my people.” She took another step forward. “I’ve got a vague sense of him. He doesn’t like you at all, does he, Morosov?”

  “That’s because I executed him. Can you find out who he really is?”

  “If you want.” She stretched out her hand toward the distortion.

  “If she tries to touch me, cygnet, I’ll—”

  Ella staggered and almost went down. In that instant of confusion, Adam simply disappeared, leaving Vadim cursing in Russian, Fae and every other language he could remember.

  “What the hell was that?” Ella gasped.


  “God, when he touched me, it hurt!”

  “I know. I felt it.”

  He helped her to sit in the only chair and knelt in front of her. “I apologize. I didn’t realize he would affect you like that.”

  “It’s okay. I’m fine now. I shouldn’t have attempted to touch him.” She cupped his cheek. “But Morosov, what the hell? He does look like you.”

  “In this form, yes. That’s why I wanted you to find out what lay beneath.”

  “Do you think he’s after you as well as his trophies?”

  “I have to assume so. Someone wants me involved in this case whether I want it or not. Why else would they use an image I’m familiar with?”

  “An image of yourself.”

  “Close enough.” He sighed and moved his head until his mouth brushed her fingers. “I wish I could say that was the end of this, but I’m sure he’ll be back.”

  “Next time I won’t try and touch him.” She shivered. “I can still access his mind, though.”

  He stood up. “I should be able to do that by myself, now I’ve gained your skill set.”

  “It takes a while to get used to the idea, doesn’t it? It’s a bit like your power for me.” She frowned. “We haven’t had a lot of time to share our skills, though.”

  “Not really.”

  It was hard to believe he’d only known her for a few short weeks. He couldn’t imagine his life without her now, and Adam had just touched her.

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine now, why?” Her expression changed. “Hell, he didn’t take my face, did he?”

  “No. He probably didn’t have time.”

  Her hand flew to her cheek. “How can I keep him out?”

  “He won’t be able to overpower you as long as our minds are linked together.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Absolutely.” He checked that the shield around Ms. Phelps was stable again and then went across and took Ella’s hand in his. “You smell like Fae.”

  “Like Adam, you mean?”

  He inhaled slowly. “No, Rossa. Was he here?”

  “He might have popped in.”

  He raised her chin so that she had to look into his eyes. “You didn’t tell him anything, did you?”

  “Like what? He already knows the important bits.”

  “Don’t trust him, Ella. Everything you say will be reported to Otherworld.” She blinked and he forced himself to keep calm. “He might look like an angel, but he’s as devious as the devil.”

  “I know that. What are we going to do about Ms. Phelps?”

  “We’ll just have to stay here and keep her safe.”

  “And stop Adam getting to her.”

  “Exactly.” He kissed the top of her head and released her. “He won’t be back for a while. Why don’t you go down to the cafeteria and get us both some coffee?”

  * * *

  Ella woke with a start and fumbled for her weapon.

  “What’s up?”

  Beside her, Vadim was staring intently at the space around Ms. Phelps. It was dark in the room, and the unnatural play of light around the bed was startlingly obvious. Ms. Phelps was sitting upright, her mouth open as if she were silently screaming.

  “Something’s wrong.”


  “My magic’s being attacked.”

  She could feel it now inside her, the insidious sense of being drained and squeezed dry.

  “Then do something! You’re supposed to be strong!”

  “Too many forces are combining against me, all the power of the sect, I—”
r />   Vadim crashed to the floor, his head in his hands, and Ella fought to reach him through the demons howling in her own mind. The room shuddered like the quiet center of a tornado. Why weren’t the SBLE guards coming in to help? Ella tried to shout, but the sound was whipped away.

  “Hold on!”

  The shield around Ms. Phelps was thinning like the ripped silk of a defective parachute. Ella reached the bed and marshaled all her power to try and mend it, but nothing worked. Even as she watched, the Fae shielding spell was drawn inexorably toward Ms. Phelps’s open mouth. Did she know she was inhaling death? Did she understand what was happening to her?

  “No!” Vadim staggered to his feet, power shooting from his outstretched hand. “Leave her!”

  Everything seemed to be suspended, and time moved so slowly that she could see the battle for supremacy being fought frame by frame. Even as Vadim’s power roared through the room, it was already too late. The shield was gone, swallowed down by Ms. Phelps, who collapsed back onto her pillows.

  As quickly as the storm had arisen, it subsided, leaving Vadim and her on the floor. The door flew open and one of the security guards nearly trampled her as he rushed in. She noticed for the first time that the drapes were ripped, the blinds askew and both the chairs were upside down.

  “What the hell happened?”

  She pointed at the motionless figure on the bed. “That happened. Dammit!” She crawled over to Vadim. “Are you all right?”

  He snarled something obscene in Fae and shook off her hand. Without another word, he turned on his heel and pushed his way through the security personnel and medical staff now arriving at the door. She didn’t bother to chase after him. She could find him anywhere, and someone needed to be here to tell Feehan the bad news.

  As if he’d heard her thoughts, her boss appeared at the doorway, a cup of coffee in his hand.

  “Ella, are you all right? I was just coming to check on you. I saw Vadim heading down the stairs. Was he looking for me?”

  “He needs some space at the moment, boss. He’s angry with himself for not being able to protect Ms. Phelps.”

  Feehan glanced over at the bed, where one of the medics shook his head. “Dammit. She’s dead?”

  “Yeah, and on our watch. We were literally right here.” She stood up and shook her head, trying to ease the dizziness. “We tried everything to keep them out. Even Vadim’s power wasn’t strong enough.”


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