Book Read Free


Page 5

by Jennifer Davis


  I glance up from my book and see him walking toward me. My eyes meet the object of my lust and he nods, wanting me to follow him. But should I follow him? What does he want with me? I sit in my seat, undecided for a moment. Curiosity wins. I walk toward the galley, expecting him to be in there. I peer around the corner and see no sign of him. Is this some kind of game? A forceful hand on my shoulder startles me. I whip around to see Mr. Lust discreetly holding open the door to the lavatory. Seriously? He extends his hand and my intrigue forces me to follow him inside.

  He shuts the door and I shift uncomfortably. “What are you doing here?” I question him, both scared and excited by the situation.

  He lets out a sigh. “Bella, I’m just”—he pauses—“fuck, I'm finishing this.” He pulls me toward him and our arms immediately wrap around each other. He grabs my head, pulling my chin toward him. Our lips meet and I feel a burning throughout my body. I never thought we’d share another kiss, especially not trapped in the confines of this tiny bathroom, just feet away from my boyfriend.

  “I need you now,” Mr. Lust commands, both telling me and asking me at once. I nod my head with approval, desperate to feel him inside of me. He slides my panties to the side with his finger, and without removing them, he pushes forward and I feel him inside of me. We groan in unison, and our bodies start moving in synchronous rhythm. He slides in and out of me, quickly but fully, teasing me with each movement, bringing me closer and closer to the edge. I reach around and grab his ass, feeling how taut it is as it flexes over and over again. My climax begins to build inside of me, and he instantly starts moving faster and faster, somehow sensing that I’m near the edge. I feel my body reaching the point of no return and I grab his neck and deepen my kiss just as my climax explodes through my body. His body responds to my vibrations and I feel him tense, then watch his eyes close as he finds his release with me. I sit with him still inside of me, lost in his eyes. I study his face, trying to tell what this practical stranger is thinking.

  Then, my own thoughts return, and I realize what I’ve just done.


  “Do you think she wants something to eat?” I hear a strange voice hovering above me. My eyes are closed, and I hear the clanking of dishes and the smell of fresh cookies swirling above. My body feels tired and my brain sloshy as I try to peel my eyes apart.

  “I'm not sure. Let me see if I can wake her.” I hear Jack’s voice and feel his gentle touch on my shoulder.

  “Baby, are you awake? Are you ready for some lunch?”

  I force one eye to peep open and see Jack smiling over me. “Morning, sunshine, you ready to eat?”

  I blink a few times, trying to make sense of what’s in my brain. I was just in the bathroom having a fuckfest with the handsome Italian stranger. Right? As I process Jack’s question, reality begins to set in. I’m still on the airplane, and I must’ve fallen asleep. It was just a dream. Mr. Lust never got on this plane, and we never had sex. And, I never cheated on Jack. Thank God.

  “So, you want lunch then?” Jack asks me again, and I realize I ignored his question.

  I nod my head and gurgle the words, “Yes please.” I adjust my seat to sit upright and take the warm towel from the flight attendant to refresh myself. As I wipe my hands with the fresh linen towel I discover an odd feeling inside of me. What is that? Disappointment? Am I somehow disappointed that this fantasy wasn’t real?


  I parade into the Corner Café in Buckhead, the usual gathering place for Sunday brunch with my best friends from childhood. I’m grateful for the chance to catch up. I’ve been so busy the past few weeks, traveling to Paris with Jack and working long hours, that I’ve barely seen the girls. I haven’t even had the chance to share with them my Valentine’s trip and the beautiful earrings that Jack got me, which I wear proudly today.

  “Jess!” I whirl around at the sound of Emma’s familiar tone. After nearly two decades of friendship, I would recognize her voice anywhere.

  “Emma! Hey!” She walks over and gives me a squeeze

  “So you’re back! How was Paris? I want to hear all about it!”

  “Oh, it was great! Jack and I had a fantastic time.” And I met a ridiculously hot Italian man who I can’t stop fantasizing about. “How was yours?”

  “Um actually pretty amazing! Had a third date with the lawyer.” My blonde hair, blue-eyed friend since grade school glances past me. “I’m starved, I did a double spin class this morning. Where is she?” Emma asks, her expression revealing irritation.

  “Who?” I ask, as we walk toward our nearby table, seeing Callie already seated in the round booth.

  “Meredith. Texted me a few minutes ago. She was on her way,” I respond.

  “So realistically she’s probably at least fifteen minutes away,” Emma continues with an eye roll.

  “Oh simmer down and eat a mini muffin,” Callie, the ultimate peacekeeper of the group suggests, sliding the warm basket of treats toward her. Her always-optimistic attitude made her a perfect fit for her career as a caregiver and perpetual cheerleader of moms-to-be as a labor and delivery nurse. She needs little makeup to accompany her dark eyes and never-blemished porcelain skin. Her wavy dark hair is pulled in a ponytail, an indication of working a long night bringing new life into this world.

  “Well I’m starved too. Should we at least order some mimosas?”

  “Already done,” Callie informs us.

  “Thank God. But if she’s not here soon we’re ordering anyway. I swear, that girl will be late to her own wedding,” I joke.

  “Ahh hem.” We all look up to see Meredith standing at the table before us, grinning ear to ear. Her tiny frame is covered in fitted white corduroy pants with a dark navy blouse. Her long, chestnut-brown hair lays straight down her back, and her gray eyes sparkle with excitement. “I can assure you I will not be late to my own wedding,” she announces with a snicker. “Which, by the way, will be happening very soon!” She flashes her left hand before us, displaying a sparkling princess cut diamond decorating her ring finger. We all shriek in excitement and jump from the table to hug our dear friend.

  “Oh my God, it’s gorgeous!” Emma exclaims.

  “So when did this happen? We need details, stat!”

  Meredith removes her coat and settles in at the table with us. “Ok, so Cale and I were celebrating a belated Valentine’s Day since he had to be out of town that weekend. We went up to his family’s mountain house in Jasper, spent Friday night nuzzled up in the cabin, and he made me the most amazing dinner. And then we sat by the fire, drinking red wine, watching the snow fall outside and talking about life. We were curled up on the couch and he turned to me and said, ‘You know, Meredith, when I think about my life there’s one thing that I know I want to have. And I’ve known this for a while now, I’ve just been waiting for the perfect time.’ And then he slid off the couch onto one knee and said, ‘And the perfect time is any time we’re together, because everything’s perfect when I’m with you.’” Meredith happily reflects with a tear in her eye. “And then he asked me to marry him! And I basically forgot anything else he said after I saw the ring!” She giggles, wiping away a reminiscent tear.

  “Congratulations, Mere, we’re so excited for you!”

  We all clink glasses and Mere continues. “So there’s more news too. You all know I’ve always wanted to get married in the spring at the Botanical Gardens…” she pauses. “So we talked about it...and we don’t want a super long engagement, so, we’re getting married in less than two months!”

  “Ahh!” We all manage to shriek again, finally quieting down after getting a few stares from across the restaurant.

  “Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” I ask, half joking.

  “Umm, yes. Very sure!” Mere responds with an eye roll and a long drink of her mimosa to validate the point.

  “Mere, how are you going to get everything planned so quickly?” Callie questions.

  “Oh, you know my
mom. She’s always up for a challenge!”

  “But what about your dress? And bridesmaid dresses? Those normally take months to order,” Emma says.

  “So yeah, that’s part of the other thing I wanted to ask you girls about. Since it’s a short engagement, I’m going to need lots of help, and I’m hoping you’ll all agree to be my bridesmaids!” We let out a final shriek of excitement, eager for the first of our friends to get married.

  “Oh my gosh, yes!”

  “Of course we will!”

  “We would love to, Mere.”

  “Wait, so if you’re getting married in two months, we need to plan a bachelorette party, like, now!” I exclaim excitedly. The ideas start running through my head of where to go and what to do. And then it comes to me.

  “What about New York City?” I suggest. “We could even go dress shopping up there. You could easily fit into a sample size which I’m sure we’ll find plenty of!” Meredith’s tiny, boyish frame will definitely make finding a dress this quickly possible.

  “That’s a perfect idea!” she exclaims. “Do you think we could really make it work, and plan something that quickly?”

  I laugh. “I think you all know my travel connections and planning skills can make that happen!” I pull out my phone to look at my calendar, and after some discussion we decide to have the bachelorette party two weekends from now.


  After the whirlwind wedding news, we finally settle down enough to order some food and hear about everyone else’s life updates. I dive into my veggie omelet, enjoying the slight buzz that the mimosas have provided.

  “So, Jess, tell us about Paris!” Callie exclaims. For some reason, despite the great memories I made with Jack, Master Hotmouth Ferrari pops into my mind at the mention of Paris. I feel my face redden just at the thought of him, and the resounding guilt washes over me. I decide not to tell the girls about him; it would just sound too stupid and slutty, especially since I’ll never see him again.

  “Jess, you’re blushing! Share!” Emma chimes in.

  “Hah,” I laugh, giving myself a minute to refocus on Jack. “It was a great trip. We saw all the sights and it was such a beautiful city. And, he gave me these.” I flip my hair back so they no longer hide my big sparkling diamond earrings.

  “Wow! Let me see!” Meredith leans over from across the table.

  “Jess, they’re gorgeous! And they look flawless,” Callie says, with a tinge of jealousy in her voice.

  “Thanks! I love them. He did such a great job! He knew how much I loved hearts, and Tiffany, so I ended up with these.” I pull my eyes away, a bit uncomfortable with the attention.

  “You barely know him! Damn, you must be amazing in bed.” Callie snorts.

  I nearly spit out the mimosa I’ve just sipped. “Callie!” I scold her, laughing. “For the record, I am amazing in bed.”


  I open the door to Jack’s house and immediately hear his voice in the distance, and I gather that he must be on the phone. Geeze, is he working again? It’s Sunday afternoon. I walk closer, knowingly spying so I can hear what he’s saying.

  “Yeah, my flight leaves after work that night, so I’ll get in around 9:30. What time do you land?” Jack pauses, listening to the other side of the conversation, and I gather that he’s talking about his upcoming ski trip. “Ok cool. Have you heard from everyone else? Who all has confirmed?” Another pause. “Right. Ok. Yeah that’s what I expected.” Silence. “Seriously? Barrett, why would you invite her, knowing that I was coming?”

  My ears suddenly perk up at the mention of a “her”. What the hell? Could they be talking about Lela? Is she going on the trip too? I inch closer to the hallway to get a better listen, and hear the floorboards squeak below me. Shit, Jack must’ve heard that.

  “Ok, fine. Yeah, I’ve got to go, we’ll talk later.” His voice becomes louder as he speaks, and I glean that he’s coming toward to me. I jump onto the couch and grab a magazine off the table, pretending that I wasn’t eavesdropping.

  “Hey, babe, how was brunch?” He props himself up against the doorway and I can’t help but eye him up and down. He’s wearing a dark gray T-shirt and his dark wash William Rast jeans, with no belt. His pants fall just below the top of his red boxer briefs, allowing them to peek out of the top. Mmmm.

  “It was fun! Oh, and Meredith and Cale got engaged!”

  “That’s great! I’m guessing it’s too early for them to think about a wedding date?”

  “Actually, quite the opposite. They’re getting married in about two months!”

  “Wow, that was quick. But I guess when you know it’s right, there’s no reason to wait.” He winks coyly at me. What does that mean? It’s amazing how hot my boyfriend can look without even trying.

  I try to refocus myself. “I know, it is fast, in fact we’re going to have her bachelorette party in New York City weekend after next.”

  “Oh great, I’ll be skiing in Vail then anyway.”

  “Oh that’s right.” I lie as curiosity of who she is pops back into my mind. “When do you leave again?”

  “I fly out that Thursday after work, and I’ll be back the following Sunday.”

  “Have you figured out how you’re getting to the airport?”

  “No, not yet. Maybe my sexy girlfriend will be willing to help me out?”

  “I think I can work something out. Speaking of favors, though, will you be my date for Mere’s wedding?” I plead with my best smile.

  “Whoa, a date to a wedding? That sounds serious.” Jack raises an eyebrow playfully. “I think you’re going to have to earn that privilege.”

  “Oh yeah? And how might I do that?”

  Jack starts walking toward me and I feel my heart beat faster with excitement. “I have a few ideas.”

  I wiggle with wonder, unable to sit still. I hate how unnerving he can be! “Such as...?”

  “Such as this.” Jack leans over and places a gentle kiss on my lips. It’s soft and sweet, but still enough to send the river of desire rushing through me.

  “So…what are you hiding under there?” Jack pulls playfully at my oversized sweater.

  I try to find my most sensual, teasing tone. “Nothing, darling. Whatever are you looking for?” I turn my sass up as he reaches toward me.

  “You know what I want. You.” Mmm. I try to push the jealous thoughts of Lela from my mind and embrace the moment with him. Remember, he was honest before, I have no reason not to mistrust him now. Right?


  I pull up my car to the drop-off area at the ever-busy Atlanta airport. Jack hops out and retrieves his suitcase from the back of the car, then wheels it around to face me for our goodbye. Jack encircles me with his arms and gives me his most loving look. "Miss me while I'm gone?" he pleads.

  “How could I not? I'll certainly have something to remember you by.” I tug playfully at his belt, remembering how close we’ve been lately. Ask him about Lela! If she’s going on the trip! The incessant worrying in my mind again attempts to verbalize itself.

  “Have fun in New York, babe. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.” Jack winks at me and lifts my hand, planting a soft kiss on there. Last chance! Ask him now!

  “Hey, Jack,” I call to him just as he steps away. He whirls around and plants a hard, slow kiss on my lips, sending tingles through my legs.

  “Bye, baby,” he says simply, leaving me for the second time. I’m too love-struck to move, embracing his feelings toward me from his kiss. So I simply let him go, deciding to have faith in my faithful boyfriend and our surprisingly happy relationship.


  The Atlanta airport is bustling with business travelers this Friday morning, all ready to head home to their families for the weekend. I make my way to Global’s airport lounge to kill time before my flight. I walk inside the bright, clean, and modern club and am greeted warmly by the receptionist. “Good afternoon. Welcome to the World Lounge.”

  “Thank you.” I pass her my pho
ne so that she can scan it and retrieve my flight information.

  “Thank you, Ms. Bauer. What’s bringing you to New York City this weekend?” The agent peers up at me through her red frame glasses, and they begin sliding down her nose as she types my information into the computer. She wears the traditional Global navy blue uniform, with a white collared shirt and blue vest. Her wrinkles give away her age, probably mid-fifties.

  “I'm heading up for a bachelorette party. My girlfriends left earlier today, but I had to work this morning so I'm on my way to meet them now.”

  “Oh how lovely! You will have a such a wonderful time. I remember my own bachelorette party, it was 30 years ago, but it feels like yesterday.” She smiles, as if recalling the memory. “Enjoy these moments with your friends, dear. You’ll cherish the memories when you're older.” I smile back at her, excited for the weekend with my friends, and glad to have the distraction from Jack’s absence. I know I should trust him, and I do, but I still feel unsettled by the thought of Lela and Jack together somewhere.

  “You have some time until boarding, so please make yourself comfortable. And you're scheduled to leave out of gate T1, just around the corner.”

  “Great, thank you!” I turn and head toward the bar for a drink. Who cares if it’s barely noon, I've earned it this week!

  I order one of my favorite Atlanta beers, Sweetwater 420, and find an open seat in the lounge. I pick a red club chair, seated adjacent to a coffee table and loveseat. The bar is to my left, and directly in front of me is a line of comfy chairs, small coffee tables, and work areas, all leading out to the windows that face the tarmac. I take a swig of my icy, delicious beer and exhale. I pull out my phone, hoping to have heard from Jack. I know he just left last night, but I’m disappointed that I didn’t at least get a text from him letting me know that he arrived safely.


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