Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found

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Atlantis the Lost Continent Finally Found Page 12

by Arysio Santos

  The above named goddesses are all personifications of Lemurian Atlantis, the first Atlantis. The Great Goddess was the same as the Great Mother of both gods and humans of which the ancient religions so often speak. The Great Mother is also the same goddess whom we know as the Virgin Mary, as many experts have those concluded.

  As such, the Virgin Mother personifies Lemurian Atlantis creating Civilization all by herself, without the help of a male “seed”, so to say, injected from outside, as is the case with all subsequent civilizations, bar none. They all were, in one way or the other, mere colonies founded or


  inseminated by other nations, much as was the case with the Americas, Australia, Tasmania, and so on in historical times.

  The objective of myths is really one of creating paradoxes and aporias (dead ends), which rake our brains, forcing us to reason and to find a viable explanation which satisfies the mind.

  The paradoxical virginity of the Great Mother is one such aporia. This impossible virginity actually refers to the fact that the Virgin (Kanya or Durga in Sanskrit, Mu or Mumba in Dravida, Hathor or Isis in Egypt, etc.) bore the great civilization of Lemurian Atlantis all by herself, in an autochthonous manner, without the help of any other “inseminating” civilization acting as some sort of fertilizing male.

  It is in this context that the Great Mother is often compared to a queen bee, which engenders the whole colony without the help of a male, so to say. In contrast, all other civilizations invariably evolved by being “seeded” from outside by the Civilizing Heroes, the Angels, the Gods, the Devils, the Anunnaki or Oannés, the Nagas or Titans, and so on.

  These seminal personages really were the Atlantean Sons of God who later illuminated the whole world with the Light of our Great Virgin Mother; heroes or angels like Erichthon, Erechtheus, Hercules, Lucifer, Adam, Sumé, Quetzalcoatl, Bochica, and a multitude of others such. Interestingly, all these heroes or gods or angels originally came from a land with sank away and disappeared under the waters, just like Atlantis.

  Coincidentally, the region of the Ganges Delta is called Bengal (or rather, Bangala), a name derived from the Dravida (bang-ala) and meaning “sunken (saline) marshland”, This name closely evokes the Sanskrit one of Atlantis itself as a-tala (“sunken land”), and hence leaves no room for doubting its connection with the Lost Continent itself.

  Again, the name of Atala may also be interpreted (in Dravida) as atta-ala (“sunken marshland”), bringing the correspondence with Bangala even closer. The region of Bangala is near enough to the site of Indonesian Atlantis to be considered an integral part of the sunken empire, just as attested by its own name.

  India – and more exactly, Indonesia, its original seat – was really our Great Mother-Father. The Father is the inseminating god known as Shiva in India. And the Mother is Durga or Kali, his shakti (or feminine shape). Like her, Shiva is a god who dates from the Indus Valley Civilization, if not far earlier, since Hinduism apparently originated in Atlantis-Eden, the actual site of Paradise.

  Shiva is often portrayed horned, say, as the proto-Shiva of Harappa, his earliest known shape. Shiva would later become identified with Dionysos in Greece; Osiris in Egypt; Tammuz in Mesopotamia; Attis in Phrygia, Jahveh in Israel; Cernunnos in Celtia; Kronos or Zeus in Greece; Viracocha in Peru; Quetzalcoatl in Mexico; Bochica in Colombia, Jurupari or Sumé in Brazil, and so on. ↑024

  Shiva is also the great horned god who self-castrated himself and died, but resurrected from among the dead on the third day, as whole and as virile as ever. As such, Shiva is also an alias of Kronos (Cronus or Saturn), the king of the Golden Age whose name means precisely the same as “horned” (KRN) in a great many tongues.

  This image is actually an analogy of an immortal volcano such as the Krakatoa (alias Vadavamukha) which explodes and vanishes from sight, but which keeps quietly burning underneath the ocean, until the time comes for it to rise and shine again, perhaps at God’s command, perhaps on its own, who knows for sure?

  To be sincere, I am unable to say. Science and Religion have contrary opinions on such matters, and the decision is left for the dear reader, who may hopefully be better informed or opinionated than ourselves on such difficult matters. As for myself, I am a mere scientist trained to think in physical terms only. So, I never dare to go above these bounds, real or not, which are beyond my grasp.

  But the inescapable fact is that most if not all gods and goddesses of antiquity were half-personified volcanoes. Their avatar or apparition in a fiery avatar was equated to a theophany, and was hence as widely feared as it was desired by all: “Let thy kingdom come!”

  The Krakatoa volcano is really the same as the Vadavamukha of which the Hindu traditions on the Universal Flood and the Eras of Mankind (Yugas) so cogently speak. The Vadava is also often equated to the Hornof-Plenty of the ancient traditions.

  And it is really the same as the Great Mother Earth gone haywire and destroying her children and all her creation. As such, she is the Fiery Submarine Mare; the Fire of Doomsday which performs the great carnage of the Universal Flood, ending the yugas (geological eras).

  When the foreordained time comes for it, and the end of the eras of mankind is at hand, the Great God (or Goddess or Androgyne) descends in a majestic avatar. Quite often the duo of heroes – the Twins of all mythologies – descend: as Shiva and Vishnu or as Krishna and Balarama in India; as the Twins in the Navajo traditions; as Lucifer and Michael in Judeo-Christianism, and so on. Very often, the pair corresponds to the two dancers of the Yabh-Yum of Hindus and Tibetans. ↑025

  The two (Shiva and Shakti) are, as we just said, the personification of the two volcanoes which are also the same as the Two Pillars of Heaven and the two volcanoes of Atlantis. Their wild “dance” (tandava) is really an allegory of the giant earthquake caused by the volcanic explosion, the one which shakes the world, both terms being synonymous in the sacred languages of India.

  The two personages are often represented by their sex symbols, the yoni and the linga. Again, these two symbolize the two volcanoes, acting in “unison” and united in sex. Curiously enough, the two Pillars of Hercules (Calpe and Habila) are also represented by similar symbolisms, one suggesting a “cup” (or yoni), the other one a “cap” (or linga). Coincidences or concordances?

  Far more than a simple coincidence, these symbols closely resemble the two volcanoes of Atlantis, one a lofty peak (linga), the other a giant caldera (or yoni). But this symbolism is unfortunately too complex to usefully discuss here, being left for a more befitting opportunity.

  Part II - Ancient

  Cosmograms, Maps and Symbolisms

  When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

  Chapter 5 – Atlantis in America

  A great earthquake caused the mountains to incend. The flames ascended to the skies. The stars fell down as molten stone. The Flood ensued, and humans tried to escape by building an enormous tower.

  Washo Indians (California)


  In the present chapter we comment upon some remarkable symbolisms coming to us from our remotest past. And we also reproduce and gloss some ancient maps embodying world conceptions which are, even today, sorely misunderstood by all specialists: the globe of Crates of Mallus, Homer’s and Eratosthenes’ maps of the world, Cosmas’ cosmogram, and so forth.

  Better resolution, vectorial versions of these figures, some in gorgeous color, are also available in our Atlantis site, where they can be perused by the interested readers.

  Most of these symbols and imagery were never explained before in any way that really matters: the plan of Atlantis as a replica of the world; the circular shape of the Hindu dvipas (Sunken Paradises); the Carthaginian tophet and Tanit as the image of a volcano, and so on. But it is not originality that we sought here. Rather, we concentrated on the connections with Atlantis, skipping all others.

  Moreover, the remarkable
figures discussed here were chosen accordingly. We limited ourselves to the symbols which pertain to the Atlantis theme most closely.

  The argute reader will no doubt find out that there is a lot of repetition in the text here. Such is also often the case with most of my writings. Some of this repetition is admittedly my own fault, and could perhaps be avoided by a more competent writer. But much of it is essentially unavoidable and pertains to the myths themselves.

  However, as the ancient Romans were wont to say: quod abundat non nocet (“what abounds causes no harm”). It is actually the symbols themselves, and the many descriptions of them given by the different authorities that endlessly repeat each other. But each variant adds something new and often crucial, and hence has to be discussed over and over again, even at the risk of seeming prolix.

  Roughly speaking, these symbolisms all refer back to Atlantis itself as a replica of the world in its many variant aspects. Over time and space one symbol passes into another in a subtle way which takes a lot of study and of familiarity with its many instances and variations, often minimal and often seemingly meaningless, but generally extremely interesting and highly informative once decoded.

  Therefore, I beg the dear readers to consider these repetitions necessary, as the parallels pointed only become obvious after expounding. People are conditioned to believe that our remote ancestors were incapable of finer reasoning. And the discussion below aims to prove this is not true. Hence the need to comment in some detail on the finer aspects of seminal symbols such as the ones in question here.

  Some of the following explanations are somewhat long, at least in comparison with usual figure captions. But we did our best to make them as exhaustive as possible in the available space. Despite their length, far more could of course be said on most of the symbols below.

  Even though we Westerners are not much used to it, ancient symbolism is really a language, a wholly independent medium of communication. As such, Symbolism has the advantage of being universal, in contrast to say, language, which requires a lot of practice and study before it becomes effective. Symbolism works at many simultaneous levels, each completing and expanding the other.

  Even a simple symbol such as a dot or a circle has a lot of parallel meanings, often only accessible to the qualified experts. And it takes a lot of examples and explanations before this fact becomes evident to the lay reader, normally unused to this kind of subtlety.

  In these explanations we also resort to linguistic explanations. These embody not only derivations of obscure terms from the pristine tongues such as Greek, Hebrew and Latin, but above all from the two main sacred tongues of India, Sanskrit and Dravida.

  We have made the remarkable discovery that these sacred tongues lie at the root of most words of non-descript origin, often mediated by Mediterranean Dravidian tongues such as Pelasgian and Etruscan. Some linguists will probably object to these derivations on the usual argument that these tongues are linguistic isolates, and that such derivations are only allowable within a given linguistic family.

  But this reasoning is false. All languages on earth are necessarily cognate, since it is highly unlikely that such a remarkable human invention would be made over and over again independently. The priori odds against an independent reinvention of language – or of agriculture, metallurgy, stone dressing, etc. – are impossibly small, as any specialist in Statistics will tell you.

  What the widespread idea of “linguistic isolate” – a sad misnomer, by the way – really means is that a relationship among these different languages has not yet been discovered, not that it does not exist. But this is just a consequence of the fact that these languages or families were never properly researched by specialists honestly engaged in discovering these connections.

  So, rather than being placed in different, non-communicating bins, as “linguistic isolates” these languages should more properly be dubbed “unresearched”, so as to invite further study. And this type of detailed linguistic study is what we actually did.

  With impressive results, we add, as the connections were generally far closer than we had ever expected. This is demonstrated by the few instances discussed below. Even more, this fact is demonstrated by our results on Etruscan, Pelasgian and other pristine Mediterranean tongues, which we not only managed to decipher, but to trace back to India and Indonesia, their Dravidian cradle.

  What our research also demonstrated is the fact that languages change far less than is usually supposed by the mainstream linguists. They base their claim on the observed changes from the Indo-European family. But all such generalizations are fraught with dangers, Induction not being a valid logical process, as the philosopher Hume and others pointed out long ago.

  The Indo-Europeans are a bellicose, restless people. Hence, they frequently interact with many cultures, absorbing their customs and their tongues, often far superior to their own. It is thus, by absorption, and not as the result of evolution that we must account for the observed change.

  For instance, English has picked up over 99% of its vocabulary from foreign tongues such as Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Skeat, the reputed linguist, lists only about 3,800 pedigreed English words of Anglo-Saxon origin, whereas modern English now encompasses over one million words according to the best qualified experts.

  More conservative nations maintain their languages essentially unchanged often for several millennia. For instance, the Berber language (Tamazigh) has been demonstrated to have changed only slightly over the last 8,000 years and more. So, it is not unbelievable that some words can be traced back to Atlantean, alias Proto-World itself.

  We have also supplied a few Internet links in the text which follows below. We have been able to devise a simple, novel way in which the curious reader of this book may easily use this fantastic source of information on topics such as the ones discussed here.

  This linking makes use of our Atlantis Site, with a page specifically dedicated to this task. Whenever the readers want to consult this medium, all they have to do is to go to this Internet page in my site, and click on the corresponding link, which is provided in active form there.

  In this way we managed – perhaps for the first time ever – to make readily accessible to the readers of this book the literally billions of informative pages and illustrative figures now available in the Worldwide Web. And this access is not only essentially instantaneous, but also extremely easy to use in practice: a simple click of your mouse.

  The links are kept permanently alive by caching and by an observant Webmaster. We will also be accepting further suggestions by our readers of Internet topics to cover, so as to enrich even more this important novel source augmenting and enriching bookish information. In this way, we have finally managed to serendipitously combine the great advantages offered by the Internet with the many desirable features of hard printed books, the ones we all learnt to cherish from infancy.

  The information provided by the Internet has the advantage of being independent, and hence essentially unbiased. So, it can often be trusted by the more skeptical readers. And these may, if they so desire, pursue the topics further by searching through Google and others such search engines with the keywords supplied in the glosses or the Subject Index below. So, our advice to the dear reader is: please, relax and enjoy the ride...

  The Foundering of Aztlán (Aztec)

  The figure above, like the following two, is taken from ancient Aztec codices. They originated in pre-Columbian times and illustrate Aztlán, the primordial Paradise and sunken homeland of these highly civilized Indians of Mexico. In the first figure, the mountain at the center of the island corresponds to Mt. Atlas, also the central feature of Atlantis according to Plato. These drawings actually date from the epoch of the Conquest, but reproduce Aztec drawings and traditions from a far earlier date.

  The whole island is visibly sinking in what is apparently a huge cataclysm with only the volcanic peak remaining emerse, forming an island. The seas are extremely turbulen
t and the picture seemingly illustrates a massive tsunami, a recurrent event in the whole region of Indonesia, as the recent disaster there attests.

  But here, the cause of the cataclysm seems to be a giant explosive volcanism, rather than an earthquake proper. This fact is evident in the other two figures discussed next, where the Holy Mountain is explicitly portrayed as such a phenomenon, volcanic plume included. Both earthquakes and explosive volcanisms are frequent in the whole Indonesian region, which is part of the so-called “Pacific Fire Belt”.

  The male figure at the top of the mountain apparently corresponds to Atlas in Greek traditions, who also supported the skies from the peak of Mt. Atlas, the Pillar of Heaven. Here, Aztlán is shown as an island entirely surrounded by water, much as was the capital city of the Aztecs as well as of Atlantis, as described by Plato.

  The four non-descript features labeled azteca (“Aztec”) in the figure apparently correspond to the Four Pillars of the Earth and their four guardian gods. These four pillars also figure in most Old World traditions, such as Egyptian. In Hindu traditions they are called the Four Lokapalas (“Guardians of Paradise”).

  In the Aztec traditions these four guardians were called Tlalocs and played exactly the same role as Atlas. In reality, these four pillars (and their guardians) also corresponded to the two pairs of “Pillars of Hercules” and “Pillars of Atlas”, one pair located in the Far West (Gibraltar), and the other in the Far East, flanking Sunda Strait.

  According to Hindu traditions, the main pair of guardians corresponds to Shiva and Vishnu or their many aliases: Krishna and Balarama, Rama and Ravana, etc.. In Vedic times, the four were identified to Indra, Varuna, Yama and Kubera, the archetypes of the later volcanic gods just mentioned.


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