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The Making of Home

Page 36

by Judith Flanders

  garden cities


  gas: lighting; mantles; for cooking; increasing use

  gemütlich see cosiness

  German National Productivity Board

  Germany: house design and usage; darkened interiors; on English sociability; and home comfort; architectural styles; Heimat museums; heating; post-war consumer goods; housing shortage and building post-1918; cleanliness and good housekeeping

  gezelligheid see cosiness

  Girl Guides

  Gisborne, Thomas

  Gish, Lillian

  Glasgow: water consumption

  glass: coloured and ornamental; in windows; toughened; Walter Benjamin advocates

  Godwin, E.W.

  Goncourt, Edmond de

  Gothic revival

  Gouge, William

  Great Exhibition, London (1851)

  Great Rebuilding (Britain)

  Greek Revival (architecture): in USA

  Greenfield Village, Michigan

  Greifswald, Germany

  Griffith, D.W.

  Gropius, Walter

  Gurlitt, Cornelius

  Ham House, Surrey

  Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire

  Harrison, William Henry

  Hartman, Mary S.

  Hasbrouck House, Newburgh, NY

  Hashude Educational Settlement, Bremen

  Hazelius, Artur

  health: and diet; and escape from cities

  hearth; taxes

  heat and light: as essentials

  heating: domestic; see also central heating

  Heimbach, Wolfgang

  Henri III, King of France

  Henry III, King of England

  Henry VII, King of England

  Henry Ford Museum, Michigan

  heritage industry

  Higgins, John: The Mirror for Magistrates

  Hill, Christopher

  Hill, Rowland

  Hogarth, William: The Rake’s Progress (engraving)

  Holmes, Sherlock (fictional character)

  Holy Roman Empire: decline

  home: language variants; word meaning; archetypal; as shelter; women’s domestic status; ‘ideal’; centrality in life; technology; and modernism

  Hooch, Pieter de

  Hoosier kitchen

  Houghton Hall, Norfolk

  houses: segregation in; architect-designed; new; design; average occupation numbers; functional separation of rooms; terraced; as personal castles; family in; public/private occupation and use; maintenance effort and time; isolation; and front gardens; and display of goods; and votive offerings and rituals; vocabulary; additional decorative features; reconstruction and restoration; and supply pipes; and invisible commodities; prefabricated; suburban styles and design; ranch style; for living; and modernism; appearance; working-class

  housewives: and good citizenship

  housework; efficiency and professionalization of; and labour-saving devices

  housing; social

  How to Furnish a House and Make it a Home

  Howard, Ebenezer: garden cities

  Huguenots: as silk weavers

  hutch see dressers

  hygge see cosiness


  Ibsen, Henrik: Ghosts (play)

  Ideal Home (magazine)

  illegitimacy: rates

  Industrial Revolution: beginnings and effects; and work-force; and overcrowding


  insects: in houses

  invisible commodities

  Ireland: Spenser on

  irons: electric

  Italy: nuclear family; bedrooms; Renaissance palazzi


  James, Henry

  James I, King of England (James VI of Scotland)

  Jamestown, Virginia

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Johnson, Samuel: on cause and effect; on word ‘sash’

  Kant, Immanuel

  Kelmscott Manor, Oxfordshire

  Kersting, G.F.: The Elegant Reader (painting)

  kitchen gardens

  kitchens: furniture; labour-saving devices; development and design; and hygiene; and water supply

  Klein, Alexander: The Functional House for Frictionless Living

  Klimt, Gustav

  knives (table)

  labour: division of; domestic work; costs

  labour-saving devices

  La Farge, John


  land enclosure

  land values

  La Rochefoucauld, François, 6e Duc de



  Leech, John: ‘The Dining Room’ (cartoon)

  Leiden: house design

  Letchworth, Hertfordshire

  levees (royal)

  Lever Brothers: Sunlight factory

  Levitt, William

  Levittown, Long Island, NY

  Leyster, Judith: The Proposition (painting)

  life expectancy

  lighting: domestic; street; gas; electric

  Lincoln, Abraham: log cabin

  Lincoln Birthplace Historical Site, Kentucky

  Lincoln Cathedral


  Locke, John; Some Thoughts Concerning Education


  log cabins/houses

  London: household possessions; street lighting; gas lighting; see also Great Exhibition

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: The Courtship of Miles Standish


  Loo, Het (palace), Netherlands

  Loos, Adolf

  Louis XIV, King of France

  Louis XV, King of France

  Louw, Hentie

  Lupino, Stanley

  Luther, Martin

  Lutyens, Sir Edwin

  luxury goods: in Netherlands; display

  Luynes, Charles Philippe d’Albert, Duc de

  Lykov family (Old Believers)

  Maes, Nicolaes

  Maintenon, Françoise d’Aubigné, Marquise de

  Manchester: contaminated water

  manners: and courtesy books

  Marie-Louise, Empress of Napoleon I

  marriage: Northwest European Late-Marriage Pattern; reasons for; as contract and working arrangement; vows and consent; minimum age; middle-class; and possessions; and remarriage of widows

  Martello, Pier Jacopo

  Marx, Karl: on Robinson Crusoe

  Marxism: on history

  Mary II (Stuart), Queen of Great Britain

  May, Ernst

  Mayflower (ship)


  Metsu, Gabriel; Woman Reading a Letter (painting)

  miasma theory (disease)

  Middle Ages: open house

  middle class: and marriage; and privacy; possessions

  Milne, A.A.: The House at Pooh Corner

  Mirror of the State of the United Netherlands



  Montebello, Louise Antoinette Lannes, Duchesse de

  Montespan, Françoise Athénaïs Rochechouart de Mortemart, Marquise de

  Morison’s Pills

  Morning Chronicle (London)

  Morris, William

  Mothering Heart, The (film)

  motor car: effect on privacy

  Muncie, Indiana

  Muthesius, Hermann

  Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor

  nation-states: rise in Europe

  National Trust (Britain); founded

  neo-Gothic housing

  Netherlands: paintings; as instigator of change; consumer revolution in; revolt against Spain (1648); and trade; marriage and family life; religion in; urbanization; celebration of births; close-stools; furniture; privacy; house design; window-curtains; gezelligheid; beds and bedding; cupboards; wars with England; possessions; cutlery; children; Oud Hollandsch (architectural style); children’s upbringing; heating; peat burning; windows; night watches and street lighting; servants; water supply

  New York City: workpla
ces outside home; see also United States of America

  New York Mercury

  New York Times

  Newton, Ernest

  night watch

  Niles’ Weekly Register (Baltimore)

  Norwich, Norfolk: fireplaces


  novel (fiction)

  oil lamps

  Old Alpine (architectural style)

  Old Believers (Russian religious sect)

  Olmsted, Frederick Law

  open-plan architecture

  original sin

  Orkney, Scotland

  ovens: for baking; see also stoves

  Oxford: Charles II and court in

  Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount


  Paris: abandoned babies; apartment blocks; street lighting; gas lighting; water usage; Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes (1925); see also France

  Parker, Barry

  Parker, Geoffrey


  patchwork see quilts

  peat: as fuel

  Penn, William

  Pennsylvania: log cabins

  Pepys, Samuel: on spitting; on family; on bedroom behaviour; installs bell for servants

  Peto, John Frederick: Lights of Other Days (painting)

  Philadelphia: average house occupation; Centennial Exhibition (1876); yellow fever outbreak (1790s)

  Pinckney, Eliza

  Pintard, John

  Pitt, William, the Elder

  plague: in Netherlands; see also epidemics

  plantation: defined

  plantation mansions (America)

  Plimoth Plantation, Mass.


  Plymouth, Mass.

  Poitevin, Jean

  Pompadour, Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquis de

  population: male–female proportions

  porcelain: in Dutch homes; see also china

  Port Sunlight, near Liverpool

  Portugal: nuclear family

  possessions; and social class; marked and decorated; display; increase in

  Poundbury, Dorset

  Pratt, Sir Roger

  pressure cookers

  privacy: personal; of home; and technological developments; and new technology; and open-plan living

  privies: outside

  Protestantism: and work ethic; and individualism; and marriage; and family; in France

  Prussia: street lighting

  public health

  public houses (pubs)

  Pugin, Augustus

  Pyrex (glass)

  Queen Anne style (architecture)



  Railway Sanitary Code (USA)

  railways: and boarding schools

  Ratcliffe, John

  Red House, the, Kent

  Reformation (Protestant); and family life


  Rembrandt van Rijn: Night Watch (painting)

  Renan, Ernest

  Rhode Island: families


  Roberts, Thomas

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rohde-Liebenau, Alix

  Roman Catholic church: on marriage; on original sin and sexual desire

  Romanticism; and nostalgia


  Rothschild family

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Émile

  Royal Navy: defers use of fork


  St Gall monastery, Switzerland

  Salt, Titus

  Saltaire, Yorkshire

  Sambourne, Linley


  Santa Fe, New Mexico

  sash: as word; see also windows

  Scandinavia: architectural styles

  Scheffel, Joseph von

  Schiller, Friedrich: Die Räuber

  Schütte-Lihotzky, Margarete: Frankfurt kitchen

  Scotland: marriage laws; house design; apartment buildings

  Sears, Roebuck (mail order firm)

  Seaside, Florida

  servants: segregation; in Netherlands; and bells

  sewing machines

  Shakespeare, William: on toys; King Lear; Romeo and Juliet

  Shaw, Norman

  shopping: women and

  shotgun houses

  Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of (‘Bess of Hardwick’)

  sideboards see dressers


  slavery, slaves; quarters

  Smith, Adam: on non-utility goods; The Wealth of Nations

  Snow, Dr John

  Soane, Sir John

  Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (Britain)



  Sorgh, Henrick: Portrait of Jacob Bierens and His Family (painting)

  Spain: nuclear family

  Spenser, Edmund

  spermaceti oil

  spinning-wheel: mythology of





  spring sickness

  status (social)

  stearine oil

  Steen, Jan; A Peasant Family at Meal-time (painting)

  Stevenson, Robert Louis

  Stockholm: Skansen (open-air museum)

  Stone, Lawrence

  stoves: close ranges (cooking); porcelain (heating); Rumford; heating

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher



  supply and demand

  Sweden: house design and occupation; and Skansen (open-air museum); origins of log cabin; animal manure




  tallow see candles

  Tawney, R.H.

  Taylor, Frederick W.


  technology: effect on work and activities; increases privacy

  Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron

  ter Borch, Gerard, the younger

  Tessin, Nicodemus

  textiles: increased availability

  Thornbury Castle, near Bristol

  Thorpe, John


  Tiffany, Louis Comfort


  Tinkham, Nehemiah and Submit

  tinned foods

  Toulouse: abandoned babies


  trade: Defoe on; with East; and availability of goods

  transport: development


  Tring Park, Hertfordshire

  Trollope, Anthony; Can You Forgive Her?

  Trollope, Frances (Fanny)

  Truman Show, The (film)

  Tudor style (architectural)

  Tussaud, Madame: waxworks

  United States of America: suburban housing projects; illegitimate births; Great Rebuilding (18th century); log cabins; household numbers; enfilade design; women’s domestic duties; and front porch socializing; motor cars; cutlery in; children; architectural styles; popular journalism; nostalgic mythologies; textile fabrics in; central heating; gas lighting; exhibits dream house in post-war Germany; labour costs; kitchen design; labour-saving devices; water supply; bathrooms; and cleanliness; post-Civil War building; National Park Service; wilderness exploited; government housing programme; see also America, Colonial

  Unwin, Raymond

  upholstery; see also furniture

  upper class: possessions

  urbanization; in Netherlands; and overcrowding

  van Dyck, Anthony

  Vatican: Swiss Guards


  Vermeer, Jan; The Concert (painting)

  Versailles: furniture; lack of heating; window design

  Vienna: apartment design; Museum für angewandte Kunst

  villages: model

  Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel

  Voysey, Charles

  Walpole, Horace; The Castle of Otranto

  Walpole, Sir Robert

  Wars of the Roses

shing machines

  Washington, Booker T.

  Washington, George

  waste (human)

  water supply and consumption

  Webb, Philip

  Weber, Max

  Webster, Daniel

  Webster, Noah

  Wedgwood, Josiah: Etruria Works

  Welsbach, Carl Auer von

  widows, and remarriage

  Wilde, Oscar

  Wilder, Laura Ingalls

  William III (of Orange), King of Great Britain

  Williamsburg, Virginia


  windows; cleaning; sash


  Witte, Emanuel de: Interior with a Woman at a Clavichord (painting)

  women: work; life expectancy; in Dutch genre paintings; domestic role and duties; and husband-murder; in French Revolution; as mothers; effect of technology on; shopping; isolation as housewives; ideal of; as water carriers; and good housekeeping

  wood: for domestic lighting

  Woodcraft League (USA)

  Wordsworth, William

  work: men’s and women’s; as payment; away from home; children; nutrition

  working class: allocation of rooms; housing; and household economy

  World, The (journal)

  Wright, Frank Lloyd


  Yosemite National Park, California

  A Note on the Author

  Judith Flanders, a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Buckingham, is the author of the bestselling The Victorian House: Domestic Life from Childbirth to Deathbed (2003); the critically acclaimed Consuming Passions: Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain (2006); The Invention of Murder (2011), which was shortlisted for the Crime Writers’ Association Non-Fiction Dagger; A Circle of Sisters (2001), which was nominated for the Guardian First Book Award; and, most recently, The Victorian City: Everyday Life in Dickens’ London (2012). You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice



  List of Illustrations

  Home Thoughts: An Introduction

  Part One

  1. The Family Way

  2. A Room of One’s Own

  3. Home and the World

  4. Home Furnishings

  5. Building Myths

  Part Two

  6. Hearth and Home

  7. The Home Network

  Coda: Not at Home



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