Arsonists Anonymous

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Arsonists Anonymous Page 9

by Nora Snowdon

  “That’s too bad. Do you want to bring her down to the jail and I could show her what some of the druggies look like?”

  “I don’t think she’d come. She’s only fifteen and figures she’s immortal.”

  “You’re probably right.” He laughed quietly. “So much for my trying for a pleasant conversation topic.”

  “And how was your fundraiser?”

  “It wasn’t that bad. The comedian was funny and the politicians weren’t too long winded.”

  “And the dinner?”

  “Par for the course.” He shrugged. “They’ve yet to figure out how to serve a hundred people good food and quickly. And if they did, it would be too expensive to make any money.”

  “I know, they should do one of those fondue dinners,” Lu suggested. “Then everyone could cook their own food and it would all be hot.”

  “Good idea. I’ll pass it along.” He smiled at her. “Unless you’re just hoping some drunken politician will start a fire at the table and keep the fire department in business?”

  “Curses, foiled again.” Lu grinned back at him. She relaxed back into her chair; whether this was a date or not, she was enjoying herself. Sipping her wine, Lu considered reaching across the table to touch his hand. Could she? God, she felt like a brainless teenager wanting the school jock to ask her to dance. Obviously Byron was going to ask her to dance, but how much more did he intend?

  The waiter arrived with two enormous plates and set them on their table with a flourish. “Some fresh ground pepper?”

  “Not for me, thanks.” Lu said. “This looks fabulous.”

  “Enjoy.” The waiter left.

  Her nerves over the date were quickly overridden by the tempting aroma from her dinner. She dug into the prime rib and hardly even needed her steak knife. It melted on her tongue. “Mmm, you’re right, this is delicious.” She closed her eyes as the bite slid down her throat.

  “I’m glad you approve.” Byron watched her for a moment before scooping up a large piece of lobster. “This is where the G8 dined when they were in Seattle so I figured they must know what they’re doing.”

  “I guess it’s got pretty good security, too?”

  “Only when necessary,” he chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about cameras in the bathroom.”

  “Phew.” Lu wondered if dipping a piece of the fresh bread in the melted butter would seem gauche. Then it just looked damned sexy when Byron did it. He licked a drip of butter off the side of his lips and Lu barely resisted the urge to moisten her own lips. Damn, she wanted to kiss him. He smiled sheepishly when he popped the last bit of butter-drenched bread in his mouth.

  “I couldn’t resist.” He wiped his hands then placed his napkin beside his dinner plate. “Would you like some coffee and dessert?”

  “I’m too full even for coffee,” Lu admitted.

  “Then how about a walk along the boardwalk to work it off?” He discreetly caught the server’s eye and handed over his credit card.

  “Sounds good.” And maybe if she wasn’t looking across the table at him, she could recover some sense of equilibrium. Tonight all the bits of sexual tension she’d felt before with Byron had somehow changed into one raw, aching need. Partly it was because she could feel his attraction to her like a magnet pulling her to him. When they stood to leave, Byron wrapped his arm around her shoulder as if needing the physical contact.


  As they strolled down the boardwalk, Lu watched the gulls circling the fishing boats coming into harbor. It was a lovely evening with a cool salt breeze coming off the ocean. Lu paused to lean against the balustrade and look out over the dark water. The sun was just setting into a nest of pink clouds at the top of the horizon.

  “It’s gorgeous here,” she said, breathing in the fresh air.

  “It is,” Byron murmured beside her. His hand slid around her waist to pull her closer and Lu rested her head against his shoulder. Her heart was beating so madly, she almost worried he would hear it.

  He turned her toward him and bent to kiss her, his lips questioning. In answer, Lu wrapped her arms around him and leaned into the kiss. She heard a slight groan as Byron’s kiss became more insistent. His lips opened hers and he took her breath away. Her entire body responded to him. Her breasts against his chest barely felt the material of their clothes between them. Her hips snuggled closer to fit neatly between his legs, enjoying the knowledge of his rock-hard erection straining beneath his pants.

  She broke the kiss then angled to kiss the side of his neck, to taste his skin, to smell his intoxicating scent. He was wearing cologne, or something with a hint of vanilla, but the main sensation was of clean skin and desire. A vein on his neck pulsed against her lips and the rhythm reverberated throughout her body. Sliding her fingertips under his shirt, Lu explored his back, his smooth and responsive skin taut over the strong sinews. She needed to know everything physical about this man.

  She gasped as he kissed below her ear and caused a chill to slither down her back. He slowly nibbled on her earlobe, his silken breath in her ear warming and thrilling her deep within. His arms tightened around her waist to pull her close against the length of his body. He kissed her forehead and murmured, “I’ve wanted to do this since the first day I saw you.”

  “Really?” Lu looked up into his eyes. She kissed him on the lips and then asked, “What stopped you?”

  “You were working for me.” He smiled. “I was devastated when Reynolds ordered you back to the hall. I couldn’t bear the thought of not having you around. Then it dawned on me that it meant I could ask you out.” His chuckle ended as he leaned in for a deep searching kiss.

  Lu unconsciously rubbed her hips against him with the same insistent rhythm as his tongue. Mmm, he was good.

  His hands captured her butt and she felt his urgency even more. In a second Lu decided. The circling was fun, but now she wanted the full tango. She pulled away from him, her body protesting every square inch of lost physical contact.

  “Take me home,” she said firmly. She wasn’t sure why she suddenly felt this need to torture him. Maybe it was a final test?

  His blue eyes, mostly black with desire peered into her own. She could see he was unsure about the nature of her request. Good. She’d been playing by his rules since the day they’d met; time to see how he responded to her rules. Lu turned away to walk toward the parking lot. He quickly followed.


  She shook her head and continued walking, stopping only when she reached his car.

  “Did I somehow—?”

  Lu stared him down, her expression neutral as she continued to give him the silent treatment. She could feel his question slowly turning into resentment, or maybe it was fear? Several times he opened his mouth to ask and then stopped. The drive was eerily silent as Byron drove back the way they’d come. Outside her apartment he stopped the car and looked at her.

  She stepped out of the car but kept the door open, waiting for him to come around to her side. When he did, she closed her door and pulled his hand up to her mouth. He looked surprised as she gently kissed his fingertips then wrapped her lips around his index fingers sucking it slowly into her mouth. His Adam’s apple bobbed in response. Lu released his finger and tugged his hand over her shoulder. She felt his excitement in his grip as she led him up the sidewalk to her apartment.

  She already had her apartment key ready but then required both her hands to open the glass door. He continued gripping her shoulder as if she still possessed his hand. She slotted the key into the lock and the door opened easily. They rode the elevator up to her third floor apartment keeping the same amount of distance between their bodies. Byron was apparently willing to let her lead, but now what? Lu couldn’t remember ever feeling this much anticipation. It was difficult even getting a lungful of air, her breathing was so shallow. She wanted to turn to him and lose herself again in his kisses, but she continued to watch the elevator light slowly change from two to three. The car bounced as it
ground to a halt and the doors scraped open.

  What if he didn’t like her when he saw her naked? The thought jolted through her brain and her muscles tensed up. Byron looked at her questioningly, but she shook her head. Lu shut off the negative thought only to hear her ex-boyfriend Paul’s complaints about her rushing into the void. “Like making love to a mannequin,” “no boobs,” and she pushed those memories out as well. She and Byron finally got to her door. Byron stood silently beside her as she unlocked it. She pulled him inside.

  When she turned to him and put her arms around his neck, she was unprepared for the force with which he backed her against the door. His frustration from the drive, the insecurity from her silence seemed to fuel his passions. His hands were everywhere at once like he needed to possess her, to thrill her, to take her to the edge. She clutched his shoulders and pressed herself closer.

  “Please, I want—” She began to unbutton his shirt, her fingers oversized and clumsy as she struggled to undress him. With a groan he pulled off his shirt and she heard the plastic clatter as several buttons scattered across the wood floor. He unzipped her dress and slid it down her shoulders and to the ground.

  Then he stopped, backed up and stared at her. Lu’s mouth went dry with fear. She moistened her parched lips and raised her eyes to meet his gaze. If he rejected her now …

  “God Lu, you’re beautiful.” His low voice was even deeper with desire as his eyes caressed her entire body. Relief flooded through her, and she turned her head so he couldn’t see how much had ridden on his response. He pulled her close again, one hand cupping her breast, his thumb gently caressing her hardened nipple through her bra and the other firmly grasping her bottom and anchoring her to him as his head angled down for another kiss.

  Lu trailed her hand down his back to the waistband of his pants. His butt muscles tensed as her hand snuck down further. She moved her other hand to the front of his pants, but then was distracted when he pulled her leg up around his waist and stroked between her legs. She heard the low moan first before realizing it was coming from her mouth. His hand slid beneath her panties and she was embarrassed at the sudden flow of wetness drenching his fingers. His tongue teased at her ear while he reached deeper into her core, stroking, teasing her, until he finally thrust his fingers deep inside her.

  “Oh God, yes,” she moaned, rocking her hips against his hand as he slid in and out of her. His fingers paused within her while his thumb rubbed her clit, setting off even more sensations. Lu flung her head back as her entire body shuddered in massive explosions.

  She lunged forward to muffle her scream into his shoulder as his magical fingers plundered her and rode out her orgasm. Finally her body slowly stopped vibrating and she lowered her foot to the floor. He continued to hold her firmly against him as she tried to catch her breath. Lu felt like a limp rag doll.

  “I’m thinking a bed might not be a bad idea,” she said as she shakily found her feet.

  “You think?” he murmured into her ear.

  “Yup.” Lu stepped out of the dress still puddled around one ankle. God, I must look like some underdeveloped wannabe Playboy model in underwear and heels. From Byron’s intense expression and shallow breathing, she gathered he wasn’t put off. He fixated on first her legs and then her butt as she turned to lead the way to her bedroom.

  Inside her room she turned to him and, running her fingers through his hair, pulled him to her for a deep kiss. With her other hand she started again to undo his pants. She didn’t get past the button before he pushed her backward onto the bed. He swiftly removed her strappy sandals and replaced them with gentle kisses to her ankles.

  “But what about—?”

  “Patience, love.” He removed his shoes, then pants, and retrieved a condom from his pocket. Lu arched her eyebrows in surprise.

  “Always be prepared,” he said, but his small smile showed a little embarrassment.

  He straddled her thighs and leaned down to kiss her, his erection straining against his boxers and pressing against her belly. She reached down between them to grasp him, aching to feel him between her legs.

  God, it has been too long.

  He groaned and rubbed himself against her as he bent his head to kiss along her collarbone. He slid her bra strap down and caught her breast. His tongue circled her nipple and then drew it into his mouth, sucking gently. Lu’s back arched as she strove to press harder against him. She whimpered in disappointment as he deserted her breast and then again in joy as he took her other breast into his mouth.

  Lu started to wiggle out of her underwear but Byron’s raspy chuckle stopped her.

  “Allow me,” he murmured, sliding down her body. His lips and tongue branded their way down her torso stopping at the top of her bikini underwear and slowly nipping beneath the elastic band.

  He slid her panties down and followed their descent down her legs with tender kisses that alternated between tickling and driving her crazy with desire. After dropping her panties on the floor he raised her foot and slowly kissed his way up the underside of one leg pushing her knee higher upward with each kiss. Then he rested her upper thigh on his shoulder and pressed his lips between her legs, his tongue circling and then zeroing in on her clit. Lu gasped at the sweet suction as he pulled her into his mouth. He slid his finger inside her, building the rhythm, the anticipation. Her hips gyrated to his touch. She reached down and pulled his head up.

  “Hmm?” His smile seemed open to anything she might suggest.

  “I want you,” Lu whispered. “Now.”

  Byron sheathed and placed himself between her legs. She moaned as the slick latex rubbed against her sensitized skin. He continued to tease her, sliding partway inside and then retreating. His fingers kept her teetering on the edge of her release. Lu cried out in frustration as he continued to stroke her until her body crunched up in ecstasy. Then he plunged inside, filling her deeper with each thrust until she cried out in another release, even stronger than the last.

  Byron groaned as he drove into her final shudders and then collapsed onto her, barely holding his weight on his elbows. After a few moments, he kissed her shoulder and rolled onto his back. He reached up and stroked her cheek.

  “I’ll be back in a moment, love.” He slid off the bed and headed toward the bathroom.

  Did he just call me love? Lu shook her head in confusion. Probably she imagined it. But holy shit! She’d never had such great sex. Her body was totally spent in every way. Even her eyes felt tired. Maybe she’d just close them for a second until Byron came back.


  Lu stretched in her bed, feeling deliciously achy in places that had been neglected for far too long. Then she opened her eyes.

  What the hell?

  She looked around her room in confusion. Moonlight trickled in through the curtains illuminating the empty bed beside her. Hadn’t she and Byron just made love? It couldn’t have been a dream. Could it?

  Her sandals and underwear scattered on the floor confirmed her memory. It was real. But where was he? She vaguely remembered him saying something then going to the bathroom, but she didn’t think it was goodbye.

  Was he pissed off that she’d fallen asleep? No. He’d worked night shifts, he’d understand. She rubbed her eyes until they cleared enough to focus on the clock beside her bed. 3 a.m. She’d been out for a few hours.

  Hey, she’d had sex with someone on their first official date. She’d made Paul jump through hoops to prove that he wasn’t just using her, as her grandma had warned. Then again, who other than her would follow their grandmother’s advice? And she’d known Byron for over two weeks, so it wasn’t a one-night stand. Hopefully it was the start of a real relationship.

  Unless he hadn’t enjoyed it. Oh shit.

  Lu threw off her blankets in frustration. For three years she’d thought Paul had loved her when all the while he was screwing around. So how could she know? But then Byron had been so much better in bed than Paul, surely it must’ve been good for him
, too. Lu tried to remember. Had she done anything in bed, or had she made him do all the work? Double shit!

  She threw on a T-shirt and underwear and walked down the hallway. The bathroom was dark and empty. No one was in the kitchen, either. Something was on the table, though. She flicked on the light and scanned the paper pinned under her salt shaker.

  Hey Lu,

  Gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow from work. Or you can call my cell.


  Okay. Good. He still wanted to see her and next time she’d be more sexually aggressive. Lu poured herself a glass of water and went back to bed. Lots of people don’t like to sleep at someone else’s house. There was no reason for her to freak out about him leaving.


  Lu woke up smiling. It was amazing how much better things were in the daylight. Now she just had to wait for Byron to call her. Despite knowing that she could call him, that all the women’s mags said she should call him, Lu still needed him to take the initiative. What a wuss. Meanwhile she cleaned, drank coffee and cleaned some more.

  Nine o’clock. He’s probably back at his desk after his first coffee break. He could call now.

  Nine-thirty. Maybe he just finished with the first twenty-five e-mails of the day. Please call.

  Ten-fifteen. He should—

  Her phone rang and Lu jumped at the sound. Her heart pounded loudly and she took a deep breath before answering.

  “Lu speaking.”

  “Congratulations. You have been selected as the winner of a trip for—”

  Lu hung up on the recorded voice with a muffled scream. Damn you, Byron. Call! She stared at the phone in frustration. She should do something. Go shopping. Maybe if she let his phone call go to message, she wouldn’t seem so eager, and then she could call him back. God, when did I become such a wimpy female? I was never this way with Paul.

  As she dressed to shop, the answer hit her and she sat down in shock. It’s because Byron already means more to me than Paul ever did. She’d known early on that Paul was a self-centered jerk, but she’d justified being with him by imagining she loved him. She’d convinced herself that she was the only one who could see the sensitive artist behind the pompous jerk. Now she realized what a real relationship should be like. I really care about Byron. When did that happen?


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