EVAC : Zombie Apocalypse

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EVAC : Zombie Apocalypse Page 7

by D G Leigh

  “We can't allow you guns. What would keep you from turning them against us?”

  The three men dug their heels in. “This ain't no Sunday rodeo, Padre. You can't expected us to go in there unarmed.”

  William handed Leslie his shotgun, primed with a few beanbag slugs and a scythe for removing blowpipes. The other two got given fire axes. “If you're not happy with the arrangement we'll escort you all back to the cave where you're free to leave.”

  The odds were better here. “You honestly want us to use these?” Oliver familiar with the feel and stance of holding a bat but his added armour hindered a powerful swing. “This isn't a humane way to go. It ain't gonna look pretty.”

  “Their souls have already risen only a shell remains. Afterwards each will be given a proper Christian burial.”

  Leslie step forward. “You must cremate the bodies immediately.” No compromised. “I've seen what happens if you don't.”

  “Not before I've read them their last rites.” William equally set with his own conditions.

  “With pleasure. You can swap suits with me now if you like?” Leslie pushed his luck even further. “Also give Eugene your Colt.”

  William's gaze narrowed suspiciously. “There's thirty-eight lost members. You really believe six bullets are going to make a difference out there?”

  “The bullets aren't for them.” Leslie replied dryly.

  With a smirk William considered Leslie's request. Gave Corporal Eugene his emptied revolver. “You'll get three bullets once on the other side of the blast door.”

  --- Nine ---

  Plantdrones ambled among the picturesque wooden structures that made up the eighteenth century style village. Predominately nestled at centre a large community church, William's place of worship.

  “I count thirty Zaks. Eight missing.” The team hid at the lava tunnel's exit. “All in town.” Huddled for the pre-game pep talk. Hard to hear each other through the heavy padding.

  William had drawn them a map of the area. None of the infected were seen wandering the open fields. Collectively more zombies lingered at the entrances then other parts of the homesteads. Leslie made a frightening observation. “They really are intelligent. They know where to find us, where we live.”

  More than four dozens mature bamboo trees rose beyond the valley's sky. At their summits gravity defying branches stretch outwards, in places interweaving with their nearest brethren. At ground level honeycomb mounds had started to melt, releasing more spores into the atmosphere. The leapfrogging invasion rain cycle continued.

  “They're unstoppable. Completely unstoppable.” Oliver laid his axe on the floor.

  “Hey champ don't give up.” Leslie handed the weapon back. “Jesus fed thousands with just five loaves. Why don't I ask our good friend the Reverend if he'd have a quick word with the powers above to razzle-dazzle our measly three bullets into a tank!”

  “You've got as much chance as James becoming the Pope.” Eugene took command, the youngest of the three. No one appointed him or took a vote. Occupation graced him the right. “If we'll torch one of those bastard trees that'll bring them all charging. Keep our backs against the cliffs. Make a stand.” William had been right about one thing, none of the slopes had infestations growing over them. “Wish the locals would paint me in the same stuff!”

  Oliver the first to clash with the plantdrones. The fastest and nearest infected attacked as individuals. Easily dispatched one at a time. Eugene and Oliver's fire-axes cleanly took down eleven zombies in as many strokes. The next wave arrived in groups. Shots to the legs from Leslie's pump action broke up the packs as they staggered and fell.

  Less time to plan or be ready for the next swing as the men fought off two or three biters at once. Eugene decided to drop his long handled axe in favour of a butcher's knife. Trained in close-quarters-combat made quick and light work stabbing the enemy. Physically fit Oliver had no trouble finding the energy under the weighty suit to keep chopping.

  They didn't have to kill all the plantdrones. The rest set themselves alight whilst trying unsuccessfully to douse the flames of their precious mother tree. When that failed in order to save itself the bamboo secreted a resin above the lick of the flames. Gloopy mixture rolled down its stem covering it in a viscous layer snuffing out the fire.

  Leslie, Oliver and Eugene picked through the grisly remains. Totalling up the bodies, thirty-eight in the end. Utterly gross. Hacked and smouldering charred corpses. What were the survivors capable of? Monsters themselves.

  Leslie worried about repercussions. “We can't let the parishioners see this.” All three agreed. “Eugene and I will search the houses for covers, bed lining, tablecloths. Oliver can you stay here collect their personal belongings, wedding rings and such?”

  “No problem.” Oliver examined the blacken bamboo. “These things have a weakness.”

  Eugene with a completely different opinion. “It managed to extinguish the flames on its own. How the hell does that make it vulnerable?”

  “It waited until it had no other choice. I'm no expert but I'd say that the sap it expelled must be valuable? Either hard to produce or it's in a greater demand elsewhere? You've seen how fast these bloody things grow. Must consume a colossus amount of energy.”

  “Once we've sliced off the turrets Professor James can finally make himself useful. Dissect the rest under the base's microscopes.”

  Before entering the village Eugene gave Oliver the Colt. “Leslie's watching my back, this will take care of yours!”

  --- Ten ---

  At the airlock's tiny security window William watched the team struggle back. Refused to unlock the steel hatch.

  “What's wrong with Oliver?”

  Leslie and Eugene supported either side of the athlete's shoulders. Lead him back. “He's not infected.” Damp rag wrapped around his head.

  Not an answer that would grant them entry. “What happened?”

  Exhausted Leslie short on patiences. “He cut off a nodule. It released a toxic mist. He's eyes burnt shut, he's blind. Let us in.”

  “I can't.” William replied without hesitation. “He might be contagious?”

  Leslie walloped the door with his foot. “We're okay aren't we?He's not contagious. Now open up.”

  “Have you exorcised the possessed?” William concerns clearly elsewhere.

  “Yeah!” Leslie's temper rising. “Damn it! He needs medical treatment.”

  “You're all quarantined for twenty-four hours. After that we'll see if there's any developments.”

  “He might be permanently blind by tomorrow. How's that for developments? You Bible bashing mother-” Leslie's frustration getting the better of him. “I'm going to burn the bodies.”

  “You'll find food in the rectory's pantry.” William remained composed. Leslie's angry didn't bother him in the slightest. “We'll pray for their souls and yours.”

  * * * * * *

  Zero Day + Three

  --- One ---

  True horror waited for those that woke from another night of restless sleep. No escaping this ever changing nightmare. The sky totally blotted out by a tangled interlocking web of red branches. Dense organic canopy thirty metres thick blocked ninety-five percent of essential sunlight. Was it even day? Each bamboo growth merged with another. The world above a bioluminescent blood-red dome. Tendrils spiralled down from the new demonic heavens drilling into the soil to form more roots, vertical bars to man's new prison.

  Leslie sat on the steps outside the church's doors, his blast helmet removed. A Bible lay open on his lap. Heard Eugene approach, didn't turn round. Readout a tome. “The skies are shut and there's no rain because they've sinned against thee.”

  They'd spent the night tending to Oliver. After he'd finally passed out Leslie came outside while Eugene had a snoop around, a distinctive familiar smell had caught his attention. “You sound just like his holiness William!” Eugene halted in his tracks. His jaw dropped. Viewed the sky for the first time. “Totally Tex

  “That's it! It's over. Oliver's right. Without sunlight the world's ecosystem will collapse. Nothing will grow. After the food runs out we'll turn on one another, those not already infected of course. Mankind beaten by a plant. Somebody took Hell and flipped it over on us.” Buried his head in his hands, defeated.

  Eugene picked up Leslie's helmet. “Put this back on.”

  “What's the point?”

  “Cause I don't want you chomping on me if you're dumb enough to get a dart in your eyeball sitting out here!”

  “We can't burn them or chop them down. Can't negotiated peace. They've won. They don't take prisoners unless you call being a plantdrone alive?”

  “Can't just give up. You've fought to get this far didn't you?”

  “No, just blind luck, that's all.”

  “Really? I've never seen anybody leap off a diner's roof onto a moving bus just so they wouldn't have to leave the waitress a tip! I'd say that's a man with gusto. Or somebody as tight as a duck's ass.”

  Imprisoned inside Armageddon's bell jar the pair chuckled.

  “What's your great plan, General Custer?”

  “I came outside to show you what I found but now I'm going to tell you something first. It isn't growing on the sides. The natives did that over a century ago and it's still working today. It's only a matter of time until our scientists figure out some sort of pesticide. How far have we leapt in bio-chemistry these last hundred years? This is the nudge right here, tilt the scales. It's our sole duty to get a message to them but we've got another problem to deal with.”

  “Another problem? Besides giant poisons trees blocking out the sun or Zaks that want to infect every man, woman and child.”

  Eugene tossed a lump of soft plastic the size of a brick into Leslie's lap, knocking the Bible aside. “This is what I came out to show you.”

  “What is it?”

  “C-4 explosive. The whole church is wired to go boom-boom. I believe William intents to deliver his flock to the pearly gates.”

  “A God damn suicide cult.” Leslie's fears were well founded. “We need to get out of here, fast. Steal a truck from the garage. Take the kids, Jo and Oliver. Could you get us to Pohakula barracks?”

  A single gun shot rung out from the altar.

  --- Two ---

  Oliver used Stanswick's Colt to take his own life, couldn't bear to go on living blind. Baseball was his whole world, without it he had nothing left. What good would he be fighting against plantdrones? A burden to his friends or worst he'd get them killed. Better to end it quick and save everybody the trouble.

  Leslie and Eugene removed his EOD suit. Said a few chosen words then burnt Oliver's body. Reported back to the hatch.

  “Oliver shot himself.” Leslie placed the kit at the door. Slung the pistol and shotgun on top. “Your Eden is lost Reverend. Until a safe way can be found to destroy the bamboo you'll all have to live inside the main bunker.” If Earth's ecosphere did collapsed there's be nothing worth coming back out to. “Eugene and I will walk one person across at a time.”

  “I'm sorry for your friend, truly.” William recited a pray. Released the vault.

  Face to face Leslie sucked in air. “I understand the reasons behind your choices but it doesn't mean I have to like them.” The two leaders nodded in agreement.

  --- Three ---

  “Jo?” Leslie called walking into the assembly lounge. “Susan?”

  James answered as the first of William's congregation started strapping on the spare blast suit under Eugene's supervision. He'd been wise not to volunteer. “Susan and Akamu have been exploring this time capsule.” Sniggered to himself. “Like lab rats in a maze. Jo went looking for them about an hour ago.”

  “Is that safe?” Leslie turned to the nearest armed choirboy. Raised his palms in response.

  “Your kids have been skylarking about in the lava tunnels.” A disapproving follower scolded.

  Leslie unzipped the valuable armour in front of the moany old witch. Disregarded the blast suit as if it was dirty laundry. Heavily fell to the floor under its own weight. There wasn't a stampede, everybody knew their turn would come. “I'm off to find Jo and the kids.” Strolled past the sentry.

  This was actually beneficial. Eugene and Leslie had a plan worked out on how to escape from Stanswick's lair. Originally they'd ferry everybody across, making sure they were the last then simply not return. The ignition keys in the bus. If the weed blocked the exit they could still return and nobody would be none the wiser. Perhaps barricaded the hatch, stay on this side of the compound. Indefinite supplies for five. William free to do whatever he wished over there. Leslie needed to locate Jo and the kids before they returned on their own accord.

  --- Four ---

  Leslie didn't have to search for long. The trio sat on the canteen's worktops scoffing ice-cream.

  Jo first to leap up to welcome him. “I died when they wouldn't let you back in.” Kissed Leslie with all her might, her lips cold from eating. “William kept the hatch guarded. How's Oliver?”

  “He didn't make it.” Leslie moved the conversion on. “Eugene found something.”

  “Would you like some chocolate ice-cream Mr Leslie?” Susan enjoying the treat, the end of the world wasn't so bad.

  “Not just at the moment.” Leslie motioned Jo to one side. “We're leaving. Taking the kids and high tailing it outta here.”

  “What did Eugene find?” Must be awful to want to leave this safe haven?

  “William's the leader of a doomsday cult. Eugene found their parish wired with explosives. Some sort of religious mass suicide. It's not safe for any of us on this base.” Unfolded a piece of paper. “Found this. It's part of a prepared sermon. It describes an existence on an astroplane that awaits them after death.”

  “Where can we go?”

  “There's rocks in the valley that the bamboo doesn't grow on. We can beat them. Eugene is getting a sample. Once everyone is settled in the other section. We'll steal the bus. Drive to Pohakula.”

  “It was hard enough driving here. The weed keeps growing. Do you think we can make it?” Jo hadn't seen the latest spurt.

  Leslie's face drained of all colour. “The bamboo crown has opened like an umbrella. The valley is completely under its shade, there's no more daylight. I'd imagine the rest of the island if not the whole world will follow suit.”

  Jo refused to listen. “Don't be ridiculous.” Pushed him away.

  “If I told you four days ago that a tree could soar over five hundred metres would you've believed that?”

  “No.” Managed a wavering smile, she didn't want to scare the children. “What can we do?”

  “I need you to put a few supplies together. Nothing that looks suspicious. Water, protein snacks. I'll come back for you soon.”

  “What about James and Consuela are they coming with us?”

  “It's best if they don't.” A tough pill to swallow. “I'm sorry. It's a simple question of our survival. We can't allow ourselves the added risk of attention.”

  Jo kissed him. “Be careful.”

  James had been eavesdropping their conversation from the other side of the serving window. He wasn't going to wait around to die. He's leaving this madhouse straight away. Take the battle-bus for himself. Tripping over his own feet made a beeline for the garage.

  --- Five ---

  Leslie never managed to reach Eugene. The base's warning klaxon alerted that the depot shutters were lifting. William sent the last guard to see what was happening. Leslie and him bumped into each other in the main service corridor. The thug half dressed in a blast suit. Apart from five members the rest of the community had already safely transferred over.

  “Take this.” Handed Leslie a pistol. “Come with me.” The pair headed towards the dock. “Did you find your friends?”

  “Yeah, in the kitchen.”

  “Then that just leaves James unaccounted for.”

  “Then let's go back.” Leslie grabbed the guerrillait
arized choirboy's arm. “Let him go.”

  “No can do. If he's done a runner we still need to secure the roller.”

  Ahead of them zombies, more than you could count, burst through the double doors. All wanting to be at the front ricochetted along the corridor. A sea of teeth.

  Composed the bodyguard selected where to shoot. His machine gun splintering leg bones and shredding muscle of the lead Zaks. The rest behind toppled over the bodies. The tangled mob formed their own plug. A few found their feet, a bullet to the head sent them back down to stay.


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