Maria Callas

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Maria Callas Page 47

by Arianna Huffington

  EMI-Angel Records

  exclusive recording contract with

  Entführung aus dem Serail, Die (Mozart)

  Epidaurus, Theater of

  Europeo, L’

  Failoni, Sergio

  Falstaff (Verdi)

  Faust (Gounod)

  Fedora (Giordano)

  Fenice, La (Venice)

  Ferruccio (M’s butler)

  Fidelio (Beethoven)

  M as Leonora in

  M’s refusal to appear in

  Fonteyn, Dame Margot

  Foreman, Carl

  Forza del Destino, La (Verdi)

  M as Leonora in

  Fox, Carol

  France Dimanche

  Frischauer, Willi

  Furtseva, Yekatrina

  Galitzine, Princess Irene

  Galli-Curci, Amelita

  Gambato, Giuseppe

  Gardner, Hy

  Garoufalidis, Artemis Onassis

  Garoufalidis, Theodore

  Gavazzeni, Gianandrea

  Gedda, Nicolai

  Gencer, Leyla

  Gentele, Göran

  Georgakis, Professor Yanni

  Ghiringhelli, Antonio

  Gilpatric, Roswell

  Gioconda, La (Ponchielli)

  M as Gioconda in

  Giordano, Umberto

  Giorno, Il

  Giulini, Carlo Maria

  Giulini, Marcella

  Glotz, Michel

  Gobbi, Cecilia

  Gobbi, Tito

  Gorlinsky, Edith

  Gorlinsky, Sander

  as M’s exclusive agent

  Grace, Princess of Monaco

  Graf, Herbert

  Grandpierre, Georges

  Gratsos, Anastasia

  Gratsos, Constantine

  Great Interpreters, The (TV program)


  abdication of king of

  black market in

  Callas women in return to

  Civil War in

  Communist resistance group (ELAS) in

  currency collapse in

  demoralization of

  German occupation of

  German retreat from

  Karamanlis government in

  M’s bonds with

  M’s first voice studies in

  World War II and

  Grisi, Giulia

  Gronchi, Giovanni


  Gui, Vittorio

  Gurney, Accardi

  Guthrie, Tyrone

  Habanera (Carmen)

  Hamlet (Thomas)

  Harding, Warren G.

  Harewood, Lord

  Harlech, Lord

  Harris, Kenneth

  Haydn, Franz Joseph

  Hayworth, Rita

  Hepburn, Audrey

  Heyworth, Peter

  High Fidelity

  H.M.S. Pinafore (Gilbert and Sullivan)

  Hoffer, Peter

  Holland, Sir Milner

  Holmes, David

  Hope-Wallace, Philip

  Howard, Dulcie

  Huguenots, Les (Meyerbeer)

  Hurok, Sol

  Incoronazione di Poppea, L’ (Monteverdi)

  Iphigénie en Tauride (Gluck):

  M as Iphigénie in

  Visconti’s production of

  Johnson, Edward

  Juilliard School of Music, M’s master classes at

  Kalogeropoulos, Evangelia Dimitriadis, see Callas, Evangelia Dimitriadis

  Kalogeropoulos, George, see Callas, George

  Kalogeropoulos, Jackie, see Callas, Jackie

  Kalogeropoulos, Maria, see Callas, Maria

  Kalogeropoulos, Vasily

  Kalomiras, Manolis

  Karajan, Herbert von

  Karakandas, George

  Kelly, Lawrence

  Kennedy, Caroline

  Kennedy, Edward M. (Teddy)

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, see Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, John F., Jr.

  Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kennedy, Rose

  Khan, Begum Aga

  Khan, Prince Aly

  Kleiber, Erich

  Klemperer, Otto

  Koener, Henry

  Konetzni, Anny and Hilde

  Korilos, Dr.

  Körner, Theodor

  Koryzis, Alexander

  Koutalidis, Tryfon

  Labroca, Mario

  Lance, Albert

  Lantzounis, Leonidas (godfather)

  author’s interview with

  Evangelia’s return to U.S. financed by

  M’s close relationship with

  M’s correspondence with

  M’s marriage and

  M’s reconciliation with mother urged by

  as orthopedic surgeon

  Lantzounis, Sally

  La Scala (Milan)

  claques sanctioned at

  Giulini’s departure from

  M’s break with

  M’s debut at

  M’s first contract with

  M’s last performance at

  M’s reconciliation with

  Tebaldi’s debut at

  Tebaldi’s departure from

  Tebaldi’s return to

  Latini, Carlo

  Lauri-Volpi, Giacomo

  Legge, Walter

  Lehmann, Lilli

  Liebermann, Rolf

  Life magazine

  Lilly, Doris

  Livanos, Athina, see Onassis, Athina Livanos

  Livanos, George

  Livanos, Stavros

  London, George

  Lorenz, Max

  Luccia, Maestro

  Lucia di Lammermoor (Donizetti)

  M as Lucia in

  Zeffirelli’s production of

  Lyric Theater (Athens)

  Macbeth (Verdi)

  Madama Butterfly (Puccini)

  M as Cio-Cio-San in

  M’s refusal to appear in

  Madama Butterfly competition

  Maggio Musicale (Florence)

  Malibran, Maria

  Malipiero, Riccardo

  Malraux, André

  Manchester, William

  Mann, Robert

  Mann, William

  Manon Lescaut (Puccini)

  Marlborough, 10th Duke of

  Marriage of Figaro, The (Mozart)

  Martha (Flotow)

  Martinelli, Giovanni

  Masiello, Alberta

  Master Builder, The (Kalomiris)

  Maxwell, Elsa

  extravagant parties of

  M attacked by

  M introduced to high society by

  as M’s champion

  as M’s surrogate mother

  Onassis affair and

  Mead, Lainie

  Mead, Mary

  Medea (Cherubini)

  at Epidaurus

  Minotis’ production of

  M as Medea in

  Medea (film)

  M’s life as parallel to

  M’s obsessive involvement with

  Mefistofele (Boito)

  Meletos, Archbishop

  Meneghini, Giovanni Battista (husband)

  on board the Christina

  divorce proceedings of

  in Mexico with M

  M goaded by

  mother’s dislike of M

  M’s death and

  M’s dependence on

  M’s gratitude toward

  M’s home with

  as M’s personal manager

  M’s relationship with Onassis and

  M’s relationship with Visconti and

  M’s romantic interest in

  M’s will contested by

  M wed to

  “perfect” marriage of

  self-importance of

  Mennin, Peter

  Menotti, Gian Carlo

  Merola, Gaetano

  Metaxas, Joannes

etropolitan Opera

  M’s contract canceled by

  M’s debut at

  M’s refusal to debut at

  Meyer, Johnny

  Mikado, The (Gilbert and Sullivan)

  Milanov, Zinka

  Millöcker, Karl

  Minotis, Alexis

  Mitridate Eupatore (Scarlatti)

  Mitropoulos, Dimitri

  Mocenigo, Carla

  Moffo, Anna

  Monte Carlo Opera

  Moore, George

  Moscona, Nicola

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

  Murrow, Ed

  Musica e Dischi

  Musical America

  Musical Times

  Music and Musicians

  Mussolini, Benito

  My Daughter Maria Callas (E. Callas)

  Nabucco (Verdi)

  Nación, La

  National Conservatory (Athens)

  Nelli, Herva

  Newman, Ernest


  Newton, Ivor

  New Yorker, The

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Post

  New York Times, The

  Niarchos, Athina, see Onassis, Athina Livanos

  Niarchos, Eugenia

  Niarchos, Stavros

  Nilsson, Birgit

  Noir et Blanc

  Norma (Bellini)


  disastrous performances of

  at Epidaurus

  M as Norma in

  M’s identification with role

  Zeffirelli’s production of

  Notte, La

  Nureyev, Rudolph

  Oberon (Weber)

  Observer, The, (London)

  “Ocean! Thou mighty monster” (Oberon)

  Odeon Athenon


  Oliver, André

  Olympic Airways

  Onassis, Alexander

  death of

  Onassis, Aristotle Socrates

  alienating life-style of

  attempts to change M by

  bracelets given by

  death of

  death of, M’s reaction to

  decline of

  deposed by Prince Rainier

  as devoted to M

  divorce proceedings of

  fame important to

  famous women needed by

  film career for M desired by

  fishermen’s life idealized by

  Frischauer’s biography of

  Jackie Kennedy courted by

  Jackie Kennedy wed to

  at Kennedy funeral

  life history of

  marriage with M postponed by

  M in love with

  M manipulated by

  M mocked by

  monomania of

  M’s abortion and

  M’s career sacrificed for

  M’s common origins with

  M’s dependence on

  M’s domestic dreams and

  M’s first meeting with

  M’s insecurities triggered by

  M’s reactions to break with

  M’s resignation to relations with

  M’s return to stage and

  M’s singlemindedness broken by

  myasthenia gravis and

  opera hated by

  reconciliation with M tried after Kennedy marriage

  on Skorpios

  son’s death and

  as storyteller

  true love relationship feared by

  Ulysses as hero of

  Onassis, Artemis, see Garoufalidis, Artemis Onassis

  Onassis, Athina (Tina) Livanos

  death of

  divorce proceedings of

  marriage to marquess of Blandford

  marriage to Niarchos

  Onassis’ attempts at reconciliation with

  Onassis, Christina

  Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

  courted by Onassis

  extravagant spending of

  on first cruise with Onassis

  married to Onassis

  Onassis disenchanted with

  Onassis’ death and


  opera, M’s revolutionary influence on

  Opera News

  Orfeo ed Euridice (Haydn)

  Pacelli, Marcantonio

  Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran

  “Paloma, La” (song)

  Papadopoulos, George

  Papajohn, Alexandra

  Paris Opéra (L’Opéra)

  M’s debut at

  Parmeggiani, Ettore

  Parrish, Dr. Louis

  Parsifal (Wagner):

  M as Kundry in

  M’s last performance of

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo

  M’s friendship with

  murder of, M’s reaction to

  Pasta, Giuditta


  Patti, Adelina

  Pavarotti, Luciano

  Pavlova, Tatiana

  Paxinou, Katina

  Pearson, Drew

  Peralta, Angela

  Perrin, Dominique

  Petroff, Ivan

  Picco, Guido

  Pinto, Barreto

  Pirata, Il (Bellini)

  Poliuto (Donizetti)

  Pomari, Gaetano

  Pons, Lily

  Ponselle, Rosa

  Porter, Andrew

  Poulenc, Francis

  Prandelli, Giacinto

  Prêtre, Georges

  Pringle, Stanley

  Pritchard, John

  Protomastoras, O (Kalomiris)

  Prouse, Derek

  Puccini, Giacomo

  Puritani, I (Bellini)

  Radio Italiana

  Radius, Emilio

  Radziwill, Princess Lee

  Radziwill, Prince Stanislas (“Stash”)

  Rainier, Prince of Monaco

  Ratto, Gianni

  Requiem (Verdi)

  Rescigno, Nicola

  Rhinelander, Jeanne

  Rigoletto (Verdi)

  M as Gilda in

  “Ritorna Vincitor” (Aida)

  Robinson, Francis

  Rochas, Hélène

  Rome Opera

  M banned from

  M’s “scandal” at

  Roosevelt, Franklin and Susan

  Rosenfeld, Dr. Isadore

  Rosenthal, Harold

  Roskill, Mr. Justice

  Rossellini, Franco

  Rossi-Lemeni, Nicola

  Rossini, Gioacchino

  Roud, Richard

  Rubinstein, Artur

  Rysanek, Leonie

  St. Laurent, Yves

  Samuel, Claude

  San Francisco Opera

  San Giovanni Battista (Stradella)

  Santini, Gabriele

  Santrina, Signorina (music teacher)

  Sardou, Victorien

  Sargent, Sir Malcolm

  Sass, Sylvia

  Sassu, Aligi

  Saturday Review

  Schippers, Thomas

  Schneider, Edgar

  Schonberg, Harold

  Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth

  Scobie, Sir Ronald M.

  Scott, Walter

  Scotto, Ottavio

  Scotto, Renata

  Seguidilla (Carmen)

  Sell, Henry

  Sequi, Sandro

  Serafin, Elena

  Serafin, Tullio

  M’s first quarrel with

  M’s genius revealed by

  as M’s mentor and inspiration

  M’s tribute to

  recordings by M and

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Siepi, Cesare

  Sievewright, Alan

  Sills, Beverly

  Simionato, Giulietta

  Skouras, Spyros

  Smith, Cecil

  Smith, Dan

  Soldier’s Tale, The (Stravinsky)

  Sonnambula, La (Bellini)

  M as Amina in

p; Visconti’s production of

  Sordello, Enzo

  Soria, Dario

  Soria, Dorle

  Spontini, Gasparo

  Staatsoper, see Vienna State Opera

  Stabile, Mariano

  Stancioff, Nadia

  Stella, Antonietta


  Stickelbar, David

  Stignani, Ebe

  Stradella, Alessandro

  Straniera, La (Bellini)

  Stravinsky, Igor

  Sugar, Jennie

  Sunday Telegraph (London)

  Sunday Times, The (London)

  Sutherland, Joan

  Sutherland, Robert

  Taglioni, Maria

  Taubman, Howard

  Taylor, Elizabeth

  Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires)

  Teatro Communale (Florence)

  Teatro della Pergola (Florence)

  Teatro Eliseo (Rome)

  Teatro Municipal (Rio de Janeiro)

  Teatro Regio (Turin)

  Teatro San Carlo (Naples)

  Tebaldi, Renata

  M praised by

  M reconciled with

  M’s opposition joined by

  M’s rivalry with

  replaced by M

  return to La Scala of

  Tetrazzini, Luisa

  Théâtre des Champs Elysées

  Thebom, Blanche

  Tiefland (d’Albert)

  Time magazine

  M’s cover story in

  Times, The (London)

  Tonini, Antonio

  Tooley, John

  Tosca (Puccini)

  M’s final opera performance in

  M’s recording of

  M as Tosca in

  proposed filming of

  Zeffirelli’s production of

  Toscanini, Arturo

  Toscanini, Wally

  Tosi, Piero

  Traviata, La (Verdi)

  M as Violetta in

  Visconti’s production of

  Zeffirelli’s production of

  Tristan und Isolde (Wagner)

  Trivella, Maria:

  as M’s first voice teacher

  as surrogate mother to M

  Trovatore, Il (Verdi)

  M as Leonora in

  Tuckerman, Nancy

  Turandot (Puccini)

  M’s last stage performance of

  M as Turandot in

  Turco in Italia, Il (Rossini):

  M as Fiorilla in

  Zeffirelli’s production of

  “Una voce poco fa” (Il Barbiere di Siviglia)

  United States Opera Company

  Valéry, François

  Valletti, Cesare

  Vanne, Charles

  van Zuylen, Gaby

  van Zuylen, Maggie

  as go-between for Onassis and M

  Verdi, Giuseppe

  Vergottis, Panaghis

  in break with M and Onassis

  as envoy between M and Onassis

  as father figure to M

  in partnership with M and Onassis

  in trial against M and Onassis

  Verona, Arena of

  Vespri Siciliani, I (Verdi)

  directed by M

  M as Elena in

  Vestale, La (Spontini)

  M as Giulia in

  Visconti’s production of

  Vickers, Jon

  Vienna State Opera

  Visconti, Guido, duke of Modrone

  Visconti, Luchino

  artistic philosophy of

  death of

  in debut as opera director

  homosexuality of

  Italian censors and

  M’s infatuation with

  M’s last collaboration with


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