Seducing the Dragon: Part Four

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Seducing the Dragon: Part Four Page 3

by Jessie Donovan

  He chuckled before he eased back to see her eyes. “I’m going to miss you, Evie Marshall.”

  Evie’s heart squeezed at the emotion in his words. Yet she somehow managed to keep her voice even when she replied, “Then stop dawdling and go. The sooner you save Murray, the sooner you can come back to me.”

  With a nod, Bram released his grip. She nearly reached out to pull him close again, but she resisted. There was too much at stake and it was no time to be selfish.

  Bram cleared his throat and the two dragonwomen turned around. Nikki was fighting a smile, but Charlie’s face was still as calm as before.

  Her dragonman said, “Take care of Evie. You all should be safe here since I took great care in choosing this location, but don’t let your guard down for a second until I return. Who knows how far Simon Bourne’s reach goes, let alone where he has spies.” Nikki and Charlie nodded. He looked to her. “I know you don’t like orders, but stay put. When all of this is over, we’ll work on some self-defense training beyond what the DDA taught you. Until then, let my people watch over you. Worrying about you is a distraction I can’t afford until the clan and Murray is safe.”

  Evie replied, “Don’t worry. I’ll stay until all of this is over. Not only do I want to live, I have mountains of data from the DDA database to comb through. I haven’t found anything in the fifteen minutes you were away, but I’m going to keep looking.”

  “Good. Then I’m off.”

  With one last quick kiss, Bram exited the room. Pushing aside the ache in her chest at his leaving, she turned toward Nikki and Charlie. “Right, I have a ton of information to sort through. Would anyone like to make some breakfast?”

  Nikki crossed her arms over her chest. “We’re your guards, not your maids.”

  Before she could launch into why it would benefit the clan to allow her to work, Charlie said in a quiet voice, “This job isn’t always as glamorous as you’d like it to be, Nikola. Now, start looking for something to make. I’m starved.”

  Nikki gave a terse nod and turned toward the cabinets.

  Looking toward Charlie, Evie said, “I don’t think we’ve met officially. I’m Evie Marshall.”

  “I know.” Charlie gestured toward the laptop. “Why don’t you start working? I’ll let you know when the food is ready.”

  Evie scrutinized the dragonwoman’s face, but she couldn’t detect any discernible emotion. Not everyone will love you instantly. Focus on your work.

  “Sounds good,” Evie said and moved to her computer and started reading.


  Bram walked away from the cave dwelling toward the clearing surrounded by trees he would use to shift and take off. After taking a deep breath of cool morning air, he spoke to his dragon. Do you still agree to our deal?

  His inner beast gave a sleepy yawn before replying. Yes. I will hand control back over to you once we arrive at Stonefire’s lands. Then I will be first to fuck our mate when the danger has passed.

  Bram hated that his inner beast would be in control again the next time he had Evie naked and willing, but he was clan leader. Sacrifices had to be made. Good. Channeling some of your sexual frustration will help us rescue Murray.

  Yes. I’m strong, but I’m reaching my limit. I want our mate every second of every day.

  I know how you feel. I don’t ever want to let her go, and not just because she’s our true mate.

  My plan succeeded. You’re welcome.

  Bram simply shook his head at his beast’s tone of surety. She knows how to put you in your place. I’d be careful.

  She won’t need to hurt us again. Next time, she will understand. She will bear our young.

  How is that even possible?

  Not now. I will tell you later. It will encourage you to finish the task quicker.

  First Evie, and now his dragon; he was a bit worried about everyone dangling incentives for him to return in one piece. Even without the enticements, he wouldn’t let down his clan.

  Bram stopped in the middle of the clearing and decided he would finish the rest of the conversation later. I’m trusting you. Don’t let me down.

  We have a deal. I will not renege.

  Since Bram didn’t have any other choice, he allowed his dragon to rush to the front of his mind. As the inner beast took over, his legs grew into giant hind legs with talons, his arms into forelegs, and his face elongated into a snout at the same time ears and horns grew from his head. When the shift was complete, Bram’s dragon folded back their wings partway, crouched down, and jumped into the air.

  As their wings beat to lift them into the sky, Bram paid close attention to his inner dragon’s behavior. Despite the tension humming through his mind, which he now recognized as his dragon containing the mate frenzy, the beast didn’t try to force him inside a mental prison as before.

  Satisfied, Bram said, Now, fly as fast as we can without being seen. Our clan needs us.

  His wings beat in a steady rhythm as they flew over the English countryside. He was careful to pick a path with the least amount of human houses and farms. Nighttime was better for concealing a dragon in the sky, but Bram couldn’t afford to wait.

  No matter how many times he’d flown in his dragon form over the course of his life, Bram loved viewing England from such a great height. Everything was small, not much more than a speck. Eventually, he wanted to take Evie out during the daylight hours. She would love the view.

  To do that, he needed to ensure his survival. As he made his final approach to Stonefire’s secondary landing area, Bram said to his dragon, Remember, to help me, the clan, and our mate, I need you to channel your frenzy. The dragon hunters nearly killed Tristan the last time our people rescued someone in trouble. We can’t let that happen, or our mate will be alone.

  We will succeed.

  As they slowed down the beating of wings to land, Bram noticed Finn and Kai off to the side, their faces grim. The instant his feet touched the ground, he nudged at his dragon to fade into the back of their mind. Five seconds ticked by before his beast complied with a grumble and said, Remember our deal. If you don’t honor it, I’ll force my way out. I want Evie.

  His dragon receded and Bram took back control of his mind. He then imagined his legs shrinking into arms and legs, his face morphing back into a human skull, and his wings and tail merging into his back. Once he was human again, Bram strode toward Kai and Finn. Kai tossed him a less formal version of the traditional dragon-shifter attire. Stepping into the kilt-like garment, Bram said, “Give me the report.”

  Kai nodded. “Finn’s people have been assigned Stonefire partners and two of our Protectors just brought in Olivia. She was sedated, but should wake up any minute. I wasn’t sure who you wanted to question her.”

  Implied was another question: Do you trust the Scottish leader to attend the questioning?

  Bram said, “I’ll question her alone first.” He looked to Finn. “I’d have you join me, but Olivia doesn’t know you and I can’t risk her keeping secrets because of it.”

  Finn let out an overly dramatic sigh. “Well, I’ll just have to find something else to do and miss out on the fun. I need to check in with my clan, at any rate, before we go off to save your clan. Since I want a secure connection to contact Lochguard, I need to talk to Arabella MacLeod.”

  Bram eyed the Scot. “We have other techs who could help you.”

  Finn shook his head. “No, she knows what she’s doing and I don’t have time to interview someone new. I can’t risk a fuck-up in this, Bram. We have no idea of what Simon Bourne is capable of doing with regards to surveillance.”

  The dragonman did have a point. Bram wanted to ask Finn’s true motives with Ara, but it would have to wait. He looked to Kai. “Find someone to show Finn where Tristan lives. Ara should still be there.” Kai grunted in acknowledgment. Bram looked to Finn and pierced him with a stare. “Be careful with her, Stewart. You hurt her and I’ll toss your arse out in a heartbeat.”

  The Scottish leader ga
ve a mock salute. “Yes, sir.”

  With a sigh, Bram waved the two off and headed in the direction of the building where prisoners were held whenever he had them. He didn’t have time to think about how annoying Finn was. Clearing his mind with a few deep breaths, he prepped for his interrogation. Olivia might be the key to saving Murray, and he would find a way to make her talk.

  Chapter Four

  Arabella brushed the soft, warm cheek of her little niece, Annabel, with her finger and smiled. While she’d been afraid to even hold the twins when they were first born, she’d become quite the protective auntie. Between her brother, Tristan, Melanie and herself, nothing would happen to the sweet babies. They would make sure of it.

  And it wasn’t just because the little girl was partly named after her, either. Annabel and her brother, Jack, had been vital to her healing process. Whenever she held one of them, her dragon would come out to make soothing sounds inside Ara’s head. Because she came to visit her niece and nephew often, Ara was growing more accustomed to her inner dragon’s presence inside her head, to the point the beast’s appearance didn’t incite a panic like it had done for years.

  She still might not be able to hold conversations with her inner dragon quite yet, but progress was progress. At least, that was what her brother’s mate, Melanie, always said.

  A knock on the door caused little Annabel to scrunch her face and turn her head in the baby way which signaled they were about to wake up. With a little rocking, her niece fell back into a peaceful slumber.

  Arabella heard footsteps coming from the direction of the door and she looked up to see who dared to disturb her niece’s sleep. She did a double-take. It was Finlay Stewart.

  Pushing aside her surprise, Arabella frowned at the Scottish leader. Without thinking, she asked, “Why are you here?”

  All eyes in the room turned toward her, but she never stopped rocking little Annabel in her arms. The Scot was a dragonman, not a god. If there was one thing she’d learned from Bram, it was that even clan leaders needed to be questioned from time to time.

  Still, to ease the worry of her friends in the room, Ara added, “I’m sorry, but if he’s offended by one question, then he has issues. A clan leader deals with far worse, am I right?”

  One corner of Finn’s mouth ticked up. “Aye, you’re right, lass. As long as you don’t call me a daft, unlikeable sod, you can say whatever you like. I prefer honesty myself.”

  Arabella said, “I don’t know you well enough to say whether you are a daft, unlikeable sod or not. I’ll let you know the verdict when I come to it.”

  The Scottish leader burst out laughing and she couldn’t resist a small smile.

  Tristan cleared his throat and Ara darted a look at her older brother. There were questions in his eyes. Given the stubbornness of the MacLeod bloodline, he wouldn’t give up until he had answers.

  Finn’s voice filled the room and she let out a mental sigh of relief. She could postpone her brother’s interrogation until later.

  Finn said, “Thanks for that, lass. Given the circumstances, I needed a good laugh.” Finn’s brown eyes stared straight into her, not even once moving to the scar on her face or the healed burn on her neck. Ara resisted fidgeting under his intense gaze. She nodded and he continued, “I’m here because I need to talk with my clan. I hate to break up the baby time, Arabella, but you know your stuff, and I need your help. Can you set up a secure video connection from here?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I always keep a back-up computer at my brother’s house.”

  “Good. Then let’s get to it. I need to go back and maybe help Bram with something.”

  Hugging Annabel close, she replied, “A please would be nice.”

  “Lass, will you please help me? Pretty please? My clan would thank you.”

  Arabella blinked. She hadn’t expected him to cave so easily. “Okay.”

  Avoiding eye contact with Finn, she stood up and walked over to her brother. She really didn’t like the mixture of concern and determination in her brother’s eyes.

  Once Tristan took the baby from her arms, her dragon scurried back into the far reaches of her mind. For some reason, the action stung a little.

  Carry on, Ara. There are far worse things happening right now. She moved toward the door to the little room used as an office. Just as she reached the door, her brother growled and said, “Don’t follow her, Stewart.”

  She stopped and looked over her shoulder just as Finn replied, “Arabella is a grown dragonwoman who speaks her mind. She didn’t say anything about waiting out here.”

  Even with the baby in his hands, her brother took a step toward Finlay. “I don’t care if you’re Lochguard’s leader or not. This is my home. Try ordering me around and see what happens.”

  Oh, bloody hell. Ara moved between Tristan and Finn. Looking at her brother, she said, “Tristan, it’s okay. With the door open, I’m virtually in the same room. I’ll be fine.”

  Her brother’s brows furrowed. Crap. She knew that look. When they were alone, he was going to question the hell out of her.

  From the corner of her eye, she caught Finn smirking. She faced him. “Just because I didn’t outright say to stay out here doesn’t mean you can just enter any room you wish in someone else’s house. I’m sure you have things you don’t wish for strangers to see.”

  Finn’s smirk widened. “Lass, there are things I verra much want you to see.”

  The Scot exaggerating his accent was the last straw. Ara’s restraint shattered. “Stop with the innuendo. It’s not sexy. It’s irritating. Just for that, you stay out here. Once I have things set up, I’ll call you.”

  Before he could reply, she walked back toward the door to the small office and entered the room. Taking out the laptop, she plugged it in and turned it on. While she waited for it to boot up, she couldn’t decide whether to sigh or to laugh. The expression she’d glimpsed on Finlay’s face, one of open astonishment, made her day.

  Working as quickly as she could once the laptop was ready, Arabella heard nothing but silence coming from the other room. When everything was set up, she walked out to see Finn and her brother staring at each other. It was then she noticed Melanie studying her with the careful look her sister-in-law always used when trying to spot clues to solve her latest puzzle.

  Bloody hell. It would be a double-team interrogation later. She hated being under such constant scrutiny. All she wanted was for her brother and his mate to allow her to recover in her own way. Yes, she’d needed the kick in the arse to leave her cottage and face the clan, but that had been over nine months ago. As Finn had said, she was a grown dragonwoman.

  Rather than think about agreeing with Finlay Stewart on anything, she cleared her throat. Everyone’s eyes moved to her. Arabella motioned toward the office. “It’s ready.”

  Finn walked up to her. “Are you going to show me how to work it?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t be daft. You know your way around a computer. Do it yourself.”

  The corner of her brother’s mouth ticked up, but she ignored it. Many of the clan members might be intimidated by her brother, but Ara wasn’t afraid to tell him what she thought of him. Sometimes he was a right cocky bastard. She’d deal with him later.

  Finn let out a long, drawn out sigh. “Right, then I’ll do it myself.”

  As he walked toward the office, she held out her arms to her brother. “I want Annabel back.”

  Tristan said, “I could use her as leverage to make you answer a few questions.”

  His mate, Melanie, piped in. “Tristan MacLeod, stop it. I won’t let you use our children as leverage. Give Ara our daughter. We can talk with your sister once things calm down.”

  Tristan glanced to Melanie and sighed at the stubborn glint in Mel’s eyes. Arabella knew she’d won and took Annabel from Tristan’s arms.

  Once she settled back into the chair with her niece, she hummed a tune. Soon, her dragon joined inside her mind. While Ara should be worried a
bout everything happening to the clan, she felt more content than she had in a long time. After all, she’d put a clan leader in his place, won a mini-battle with her brother, and was cuddling her niece again.

  She refused to admit Finlay Stewart was the reason most of it had happened at all. Neither she nor her dragon were ready to face that fact.

  Instead, Arabella continued humming to her niece. Putting Finn in his place had boosted her confidence. Maybe once everything was settled in the clan again, she could try pushing her boundaries even further. Until she completely overcame what the dragon hunters had done to her and her mother, she would never be anything more than ‘poor Arabella’ in the eyes of the clan.

  She wanted to finally be allowed to be herself.


  As Evie polished off the last of her English breakfast, she paused with her forkful of egg halfway to her mouth and reread the summary of the current investigation file on her computer:

  Based on the number of witnesses sharing the same testimony, it is highly probable the Carlisle hunters have several escape tunnels. None of the Carlisle city plans, going back to the 16th century, show anything bigger than sewer pipes. Yet the hunters appear from behind vegetation and abandoned sheds in the area on a regular basis. More interviews and research will be conducted in three months to determine if any tunnels exist.

  Bloody hell, if the hunters had constructed escape tunnels, that was something Bram and his clan needed to know.

  Laying down her fork, she skipped ahead to the second Carlisle investigation conducted three months later and read the summary:

  As predicted, a series of underground tunnels were detected. Using the witness testimony from three months previous, the use of radar technology confirmed two known exit points. The DDA believes the Carlisle hunters are unaware of our discovery, but the department will sit back and wait for confirmation of this supposition. This knowledge may be used for future operations.


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