Her Greek Protector

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Her Greek Protector Page 6

by Amanda Horton

  Her mind was in turmoil.

  Leo saved her from her thoughts by pointing to the computer. “It’s getting ready to connect.”

  Gemma spied her own reflection in the glass tabletop. She giggled. “Would you like some clothes or are you and your brother used to conversing in the nude?”

  Leo looked at her and then at himself before barking a laugh and pausing the computer’s actions. “Clothing is definitely required. There should be robes in the bathroom.”

  “I’ll grab them.” She wandered towards the master bathroom, hoping Leo’s call to his brother went as he hoped. Before seeing that picture, Leo had never expected to speak to his brother again. This trip was going to change all of that. It was going to change lots of things!

  Chapter 5

  Thessaloniki, Greece

  Moustakas Shipping Offices…

  Alexi stalked into the CEO’s office. He nodded at everyone he passed, amused they all thought he was Leo. Good wishes on his marriage abounded from one and all, a reminder that Gemma was under Leo’s protection and not his own. By the time he’d reached his former office, he wasn’t feeling as happy as when he’d first stepped into the lobby of the building.

  He was amazed to see Adara, his father’s long-time administrative assistant, sitting behind the large desk guarding Leo’s office. He strolled forward, knowing if he could fool her, he could fool anyone. She saw him and after a startled glance, surged to her feet. She bowed her head in greeting. “Mr. Moustakas. I wasn’t expecting you today.”

  He acknowledged her comment with a nod. “Plans changed. I’ll be in my office.” He strolled past her desk, firmly shutting the office door behind himself. Leo would probably have been more cordial. He’d have to remember that, if he wanted to hide his real identity as long as possible. If the person threatening his family wasn’t expecting two Moustakas brothers, that would give them a small advantage—an advantage they desperately needed since Alexi was still operating blind.

  He sat down behind the large desk and typed in his old code to start up the computer. When it worked, he was once again reminded that he needed to have a long discussion with Leo about security measures. I bet he’s still using the same computer code he had when we were at university!

  Getting down to business, Alexi was determined to figure out where the threatening emails were coming from and who might be sending them. While waiting for the archived files to reload, the phone to his right rang. Adara’s voice came through the intercom. “Sir, your cousin is on the phone.”

  “Efkharisto. I’ll take it.” He picked up the receiver. “Kassi?”

  “Alexi, I heard from Gemma and Leo. They got my email an hour ago and called here. Leo wants to talk to you, but I explained that you wanted to keep your identity a secret and that you were at the office… I told him you would contact him.”

  “You did exactly the right thing. I assume his cell phone number hasn’t changed?” Leo hadn’t seen fit to change anything else.

  “No,” Kassi confirmed.

  “Where is he?”

  “Australia. He’s waiting for your call…”

  “I’ll make it right now. Kassi…you sound worried, but you don’t need to be.”

  “Alexi, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about, I assure you. Let me call Leo.”

  “Alright. Aimee and I are going to take Damien into town this afternoon. Will we see you at dinner?”

  “I will be there. Have a nice outing.” He hung up and took a moment to let his thoughts settle. He was glad Aimee and Kassi were getting along so well. He was also glad Leo and Gemma had heard that he was alive and back in Greece, but now he was faced with confronting his brother about Gemma… Not something he was looking forward to doing. He wished he and Leo’s reunion could be only filled with happiness, but Gemma mattered. Alexi needed to assure himself that Leo and Gemma really were as happy as Aimee swore they were.

  He picked up the receiver, bypassing Adara’s assistance and dialed the number himself. It only rang twice before he heard the unmistakable sound of his brother’s voice.


  “Leo.” No matter how angry Leo’s actions had made him, he was still filled with love for his twin.

  “Alexi! I couldn’t believe it when we read Kassi’s email. God, it’s so good to hear your voice.”

  “Yours as well, brother.” Alexi’s eyes teared up. He remembered being on the ocean, sure that he’d never see Leo or his parents again, and the despair that had made breathing difficult. Hearing Leo’s voice now, the slight crack that indicated Leo was as emotional as Alexi was, his hand clutched the receiver tightly. Thankfulness that he was alive overwhelmed him.

  “We’re scheduled to fly back to Greece, but we couldn’t get clearance to leave until later tonight. Are you healthy? I heard a little bit of what happened and it’s amazing that you survived.”

  “I am healthy and have regained most of my memory. I hear you’ve been very busy while I was gone.”

  Leo’s soft chuckle came across the line. “You could say that. Have you met my son? Damien?”

  “I have met him and he is a wonderful little boy who has yet to understand two men who look so much alike. He thought I was you and immediately asked for his momma.”

  “We hated to leave him again but finding you…well, we’ll be home tomorrow afternoon. Kassi said you were at the office?”

  “Someone has to keep things running around here. By the way, everyone thinks that I am you.”

  “That’s a first for you,” Leo told him softly. “So…you are at the office? Alexi, you do realize that we followed your wishes? In regard to your stock?”

  “As I intended. Good job finding all of the paperwork I left in Paris. Speaking of the stock and its new owner, let’s talk about Gemma, shall we?” Alexi had intended to have this conversation face-to-face with his brother, but now that they were talking, he had to get some answers. He steeled his spine and tried to keep his voice calm and controlled. He needed to know everything. Only then could he even hope to process the emotions rushing through his brain. Disbelief. Jealousy. Protectiveness for Gemma.

  “Gemma and I met in Paris,” Leo told him.

  “When you went to the auction in my place,” Alexi stated for clarification.

  “Yes. I had just finished signing the paperwork for the paintings and there she was. She was so beautiful and the chemistry between us was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. She was nervous and we agreed to one night of passion and didn’t even exchange names.

  “Alexi, when I discovered she was the person you’d left your stock to, it blew my mind. I hired a private investigator to find her and then went to confront her in person, certain that she’d somehow swindled you.”

  “Gemma would never do something so underhanded,” Alexi interjected.

  “I know that. When I saw her again, the physical attraction between us flared to life again, and then I discovered Damien, thinking he was yours.”

  “Mine?” Alexi’s jaw dropped. He’d slept with Gemma, but only a few times, and getting her pregnant had never been one of his concerns. Never.

  “Yours. She told me you two were together. She thought we were one and the same person. I’m not proud of the way I acted…”

  “What did you do?” Alexi clenched his free hand into a fist.

  “I pretended to be you and blackmailed her to come back to Greece with me. I eventually came clean with her, but…it’s a very convoluted story and let’s just say that I almost lost her. It made me wake up and see what was right before me and how much I stood to lose if I didn’t start acting right. I told her everything and she forgave me.

  “I know what you’re probably thinking, but I’ve changed. She and I were made for each other. She makes me a better man and Damien…well, he’s the most amazing gift anyone’s ever given me.”

  Alexi listened to Leo continue to talk about Gemma and Damien, and found himself struggling
to let go of his anger. Since regaining his memory, he’d been focused on getting to Gemma and protecting her. Knowing that his brother had beaten him to that was hard to reconcile.

  Leo professed to love Gemma. He’d taken responsibility for his actions and been rewarded with Gemma’s love in the process. Could I have done the same thing? Is Leo a better man than I am?

  Questions continued to arise, but as he listened to Leo’s voice, one thing came through loud and clear. “You really do love her, don’t you?”

  “More than my own life,” Leo assured him.

  Alexi was quiet for several seconds, letting this new revelation take root in his brain. He’d been sure his brother wasn’t capable of true devotion to just one woman, but listening to him had changed Alexi’s mind. Forgiveness began to seep into his soul. “Leo, congratulations. Know that I will enjoy watching you become the best father and husband possible. I’m happy for you both.

  “Now, I know we will need to discuss the shares and such…”

  Leo cleared his throat. “Alexi, Gemma transferred the shares to Damien, giving me the right to manage and exercise their authority until such time as he comes of age.”

  Alexi pursed his lips for a moment. “Are you telling me this to warn me you have no intention of returning the shares to me?”

  “Not at all, but I think we need to sit down with everyone, including Gemma and our parents, and discuss this and the future of the company. I’ve discovered I like being actively involved in the company and with you back, there’s no reason it should all fall on any one person’s shoulders. I would also like to secure my son’s place for the future. Once you’re completely recovered and feeling better, we can...”

  “I assure you we will be discussing this as soon as you return to Greece. I am feeling fine and got a good report from the doctor so there is no need to wait. Is Gemma there? I would like to speak with her for a moment,” he told his brother, hoping he could find the right words to say to her.

  “She’s right here.”

  “Alexi? Are you really okay?” Gemma’s sweet voice came across the line.

  Alexi didn’t answer her right away, the sound of her voice bringing back happy memories. She sounded happy. He pictured her soft smile and green eyes, so full of life and energy. Closing his eyes, he could almost believe she was right there in the room with him. But even as his heart rejoiced to know she was safe and well, he realized that the emotion he felt was the merest shadow of what he felt whenever Aimee stood beside him.

  What does this mean?


  “I am fine, glykó korítsi.” He chuckled when he heard her whisper to Leo, asking for an interpretation of his words. “It means sweet girl, Gemma. And you are a sweet girl. I look forward to hearing all about how you came to be with my brother, but we will save that for your return.”

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. We’re coming home tonight. Right, Leo? Tonight?”

  Alexi heard his brother assure Gemma they would be landing in Greece before the sun set the next day. It would take close to sixteen hours to fly home from their present location, after all. “Gemma, I will see you at dinner tomorrow, if not before. Now, may I speak with Leo once more?”

  “Okay. Alexi, I’m so glad you’re alive. I can’t wait to see you again.”

  “The same goes for me.” Alexi wanted only the best for Gemma and while he was anxious to see her again, he found that during the course of their conversation, he no longer wanted to be her lover and her husband. He would still see to her safety, but in the role of her brother-in-law. She was family now, and that meant everything.

  He waited until Leo came back on the line and then he got right to the point, “What steps have you taken to ensure your safety while travelling and who knows where you’re at?”

  There was a moment of silence and then Leo lowered his voice to a mere whisper. “Alexi, what’s going on?”

  “I didn’t say anything was going on…”

  “You’re asking me about safety and who knows where Gemma and I are. That pretty much sounds like something is going on. Talk.”

  “I prefer not to at this time. However, it would ease my mind if you would answer the question. Do you have a security detail with you?”

  “No, I left Grigo with Aimee and Damien. We just have Anton and Nilos. Anton’s wife is our stewardess.”

  “Skata!” Alexi held back the other curses that wanted to spew forth. His brother and Gemma were sitting ducks.

  “I don’t know what you’re so upset about,” Leo told him. “I normally travel with a skeleton crew. I didn’t want to tip the press off so we’re travelling as light as possible.”

  “You’re taking unnecessary risks! Tell me your flight plans and I will have a security detail meet you at the airport in Dubai. You’ll also need another set of pilots to relieve Anton and Nilos. Is Kagan still flying for us?” When Leo didn’t immediately respond, he repeated the question. “Leo, if you care about Gemma, you need to answer my questions.”

  “I will tell you, if you promise to tell me what’s going on. I don’t like being kept in the dark, brother.”

  “I’ll tell you what I can. That’s the only promise I’ll make right now.” Alexi briefly described the threats he’d been getting before his ship had sunk, leaving out the finer details and the fact that this person was taking credit for having sabotaged his yacht. “I have every reason to believe this threat still exists.”

  “Is Gemma in danger?” Leo demanded in a harsh whisper.

  Alexi rolled his shoulders as the tension he’d been fighting increased. “I don’t know for certain, but I need you to take extra precautions. Please do this for her, if not for me.”

  Now it was Leo’s turn to curse. “I would do it for you both. We’ll be flying out of Australia in about five hours and heading to Dubai. From there, we’ll refuel and then head towards Greece.”

  “Kagan will meet you at the airport in Dubai with a security detail and another pilot. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Alexi…” Leo’s voice was filled with emotion.

  Alexi gripped the phone tighter. “I know, Leo. Be safe.” He disconnected the call and after a brief pause, he used the intercom to page Adara. “I want to see the head of security immediately and get Kagan on the phone.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll have Piotr come up right away. Will there be anything else?”

  “Not right now. Ring Kagan through as soon as you get him on the line.”

  “Right away, Mr. Moustakas.”

  Alexi went to the large windows, looking out over the port. He reveled in the fact that he’d survived and made it back to his family. There had been times during his time on Ranongga where he’d wondered if he would ever remember where he belonged, but those days were long past. Now he knew for certain that he was unwilling to remove himself from his family again.

  The phone rang just as Adara tapped on his office door and showed the head of security into his office. Piotr was not much older than Alexi’s own thirty-one years. Piotr had served four years with the Hellenic Navy and then trained for the Special Forces, directed by a former US Navy Seal. He had been lured out of military service to work for Moustakas Shipping when the threat of piracy and terrorism had threatened to destroy the company. He was paid very well for his work and Alexi had complete faith in his abilities.

  He gestured for Piotr to have a seat while he dealt with the phone call. “Kagan?”

  “Mr. Moustakas. What can I do for you today, sir?”

  “I have a special request for you but first I must have your promise that what I am about to tell you remains between us and is treated with the utmost secrecy.” He caught Piotr’s eye as he said this and then covered the mouthpiece on the phone. “I’ll be needing the same commitment from you, right now.”

  “Whatever you need, you have my solemn promise,” Piotr assured him.

  “You know you have my loyalty,” Kagan told him.

  Alexi s
miled. “Good. Kagan, Piotr is sitting in my office as what I am about to request will require both of your cooperation. Gentlemen, I’m putting this call on speakerphone so that we can get down to business and speed things along.”

  Piotr nodded and joined him at the small conference table. Alexi activated the speaker in the middle of the table. “Kagan can you hear me?”

  “Yes, sir. Morning, Piotr.”

  “You too,” Piotr replied.

  “What I am about to tell you both is known only to family and a few others. I am not Leo Moustakas, but Alexi.” Piotr’s face showed his shock and Kagan gasped. “I realize this news is unexpected and I will quickly summarize the last few months to bring you both up to speed.” He quickly outlined the capsizing of his yacht and his subsequent rescue by one of his own ships.

  “For the last several years, someone, or multiple persons, have been threatening me and this company. There have been a few incidents where this person almost succeeded and I believe this entity felt they had won when news of my death at sea began to circulate. I do not believe they saw Leo as any sort of threat and when that proved not to be the case, they have now focused their ill intentions in his direction. They’ve all but admitted to sabotaging my yacht.

  “This is why I feel it’s imperative that news of my coming back to the land of the living is postponed as long as possible.”

  “Sir,” Kagan’s voice came across the line, “would you please have Piotr verify your identity before we continue this discussion?”

  “Of course.” Alexi turned his arm over and allowed Piotr to inspect the tattoo on his arm.

  Piotr immediately nodded. “He’s who he says he is.”

  “I just had to be sure,” Kagan said.

  “I would have expected no less from either of you,” Alexi told them.

  “Sir, begging your pardon, but didn’t Adara question you?” Piotr glanced towards the closed office door.

  “Why would she? Everyone believes there is only one Moustakas twin still living. They see me and automatically assume I am Leo. We will continue to let them think that. I will be keeping a low profile until Leo returns to Greece, which is where the two of you come in.”


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