Frank's Campaign; Or, The Farm and the Camp

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Frank's Campaign; Or, The Farm and the Camp Page 4

by Jr. Horatio Alger


  When Frank woke the next morning the sun was shining into his window.He rubbed his eyes and tried to think what it was that occupied his mindthe night before. It came to him in a moment, and jumping out of bed, hedressed himself with unusual expedition.

  Hurrying down-stairs, he found his mother in the kitchen, busily engagedin getting breakfast.

  "Where's father?" he asked.

  "He hasn't come in from the barn yet, Frank," his mother answered. "Youcan have your breakfast now, if you are in a hurry to get to studying."

  "Never mind, just now, mother," returned Frank. "I want to speak tofather about something."

  Taking his cap from the nail in the entry where it usually hung, Frankwent out to the barn. He found that his father was nearly throughmilking.

  "Is breakfast ready?" asked Mr. Frost, looking up. "Tell your mother sheneedn't wait for me."

  "It isn't ready yet," said Frank. "I came out because I want to speak toyou about something very particular."

  "Very well, Frank, Go on."

  "But if you don't think it a good plan, or think that I am foolish inspeaking of it, don't say anything to anybody."

  Mr. Frost looked at Frank in some little curiosity.

  "Perhaps," he said, smiling, "like our neighbor Holman, you have formeda plan for bringing the war to a close."

  Frank laughed. "I am not quite so presumptuous," he said. "You remembersaying last night, that if I were old enough to take charge of the farm,you would have no hesitation in volunteering?"


  "Don't you think I am old enough?" asked Frank eagerly.

  "Why, you are only fifteen, Frank," returned his father, in surprise.

  "I know it, but I am strong enough to do considerable work."

  "It isn't so much that which is required. A man could easily be foundto do the hardest of the work. But somebody is needed who understandsfarming, and is qualified to give directions. How much do you know ofthat?"

  "Not much at present," answered Frank modestly, "but I think I couldlearn easily. Besides, there's Mr. Maynard, who is a good farmer, couldadvise me whenever I was in doubt, and you could write home directionsin your letters."

  "That is true," said Mr. Frost thoughtfully. "I will promise to give itcareful consideration. But have you thought that you will be obliged togive up attending school."

  "Yes, father."

  "And, of course, that will put you back; your class-mates will get inadvance of you."

  "I have thought of that, father, and I shall be very sorry for it. But Ithink that is one reason why I desire the plan."

  "I don't understand you, Frank," said his father, a little puzzled.

  "You see, father, it would require a sacrifice on my part, and I shouldfeel glad to think I had an opportunity of making a sacrifice for thesake of my country."

  "That's the right spirit, Frank," said his father approvingly. "That'sthe way my grandfather felt and acted, and it's the way I like to see myson feel. So it would be a great sacrifice to me to leave you all."

  "And to us to be parted from you, father," said Frank.

  "I have no doubt of it, my dear boy," said his father kindly. "We havealways been a happy and united family, and, please God, we always shallbe. But this plan of yours requires consideration. I will talk it overwith your mother and Mr. Maynard, and will then come to a decision."

  "I was afraid you would laugh at me," said Frank.

  "No," said his father, "it was a noble thought, and does you credit. Ishall feel that, whatever course I may think it wisest to adopt."

  The sound of a bell from the house reached them. This meant breakfast.Mr. Frost had finished milking, and with a well-filled pail in eitherhand, went toward the house.

  "Move the milking:-stool, Frank," he said, looking behind him, "or thecow will kick it over."

  Five minutes later they were at breakfast.

  "I have some news for you, Mary," said Mr. Frost, as he helped his wifeto a sausage.

  "Indeed?" said she, looking up inquiringly.

  "Some one has offered to take charge of the farm for me, in case I wishto go out as a soldier."

  "Who is it?" asked Mrs. Frost, with strong interest.

  "A gentleman with whom you are well--I may say intimately acquainted,"was the smiling response.

  "It isn't Mr. Maynard?"

  "No. It is some one that lives nearer than he."

  "How can that be? He is our nearest neighbor."

  "Then you can't guess?"

  "No. I am quite mystified."

  "Suppose I should say that it is your oldest son?"

  "What, Frank?" exclaimed Mrs. Frost, turning from her husband to herson, whose flushed face indicated how anxious he was about his mother'sfavorable opinion.

  "You have hit it."

  "You were not in earnest, Frank?" said Mrs. Frost inquiringly.

  "Ask father."

  "I think he was. He certainly appeared to be."

  "But what does Frank know about farming?"

  "I asked him that question myself. He admitted that he didn't know muchat present, but thought that, with Mr. Maynard's advice, he might getalong."

  Mrs. Frost was silent a moment. "It will be a great undertaking," shesaid, at last; "but if you think you can trust Frank, I will do allI can to help him. I can't bear to think of having you go, yet I amconscious that this is a feeling which I have no right to indulge at theexpense of my country."

  "Yes," said her husband seriously. "I feel that I owe my country aservice which I have no right to delegate to another, as long as I amable to discharge it myself. I shall reflect seriously upon Frank'sproposition."

  There was no more said at this time. Both Frank and his parents feltthat it was a serious matter, and not to be hastily decided.

  After breakfast Frank went up-stairs, and before studying his Latinlesson, read over thoughtfully the following passage in his prize essayon "The Duties of American Boys at the Present Crisis:"

  "Now that so large a number of our citizens have been withdrawn fromtheir families and their ordinary business to engage in putting downthis Rebellion, it becomes the duty of the boys to take their places asfar as they are able to do so. A boy cannot wholly supply the place of aman, but he can do so in part. And where he is not called on to do this,he can so conduct himself that his friends who are absent may feel atease about him. He ought to feel willing to give up some pleasures, ifby so doing he can help to supply the places of those who are gone.If he does this voluntarily, and in the right spirit, he is just aspatriotic as if he were a soldier in the field."

  "I didn't think," thought Frank, "when I wrote this, how soon my wordswould come back to me. It isn't much to write the words. The thing isto stand by them. If father should decide to go, I will do my best, andthen, when the Rebellion is over, I shall feel that I did something,even if It wasn't much, toward putting it down."

  Frank put his essay carefully away in a bureau drawer in which he kepthis clothes, and, spreading open his Latin lexicon, proceeded to preparehis lesson in the third book of Virgil's Aeneid.


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