Broken Souls (Primani Book 4)

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Broken Souls (Primani Book 4) Page 9

by Laurie Olerich

  Even as she watched, lights flicked on like so many lightning bugs. It truly was a magical sight. She envied them, just a little, for having this view every night. How nice it would be to see the beauty but not the filth down below. The sound of a male voice caught her attention and she pulled her eyes back to the garden in front of her. There was a brick wall surrounding it, topped with spikes. Apparently the wrought iron spikes were meant to discourage jumpers. That or maybe they were just for decoration. Either way, you couldn’t sit on that wall. Not that she’d want to. It was a long way down. Simply thinking about that made her shiver. Oh, hell no. The two people leaning against it now didn’t seem to mind the height. They seemed relaxed as they peered over the edge to watch the traffic below. The wind shifted, carrying their voices to her.

  “Come on, Dec. She’s got a major problem if you’re right. What are you going to do about it?”

  Problem? They had no idea. Her friggin’ problems had 99 problems!

  Declan answered, “I don’t know, man. We don’t know what’s up yet. I’ll keep an eye on her. I’ll do whatever needs done. You know that.”

  “I can help if you want me to.”

  “I’ve got this for now. I’ll let you know what you can do.”

  “Fair enough.” The sound of bottles clinking echoed in the still of the night. “To damsels in distress.”

  “Ha. To pretty damsels.”

  “Exactly how many damsels have you brought to your, um, castle?”

  They both jumped at the sound of her voice.

  Declan actually seemed embarrassed. His dark-haired friend threw back his head and laughed.

  Moving to her side, Declan cleared his throat and said, “Rori, meet my brother Sean. You sort of unofficially met him the other day, but you probably don’t remember him. Sean, this is Rori.”

  Still leaning against the wall, Sean didn’t bother to move. Instead of saying hello, he inclined his head and took a long pull of his beer, eyes traveling over her, missing nothing. A chill crawled down her spine. This one practically screamed ‘danger.’ By the time that sweeping gaze rested on her face, the force of it drew her in. The second she looked into his eyes, he nodded and she fell. Vivid cobalt, they pulsed with tiny gold lights. Beautiful, captivating… She couldn’t tear her eyes away. Declan tugged her to the patio chaise. Sean’s penetrating stare pinned her in place as the oddest feeling came over her.

  An irresistible urge to share her thoughts, her memories, her past, swarmed over her. He wants to see my memories… why? But even with the question on the tip of her tongue, she didn’t act on it. His incredible eyes pulled her in, and she was lost. After a moment of hesitation, the memories began to pour out like water leaving a dam.

  Rori, no!

  Chapter 6: Crazy Talk


  Looking into a pair of worried eyes, she blinked to clear her fuzzy vision.

  Those eyes crinkled with a scowl and Declan said, “Girl, you scared the hell out of us again. Do you mind not passing out anymore? My nerves can’t take all the stress.” Even as he scolded her, he massaged her temples with the pads of both thumbs.

  She captured his fingers, crushing them against her chest. She should let him go, but things were escalating, and she was freaked out. “I’m so confused. What’s happening to me? What did you do to me?”

  Damn it. She’d blacked out again? Things were getting worse. She’d been handling it so far, but she was losing control. Feeling her eyes prick with tears, she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. She needed some real answers. Breaking into tears and passing out were putting the brakes on those answers. She had to get a grip.

  Leaning away, Declan said, “I know you’re freaking out now, but we’ll figure this out. You’re not alone anymore. Trust me, okay.”

  “What can you do about it?” Swiping at a tear that threatened to fall, she gave him a watery smile.

  They gazed at each other for a full minute before he said, “You can cry if you want, but I have to warn you I might be forced to kiss you if you do. It’s the only way to snap you out of it.” He lifted one shoulder in a shrug as if he didn’t care one way or another.

  Kissing would put the brakes on getting answers too, but had much more appeal. She started to laugh, but her curious eyes dropped to his mouth. That fascinating mouth froze in mid-grin, one kissable dimple showing. Even though he wasn’t touching her, she felt him tense. She licked her lips, trying to say something, anything, to break the awkward silence. Holy shit. He was really going to kiss her. Her? Gorgeous men never kissed her. She was dreaming again. This had to be another hallucination…

  “Horrible timing aside, why wouldn’t I want to kiss you? You’re beautiful, love.” His voice was barely a whisper over the pounding of her heart.

  With infinite gentleness, he slid their joined hands up to her throat to cup the side of her face. “I can’t resist touching you. You’re so soft…”

  He guided the pads of her fingers over her jawline. Slowly, carefully he moved as though she were made of delicate china… the touch of their hands was so sensual, so erotic; she sighed and let her eyes drift closed. Surely this was Heaven.

  “Wow, Rori! That was some dream you had, huh? Oh, hey, you two need a room?” Sean’s smart ass comment blew the moment.

  She jumped up, nearly knocking Declan over. He backed out of range, catching her elbow in mid-swing. He wasn’t even breathing hard, and here she was about to have a heart attack because he was thinking of kissing her. Dropping her elbow, he gave her a wink. She’s an idiot. Seriously, what was she doing here? Gorgeous men played with women like her. He could pick and choose from millions of beautiful women who had actual futures ahead of them. She wasn’t fit for even a loser like Hector. She had way too many issues. It was time to blow this Popsicle stand before she lost the last precious dregs of dignity she still had deep down inside.

  Sean stopped grinning and considered her with those sharp eyes of his. He didn’t miss a thing, and she had the distinct feeling he was reading her mind.

  “Don’t you think we should talk? I don’t know about Dec, but I’ve got some questions for you.”

  With that, he strode off towards the kitchen without a backward glance. He expected her to follow? What was she? A puppy? Confident, sure, he was clearly used to getting his own way. Arrogant, conceited, obnoxious… she ran out of adjectives.

  Dec nudged her and broke into her grouchy thoughts. “Sean’s right. There are things you need to know. You’re not safe.”

  After an hour of listening, she sat back, crossing her arms, glancing from one to the other’s earnest faces. They were lucky she stayed through the entire hour. She’d almost tuned them out after the first five minutes, but to be fair, she stayed to hear everything they had to say. She had to admit they had some pretty convincing points. But it all boiled down to one blaring truth: It didn’t matter how cute they were; they were both crazy. It wasn’t simply the words they said; it was the devout belief in their eyes, their voices. They truly believed the insane crap they were telling her.

  Demons? Uh, no, she wasn’t buying that. Not even a little bit. It was way past time to go. She didn’t know these men. They said they wanted to protect her. Ha. Yeah, right. Because that’s what happens to women like her. Heroes just magically appear and make everything all better. For all she knew, these people were just more vivid hallucinations.

  “You two don’t seriously think I’m buying this story? You must be off your meds. First off, I don’t believe in demons so I’m pretty sure there’s not one sneaking around my bedroom. To tell you the truth, the fact that you guys think you know about them gives me the creeps. It’s just too bizarre for words. Have you been watching “Supernatural”? You’re cute and intense, but you’re not Sam and Dean Winchester. Second off, I have too many other problems to lose my mind over this one. Dreams, visions, whatever… everyone dreams. I’ve always had a vivid imagination. And I’ll add that none of th
is is your business.”

  The two men exchanged a meaningful look. Declan nodded before turning back to her. “We don’t think your dreams are simply dreams. You said yourself that people seem to die after you dream of them. Have you ever thought you might be psychic? You have some of the signs.”

  Was he serious? How could he possibly know? They were really starting to freak her out now. It was time to go before they dug up anything else. But first… lie, lie, lie. Just one more sin to add to the list. If this kept up, she’d have to find a confessional.

  “Look, I’ve been thinking about this. Yes, I’ve blacked out a couple of times, but this just started happening. Maybe I’ve got low blood sugar issues. If it happens again, I’ll go to the clinic.”

  Dec circled her wrist, measuring it with his hand. “Blood sugar could be a problem. You aren’t eating enough. You’re too skinny.”

  The front door slammed hard enough to rattle the van Gogh hanging in the foyer. The painting settled into place with a final, subtle click. Neither of them moved for the space of a heartbeat. The sharp slap of Rori’s sandals echoed in the marble hallway until she hit the elevator. With a final stab of a button, it dinged once and the penthouse was eerily silent. She was gone.

  “Don’t say a word.” Unable to believe what just happened, Dec gawked at the door for another second.

  Sean clapped him on the shoulder and mimicked, “‘You’re too skinny.’ Seriously, bro, I have no idea how you ever get laid.”

  “My mouth moves before my brain forms the words. It’s a gift.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair, resisting the urge to dematerialize. This was a nightmare.

  “Yeah, so now what? Are you going after her?”

  Dec shook his head, thinking hard. Rori was not only pissed off, she was hurt. He wanted to take them back as soon as the words left his lips. She’d flinched away as though he’d backhanded her across the face. The pain in her eyes clawed at him. He was a complete asshat. What happened to his famous talent for setting people at ease? He’d have to try to make it up to her--later. He wanted to apologize, but he also wanted to keep his balls. Later would be better.

  “Not yet. Probably I should give her time to cool off. My ears are still ringing from all the mean things she called me. Let’s get out of here. I need some air.”

  Sean checked the magazine for his Sig P250 and untucked his shirt for easier access. After jamming the gun into its place, he said, “Good plan, Romeo. Let’s go hunting.”

  Declan Manning was a dead man. If she ever saw that bastard again, she would kill him. It was 1:00 a.m. when she finally staggered up the sidewalk in front of her building. Walking 20 blocks in the middle of summer in New York City was a sweaty, smelly, painful venture. She could barely climb the stairs because her blisters had blisters. Her only sandals were probably ruined. The muggy heat had sucked the life out of her, but sleep would have to wait. As she locked her door, she took a good whiff of herself. The rank odors of sweat and something like burnt earth assaulted her senses. What was that god-awful smell? Another trash fire? Trying to close her nostrils, she limped to the shower.

  Still angry, but mostly feeling defeated, she scrubbed herself with the last precious sliver of dollar store soap and leaned against the shower stall to rinse. She needed to go shopping. But how much could she really get with the $12.00 left in her purse? Soap? Toilet paper? Food? Yeah, sure, food would be good. The box that someone left was empty. She’d shared most of it with the little boy next door. He needed it more than she did. Poor little man. She’d probably have to wait to get food until she got paid again. That’s assuming she still had a job. Angela had probably replaced her already. She was so screwed, and it was all Declan’s fault. He should’ve left her alone. She would’ve woken up in the shop and gone home as usual. No problem. But noooo, he had to play hero. Man, she hoped she still had her job. She needed it more than ever.

  The ancient light fixture flickered twice before finally sending the room into near darkness. Its last bulb clung to life; its illumination more of a wish than a fact. Awesome. Add light bulbs to her shopping list. Too exhausted to move just yet, she ran her hands over her body, closing her eyes against the memory of his face. Too thin? He didn’t mean to insult her. He’d said it with great sincerity and pity in his eyes. That gorgeous man was disgusted with her body. Despite the fact that he was clearly delusional, the truth of that cut to the bone. Once upon a time, she had been pretty. She’d had breasts. Nice ones too. They’d been her best feature. It was ironic how those were the first parts to waste away. It wasn’t fair really. Now her collarbone was sharp, her ribs beginning to show… she needed more food. She wasn’t stupid; she knew what she needed. She just couldn’t get it. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten red meat. There were other priorities for her precious few dollars.

  The bathroom plunged into total darkness the moment she stepped out of the shower. Disoriented, she slammed her hip against the edge of the sink. “Great. Just friggin’ awesome. Could this day get any worse?”

  That depends on how you look at it, Rori. Are you a glass half empty kind of woman?

  He watched from the doorway as she sank into oblivion on the peeling linoleum of her bathroom floor. Once she was out, he allowed himself the pleasure of shimmering fully into a corporeal form. Up until today, he’d stayed mostly in her head, but he was itching to play with her. For that, he needed working hands. Squatting down without touching the disgusting floor, he checked her pulse. Steady, sure. Good. She wasn’t afraid; she wasn’t even aware. Her mind was deep within its slide to complete submission. He lifted her arm and let it fall unchecked. It struck the floor with a snap and lay inert.


  Scooping her up, he lay her on the futon and positioned her for the night. Everything needed to be just right. This was an important part of satisfying his needs. He’d waited too long to deny himself this treat. Now everything was coming together. After he curled her fingers into a delicate circle, he stepped back to consider his work. Rori’s arms were spread, her legs pressed tightly together… she was the cross he’d bear.

  Twenty-four years old--with magic number 25 only a few months away--she would be his after all these years. He could barely stand the waiting. Taking his time, he explored every curve of muscle, every knob of bone, until he came to the concave plain of her belly. Her golden skin gleamed as he ran his hands over her, summoning her blood to the surface. Close. Oh, so close. Inhaling deeply, he let her scent curl through his senses. Exquisite. Dipping his head, he ran his mouth over her, whisper softly, barely skimming her skin. Nipping into the delicate flesh just under her right breast, he savored the intoxicating cocktail that was her blood.

  Only a taste for now, but soon she would be his until death do they part. Hers, not his.

  A quick glance at the window spurred him into motion again. The sky was beginning to lighten. They were running out of time. Goddammit. He had to focus. They had work to do. Squatting near her head, he commanded, “Rori. Hear me.”

  She murmured, “Yes. I hear you.”

  He placed his hand over her heart. “Can you feel me?”


  “Can you feel me protecting you? I’m keeping you safe, Rori. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes. Safe.”

  With the back of his hand, he stroked her cheek, allowing himself a smile when she curled her mouth in response. “You are safe only with me. Do you want me to help you, Rori?”

  She hesitated.

  He sent her deeper into sleep and demanded, “Do you want my help?”

  Still she didn’t answer him. Her eyes darted back and forth beneath their lids as her heart raced under his palm.

  How was she resisting him? This wasn’t possible! Grinding his teeth together, he snapped, “Answer me!”

  He gripped her shoulders, shaking her hard. “Say it! You want my help. Ask for it!”

  She shook her head from side to side now. “No, no, please, no.
Leave me alone!”

  Reining in a sharp burst of rage, he purposely placed his palm over her heart again and said, “My offer won’t last forever. Your time is running short.”

  Sean rounded the corner and headed deeper into the alley. Out on the main streets, the light was just beginning to brighten with the sunrise, but the shadows were thick as tar in between the buildings. Dark, light, it didn’t really affect his mission. All Primani were blessed with excellent vision--day or night. He could see in the dark better than any human or animal on the planet.

  His prey was a mid-level demon who’d been working with a local gang leader who called himself Tay-Z. Rumor had it that Tay-Z had a grand plan to gank the current asshole running drugs through the boroughs. Normally he would be on board with that. One more dead drug dealer was a good thing. Not this time though. In this case the results would be chaos. Tai Li wasn’t the typical dumbass demon. He had significant connections and a grand plan of his own.

  Palming his Primani blade in his right hand, he sent his thoughts to Dec. You ready, Dec? The long, slim blade was made of silver, with a crystal clear blue stone on the haft. The blue was the color of his eyes--Primani blue as Mica would say. It was more than a pretty rock though. The stone acted as a conduit for their saol, their energy. The blade was a demon killer, and his had seen more blood than most. Blessed by his maker, Raphael, the knife was an extension of his body, his will. He ran his thumb over the stone’s facets as he stopped just behind Tai Li.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite fallen angel; Sean O’Cahan. Long time no see. We’ve missed you in Hell.” Tai Li turned to face him, nudging the tip of the weapon off to the side. “No need to be like that. You’re not going to kill me, are you?”


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