The Billionaire's Bargain

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The Billionaire's Bargain Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She glanced down out of the apartment window. He’d not appeared at the bottom. His car waited by the curb. Several people passed to admire his expensive vehicle. He walked out. His wide shoulders and the hard set of his body were hard to miss. From where she stood he seemed to dwarf everyone around him.

  He turned and looked up at her. She felt her heart race as his dark gaze stared back at her.

  Tess waved to him, her hand trembling. She hoped he didn’t see how nervous she was. Her feelings scared her. She didn’t like him very much, and yet, his kiss had made her feel so much towards him. He got in his car then drove away.

  She pulled away from the curtain. Her chicken smelt done in the oven. On wobbly legs she made her way into the kitchen to finish serving up her meal. She had work in the morning. The library opened at eight. She wondered if he knew where to send the dress. He was right to send her some clothes. Her wardrobe lacked the sophistication needed to be his wife.

  After her food she settled down with a good book.

  Her father didn’t call back, and when she tried to get him on the phone he refused to answer.

  She gave up and went to bed. Tomorrow she’d worry about her future. For several hours she lay staring at the ceiling. Her body was on fire, and she kept reliving the kiss he’d given her. She licked her lips wondering if she’d be able to taste him on them. There was no one for her to talk to. She’d never been good at making friends. Most of the time she liked her own company. Friends were hard to find. It was one of the reasons she liked her books. The women at the library were nice to her, but she didn’t mix well with crowds. Tess didn’t know what was wrong with her. She preferred the company of books to people. Her father, while she was growing up, had made it hard for her to have friends over. He made sure they all knew what a disappointment she was.

  Why was she helping him with his problem if he didn’t appear to care for her in any way?

  Tears blurred her eyes as all of her insecurities bombarded her at once. Just once she wanted someone to love her for who she was without trying to change her.

  She closed her eyes, drifting to sleep.

  Her dreams were filled with Duncan and her first ever kiss.

  Chapter Five

  Tess stared at her reflection in the full length mirror she kept for emergencies. She had it propped up against her wardrobe door. She wanted to turn away from what she saw there. When she looked at her reflection she remembered the kiss the night before. The touch of his lips made her want things she’d not wanted in a long time. Duncan James was a serial womaniser. There was no way she’d be happy with him. She needed to get all of her romantic fantasies out of her mind now before she allowed her heart to rule her head.

  Duncan had the dress delivered at her work. She’d been surprised when the courier carried the parcel to her. She’d not had a package sent to her at work. When she’d opened the box to reveal the dress she thought her heart had stopped.

  She stared at the dress she wore. The deep crimson dress had a long slit up one leg showing a long length of thigh as she walked. The low-cut bodice tantalised the onlooker with the view of the tops of her breasts, but the bodice covered enough to give her some respect. The fabric clung to every curve. She couldn’t tear her gaze away. For the first time her curves didn’t look fat or frumpy. She looked nice. Maybe even a little bit sexy. Tess ran her hands over the fabric. She felt her waist dip in and then flare out. She turned this way and that to see what she looked like at all angles.

  Had the dress been bought by him?

  She didn’t know. There had been no card or anything as way of explanation. She liked the thought of Duncan spending the time to pick out the dress for her. Would his fingers graze the fabric as if testing the feel himself?

  Tess shook her head. “Get it together. This is a business arrangement. Nothing more and nothing less. He wants you for something, and in return your father, who hates you, will be getting out of a prison sentence.”

  For a short time she could pretend to be a seductress. She burst out laughing. There was nothing seductive about her. She preferred to stay at home. There was not a seductive bone in her body.

  The dress alone was more gorgeous than anything she possessed in her small wardrobe. She smoothed her hands down the fabric, loving the feel as it glided through her fingers. Each time she touched her body she imagined Duncan’s much larger hand touching her. Would his touch be gentle or rough? She didn’t know what part of him she wanted most. The rough businessman or the man who’d given her a chance to save her father. Early in the morning she’d woken up from a pretty steamy dream, her body humming with sexual frustration. She’d had plenty of sex dreams before but never about a man she could physically touch.

  She didn’t like the effect he had on her body or the lack of control she felt. However, she’d accepted the fact she did want part of him. She wouldn’t act on it. No way would she beg Duncan for any of his attention. She’d accepted her body’s weakness, and now she’d be able to move on. Once she saw past his seduction she’d be able to fight her attraction. He slept with every woman he met. She was no different. The only difference between her and his other women was her lack of station and the fact he could call the police at any moment if she didn’t stick with her side of the bargain.

  Tess went back to her reflection to make sure she looked fine for when he came calling. Her make-up was minimal with only a deep red lipstick to match the dress painting her lips. She’d never been good with beauty products either. Tess pushed the insecurities to the back of her mind. For one night she’d try to keep them out of her mind. She wanted to enjoy her date. She ran her fingers through her hair. The locks were glossy and full. They fell around her shoulders in wild curls. She’d not even tried to tame her hair. Tonight she’d allow her hair to fall where it may. The raven colour always looked so black against her pale skin. She wished she knew where her hair colour came from. Erik refused to tell her who her mother was. It was strange. There were times she felt he was a father and other times where saying his name felt more real.

  Tess stared at her reflection one final time. She looked wild and free. When she was satisfied with her appearance, she put the large mirror away.

  She was so nervous. Would Duncan like the way she looked? Part of her didn’t care what he thought. She should have refused his date. This was another area where he was controlling her. He’d not given her time to say no. The sane part of her wanted to refuse to leave her apartment while the other part wanted to do everything he asked. The part of her that wanted to feel like a woman and who came to life whenever he was around. For a short time she wanted to feel like a desirable woman instead of a bookworm.

  A knock at the door made her jump. Her nerves crumbled as her stomach knotted. She had a desire to hide under the bed. Would she be able to hide from him? The knock came again. Her heart raced. She wanted to hide, but she also wanted to experience this with him. Instead of trying to hide she ran her fingers through her hair then made her way through her apartment to answer the door. Tess took one deep breath before opening the door.

  There he stood in her doorway. He leaned against the doorframe, his broad shoulders covering the whole area. He was dressed in a formal suit and looked ready to impress. His arms were folded as he stared at her. He wore black pants with a smooth, white crisp shirt. He wore a jacket revealing the fact he wore no tie, and the first few buttons on his shirt were undone. She saw he didn’t have any chest hair. From the small look at his chest she knew his muscles were well defined. Heat spiralled in her tummy, working up through her body. He looked too damn good.

  “Y-you l-look handsome.” She stumbled over her words and felt the blush build in her cheeks as his gaze swept over her body.

  His gaze felt like a caress over her skin. She flushed as her body responded. The heat between her thighs increased with every passing minute. She hoped he liked how she looked.

  “Thank you. You look incredibly beautiful. That dress looks am
azing on you. It fits you like a second skin. I knew the moment I saw it you’d look radiant.” He came close to her. His hands touched her waist, his touch more like a caress on her hips. She knew she should pull away. Tess liked his hands on her body. He didn’t pull away or seem repulsed by her larger body. She’d never be a size zero model. His touch burned her. His hands roamed past her hips feeling his way around her back resting above her bottom. Her blush deepened. No man had ever touched her like this. She didn’t want him to stop. The pulse in her pussy beat more rapidly. She wanted him.

  “You bought this dress?” she asked. Her voice sounded breathless.

  “Your eyes have dilated, Tess. I think you want me.”

  She averted her gaze staring down at the floor.

  He cupped her cheek with his free hand. Duncan tilted her head back forcing her to look into his eyes. “Don’t ever be ashamed to show me what you want, Tess. You want me, and I want you. We’ll be married, and that’s a good thing.” He stroked a thumb over her lip. “Yes, to answer your question. I found and purchased this dress. You look stunning.”

  He kissed her on the cheek before he pulled away.

  “My driver is waiting, and our seats are reserved for eighty-thirty. I don’t want us to be late and miss our table.”

  “Someone would dare to give up your table?” she asked.

  “There are so many people who wish to dine there. I’m sure my seating would be taken.”

  She grabbed the wrap that came with the dress. Tess tried to ignore the shaking of her hands. Duncan helped her with the wrap then led her outside. The night air was cold. She placed her arm through his hoping his heat would ward off the chill. He helped her into the limo then climbed in beside her. She stared out of the window trying to distract her rioting mind from the man seated beside her.

  The drive was short. Neither of them said a word to each other. The air around them was tense. She felt his nearness like a second skin to her. Tess turned to gaze at his profile. He looked straight ahead. He didn’t seem as affected by their closeness as she was. Their bodies were close as he seated himself as close to her as possible. She gasped as his thigh brushed hers. The touch was innocent on his part. She couldn’t deny the intimacy of the moment. Her thigh moved closer to his of its own accord.

  The slit of her dress fell between her legs revealing the length of her thigh. She made a move to cover her leg. Duncan stopped her placing a hand on her thigh before she got the chance. She stared down at his tanned hand covering her pale leg. Tess licked her lips to try to bring some moisture to her mouth. He had a way of making her forget who she was.

  He didn’t let go. His fingers caressed her knee. She glanced at him to see he was staring at her.

  Tess dropped her gaze staring at his hand.

  She was so aware of every movement, every breath that he took. She must be going mad. Up until yesterday she’d never felt anything for any other man. The offers she’d received from boys and men had never made her want them. Her own fears had always gotten the better of her. All Duncan had done was touch her knee, and she felt like she was coming apart at the seams. She didn’t want to give men the wrong impression of her. Did Duncan think she was some kind of hussy? She never felt it was right accepting offers from men who were clearly looking for something more from her than friendship. Her books were her only satisfaction. That was until Duncan James. Was it possible to feel this powerful emotion for someone who you’d only known for one day?

  In the matter of a day she’d accepted a wedding proposal and a kiss. She knew she couldn’t love him. The fight inside her was over her attraction to someone she didn’t like very much. He was controlling, manipulative, and would do anything to get his own way.

  Yet here you sit wanting to have more with him than anyone else.

  What was it about him that called to her?

  He wasn’t a nice person. In fact he reminded her of what Erik was like most of the time. He used people to get what he wanted. She’d been on the receiving end for most of her life.

  Duncan closed the distance between them. He caught her face in his hands turning her to look at him. “Your skin is so soft.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” she asked.

  “Because I can. Admit it, Tess. You want me to.” He captured her lips in a gentle kiss. There was no demanding pressure as he kissed her. Just a brush of his lips over hers. She was panting for more of him. It wasn’t enough for her. She wanted the passion he could give her.

  He pulled away. “I bet your pussy is dripping wet.”

  “You can’t talk to me like that,” she said. Her pussy was wet. No man had ever been so blatant with her.

  “Get used to it, baby. This is who I am, and I’m not going to change for you. I’ll tell you what I want, and how I tell it, you’ll learn to accept.”

  Duncan claimed her lips once again, his hand going farther up her leg underneath her skirt. She cried out when he pulled away, his hand leaving a fiery trail as he moved out of reach. Her heart was racing, and the pulse between her legs was getting worse. She’d never felt so burnt up before.

  “It’s time you knew what a real man could do for you,” he said.

  I’ve never had a man before. You’re nothing like the heroes in my romances. You’re sinful.

  She mentally shook herself. Tess was doing that a lot since she’d met Duncan. He had a way of messing with her head.

  It is his fault.

  He unnerved her unlike any person throughout her life.

  “Here we are,” he said, interrupting her mental confusion.

  She turned to see what he was pointing at. Her nerves kicked in double time. She looked at him wondering if he was joking. She had expected a simple little restaurant. But he’d actually brought her to a restaurant in a hot spot where the media knew the celebrity world visited. They were all there taking pictures of men and women as they entered.

  Tess recognised the name of the French restaurant. She remembered reading an article in a newspaper about the huge success it was having. The chef was a man known for working his way from the bottom to the top. It was the place to meet celebrities and millionaire bachelors like Duncan. It was the place to be. A million light years away from her. She shook her head. Tess couldn’t do this. The moment she got out of the limo she’d be known to be with Duncan. That was too much.

  “Why have you brought me here?” she asked. The tears were close to the surface. This world wasn’t for her. She never wanted to be part of anything bigger than herself. She wouldn’t be able to handle the public display in all the newspapers as Duncan James’s latest conquest. This was a nightmare waiting to happen.

  He’d done this to humiliate her. She was sure of it.

  “I want to take you to dinner, and this place is superb. What better place to start spreading the news about our upcoming nuptials than the local hotspot?” He threw it off as if this was an everyday occurrence.

  Tess shook her head. “This isn’t fair. You did this on purpose. Why?”

  “Let’s just say I want our engagement known.”

  It may be an everyday occurrence to him, and he may want to get their upcoming relationship known, but what about what she wanted? Most of her nights were spent at home reading a book or watching a movie. He was about to make her simple life impossible to live.

  She saw the paparazzi being held back by a sea of bodyguards. There was no way they’d get through without getting a picture taken.

  “I’m not exactly wife material for you. This is all wrong. Take me somewhere else, please.” She hated herself for begging and for showing weakness to him. She couldn’t do this. Her eyes welled up with tears. She felt even further humiliation as she heard him curse. Tess couldn’t stop the sob from escaping her lips. The tears stayed inside, but her heartache released out of her.

  He cupped her cheek turning her to face him.

  “I will be the envy of every man there.” He placed his finger over her lips as she began to
deny his words. Duncan shook his head “I want you on my arm, Tess. There is no other woman I’d want to replace you.” She wished she believed his words. The fact he’d said them meant more to her than anything else. She took a few deep breaths to try to gain control of the craziness in her head.

  “And to help this along.” He retrieved a small case from his pocket. Duncan opened the case bringing out a small diamond necklace and a small lady’s band for her finger. “I bought this for you. I want you to wear it now. I want the world to know who you belong to.”

  He lifted her hair out of the way, then placed the necklace around her neck.

  The moment the gold lay on her skin she’d signed the deal of ownership.

  Tess brought her hand up to cover the expensive necklace. It was small but beautiful. Duncan grabbed her left hand then placed the delicate ring on her finger.

  “Is this an engagement ring?” she asked.

  “Yes, by the end of the night the whole world will know that Duncan James is off the market.”

  The ring felt heavy on her finger. He’d picked the right size. The ring fit her finger perfectly.

  She took a deep breath before looking out at the chaos. The sounds were dampened by the lush, soundproof limo.

  “Are you sure about this?” she asked as she glanced back at him.

  He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed each one.

  “I’ve never been so sure of anything. One more thing, Tess.”

  She glanced at him waiting.

  “I need you to look like you’re in love with me.” He opened the door.

  Chapter Six

  He wanted her to look like she was in love with him. The sounds outside invaded the peace of the limo as he opened the door.

  She took his hand and allowed him to help her out of the limo. The paparazzi hadn’t seen them yet, but already bodyguards were moving forward to help Duncan James to the restaurant. He kept a firm grip on her hand as they made their way to the door.


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