The Billionaire's Bargain

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The Billionaire's Bargain Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  All she had to do was think of her father, and she knew she was making the right decision. No matter what he’d done to her, he was still her father, and she loved him.

  It was desperation, but being married to Duncan couldn’t be that much of a hardship?

  A busy man like Duncan would never spend more than a month in one place. Surely most of the time he’d be too busy travelling to even remember he had a wife. It would give her the time she needed to dedicate to her passion. Writing. She loved creating magical worlds where she could get lost. No matter what happened in the story the characters in her mind would always get a happy ending. She’d loved books for so long that her passion had soon turned to trying to pen one herself. Becoming a writer would be a dream come true. His secretary had informed her that her life at the library would have to end. Duncan James’s wife couldn’t work.

  She’d decided to use her time married to him by trying to find her own dream. Her only other wish was to have a family of her own with a husband to love and a couple of children.

  Tess stared out at the priest as he gazed out at the gravestones. Duncan stood by the priest for several moments. She wasn’t able to make out what they were saying. Tess stared at her soon-to-be husband. He looked handsome from what she was able to see.

  Both men shook hands then turned to enter the church. Her heart raced from seeing Duncan. She wished she had better control over her body’s response to him.

  Maybe she’d see this experience as inspiration for her story. She’d write a story about a woman who was trying to save her family only to fall in love with the man who was willing to blackmail her. Tess chuckled to herself. She wasn’t under any false hope that Duncan loved her. The next year or so she’d make sure to never give him her heart. There was no way for their marriage to last. What marriage lasted on a bargain and a contract? Tess knew she wasn’t his type. He was a rich playboy who was used to getting what he wanted. She didn’t want to lead her heart down an uncertain path, and life with Duncan was nothing but uncertain. She couldn’t be sure about her body. The attraction she felt towards him affected her too much.

  She’d write in her own story about the passion. Maybe, after twenty-three years, she’d be able to rid herself of her pesky virginity. Duncan seemed to desire her. When she thought about each of them as couples she couldn’t contain her laughter. The wealthy bachelor settling for the mousy writer.

  Would he be embarrassed by his wife becoming an author and demand she stop? She visibly shook herself. Tess needed to stop filling herself with pathetic nonsense. She’d deal with any problems that came her way with regards to her new husband. She picked up her bouquet of white roses. It was time to become Mrs. Duncan James and save her father from complete chaos.


  Duncan pulled at his collar. It felt irritating and too tight around his neck. He’d not seen Tess at all. He hoped she was doing okay. The style team he’d sent to her had stopped him earlier to let him know that his bride-to-be looked ready to bolt. People began to take their seats in the church. Duncan continued to pull at his collar. It must have been put on too tight. He couldn’t breathe. Or had the dreaded marriage nerves struck him? It would be strange for the wedding jitters to affect him, considering this marriage was entirely his own doing. He didn’t have to marry. All he needed to do was give up his vengeance on his father and not marry at all.

  Mark seemed to have a constant arrogant smirk on his face. In fact as Duncan looked around the room he noticed everyone looked particularly pleased that he was getting married. Duncan had begun to believe this day would never come. He loved his freedom too much to give it up. A wife and kids had never been part of his plans. His father must have known. He wanted to control him after death. This wedding was for him to get Miranda out of his house. The moment he owned everything his father possessed, he’d set out to destroy it all.

  His father would see him married in his grave. Duncan could still live his own life once Tess had completed her end of the bargain. She was eating out of his hand. Her seduction would be so much sweeter.

  You don’t want to hurt her. She’d different from the others. Care for her.

  Duncan shook off his doubts. Tess may not be like most of the women he’d dated, but she was still a woman with a price. If she didn’t do as he asked, her father would pay the price.

  He glanced around the church pleased with his ever-efficient secretary. She’d produced a beautiful looking wedding in such a short time.

  He’d have to give her a bonus for all of her hard work.

  You made it your mission to find the right dress.

  Tess needed to look the part.

  Then why did you make sure the dress would not only look the part but accentuate her curves and beauty?

  Duncan didn’t want to leave the purchase of the dress down to his secretary. When Tess walked down that aisle he wanted to see her in the dress he’d picked for her.

  The wedding bells started, and everyone, including himself, turned to look at his bride. Her father stood waiting for her as she turned the corner for everyone to see.

  A gasp sounded throughout the church.

  A magnificent angel stood in her place. The white dress he’d bought for her fit her curves to perfection. She looked beautiful and innocent. In the next half an hour, Tess would be all his.

  His breath caught in his throat as Tess, the stunning beauty, made her way slowly towards him. All the men in the room had eyes for one woman and one woman alone. The woman who was about to take his name. The woman whom he had made to marry him. Tess Williams. A name everyone would know by the end of the day. Her white silk wedding dress clung to every curve, emphasizing her gorgeous body. Seeing her in the dress he’d picked filled Duncan with so much pride. To him, she looked good no matter what she wore. He saw past the drab clothes to the beauty underneath. Duncan knew she didn’t see herself in the way others did. He hoped with the time he’d spend with her, he’d be able to open her eyes.

  The dress shaped her body to perfection with a slight dip in the neckline teasing the viewer as to the swell of her breasts. They were full and pert. He imagined cupping their weight in his hands when they were alone.

  He saw the men staring at her. He knew what they were all thinking. Duncan felt his body tense at the thought of any man looking at his woman. Tess was all his, and no man would desire her but him. Tess was his, and he’d never let her get away from him. Every possessive instinct came forth within him. Duncan felt like screaming at everyone to keep their looks and dirty thoughts to themselves. She was his to protect and cherish.

  What about love?

  I don’t do love.

  Tess can have everything else, except my heart.

  His reaction to this woman completely shocked him. No matter how much he tried to fight the feelings building inside him, he couldn’t keep them out. Tess did something to him. She made him feel and want things he’d never wanted before. He knew she was loyal with the way she’d helped her father. What would it be like to have a woman be as loyal as that to him? Duncan watched as she glanced at her father. After everything the older man had done, Tess still loved him. Duncan saw it, and for the first time in his life he wanted her love radiating back at him.

  In no time at all she stood before him, her gaze on him and him alone. The emotion he saw within her depths shocked him. He needed to give her comfort. His stylists weren’t wrong when they said she looked ready to bolt. Even now, standing before him in the church, he saw the slight shake of her body as the nerves got the better of her. Duncan couldn’t stop himself. He stroked her cheek in an attempt to reassure her. He wanted her to know he wasn’t going anywhere. He was there for her no matter what.

  She gasped at his touch. He felt the chemistry ignite between them. She might not want to admit to the passion, but her body was the best evidence he needed. He dropped his hand from her cheek then offered his arm. Erik gave her to him then backed away. Duncan turned them both to the priest to al
low him to conduct the ceremony.

  Tess spoke the words required of her. When it came to him, Duncan stared at his bride then spoke the words. He meant every single word he spoke. The priest spoke to both of them. Duncan frowned when she stuttered over her last words. She kept glancing at the floor. Her hand shook in his. He held her tightly, letting her know through his touch he’d never hurt her or let her go.

  Duncan didn’t understand where his protective instinct was coming from. All he understood was his need to make sure Tess was at his side where she belonged.

  He didn’t care if she didn’t want to go through with the wedding. She’d agreed to it, and he wanted her more than he wanted vengeance. Soon, he’d have everything he desired most. His mother in her place, Miranda in the dirt, and Tess in his bed.

  The priest asked the audience if there was any reason they couldn’t be together. When no one spoke he announced them as man and wife. Tess stared at him as he cupped her cheek. It was too late for her to back out. He sealed their vows with a kiss. Her eyes closed, and her lips opened. He took advantage, plunging his tongue inside the heat of her mouth. She moaned but didn’t back away. There was a round of applause. Mark slapped him on the back. Duncan knew he was being indecent. He didn’t care. The whole church would know without doubt that Tess was now his. She had his name. Tess was his.

  Duncan pulled away. There was a round of applause all around the church. He couldn’t believe the satisfaction he felt knowing she was his to love, honour, and cherish.

  Chapter Eight

  When they got to the reception, Duncan watched as Tess was whisked away from his side. She was congratulated by everyone. All his friends and clients took her hand and kissed it. He followed her around observing the fake air kisses on the cheek from other women. When Tess turned away from the women she was glared at. He got a chance to see the real animosity from the women who claimed to be different. Men complimented her on how beautiful she looked and how lucky Duncan was to have such a mesmerizing bride. He was proud when he didn’t growl at the men to stay away from her. She looked so shy and reserved compared to all the other guests. The after-party was held in one of the most notorious hotels. He’d wanted the best for Tess on her last day as a single woman. The champagne flowed for all the guests, and canapés and other little finger food were offered. No expense had been spared for his wedding. Tess would look on this day with pride. He’d made sure of it.

  Duncan observed her going through the motions, smiling and cheering and working the crowd like a pro.

  He knew her smile was stuck in place. From the short time he’d known her, he knew she didn’t like the attention.

  When it came to the dancing Tess made sure to be as far away from him as possible. He watched as she was spun around by every available male. While he got to watch her, he noticed how stiff she was with all the men. Even as they tried to talk, it looked to him as if she spent a great deal of time tuning them out. Duncan got the opportunity to look at his bride without her running away from him. He tried to cover up his obsessive watching by speaking occasionally to the circle of acquaintances constantly forming around him. All of his business associates were happy to see one of the most eligible bachelors tied in the chains of marriage. He knew he’d have the last laugh. Tess wasn’t a woman to feel chained to.

  Mark had already given him marital advice, gloating about marriage being unknown territory to him.

  As if I don’t know that already.

  To add insult to injury, Tess seemed to find every opportunity to stay away from him. He’d hoped his lack of contact with her the last two weeks would have increased the intimacy between them. If he made a move towards her she simply turned the other way, completely blanking him. The kiss at the church had disturbed her. He knew he’d taken it too far.


  His gaze searched out his wife. For the few seconds his attention had been pulled away someone had zoomed in to grab her attention. She was laughing with one of his client’s son, Tyler Ward. Jealousy struck hard and fast like lightning through him. Duncan ignored his companions as he moved away. He went with intent towards his bride, his stride full of purpose.

  “Duncan doesn’t deserve a gorgeous woman like you.” He heard Tyler say with a smug sound to his voice. He watched Tess smile at her companion. She sipped her glass of

  champagne, her gaze wandering over the dance floor. Duncan felt his anger rise. Tess should be arguing Tyler’s claim, not smiling in some sort of agreement with this foul-mouthed

  hooligan. There was a reason he didn’t like Tyler, and his dislike was increasing with every passing second.

  “I may not deserve my gorgeous wife, but she’s my wife so back off, Tyler.” He wrapped his arm around her waist in an obviously possessive gesture. Duncan pulled her closer to his body. He noticed Tyler looked shocked and took a step back. Duncan kept his gaze on the other man until he’d put enough space between himself and his bride. Within seconds Tyler excused himself from their company, leaving Tess alone with him. He knew he’d acted like a jealous, dominating husband, but he didn’t care. No one touched what was his.

  “I never want to see you with Tyler Ward again,” he said. His voice was filled with warning. He pulled her around to face him, making her body flush with his.

  The desire to mark her came over him. Duncan sank his fingers into her hair as he broke the distance between them. He slammed his lips down on hers, commanding her to accept him.


  She submitted to his kiss. He felt her reluctance in the tenseness of her body.

  “Why not?” she asked the moment he pulled away. Tess moved away from him putting as much distance between them as possible. Her hands rested on her waist, showing her full hips off to perfection.

  “He treats women appallingly,” he said while steering her to a quiet alcove away from all the guests. Duncan wanted her to himself for a change. He placed her against the wall, one of his hands covering her waist while the other cupped her cheek. He couldn’t keep his hands off her.

  Tess laughed. “As opposed to you?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked. His temper rose as she continued to argue with him. Many women would love to be branded as his.

  “First, your reputation as a playboy. You have a new woman on your arm every other night. Isn’t that part of the appalling treatment? You use them for your own pleasure, and when you’re done you toss them aside. When you’re bored or another beautiful woman takes your fancy you move on. What makes you any different from Tyler?” She was glaring at him, her anger directed at him. Duncan found himself lost for words. That was exactly how he treated women.


  “So it’s ‘Tyler’ now. You’re on first name terms already?” He pressed her up against the wall, trapping her against the wall and his body. His cock thickened at the closeness of her curves. He needed to wipe that snivelling shit from her mind. He was a much better option than Tyler Ward. Duncan knew Tyler was closer to Tess’s age, but he knew what to do with his cock.

  “What other names are there? Yes, he knows I’m Tess. The stupid naïve woman who married you.”

  “I don’t want you talking to him again,” he said with a growl.

  “Why? What makes him different from you?”

  “I’m not Tyler.” His jaw tensed with the effort it took to suppress his rage.

  “How is it different? You with all of your other women?” she asked.

  “None of those women are my wife.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers. Duncan let lose his pent-up anger on her lips. He needed to mark her. She opened to him like she always did. He held her close, grinding his cock against her rounded stomach.

  She gasped. Her arms wrapped around his neck holding him close. He gripped her waist as the other hand fisted her hair at his waist. Duncan possessed her lips not letting go


  until she surrendered to him. Her mo
uth opened, giving him all the access he needed. Duncan plunged into her mouth tasting her. He’d spent most of the day wanting her. She gripped the hair at the base of his neck yanking on the strands. He growled, breaking the kiss to go to her neck, where he bit into the delicate curve of her flesh.

  “You’re mine,” he said against her ear before going back to her lips. She gave him everything he craved. His cock pulsed in his pants. He’d need to keep her close so none of their guests would see his state of arousal. The sooner he got her to a bed the happier he’d be.

  It was dark, passionate, and awakened a craving within him. He’d never felt this possessive for another woman. Tess was breaking all of his self-imposed boundaries. When

  men talked to the other women he dated he’d never felt jealousy or the need to mark his territory. Tess was screwing with his head.

  By the time he pulled away they were both gasping for breath. Duncan rested his head against hers, their heavy breathing the only sound between them.

  “I’ve been your wife for about eight hours, Duncan.” Tess was the first person to break the sudden silence.

  Her words echoed through his mind. She’d be his wife for a whole lot longer when he got his way. There was no way he’d let her go.


  “Regardless of the time, you’re still my wife.”

  “I’d never break our vows, Duncan. I’m not that kind of person,” she said. He struggled to hear her as she spoke so softly.


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