The Billionaire's Bargain

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The Billionaire's Bargain Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Honey, I have my own life to lead. Also, you’re newly wed, and you don’t need an old woman like me spoiling the fun. I’ve taken care of everything for you to stay here without wandering out.”

  Duncan appreciated everything Sofia had done for him. She worked so hard and made sure he’d have a good time whenever he visited.

  “I’ll be a phone call away if ever you need me. Now, stop stalling.”

  Sofia took Tess’s hand pulling her away from him. He missed Tess the moment she was gone.

  He followed them into the kitchen. Hearing Tess’s reactions was wonderful. She was a true delight to him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After another few words from Sofia, the older woman took her hand pulling her away from Duncan. She liked holding onto him. He was a safety net. When he was around she felt protected by him. He’d never tried to physically hurt her. Even as her excitement grew from being in a country she’d fallen in love with from a girl, she still wanted to be safe. Duncan gave her that. Sofia led the way into the villa’s kitchen. It must have been the size of her apartment from the vast size. It made her wonder what was in all the other rooms inside the villa.

  Her hobby was cooking, and she loved looking at kitchens when she went to the DIY stores. The kitchen was filled with all the top of the line products. Tess heard Duncan explain everything was purchased from the surrounding towns.

  “It’s wonderful,” Tess said. She gazed round the large room and felt at home. She knew cooking would be a dream. The kitchen made her think it was fit for a family. A nice large family with lots of love.

  Tess was taken to the fridge, the pantry, and given more information on all the food available that needed to be eaten. Then Sofia prepared cold cuts of meat, a variety of cheeses, and some fresh baked bread to soften their building appetite. Tess loved the food, and Duncan ate all of his helping and then went for a second and even a third. Tess couldn’t stop herself giggling like a little girl at the way he was behaving. The moment they’d stepped off his aircraft he’d been different. There was an air of ease about him. He looked more relaxed than she’d ever seen him. He responded in kind by laughing as well.

  The experience was wonderful. Tess was unable to recall ever feeling so happy.

  Once they were all cleared and well fed to wait for the supper, Duncan took her for a tour, leaving Sofia to finish preparing the night’s meal. Duncan had informed her tonight’s meal was a surprise. When she asked what she should expect, he’d given her an indulgent chuckle, kissed her head, and said to wait and see.

  “Sofia will be spending the night here, and then tomorrow she’ll be walking back home,” Duncan said.

  “She’s a lovely woman. I’m so pleased to have met her.” He took her hand once again. A thrill of excitement shot through her entire body. The chemistry between them was undeniable. She hoped they were able to work past their issues. Her feelings for Duncan were really starting to grow.

  Tess feared what she’d end up feeling for Duncan. There was a side of him she didn’t like, his business side. Then there was the person he appeared to be now, the kind man who smiled without expecting something. This man she liked. She wondered which man was the real Duncan James.

  The house was amazing and breathtaking. From the decoration alone she knew there was no expense spared in all the rooms. Everything, from the art to the furniture, was there for a reason. Tess loved everything. She knew there had been a lot of love dedicated to the house. Duncan must have really fallen for the villa. His mark was in every room.

  “Did you decorate yourself?” she asked.

  “Yes. I didn’t want anyone having any part in it. It took some time, but I got what I wanted.”

  “Your house is beautiful. Your time and attention really show.”

  “Thank you.”

  The beautiful pieces of art that decorated the walls were all different but all splendid. They ranged from self portraits to landscapes to passionate lovers entwined. Every detail was designed to capture the eye and keep it. The explicit art work wasn’t vulgar but portrayed as beautifully as possible. The male and female forms wrapped into one.

  Tess felt her blood heating. The lovers looked so attuned to each other.

  “Do you know the lovers?” she asked. She felt the heat spread into her cheeks. Why couldn’t she go a day without blushing around this man?

  “No, I don’t. But I know the artist, and I know he’s incredible. The way he shows the lust in the picture is magnificent. To me, it looks like there is no one else in the world alive for them. They are devoted to one another. It is so passionate but modest at the same time. The artist has made less, more.”

  Tess could only agree. As they made their way upstairs, Duncan stroked her hand where he held it, filling Tess with happiness. She felt a bond between them beginning to form. Duncan kept so much of himself locked away. This man wasn’t the same one she’d married. This man was deeper than money.

  This man she could easily fall in love with.

  If not for their predicament, her father’s thievery, they could have had a real chance together.

  You still can if you only look beyond the problems.

  Tess wanted to love someone so much, but she was scared to finally let go.

  “I’m pleased you like my home,” he said, pulling her out of her troubled thoughts.

  “You’re different when you’re here.”

  He paused turning to face her.

  “Is this a good different or a bad different?” he asked. Duncan reached out to push some of her hair off her face. His attentiveness pleased her. He stroked a line from her forehead to her lips. She stopped breathing as he ran a thumb over her bottom lip.

  “It’s good,” she said. “Which one of you is real?”

  “You’ll have to find out.” He took a kiss then continued on with his tour.

  When they entered the master suite Tess wondered how he’d decorate the main room. Duncan wasn’t like the man she’d come to know. The tabloids had lied about him, and he’d succumbed to the reputation. She didn’t want to spoil the moment they were sharing. Tess felt so close to him. She wanted to press a hand to her lips where they tingled from his kiss. His gentleness was a contrast to the powerful man he portrayed. She wanted to get to know this side of him.

  He opened the door to the master bedroom. She was surprised by how sensational the room looked. The king-sized bed dominated the room. The luxury of the room wasn’t lost even with a large bed. The bed was covered with silk sheets. They looked beautiful and soft. The pillows were plump and inviting.

  She looked round and saw doors that opened onto the patio outside overlooking the vast gardens. A slight chill permeated the air from air conditioning. Tess followed Duncan as he tugged on her arms. There was an incredible en-suite bathroom with a glorious open bathtub and a separate power shower, two sinks, and luxuriousness in every corner.

  Tess loved it and wanted to share it with the man at her side. She didn’t want to lose him. The desire she felt for him increased ten-fold. Tess felt the pull deep within her body. She sensed his desire and the need he had for her. It was strange how quickly the air changed. He stared at her, his gaze dark as he looked from the top of her head down her body to her toes. Tess didn’t feel scared but anxious. Her mind and body were becoming attuned to this man. Her heart was melting as her mind opened up to wanting more from him.

  She was beginning to want to have a family with this man.

  It no longer mattered about the shortness of time. She knew what she wanted. Duncan was proving to her there was more to him than met the eye. She was more than willing to take a leap of faith with him.

  They stood close, neither moving away nor closing the small distance. For a few moments it was a battle of wills, but to Tess it felt like a lifetime. She wanted to do something, but she didn’t know what to do.

  Then it suddenly hit her.

  I want him to kiss me, to
take me. I want to finally be his wife in the truest sense of the word.

  Tess wanted to forget about the disaster of her wedding night. They both could make a fresh start, here and now. She was willing to take a chance. Was he?


  Duncan watched Tess closely to see her reaction to his home and the room he hoped to share with her. He recalled with great detail the pains he’d gone to have this place looking the way he wanted. It had taken many years and plenty of tears to get what he wanted. He felt the results of all his efforts by her amazed expression.

  He didn’t want her thinking another woman had been here before because he’d never brought any woman here. This was his domain, and that is how he’d kept it. Tess was the first woman he’d ever let see a part of himself he’d kept hidden. Why he’d done it, he didn’t know.

  Because you want her to love Duncan James the man. Not what the press or anyone else portrays you as.

  He’d wanted to share his home with Tess. She deserved to see the beauty in the world. Duncan wanted to give her something no other man could, a chance for her to have all of her dreams. He’d got plenty of money and the means to give her the world.

  “You’re really rich,” she said. A deeper blush stained her cheeks. He loved seeing her innocence. It reminded him of everything she’d given him. For a short time when he was with her, he could forget about his plan for vengeance. He could embrace everything life had to offer.

  “Yes, I am. I think it’s part of who I am. Money is the only part of me.” He closed the distance between them. They stood close together. Duncan lifted her hand and stared at the two rings on her finger.

  They’d come by unscrupulous means, but they were part of them. Erik, his own father didn’t matter to him in that moment. Tess was with him, and she’d proven to be more than money.

  The air around them became charged.

  Duncan saw a difference inside Tess. There was a fight going on inside her. He saw the arousal building up with the way her nipples poked against the fabric of her shirt. Duncan anticipated her next move. His own desire was building. The way her jeans and shirt moulded against her body had him in a sweat to take them off. He knew how full and luscious her body was under his own.

  His cock pulsed, his semen leaking out of the tip.

  All he wanted to do was grab her, press her against the wall, and fuck her hard. Her body was so fucking hot.

  He let her hand go to run his fingers through his head.

  Her body appeared to be moving on pure instinct. Duncan didn’t know what to do if she came on to him. Should he reject her or sate both their appetites?

  Tess closed the small distance between them.

  Duncan could not believe what she was doing.

  He truly believed she would have backed off, but within the next instant her lips came up to meet his.

  They didn’t touch other than her lips against his.

  Her lips trembled against his. They were smooth and plump. He felt like punching the air in victory. She’d initiated the first physical response.

  Keep it in your pants, big boy. You may have taken the virgin, but you need to prepare her for your possession.

  Duncan enjoyed the moment not allowing anything to spoil her kiss.

  He felt the fire building within him and knew he needed to stop; otherwise his plans would be ruined.

  He struggled to resist her. She was in his arms, her lips soft and pliant.

  She’s yours for the taking. Take her.

  Duncan needed her. His hands moved up running his fingers through her hair. He couldn’t not touch her. Pulling her close he took over, showing her the passion he felt towards her. His lips were hungry for her. He demanded her submission. Tess didn’t back off. She wrapped her arms around his neck holding on. He held her close crushing her full breasts against his chest. Duncan wanted their clothes gone.

  He wanted her naked tits pressed against his chest. Duncan needed her womanly curves wrapped around him as he sank his dick inside her slick cunt. All the erotic images filled his mind, including her cream dripping around his cock.

  He wanted her naked, squirming as he pulsed within her gorgeous body. Duncan took her moans matching them with his own. His body was rock hard, his pre-cum leaking out a continuous stream out of the tip.

  He knew he had to stop. If he didn’t stop he’d take their love-making too far. He’d promised himself her sweetest seduction. Tess wouldn’t trust him if every time he got his hands on her, he was fucking her like some uncontrollable animal.

  Back off, Duncan. Take your hands off her lush body.



  Duncan battled with himself. Her moans were driving him crazy with the need to take her over and over again.

  With reluctance he kissed her one more time then pulled away.

  Just looking at her flushed cheeks along with the rise and fall of her breasts as she took deep breath, killed him.

  Her lips were red and swollen from his kisses. They looked so plump and enticing that they tempted him to give in to his battle. He could have her naked beneath him within a matter of moments.

  “I’ll come and get you for supper later. I’ll give you time to relax and freshen up. You must feel some jet-lag.”

  With a deep breath he took a step back putting as much space between them as possible. The disappointment on her face killed him. She was the first woman to give him so much.

  “I-is I-it something I did?” she asked. Her voice wobbled, tears ready to erupt.

  Duncan cursed. He could have kicked himself at his lack of tact. Every time he got somewhere with his woman he made mistakes.

  Get a grip, man.

  He pulled her into his arms wrapping himself around her. His face pressed to her neck breathing in her fresh female smell that drove him crazy.

  She was stiff, and he didn’t like it.

  Tess needed love.

  He cupped her cheek forcing her to look at him. The tears stayed in her eyes refusing to fall. He licked his lips. He’d never been so deeply affected by a woman’s tears.

  “The next time I make love to you I want it to be perfect for you. I want you to have romance, flowers, everything a woman deserves. I’m going to spend all my time in pleasuring you. When I take you it will be the most amazing experience for you. The first time between us needs to be all about you. Tonight is not the right time, but when it is, you’ll know.”

  “I’m ready now.”

  He sighed. How sweet her words were. “I’m not, Tess. I want you, I won’t deny that. Feel this.” He pushed his cock against her. Her eyes widened in surprise. “You need time, baby. Right now, I’d take you hard and rough. I wouldn’t be gentle. When I’m ready I’ll take you. Make no mistake about it.”

  Her sigh of pleasure encouraged him. He leaned down to give her a sweet kiss on the lips before he left her to freshen up. It took all of his willpower to walk away.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tess touched her lips again. His words and the gentleness of his kiss would stay with her forever.

  A few clever words and a kiss and you were melting at his feet.

  She couldn’t stop her feelings. No matter how much she tried to fight her response to him she wanted him with a desperation hard to resist.

  Her lips tingled. Her breasts were sensitive. She felt an ache deep down within her body. Her clit was hard, swollen with blood. She reached a hand between her thighs to play with the little bud.

  A moan escaped her as the sensation had her gasping for breath. She was so turned on. The cream between her thighs couldn’t be mistaken for tap water. The shower did not help matters as it only heightened all the sensitivity within her. Each droplet of water felt like a caress across her skin.

  She wanted Duncan. The man she had thought was absolutely mean was turning out to be a really caring romantic man. She tried to think of all the problems she’d mentally listed about him, but all she could think and feel were the moments he let
go within her arms. There was more to him, and she was willing to take all of him for those precious parts of him.

  It had been a short time they’d known each other, but for Tess she’d be able to wipe all the bad out of their situation for a chance at happiness.

  Was she that desperate for love? Tess made a decision. She’d no longer be angry at him. Their circumstances were not normal. They would make the best of it. Her father had played a part in this. She’d never been a bitter person before Duncan. She refused to spend a moment hating anyone.

  She looked forward to his company.

  With her shower finished, she turned off the water, then grabbed a towel to dry herself.

  Tess walked into the main room and collapsed on top of the bed with the white fluffy towel wrapped around her. The bed moulded to her shape. Just by lying on the surface she knew it was lovely and comfortable. Her happiness increased.

  Any more of this delightful treatment and she’d turn into a pampered goddess.

  Tess rolled over to watch the sun set through the glass of the doors leading out to the patio of the bedroom.

  Sometime later she dressed in a simple yellow summer dress. Wearing night clothes for supper seemed wrong. She left her wild hair down to curve round her shoulders and slip down her back. There was no need for make-up. Tess stared into the mirror and felt pure and natural. The Italian atmosphere relaxed her. The knock at the door confirmed it was time to go to dinner.

  When she opened the door she was taken aback by the man who stood over the threshold. She’d grown accustomed to Duncan in a business suit looking stiff and authoritative. She stared, unable to look away from the change confronting her. He was so handsome even in casual jeans and a plain white shirt. They suited him in more ways than one. Tess thought he looked sexier in the denim than in the delicate fabric of his suit pants. Her thoughts turned to wild nights, making hot passionate love under the moonlight. Duncan made her lose control of her senses.

  Her head rested against the side of the door, and a contented sigh escaped from her lips. She’d never felt so relaxed, not even in her own home.


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