by Shaun Hupp
And she did. She rounded the couch, headed for the library to get away from the man and the gory scene in the middle of her living room. She heard heavy footsteps not too far behind her.
Chapter Four
God! The shit I have to put up with, I thought as the fat kid led me into the living room. I quickly looked around: old tv, empty mantle, bare walls. NOTHING OF FUCKING VALUE!
“Well, this is the living room.”
No shit, Sherlock.
“This is the room where my parents and I watch tv.”
This is the room where I’m going to hang myself if this turns out to be a bust. Months of planning and watching down the drain, I thought. This brat wasn’t even supposed to be here. He always leaves with his parents. At least, I’m glad I had knocked on the door before I attempted to break in.
“Over here is the downstairs bathroom-”
That I bet you clogged many of times.
“Well, that’s pretty much it.”
I can’t believe I’m going to say this. . . “What about upstairs?”
He was quiet for a moment. “There’s just the bedrooms and another bathroom.”
Here we go. “Well, okay. Let’s continue with the tour.”
“You. . . You want to see my bedroom?”
“Sure. We still have an hour or so to kill.”
Chapter Five
Trish put Terry’s giant oak desk between herself and her attacker. She reached behind her, grabbed an armful of books, and started throwing them at him. The man laughed and knocked some of them out of the air with his hammer.
“Swing batter batter, swing!” he yelled as he sent a book flying back at her. She easily avoided it, grabbed an oriental vase, and chucked it at him. He tossed the hammer on the table and caught the antique with both hands.
“Fuck, girl!” He carefully set it on the desk and picked his hammer back up. “Those things are pricey. I don’t think your husband would appreciate you destroying the house. . . or fucking your co-worker. Shameful is what it is.”
Before Trish could grab something else to throw, the giant of a man leaped on top of the table and swung his hammer at her face. She dodged but fell backward, hitting her head on the wood floor. She was dazed for a moment, but that was all it took as the man’s boot came down on her hair. She tried to pull away and felt her curls being pulled from her scalp. His other boot came down on the other side of her head. She was trapped.
“Tisk, tisk. That was too easy. I was expecting a challenge. I like to have fun.”
Trish started to cry. She thought about punching him in the crotch, but her short arms couldn’t compete with his long legs. Then, she thought maybe she could go for his crotch a different way. With one final sniffle, she said, “I like to have fun too. Maybe we could have fun together.”
The man looked confused at first and then, gave her a sinister smile. He stepped back freeing her, but still held onto his bloody hammer. “What did you have in mind, little lady?”
Trish sat up and tried to mentally prepare herself for what she was going to do. Just pretend he’s a new co-worker that just started in the office, she thought as she unhooked her bra and let it drop. He didn’t seem impressed so she seductively crawled over to him. No reaction until she slid her hand slowly up his pant leg. By what she felt, he definitely liked what he saw.
She started to unzip the front of pants. “I usually like to know a man’s name before I do something like this.”
He was silent and, after a moment, said, “Devin.”
Trish wasn’t sure if he was hesitant about revealing his name or he was making one up on the spot. Logically, he would have picked something like ‘John’ and not ‘Devin’. “Okay, Devin,” she said as she reached into his fly. “Let’s have some fun.”
Chapter Six
“Why do you want to see my parents’ room?”
“We’ve got hours. Do you have anything else in mind we could do?” Nikki gave me a smile that made me melt.
Tony had spent the last couple minutes walking behind her and dry humping the air like he was doing it doggie style. “Here’s your chance, Fatty Matty. Go for it!”
“I guess we could look around a bit.”
“Puuuuuusssssssssy,” Tony shouted in my ear. It was hard to ignore him, but I did and I opened the bedroom door.
I had seen my parents’ bedroom before and I knew it wasn’t really tour-worthy. I probably hadn’t been in there for at least a year, but it never changed. Just like the rest of the house, my parents didn’t believe in throwing their money around and living the lavish lifestyle. It contained a queen-sized bed, two dressers, a television, and painting my parents got twenty-five years ago as a wedding gift.
“Well,” Nikki said. “This room certainly goes with the rest of the house, I guess.”
“I’m sorry. I told you it was nothing special.”
She walked around a bit, and Tony and I got an excellent view of her ass hanging out of her short shorts. “Damn, Matt. If you don’t hit that soon, it just proves that you’re ga-“
Tony was quiet, but he was still staring at her ass. It was as if he noticed something, which meant on some level, I noticed something. Then, I saw it. In the back pocket of those tight shorts, was the outline of a cell phone.
If she had a cell phone, why did she need to use my phone? I thought. I guess it was possible that she couldn’t get cell reception out here. Half the time, my parents had problems and just used the house phone. But why hadn’t she mentioned it?
She walked over to the painting that was hanging on the wall next to the closet. It was a reproduction of the Norman Rockwell painting where a young couple was signing their marriage license. She seemed fascinated with it and then, she quickly turned back to me.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” I asked.
“I thought I heard a car door.”
It was too soon for the tow truck, I thought. Oh, no. My parents!
Chapter Seven
I put my hand over my mouth because I almost started laughing when the fat kid waddled over to the window. Control yourself, girl. Remember the mission.
With his back to me, I grabbed the edge of the painting and pulled it slightly away from the wall.
Jackpot! There was a wall safe behind it. I knew there had to be something worthwhile in this house. It would be so much easier to load up my car with cash than it would valuable antiques like I thought I was going to find here.
I had done my research on fat boy’s daddy. The guy owned multiple factories all over the state. When I was able to pin down his address, I knew this would be the perfect location for the next heist.
“There’s nobody out there,” Matt said. “You must be hearing things.”
I’m hearing the cha-ching of dollar signs if I can get rid of you.
“Huh. I guess so. That’s weird.” I got to say this without throwing up. “I’d really like to see your bedroom. Saving the best for last, I bet.”
His fat cheeks turned bright red and I could see the front of his sweatpants poke out a bit. He hurried over to the doorway and motioned for me to come over.
Think of all the money. Think of all the money.
Chapter Eight
Think of Grant. Think of Grant. Trish thought as the murderer’s penis thrust back and forth between her red lips. She pulled it out and swirled her tongue around the head. The giant of a man had proved himself to be just as big down there. She had hoped that she could get him off and he would let her live, but she had been going down on him for what seemed like forever. She’d have to resort to Plan B.
She let go of his penis, stood up, and hopped up on the desk. Devin gave her a strange look, but that quickly turned into a grin as Trish spread her legs wide and slid her hand down the front of her black panties. She faked a moan as best as she could and pushed her fingers against her barely wet vagina. She rubbed faster, hoping that it wouldn’t betray her when she needed to use it.
sp; “I can’t take it anymore, Devin. You’ve got me so hot. Fuck me!” she yelled, as she reached up and pinched one of her nipples.
Devin stood between her legs with his dick in one hand and that bloody hammer in his other. Trish silently pleaded to God that he would choose his penis.
“I prefer doggy style. I’m a bit of an ass man.”
The words surprised Trish at first. If he weren't holding onto that weapon and didn’t have that scar across his head, he could almost pass for any red blooded male. She pulled her fingers out of her thong and put them into her mouth, sucking her juices off them. It’ll have to do. Then, she turned over on the edge of the desk and pushed her ass up in the air.
“Ready when you are, lover boy.”
Trish felt the head of his penis press against the fabric of her satin underwear. Again, she was trying to think of anyone other than him. Grant wasn’t working. Maybe it was because he was dead in the next room. Her husband, Terry didn’t do it for her anymore. She was trying to think of other sexy male co-workers when she felt the thin string between her ass cheeks get pulled up. She figured he’d pull them down, but maybe he liked to leave them on. She had slept with a few guys that were into that. Then, she felt the wet, hard end of hammer press against her tailbone. She looked back and saw that his tool was underneath the back of her thong.
Devin bent over her and grabbed a hold of her hair. He whispered in her ear, “Not only do I like it doggy style, but can you guess what else I like?”
Trish couldn’t bring herself to speak. She could feel blood dripping off his hammer and running down her ass crack.
With that, he lifted her up by her hair and her underwear, painfully carrying her towards the door, back out to the living room, back to where Grant was.
Chapter Nine
It sounded like I had just stepped in mud when I entered the room.
“Sorry,” he said. “I had a little spill before you came and didn’t have time to clean it up.”
It was more than just the floor that needed cleaning up. The room smelled of grease and sweat. He probably never cleaned it and he probably never left his room. I had no doubt that his computer’s browser history was probably full of porn and his hamper was full of crusty tube socks. I needed to get out of here as soon as possible
Let’s get this over with.
I went over and sat on his bed. “So. . . This is where the magic happens, I take it?”
He looked at me like I was an alien and started stuttering. I let out the best fake giggle I could muster. I patted the spot next to me for him to sit. It felt oddly moist and I tried to disguise my disgust. He slowly made his way over to me and sat a good foot away from me.
I came out and said it: “Matt, are you a virgin?”
His red face drained of all its color. “Wha. . . What? Of course, not! I’ve slept with plenty of girls. Maybe, ten or twelve for sure.”
I laughed. I couldn’t help it, but I recovered nicely. “You don’t have to lie to me, Matt. I could tell.”
He put his head down. “Okay. I’m a virgin.”
I couldn’t even look at him when I said, “Well. . . We could change that.” I hoped he thought I was just shy, rather than hiding my look of repulsion.
I turned back to him and gave him that telltale smile that made every guy do what I wanted. “Really. Think of it as a ‘thank you’ for being such a Good Samaritan.”
He smiled, probably close to exploding in those nasty sweatpants. “Okay. How do you want to get started? Do I just-”
“Lie down,” I interrupted as I pointed to the head of the bed, “and I’ll take care of everything.”
He did as I asked. Almost there, I thought.
I climbed on top of him and immediately he let out a moan, even though I was pretty sure I was on his stomach. “Close your eyes and keep them closed.”
He closed them. I took his two meaty hands and place them on my breasts. The things I’ll do to make a quick buck, I thought as he squeezed them roughly through my shirt. I reached down and pulled my set of handcuffs out of the front pocket of my shorts. I quietly hooked both opened ends to a bracelet I was wearing, pulled his hands away from my breasts, and slammed them behind his head, pressing my chest to his face. I was trying to block his view in case he decided to cheat and peek. He slobbered all over them while I slid the handcuff’s chain around the headboard railing.
Here goes nothing.
I slid one cuff around his wrist. He didn’t seem to notice as he continued with whatever the hell he was doing with his tongue. I went to close it. It didn’t fit. It just pinched his skin. Suddenly, he flipped me over onto my back and wrapped his fingers around my throat. His eyes were wild, yet focused.
Chapter Ten
I was so excited. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. Leah was one of the hottest girls in school and she wanted to meet me in the park after dark. She told me she would have a tent set up for us since I couldn’t sneak into her bedroom and she couldn’t into mine.
I was skeptical at first. I was a skinny nerd and wasn’t much to look at. We were both freshmen, but she could get any guy from any grade she wanted. We certainly didn’t hang out in the same cliques. In fact, I’m pretty sure some of the other kids she hung out with picked on me; however, she swore up and down that she had always admired me from afar. I still wasn’t too sure until she started sending me naked pictures of herself: boobs, ass, pussy, never the face though. I asked why and she said she still wasn’t sure she could trust me yet. She didn’t want her face ending up on the internet for the whole school to see. She wanted to trust me though. She wanted to get to know me. She wanted me.
It didn’t take me long to find the bright orange tent and the gorgeous Leah lying with the front half her body outside the flap opening, illuminated by her cell phone. When she heard me approach, she looked frightened at first and then, relieved. “I was starting to worry you wouldn’t show.”
Trying to act cool, I said, “You shouldn’t have worried.
She smiled and disappeared into the tent. I was confused at first and then, I saw a pair of lacy, pink panties fly out the opening. Is this really happening? I thought as I approached her underwear.
I was still out of sight from the flap so lifted them to my nose and inhaled. I wasn’t sure what they would smell like. I was disappointed that they didn’t really smell like anything. I dropped them back on the ground and went inside.
“Hi,” she purred.
“Hi,” I repeated back at her, awkwardly. So much for acting cool.
“Well. . . I showed you mine. . . Aren’t you going to show me yours?”
She didn’t have to tell me twice. My teenage hormones were in complete control as I stripped down to my tightie whities. Usually, I didn’t like getting undressed in front of other people in the gym locker room, but I felt safe with Leah.
She looked like she approved of what she saw and she went to lift up her sweater. It barely went up a couple inches before she lowered it back down and a devious grin formed on her face.
“I have an idea. Hold on.” With that, she turned around and peered into her backpack, giving me a great view of her ass through her short skirt. I swore I could see a panty line when she turned around. She had a long, black piece of cloth and a set of silver handcuffs.
She crawled back over to me and leaned forward with her lips puckered. I closed my eyes, preparing myself for my first kiss when I felt her hands on my bare chest. She pushed me down. My eyes shot open and I saw her scurry out of the tent.
“Catch me!”
I crawled towards the edge of the tent and saw her silhouette disappear behind a tree. I thought about putting my clothes back on, but that would probably upset her. I was scared of being seen, although I did not see anyone else in the park.
You only live once, I thought as I took off after her
in just my underwear and socks.
I didn’t find her; she found me. I was practically exhausted and I didn’t hear her sneak up behind me. She quickly put what I realized was a blindfold over my eyes and whispered into my ear, “Shhhhh. . . Let me take care of you.”
She took my hand and led me through the woods. After a while, she stopped and spun me around. “Lie on the ground and put your hands over your head. I want to suck your dick, Matt.”
Again, I did just as she said with no hesitation, letting the leaves and grass scratch at my back and legs. I felt her place the cuffs around my wrists and heard them click. I pulled a little on them and felt them securely attached to what I assumed was a tree.