Tech Titans: The Complete Billionaire Romance Series

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Tech Titans: The Complete Billionaire Romance Series Page 34

by Swann, Marcella

  “Have you guys been drinking this whole time?” Phoebe asked, taking in Chuck’s red face and heavy eyelids.

  “It’s a celebration!” he exclaimed a little too loudly. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

  “Well, the party’s over. Let’s get you guys home,” she said, grabbing ahold of Chuck’s elbow and pulling him up out of his seat. He stumbled for a moment but steadied himself by wrapping an arm around her waist.

  “Are you saying I should go back to your place?” he asked flirtatiously. I was really starting to like this guy.

  “We live together, you dolt,” Phoebe said, but she was smiling at him.

  “Come on, grandpa. I’ll drive you home,” Jenny gestured to Bill that he should stand.

  “No need. Phoebe can drop me off,” Bill said, standing with far more grace than Chuck even though he had matched him drink for drink.

  “Are you sure?” Jenny asked, looking to Phoebe for confirmation.

  “Of course. You make sure Aaron gets home safely,” Phoebe said. I jumped at the sound of my name.

  “Me?” I asked stupidly. Now they’re really gonna think you’re drunk.

  “Come on, I’ll give you a ride,” Jenny said, holding her hand out to help pull me from the comfortable chair. I didn’t need the help, as I hadn’t had much to drink, but I put my hand in her much smaller one anyway. I told myself it was just to be agreeable, not at all because I wanted to touch her.

  “I’m okay to drive,” I told her. She looked at me doubtfully before glancing at the small table loaded with empty bottles. “You know those aren’t all mine, right?”


  “Look at me,” I gestured to my body. I was taller and broader than everyone else in the room. “It takes a lot to get me that drunk.”

  “I don’t want you driving home,” she said in a firm tone that clearly said she wasn’t going to let this go. I was feeling a little light-headed the longer I stood. I guess she has a point.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll use Uber,” I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

  “Yeah, right,” Jenny said with a sharp look. “You’re way too cocky to be trusted. I’m not letting your arrogant ass wrap your car around a tree when I could just drive you.”

  I wanted to argue, but I was in a great mood and it didn’t seem worth it. I nodded. “Bill, thanks again,” I said, grasping his hand briefly. “I’ll be in touch with you later this week.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  I nodded at Chuck and walked to the door. Holding it open, I looked at Jenny. “Lead the way.”

  She navigated us through the dissipating crowd with ease. We were in the parking lot within minutes and I was surprised to see that she drove a big white pickup truck. “What?” she asked as I stood staring at it.

  “This is yours?”

  “Yeah,” she said slowly, as if talking to someone that couldn’t quite keep up. “So?”

  “Nothing,” I said, pulling open the passenger door and climbing in as she did the same on the other side. “It’s just not what I expected.”

  “Really?” She fired up the truck and started to guide us out of the parking lot. “What were you expecting? A little beetle, maybe?”

  I laughed. “Something like that. Or maybe one of those tiny electric cars.”

  “I don’t think you’d have fit in one of those. Besides, that’s not my style.”


  “I like sitting high up like this. And it’s convenient to have a truck.”

  “Until someone wants help moving,” I said knowingly. I had been roped into that more than once myself.

  “Exactly,” she agreed with a smile. I stared at her. It was fully dark outside now, so she was illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. They enhanced her soft features and made her eyes seem to glow. There’s something about her today. I’ve never wanted someone this badly. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. It would have to have a cold shower tonight.

  Jenny was parking in front of my house sooner than I had anticipated. It seemed that every stoplight we encountered was green and the traffic moved along at a fast pace for once. I opened the truck’s door but didn’t get out immediately. Crazy as it was, I realized that I didn’t want to part ways, yet.

  I turned back to her, about to ask her to come in, when I came to my senses. This was Jenny. She held the fate of the Titans in her hands and was continually frustrated with me about it. Offering her a nightcap was a bad idea.

  “Well, thanks for the ride.”

  “I better make sure you get inside okay,” she said, turning the truck off and pocketing the key. Why would she do that? Does she really think I drank that much?

  “You don’t have to--”

  “Come on,” she interrupted. “I’m just walking with you to the door. It’s not a big deal.”

  I stepped out of the truck as she walked around to my side. She came up beside me and my eyes zeroed in on her exposed cleavage. With her standing this close, I could see right down her V-neck shirt. I felt myself harden as I imagined seeing her bare chest.

  Seeming not to notice where my attention was, she started walking to the front door. As she walked up the porch steps in front of me, my eyes drifted down and locked on her behind. Her hips were swinging as she climbed the stairs and I clenched my jaw. Maybe I did have too much to drink. How else could I explain this intense attraction?

  When we reached the front door, I pulled my house key from my pocket, carefully avoiding brushing against my sensitive erection. Jenny turned to me and opened her mouth to speak but froze. Eyes widening, she took in my expression. I knew she must be able to see my desire for her in my face. I wasn’t expecting her to turn so suddenly and didn’t have time to school my expression. Jenny tilted her head up and I saw a fiery need in her eyes as she stepped forward. Her lips parted as her chest heaved with her deep breaths.

  Sanity abandoning me, I stepped forward and captured her mouth with my own. Her lips were as soft as they looked, and I groaned. Jenny responded to the kiss immediately, gripping my shoulders and pulling me closer to her. Every nerve ending in my body seemed to come alive as our bodies molded together.

  I tried to get my key into the door lock without breaking apart from her, fumbling in my haste. I wanted to get her inside. I needed it.

  Jenny’s tongue darted out and licked the seam of my lips. I opened my mouth immediately, our tongues entwining almost aggressively. It felt like a fight for dominance and it got me even hotter when neither of us gave in.

  Finally, I felt the key slide into the lock and wanted to cheer when the door swung open behind me. Pulling Jenny into the house with me, I closed the door and shoved her against it, finally breaking our kiss long enough to pull her shirt over her head and toss it carelessly behind me.

  She was wearing a pink satin bra that encased large breasts. I brought both hands up to cup them and meshed our mouths back together. Jenny pulled away from my lips and started trailing kisses across my jaw and down my neck. A tingle shot down my spine as she worked her way south until my shirt was in the way.

  I pulled it off and discarded it as I had done with her shirt. Grabbing her hand, I pulled Jenny through the house, toward my bedroom. I felt an undeniable sense of urgency. I didn’t want to stop and consider the wisdom in this decision. My mind wasn’t leading me, my body was.

  Jenny kept up with me. When we entered the bedroom, she started unbuttoning her jeans the second we walked in the door. I followed suit and was soon standing in front of her in only a pair of boxers. I saw her eyes rake over my exposed skin and the intensity of her gaze felt like a caress.

  “Sit,” she commanded in a throaty voice. I complied immediately, loving that she was taking control.

  As she kicked off her own pants, I saw that her panties matched her bra. I had the urge to run my hands over her entire body, but instead I fisted my duvet and waited. She reached up and pulled her hair tie out, causing long, dark waves to cascade down her shoul
ders. The movement also caused her breasts to jiggle and a shiver of anticipation went through me.

  She walked forward and straddled me, connecting our lips once again. This was a sweet barely-there kiss. I brought my hands to her back, caressing it before I found the clasps to her bra. With a smooth flick of my wrist it came undone and fell down her arms. She pulled it off and I drank in the sight of her breasts that were large with dark, hardened nipples. She leaned toward me, and I took the hint, diving in to capture one of the peaks with my mouth as my fingers teased the other. Jenny gasped and arched her back.

  I could feel the heat of her core against my bulge and moaned, knowing that only a few thin layers of fabric separated us. Jenny seemed to be of the same mind, as she pushed against my chest, causing me to go sprawling back onto the bed behind me.

  “Condoms?” she asked, her eyes burning with longing.

  “Nightstand. Top drawer.”

  She retrieved one and I pulled my boxers down my hips, kicking them off my legs. Jenny came back into view and I saw her eyes widen at the sight of my exposed member. I felt my chest fill with pride as she stared. I tucked my arms behind my head to fully stretch out before her.

  Then she climbed onto the bed and knelt beside me. I watched, mesmerized, as she ripped open the foil packet and pulled out the condom. Wrapping her other hand around my length, she pumped it up and down slowly. My breath left me in a rush as her touch sent waves of pleasure through my body. I closed my eyes and felt her sliding the condom over me.

  She straddled me again and I saw that she had removed her panties. I could feel her wet mound pressed against my groin and a desperation filled me. “Please,” I said hoarsely. I don’t think any woman has ever made me beg before…

  Thankfully, she didn’t keep me waiting any longer. Reaching down, she lined my erection up at her entrance before lowering herself onto me. We both let out moans of pleasure as I was sheathed in her warmth. Her tightness gripped me, and I grabbed onto her thighs as she rocked slightly. Oh my god. It’s so good.

  Leaning down until her breasts brushed my chest, Jenny pulled herself up until just the tip remained before slamming herself back down. I was so overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through my body that a strangled sound escaped me.

  Working herself into a rhythm, Jenny moaned my name over and over. Her breasts were swaying back and forth, brushing over my face. I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt.

  I was running my hands over her body, anywhere and everywhere I could reach. Her skin was soft and her hair, which was hanging down around her face like a veil, smelled like lavender. I felt surrounded by her in every way, inside and out. This kind of connection was new to me and I could barely catch my breath in the midst of everything.

  As the pleasure heightened, Jenny’s sounds changed, getting almost frantic. I knew she was close to completion, so I thrust my hips up just as she reared back, causing her to explode in ecstasy. The feeling of her walls contracting around me was tremendous and I found myself falling over that edge after her. Chasing her into oblivion with her name on my lips.

  Chapter Nine: Jenny

  I awoke surrounded by warmth. There was no slow trek into wakefulness, no leisurely stroll out of dreamland for me. I immediately knew where I was and what had happened the night before as soon as I opened my eyes. White sheets surrounded me, and sunlight shone through the blinds, illuminating Aaron’s bedroom. He was sleeping behind me, his body wrapped around mine. His heavy arm was draped over my waist and kept my back pressed against his chest.

  We were both naked and I felt sore in a delicious way that had my mind relive the night before. We had fallen asleep, exhausted after our first round. But Aaron had woken me up hours later by trailing light kisses across my collarbone. He had really put all those muscles to work and I had to admit that I was impressed by his stamina.

  His girth was awe-inspiring as well.

  It had been one hell of a night; but now, in the harsh light of day, I couldn’t help wondering if this had been a mistake. How did this happen?

  When we had met a week ago, this guy had driven me crazy with his arrogance and the way he waltzed into my life to take away something that was so important to me. I noticed how attractive he was, of course, but I couldn’t imagine falling in to bed with him. Yet, here we were. This complicated things.

  I suddenly felt overcome by the need to get out of there. I needed space to think. Moving slowly, I lifted Aaron’s arm just enough to slide out from under it, keeping my hearing tuned in to his breathing so I could detect if he started to wake up. There was no change, even as I managed to wiggle away from him and out of the bed. He remained deeply asleep, his face completely relaxed. He was even snoring very lightly.

  That’s adorable.

  What was I thinking? Adorable? I had to get some distance from this guy before I turned into a total sap and just signed the team over to him to make him happy.

  With that thought spurring me on, I quietly gathered up my clothes, pulling my bra from the lampshade. That little detail brought forth memories of Aaron and Mel’s little morning after scene in the living room just days ago. Reality came crashing in as I remembered that wild child’s appearance. Now I was in her position and it made me feel ashamed of myself. Did I really just become another notch in the billionaire playboy’s headboard? What was I thinking?

  Once I had gathered up my clothes, I slipped out of the bedroom door and closed it behind me, turning the knob softly as to not make a sound. Dressing hastily in the hall, I realized my shirt wasn’t there. Shit. Where is it?

  I couldn’t remember where we had taken it off. I had been so eager to get undressed, I hadn’t paid enough attention. I walked through the living room, feeling vulnerable without a shirt on in this unfamiliar place. My eyes were scanning the furniture and floor. Resolved to leave this house as soon as possible, I leapt forward when I saw a Titans hoodie thrown over the back of a chair. The thing was huge and clearly belonged to Aaron.

  Telling myself I’d return it to him later, I pulled the hoodie over my head. The thing fell almost to my knees. The smell of cedarwood and spices surrounded me, and I recognized it as Aaron’s cologne. I inhaled deeply as a left the house, enjoying the scent he had left behind.

  “Good morning, Miss Condliffe,” Fred, the doorman of my building, greeted me warmly as he pulled the glass door open. I gave him a small smile but avoided eye contact. I was sure it was obvious that this was a walk of shame.

  “Morning, Fred,” I mumbled as I walked past.

  “I like your sweatshirt,” he said when I had almost passed him. I stumbled in surprise and nearly fell, looking back at him in astonishment. How could he call me out like that? There was a secretive little smile playing on his lips as I gaped at him.

  “Uh, thanks,” I croaked. Clearing my throat, I straightened my spine. “Thank you,” I repeated, emulating some of Aaron’s confidence. I really didn’t have anything to be embarrassed about here. I was a grown woman, after all.

  Riding the elevator up to the sixth floor, I entered my condo and headed straight to the bathroom. Ultimately, I had no regrets, but I still needed a steamy shower to clean up after the night’s carnal activities. Stripping down, I threw my clothes into the hamper, except for the hoodie. I knew I should wash and return it, but I carried it into my bedroom and tossed it onto the bed instead.

  Purposefully not examining my own actions, I turned the hot water on and stepped under the spray, letting it cascade over me. I washed away all evidence of the night before, being careful while cleaning the sensitive juncture between my thighs. I was quick in the shower, knowing that my mind was bound to stray to Aaron and that I wasn’t ready to dissect my feelings for him just yet.

  Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting at my kitchen island smearing cream cheese on a bagel and booting up my laptop. The smell of coffee floated through the room as my Keurig brewed up my breakfast blend. I pulled up my emails and scanned them halfheartedly. It was mos
tly promotional stuff. A coupon to the pizza place I order from most often, my favorite clothing store was having a sale in two weeks, the golf supply website I used to order a gift for grandpa wanted me to know about their new products…

  Flagging all the junk mail to be deleted, I stopped when something unexpected caught my eye. I hadn’t seen that email address in six years. What the hell could my ex-boyfriend want? Clicking on the email, which had no subject line, I frowned as I read the contents. It looked like my life was about to get even more complicated.

  Chapter Ten: Aaron

  I had just walked into Bill’s firm when my phone dinged, indicating a text message. Pulling it out of my pocket I saw that it was from Mel. I hadn’t talked to her since the morning that she had mounted me in front of Jenny.

  It wasn’t that I was mad at her, necessarily. But I wasn’t happy about the display. It felt like she was marking her territory in front of Jenny, but I certainly didn’t belong to her. She was a friend — albeit with benefits — but just a friend. I opened the message: I’m free tonight if you wanna meet up

  I tried to consider the offer for a few seconds, but I immediately knew that I was going to pass up sex with Mel for the first time. I wasn’t in the mood tonight. I typed back a quick message: Maybe some other time, then put my phone away and walked to the elevator.

  It had only been two days since Jenny had spent the night with me. At least, I assumed she had. She was gone by the time I woke up that morning, so I couldn’t be sure if she even stayed all night. But I had to admit that I couldn’t get her out of my head. She had been a sexy, confident lover and I’d love to go another round or two with her between the sheets. Her take-charge attitude in the bedroom had been a welcome surprise.

  It had certainly been a disappointment to wake up to an empty bed the next day. It wasn’t the first time that had happened, since I was no stranger to one-night stands, but it was the first time it had bothered me.


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