Shadow Dancer Boxed Set

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Shadow Dancer Boxed Set Page 8

by Courtney Rene

  I stood quietly behind Leif for a moment wondering where the heck Aiden had gone, and why or how he had looked at me beforehand. He said no one had that gift anymore. I felt a soft breeze against my back then I was immediately surrounded by Aiden's crushing arms once again. I squeaked in alarm as I felt a brief tug around me and realized Aiden had yanked the shadows off of us and threw us back into the light where he could see us. Leif immediately followed and, without any warning to me, attacked.

  It was a quick and quiet scuffle. Leif landed one hard and solid punch to Aiden's face, which, oww, that really must have hurt, and yanked me from Aiden's firm grip. He picked me up, cradled me against his chest, phased us into the shadows, and ran.

  Sounds romantic, right? You would be wrong. It was a jostling, bumpy run, and I wanted down after the first step. Leif held on tightly and didn't let my feet touch the ground until we were on the porch of my house. We let go of the shadows and stood there looking at each other. I was breathing hard, panting really, and I wasn't even the one running. Leif wasn't, though. He was hardly winded.

  I wanted to laugh in relief now that it was over, but I didn't think Leif was quite ready to laugh yet. However, that did remind me of something. "Why was Aiden laughing?" I asked. The moment had been so fast and blurry I didn't get a real chance to look at anyone, but I remembered hearing the gravelly laughter from behind us as we took to the shadows.

  "I have no idea. I think he's playing with us." He gave me a brief hug, just wrapping me up in his arms and shared his warmth for a moment then let go. It was for me as much as it was for him. I think seeing how easy it was for Aiden to get to us gave him quite a scare.

  "Come on, let's get inside. I don't know why, but I'll feel safer with you behind locked doors."

  He pulled back into the shadows, brushed a cool unseen hand down my arm, and pushed open the door. He stayed right with me. Even when I stopped to chat with my mom, he made his presence known to me by giving me soft reassuring caresses on my arms, a brush of my hand, or a soft bump into my hip. It was hard to pay attention to my mom when he kept distracting me.

  "So, are you going to call her back?" my mom was asking. See what happens when you don't pay attention? I had no idea what she was talking about.


  "Your friend Tara. She called. Are you going to call her back? She wants you to go into Lancaster tomorrow. Hit the mall for dress shopping for homecoming. She needs you to call her tonight and let her know if you can go." That was just so normal, attractively normal. I could really go for a bit of normal.

  "So," I asked with raised eyebrows, "am I allowed to go?"

  Lancaster was a good forty-five minutes away. It was also the only real place to find a mall anywhere near Nelsonville. It wasn't even a big mall for that matter. I had actually forgotten about homecoming, but I had to have a dress for it. Besides, what girl doesn't love to go shopping for any reason, especially if they didn't have to pay?

  My mom was deciding whether or not to allow me to go. I think she was surprised that I wanted to go. She probably thought I wouldn't have any real interest, as I hadn't in the past. I liked Tara, plus it would be fun and easy, and that was lacking in my life right then. "I suppose, but you drive. I don't really know Tara yet."

  "K, I'll call her back right now and let her know."

  I called her immediately and made plans for me to pick her up at noon. We would have time to shop till dinner. Chris and Leif were going to meet up with us around five. We just had to be home before eight as it would be Sunday, a school night.

  ~ * ~

  Finally, Leif and I were alone in my room where we talked about my discussion with my parents as well as what Aiden had said. I had so much I wanted to know. Like who was the King, and where was his kingdom? Was it on a small island off the coast somewhere? Leif didn't have any answers either.

  I asked Leif what he thought about the gift of shadow sight and what Aiden had said about the last of the line. He agreed with me that I must be part of that line. I think that must mean my birth mother is dead. I felt a twinge of something in my heart. Like a sadness at a loss of something I didn't realize I had and now never would. Most of all I had questions of why? Why did my birth mother leave me? Why did this King want me? Why did Aiden look so sad? Then there was why was Leif acting so skittish and evasive.

  "I wonder who the King is," I said. Leif was pacing around my room, like a tiger in a cage.

  "I don't know, Sunny." He was not looking at me but at the ground. His hands were shoved deep in his jean pockets.

  "Why does he want us?"

  Leif let out a huff of breath. "Sunny, I don't know."

  "There's got to be someone we can ask. Do you think we could ask Aiden?" I was just sitting cross-legged on my bed, watching Leif as he prowled my room.

  "Sunny," Leif said on an exasperated sigh. He came over to where I sat and leaned down, bracing himself on his arms so he could look me in the eyes, "Aiden is not our friend. Why you insist on thinking he is, is beyond me. You do understand he is trying to kidnap you, for Pete's sake? Stay away from him. You shouldn't need me to tell you this."

  Now it was my turn to take in a deep slow breath to try to stem the angry emotion working its way up though my own body. "Now you wait." I didn't say it mean, but more to make a point for him to listen to me.

  "You've had loads of time to come to terms with this gift, with this life. I haven't and I am trying to get answers to some of my questions that you don't have. Aiden though, he might. This is the only other person I know who may have answers. I know he is not my friend. I am willing to try though. I need to try."

  Leif dropped down to sit next to me. He then brushed his fingers over my cheek and let out a breath. "Did you see how strong he was, how fast? I don't know if I can keep you safe around him. Not by myself anyway. I don't want him anywhere near you. I am so glad you are going out of town shopping tomorrow. Hopefully, it will throw him off, confuse him. You won't be in town where he can get to you."

  I put my hand over his where it rested against my face and said, "Leif, he wanted you too. He said he was set to retrieve both of us, not just me." I really hated that word.

  "I know." That was all he said. I didn't bring up the fact that I could be just as easily grabbed in Lancaster as I would in town, especially if Aiden was a tracker like Leif. I could be anywhere and he would find me.

  We snuggled down onto the bed together to get some sleep. Leif tucked me in against his warm body, wrapped me up in his arms, and held me tightly for a very long time. Even after he drifted off to sleep, his grip didn't loosen.

  I know this because I didn't sleep for a long while. I had my own worries to contend with and they were all about Leif. I knew there were strong feelings between us. Maybe even love.

  What worried me was he was always so guarded in what he said. He would show me in many ways how he felt. Like when he would just brush against me, or take my hand in his, or show up when I needed him. He was physically affectionate, but he didn't talk with me, or share with me. What was he hiding? What was he so ashamed of that he couldn't discuss with me?

  Chapter Nine


  I picked Tara up the next day at noon, and we headed into Lancaster for our homecoming shopping trip. We were girls on a mission for two gorgeous, perfect, one-of-a-kind homecoming dresses, with shoes to match and all the extras to go along with it. We hit all the big department stores and some of the smaller ones. We tried on every possible dress available and laughed and giggled and teased our way through it all. It was a wonderful day. After we each had at least three different bags, it was time for the guys to meet us. We went to the designated bench and dropped down to sit and wait. My feet were happily tired and I was hungry.

  "Tara, this was such a great idea," I said as I sipped on the soda I purchased from the food court. "I had so much fun today. Thanks for inviting me."

  Tara laughed and said, "I had a great time too. Should we schedule in a
date for prom shopping now or should we wait till at least January?"

  "Ask me after Christmas," I replied. Tara was so easy to be around. I didn't have to think too hard about what to say. Everything just came naturally with her.

  I saw Leif and Chris heading in our direction. I leaned back against the bench and sighed, elbowing Tara gently to get her attention then pointed at the guys. "They sure are a good-looking pair."

  "Yeah, they are," Tare said, "What are you and Leif doing from here?"

  "I don't know. We left it open, see how I felt after my day. What about you?"

  "We're heading back to town. Probably just hit Renee's then head home. You guys can stop in if you want to. There's always room. Chris likes Leif, so it would be okay." She shrugged then got to her feet and greeted Chris with an easy smile and a kiss of welcome. I didn't think I could pull off the nonchalance of it like Tara and Chris could. They were more used to each other and comfortable with their relationship. I had hopes for Leif and I, but we weren't there yet.

  Leif pulled me to my feet and proved me wrong. He wrapped me in an embrace and placed a soft kiss on my lips then whispered to me, "You were missed today."

  It was so sweet. I felt my legs go all mushy and my stomach did a nice little dip. I was lost in his eyes when I heard a giggle from behind me. I had completely forgotten we were not alone. Tara and Chris just stood there smiling at us. I gave them a sheepish smile in return.

  "Hey guys," Chris said as he stooped down and picked up all of Tara's bags in one hand. "We're outta here. Stop by Renee's if you can." He looked at Tara then said, "We'll understand though if you don't." He threw his free arm around Tara's shoulders in a show of affection and they left with a wave.

  Not to be outdone, Leif picked up my bags and tucked me against his side with his arm around my waist. "Did you have a good time?" He could see that I did. I'm sure I was smiling ear to ear, and I had three bags of my own, not including the bag from the accessory store that was shoved into one of the bigger ones.

  "I had a great time. It was just what I needed. So, where too?" I led him to where I parked my car. He stowed my bags in the trunk then opened the door to the passenger side for me to get in. He was such a guy, always wanting to drive. I raised one eyebrow at him but otherwise got in without much fuss. I was just as happy to let him take the driver's seat for the trip back to town. My feet were tired anyway.

  "What are you in the mood for?" he asked after we were headed out of the parking lot. "Do you feel like just going to Dee's?" Dee's Diner was a small restaurant in a converted house. The food, oh my God, it was so good. It was just outside of Nelsonville on Route 33.

  "I could do Dee's. I am always in the mood for fresh pie." We made the trip into town in easy conversation. I talked about my day, and he sat back and listened. "What about you, what did you do today?"

  "I didn't do much at all. I ran into Chris early and we just sorta hung out for a while before we headed out to get you girls."

  We made it to town and Dee's. When we entered, Dee said, "Hey kids."

  "Hey, Dee, do you mind if we sit in the second dining room?" Dee's had two main dining rooms. The main room had all the regular customers in it, that I swear were always there chatting up the days events. The second room was off to the side, and it was currently empty. I thought of it as the overflow dining room.

  "Sure, sit where you want, I'll bring over some sodas in just a sec."

  "Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper," I said as we headed out of the main room. I liked Dee's because it was so informal. It was a small-town diner at its best. Plus, it always smelled of dessert. Maybe it was pie, maybe it was brownies, maybe it was just a cinnamon roll, I didn't care, it smelled so yummy no matter when you came in.

  After Dee brought our drinks and took our order, I excused myself to the ladies room. I finished in the stall, and as I opened the door, I flinched back in fright. There was Aiden, leaning patiently against the wall by the sink. I tried to pretend I wasn't afraid, but I was feeling a bit small next to his huge form in the tiny bathroom.

  "You do know this is the ladies room, right?" I said with just a hint of sarcasm, putting on my brave face.

  He shoved away from the wall, closed the distance between us, which wasn't much to start with, and said, "You didn't really think I was going to leave, did you?" He actually said "tsk, tsk" at me after that. He was such a strange man. "You know I have a job to do. You will be retrieved."

  "Ugh, stop saying that!" I shoved him in frustration. He didn't move an inch. He didn't even sway with my push.

  "It is what it is. You will come with me now." He took my hand and tugged. I pulled back. He wasn't pulling me with any real force anyway. It seemed to be more of a request than a demand.

  "No," I replied, planting my feet on the ground in order to gain better balance. Aiden cocked his head to the side and smiled at me in amusement. I growled at him. "Why are you always wearing that cloak? It's creepy."

  He didn't answer my question. Instead, he said, "Let me explain. You will come with me now, nice and easy, and nothing will happen to your friend."

  "You can't hurt my friend and hold me at the same time. You can't use him against me like that. I may be blonde, but I'm not stupid." His smile grew, revealing very white and even teeth. I hadn't pictured him as having good oral hygiene.

  "I am not alone this time. The others are already outside with your friend. Shall we go out and see?" He tugged again on my hand and this time there was real strength behind it. I would have gone along with him at any rate, with his threat to Leif now hanging in the air.

  We came out of the bathroom and I noticed several things all at once. Leif was quite aware of Aiden and I assume the other Shadow Walkers standing directly behind him. There were two additional ones, still with their hoods up. So it was impossible to tell if they were girls or boys, but they were both small in comparison to Aiden. Leif's face was a mask of cold indifference. His eyes were icy blue, and he looked ferocious in his anger. Was he angry with me? I hoped not, I hadn't caused this. It did put quite a damper on my otherwise great day.

  "Aiden," Leif growled.

  "See, you will come with me, one way or another."

  I watched in dismay as Leif stood up with a gleeful smile. Aiden, ruthlessly pulled my arm behind me, causing me to gasp in pain. I think that was his purpose, as Leif stopped in his tracks and stared at me, I stood helpless in Aiden's grasp.

  I was confused when the confident smile returned to Leif's face a moment later. He did not approach us. Instead, he took several steps back, closing the distance between him and the others. "You underestimated me, Aiden. I'm not alone either." I thought he meant me. The idea that Leif thought I would be able to help in this situation gave me a warm feeling of confidence myself, which was immediately squished when three other Shadow Walkers phased out of the shadows next to him. Leif introduced them with a nod and a wave, saying, "My backup has also arrived."

  His eyes were cold and focused on Aiden. To say I was confused would be putting it mildly. I was lost. The new additions to the group were two guys and one girl. The girl, I was jealous to note, was tall, sleek, and beautiful. She had legs that came up to my head, long rich red hair, and a body I would have killed for. The two guys were a different story all together. One had black hair that was cut short, military style. The other had long shiny brown hair that had real highlights from the sun throughout. Their clothes were normal for teenagers, jeans and t-shirts of varying colors. The girl's was, of course, red and tight, showing off her curves. I hated her.

  Before I could ask what the heck was going on, everyone sprung into action. Aiden knocked my feet out from under me, and I crashed to the floor, stunned. I watched as Leif jumped right into the fight without hesitation and headed straight for Aiden. They were obviously gunning for each other. The three newcomers took on the remaining Shadow Guards, and I sat there stupidly, not knowing what to do to help.

  Leif was my main concern at the moment. I ro
se to my feet and jumped into the melee, only to be forcefully shoved aside by Leif this time. I crashed back down to the floor again. "Ow." That so hurt. It was a bit lowering to be pushed around by everyone when I wasn't even in the fight yet.

  I struggled back to my feet again and just missed being struck by a shaker of salt that had been hurled through the air by someone. I watched in silent shock as Leif was tossed to the ground. Aiden pounced on top of him, sitting on his stomach. Aiden then grabbed Leif by the head and slammed it down on the ground with a terrifyingly loud thunk. I ran toward them again, but Aiden caught me by the hair and tossed me back, grabbing Leif by the head again.

  "No! Don't!" I yelled. No one was paying any attention to me. I was scared and feeling useless and I didn't know what to do to help. I didn't even know who to fight. I slowly began to notice that my fingers were tingling. I looked down at them and saw that a ring of white light was surrounding my hands. I felt a gentle pull around me, like a tug, toward the energy in the room.

  I realized that every object in the room also had its own energy ring surrounding it, like an aura. I wasn't in the shadows though, so I didn't understand how I could see the energy auras. I didn't have time to try to figure it out either. Instinctively, I pulled the energy to me, like I did with the shadows. It gathered and formed a ball of blue white light the size of a cherry into my hands. It felt staticy, like when I went to the Science Museum and everyone touched the energy ball that made our hair stand out on end. The hairs on my arms were standing up and it was making its prickly way through my body.

  That all took place within the space of a moment. I gathered more of the energy to me until the white static ball was the size of a cantaloupe. I looked at the scene before me, not sure what to do with the ball. The three Shadow Walkers had the Shadow Guards pinned down, but they were still fighting hard. Leif was still down but holding his own, considering the size difference between him and Aiden. I watched with horrified eyes as Aiden landed a particularly brutal punch to Leif's beautiful face.


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