Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 12

by Veronica Cane

  The unlocked door kept jumping into my mind. Perhaps it was a trick and it was really locked. Did I want to try it and find out? No, he definitely had not locked it when he went out. Did I stay here with the man I loved and give up my old life, or did I walk out the door leaving him behind but gaining my freedom?

  Thoughts of that unlocked door flashed into my mind. What would it be like just to walk out the door? I squashed such thoughts and finished doing my hair. But the thoughts kept creeping back in. I could go downstairs and call a taxi and be back at my little place before an hour had passed. I could be free. Then I thought of his laugh, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, and I knew I loved him. I did not want my freedom, I wanted him.

  Should I stay? Should I go? Should I stay? Should I go? It’s all I could think about. I didn’t know what to do and I had nobody to reach out to and talk about it. I felt so alone and trapped. My heart started racing and a fog of panic descended on me. I must be crazy not to want to get out of there. No one in their right mind would stay, would they?

  I rushed to my bedroom and threw on some clothes. I remembered seeing my purse hidden at the very top of the closet. I fumbled around until I got my hands on it. Looking inside I found my keys were gone, but I knew he had them already. What mattered most is my wallet. It was still there with all of my money and credit cards inside. I could get a cab and go to a hotel somewhere until I figured out what I was going to do.

  My heart pounding, I approached the door. I turned the knob slowly and opened it just a crack. I half expected him to be standing there by the elevator, but to my relief he wasn’t there. I pushed the door open further. The foyer was deserted like always and I tentatively put a food over the threshold. One more step and I was out of his penthouse and to the elevator -- A mere seconds from freedom.

  I closed the door behind me. Shaking with fear, I went over to the elevator and pressed the button. I heard it creaking its way up the floors and when it reached my floor, the doors slid open. I went to enter the elevator but suddenly I was paralyzed and couldn’t make myself move a single muscle in my body.

  The fog of fear had cleared. What the hell was I doing? I realized at that moment that I couldn’t leave Devlin. Our relationship may not be perfect, but I loved him. I don’t know how or why but I do, I really and truly loved him.

  I rushed back to the ornate door. My hands were shaking so much that I had trouble opening it. I was terrified that he would come back and fine me in the foyer, near the elevator. Finally I got the door opened and was back inside the safety of the penthouse and nobody was the wiser.

  I went to my bedroom to make sure that I put my purse back where it was hidden at the top of my closet and then took my clothes off before he came home. My collar was still intact because it was locked into place.

  I fell onto my bed to take a nap, only when I did I heard a noise. Rolling over I found it, a folded up piece of paper. Inside was a handwritten note from Devlin that read, “Faith isn’t something you find. It’s something you have. Do you have faith in us?”

  I don't know what made me panic like that earlier. And this letter, how sweet was that? I felt horrible about having second thoughts of our relationship and I vowed to never tell Devlin how close I came to running away.

  I heard the bells and tell-tale clang of the elevator and knew that meant Devlin was home. I rushed to kneel by the door, how I knew he probably would like me to greet him when he got home.

  The door opened and he stood there, his face breaking into a smile when he saw me. It was such a spontaneous smile and his eyes shone with genuine happiness. I was sure then that I had done the right thing in staying. However, as quickly as it had come, the smile was gone from his face and he looked angry.

  “Follow me,” he said and started off towards my bedroom. I wondered what I had done to change the smile to such anger in so short a time. I did not have to wait too long to find out.

  “Sit down,” he said as he patted a space on the bed beside him. When I was sitting next to him, he reached out and turned my face to meet his. I tried to avoid his gaze but he ordered “Look at me” and I did as he said.

  “So, do you want to tell me why you left the penthouse this morning?”

  I was about to deny it, thinking he couldn’t possibly know about my panic earlier but before I could speak he interrupted.

  “Don't make it worse by telling lies, I know all about it.”

  I didn't know what to say. How could he possibly know that I had left this morning?

  “You might as well tell me the truth, because I will only punish you more if you lie.”

  “How did you know, Master?”

  “I placed a piece of tape over the door and when you pushed it open, it broke it off. Simple really, but surprisingly effective. Luckily you changed your mind. Had you actually left I would have hunted you down and brought you back. Your punishment would have been a lot worse if I had to scour the city for you, believe me.”

  I did believe him too. I don’t think he’ll ever really let me go.

  “Can you imagine how I felt when I came home and saw that the tape had been disturbed? Thinking I would open the door to find you gone and then finding you here after all. Do you realize what you put me through?”

  “No Master, I didn't.”

  “I am too angry to talk any more right now.”

  He collected the wrist cuffs and a length of rope off the dresser and said “Come”. He took me to where the big hook in the ceiling was and attached the wrist cuffs. He then took the piece of rope and threaded it through the cuffs and over the hook. I was hauled up until I was barely able to touch my toes to the floor. I was afraid at first that he was going to whip me, luckily he decided against it though.

  “We will talk when I have calmed down.”

  I could hear him in the other room. He was pouring himself a drink. I don’t know where he went after that but for now I was just grateful that he decided to punish me later. Heaven knows what he would have done to me while he was so angry.

  He must have left me hanging there for at least an hour, maybe more. My shoulders ached and my wrists and back hurt. Part of me wanted him to come free me, while part of me feared what would happen when he did. Eventually he did come for me. I could tell he was still upset but the rage seemed to have died down.

  After freeing me from my bonds he carried me into the bedroom and sat me down on the bed.

  “Alright now, I want to hear exactly what happened this morning.”

  Tears pouring down my face I managed to tell him about the fit of panic and the realization that I couldn’t leave him. He gave a little smile when I told him that.

  “I thought perhaps you changed your mind because you realized what I might do to you when I caught you and I would have caught you.”

  He had a menacing look in his eyes and I could tell he was serious. There was no running away because one way or another, he would catch up with me.

  “No, Master. That never crossed my mind. I stayed because I knew it was the right thing to do. It’s hard to explain.”

  He gathered me in his arms and kissed me deeply.

  “Today was intended as a test. I wanted to see how much I could trust you without supervision. Obviously you failed that test and will have to be punished, you know that don't you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “However, since you came to your senses and came back of your own free will, the punishment won’t be too harsh”.

  “Thank you, Master”

  I was only just recovering from the last punishment and my ass and thighs were still sore from the cane. Now all I can do is hope that this punishment won’t be as severe as the last.

  “Can I trust you in the future?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And I don't have to worry about you running off again?”

  “No, Master. I promise it won’t happen again.”

  “Good. I can't tell you how empty I felt when I thought you
had gone.”

  It suddenly struck me that I felt awful not because he had hung me up or that he was going to punish me for leaving in the first place, but because I caused him pain. This was all just so confusing to me. Why did I feel this way towards him? Logically I should be angry that he was going to hurt me or that he tricked me with the tape. But logic seems to have long gone out the window when it came to how I felt about Devlin.

  “Now my slave, that just leaves the matter of your punishment.”

  He picked up a ping pong paddle from the floor. I looked at him with some apprehension. He pulled me across his left knee, trapping my legs with his right leg, leaving me in a very vulnerable position. The first stroke of the paddle stung a lot. The second stroke brought tears to my eyes. I lost count of the number of strokes I took, but he spanked me long and hard.

  My ass was burning and I was in genuine pain by the time he finally stopped and threw the paddle aside. He laid me on my stomach on the bed and ordered me not to move.

  He rummaged around in the other room, before returning. I couldn’t see what he had in his hand, but I felt the coldness of lotion being rubbed into my sore butt cheeks and was grateful for the relief.

  Next I felt him rubbing something into my anus and before I could protest he stuck a butt plug in. It was bigger than the previous one and it didn’t want to go in at first. But after more lube and some not so gentle manipulation he finally got it inside of me.

  I started to protest but he stuck his fingers inside of my pussy and started to stimulate my clit. He kept stroking my clit until I fully relaxed and he was able to get the butt plug all the way inside of me.

  “This is number two of five. When your body gets used to that, we’ll go up to the next size. Eventually you’ll be able to take the biggest.”

  “How big is the biggest?” I asked wearily.

  “It’s a step up system, one inches, two inches, three inches, four inches and the last being five. This is the only way to help your body adjust.”

  He tried to help me sit up but it wasn’t easy with the butt plug inside of me. It was such a tight fit.

  Now spread your legs,” he murmured, and he helped move me towards the edge of the bed, draping my legs over the side of the mattress.

  I watched with bated breath as he placed a wide lace headband over my eyes so I couldn’t see what was going on. I heard the buzz of the vibrator and knew what was coming, yet I still gasped loudly when he pushed it against my labia. Delicious vibrations stimulated my clit.

  “Does that feel good?”

  “Yes Master,” I replied breathily as the metal of the vibrator was warming my sensitive flesh.

  He pushed it in deeper and my hips began to flex against the glorious device. Liquid heat surged between my thighs as the vibrator pressed against my clit. My hips thrust back and forth. It all felt so good, so hot, and so overwhelmingly delightful.

  “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes, Master,” I panted. “So, so much.”

  I felt my excitement mounting by the second. The vibrator was powerful. I sat up on my knees and as Devlin thrust a finger deep inside my pussy, he growled. “Mine, all mine.”

  My body started to shake and tighten but Devlin left the vibrator buzzing inside of me until finally my body went limp and I fell into his arms.

  I opened my eyelids sluggishly and watched in a daze as he removed the wide lace headband from my face and held me against his chest as the aftershocks of my orgasm continued to jolt through me.

  He kissed my forehead while still holding me tightly in his arms.

  “Don't ever try and leave me again.”

  Chapter 14

  “Don’t fall asleep my sweet slave. We don’t have a lot of time before you need to start getting ready.”

  “What do you mean Master? Are we going somewhere?”

  “We are having a client over for dinner tonight. He’s very important and it’s your job to keep him happy.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Although I knew I would do what I was told, I was still worried. Did he expect me to act like some kind of high class hooker? And if he did, was I really prepared to go that far to make Devlin happy? Surely that’s not what he intended.

  “Exactly how far do you expect me to go to make him happy?”

  He frowned at me, his mood changing instantly.

  “Do you trust your Master?”

  “Of course I do. I’m just …”

  “You should know better than to question me.”

  He turned me over and started patting my bottom with his hand. It stung a bit because of the soreness from the beating I got earlier, but still it also felt a little arousing. It wasn’t a brutal spanking like he has given me in the past. This spanking was more sensual than painful.

  After a few strokes he put his finger in my pussy.

  “Exactly what I thought. You like my hand across your ass don’t you?”

  “No, Master. It hurts.” I tried to squirm to get away but he kept holding me down, over his knees with his finger in my pussy. I had just come so my body was still very sensitive but I enjoyed having his finger inside of me.

  “Liar. Your body tells me exactly what I need to know about you. Look how wet your pussy is. I should fuck you good and hard, right here and now.”

  He was right. I was turned on and more than anything I wanted him to fuck me.

  As he fingered my clit, the lips of my pussy swelled and yearned for him to give me more. He kept at it until I was a mass of quivering nerves. I moaned and pushed myself against his hand. But as I was just about to come he pulled away. I could barely breathe. I wanted him so bad. I wanted his cock inside of me.

  He sat me up on his lap and I started to grind against him. As we kissed I tugged at his shirt, to get him to remove it. I wanted to put my hands all over his rock hard abs. When he removed his shirt, I melted into him and let him hold me tight against his body.

  “I need you,” I breathed.

  And that was all it took. He threw me down on the bed and I landed on my stomach. I heard him unzip his pants and a few moments later I felt his hands on my hips.

  I gasped as he entered me from behind. He slid forward slowly, inch by inch. He was barely moving, and I wanted to scream for him to hurry. I so desperately wanted all of him inside of me.

  He started to move deeper into me and my body felt so completely filled. He pulled out of me and the head of his cock rested at my opening. I felt the emptiness it left behind, my sensitive flesh throbbing, immediately wanting to be filled again.

  I thrust my hips backwards, forcing him back inside of me. The fullness, the way he stretched me, was all building and spiraling inside of me towards an orgasm. I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation of his cock inside of me.

  His thick cock drove brutally into me, pushing me over the edge. He slammed into me again and again before he groaned loudly. I felt his cock twitch and jerk inside me.

  My own orgasm ripped through me, gripping my entire body, making me arch and twist, moving my hips back and forth on his spurting cock as he pushed hard inside of me, as deep as it would go.

  He stayed inside of me while we both recovered. Very slowly he pulled out of me and I took in a deep shuddering breath. I hated how it felt when he pulled out of me. I loved the intimate feeling of having him inside of me. I loved how it united us as one.

  I rolled on my back and my legs felt so weak and limp. I have been truly and thoroughly fucked and I had no idea how I was going to have the strength to get out of bed and be a good hostess for his client tonight.

  I wanted to fall asleep in Devlin’s arms but just as I started to doze off I heard the doorbell ring. My head shot up and I started to panic. Devlin just laughed.

  “Don’t worry. It’s just Olga and Anika here to clean the house.”

  I looked at him in confusion and he continued.

  “Olga and Anika are my housekeepers. I gave them the last few weeks off to give us so
me alone time. Now go get in the shower and get ready while I go get the door.”

  When I got out of the shower, and fixed my hair and makeup, I found the clothes that Devlin had laid out for me to wear on the bed. Tonight I would be wearing the black and white corset with matching black and white tutu. Luckily he set out some panties for me as well, the tutu was far too short to not have something on underneath.

  I loved the way the corset pushed up my boobs making me look like I had far more upstairs than I really did. I pranced into the kitchen feeling so pretty to get Devlin’s approval and found him making finger foods.

  “You still aren’t ready yet?” I asked him. “Let me finish these while you go get in the shower.”

  Devlin turned his head and looked at me. When he did, a big smile came across his face and I knew he liked how I looked.

  I kissed his cheek and took over making the hors d'oeuvres while he went to shower, shave and put his suit on.

  I just finished sprinkling olive oil on the final tray of bruschetta when the doorbell rang. I organized the grilled scallops wrapped in prosciutto with the spicy tuna tartar while Devlin answered the door. I came in just after holding the first tray of finger foods.

  “Mr. Ryland this is Mary Elizabeth.”

  “Please call me Jamison.”

  I curtsied and gave him my best coy smile. “It’s so wonderful to meet you Jamison. Please come in and take a seat.”

  I gestured towards the couch and he took a seat while Devlin sat in the chair next to him. I sat the tray of food down in front of them on the coffee table and went to get the tray of lobster sliders with cheesy stuffed mushrooms.

  When I walked out of the room I heard them making small talk. After setting the next tray of food down I went to get the wine.

  I handed the bottle to Devlin along with the opener. “It looks like we’ll be having a 2008 Col Solare tonight.”

  When he popped the cork on the wine bottle it fell to the floor. Without thinking I bent over Devlin’s lap to grab it and when I did, our guest had the perfect view of my ass. My skirt was just so short, he could probably see everything. When I heard him let out a quiet moan, I knew exactly what I had done. I jumped up and went back to serving them finger foods and wine.


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