Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 53

by Veronica Cane

  He gave Rashid a few instructions in Arab, and still holding my hand, he took us out of there.

  Chapter 16

  He almost dragged me to my room, throwing me on the bed, with an urgency that matched mine very well. In just seconds, he had me on all fours, as he pulled my skirt up and trashed my thong. "Oh, habib, I need you so much…"

  The only answer I was able to produce was a heartfelt moan.

  His hands rested over my naked buttocks, his fingers only inches away from my aching pussy and my throbbing clit. His hands squeezed and kneaded my ass, before he slid down my slit and pulled my inner lips apart. "Uhmm, nice and wet, aren't you, habib?"

  He needlessly asked, since he could see just how wet I was, and how my whole body shivered in anticipation. His statement of the facts with his husky, deep voice, only managed to make me focus on my wetness, my craving need of him and his touch.

  I moaned again, out loud, my body ready for him, ready to join him on that unique path into paradise. And he didn’t make me wait much longer.

  I heard him unzipped his pants with a swift motion before he rested his big cock over my eager pussy. With a single thrust, he pushed it in, deep, all the way into my very core.

  My whole body shuddered with pleasure. He leaned over my back, and pulling my arms, he took them behind my back, tying them with something that felt like silk, and I immediately remembered his tie.

  With my hands secured, he leaned over once more, this time to wrap my neck with his powerful hand before he started pounding hard and fast in me.

  I was having trouble breathing. But not because he was squeezing my throat, he wasn’t. His grip was strong, powerful, but not harmful.

  It was a proclamation. A proclamation of my belonging to him, and that was more breathtaking than anything I had ever felt in my life. My mind, body and soul were overwhelmed by the millions of feelings and sensations rushing through me.

  His other hand smacked my ass a couple of times before squeezing it and going back to the smacks in a rhythm of its own, the stinging pain enhancing the pleasure his cock provided.

  After all I had lived through tonight, getting to the edge was faster than ever and soon I was begging for release. "Oh, god…please, Sir." I managed to whisper but he heard me, and quickened his pace, pounding faster and deeper.

  "Yes, habib, come with me." He ordered, and I finally let myself go, indulging the pleasure and bliss produced by an amazing orgasm.

  He released me and I fell over onto my stomach completely drained. He untied my hands and lying beside me, pulled me over his chest, holding me in a sweet embrace.

  I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes again, I was alone in bed and the sun was high in the sky.

  I slowly got up from bed and looked around. I needed a shower, but the idea of taking one and wearing the same wrinkled clothes wasn’t very appealing. It was then I saw one of my new suitcases over a chair. Prince Ali was obviously a master in planning, taking care of the minute details.

  I took some clean clothes from it and almost ran to the shower. After a renewing bath, I finally dared to go downstairs. I had no idea what had been last night's denouement, and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know.

  "Good morning, habib, did you sleep well?" Prince Ali surprised me, coming from behind.

  "Good morning, Sir. Yes, very well thank you." I answered with a smile.

  "I'm glad. Come, it's a bit late for breakfast, but the cook prepared a light lunch for us." He announced, guiding me to a terrace, where a table had been set for two. He helped me take a seat, before sitting in front of me.

  "So… is everything alright, Sir?" my curiosity was more powerful.

  He looked at me and smiled. "Yes, habib, our guest was safely returned to his hotel. I'm sure we won't hear from him or his stooges ever again." He assured me.

  "Oh, I'm so happy to hear that, Sir." And I was, because this time I really believed Devlin was letting me go.

  "So, we can go back to Paris and keep enjoying our short vacation." He added with a broad smile.

  I smiled back, but a tiny feeling of restlessness crawled into my heart. And once there it took root and began to grow.

  And although we had so much fun in Paris, I couldn’t ignore it and doubts filled my mind, what was I doing with a man like Prince Ali? Where would all this end up? I couldn’t make my whole life revolve around him because there was no way in hell this would last. He was a prince, a member of an important royal house, a man with a lot of power and money, and I was a nobody. I had no family, no house, no job, nothing. What could he possibly see in me, other than an amusing companion for a few weeks, maybe even months, if I was lucky, but then what? What would become of me? He had never discussed the future with me, he hadn’t even collared me, something I had learned symbolized the commitment between a submissive and her dom, or a slave and her master. And that only, spoke volume of what I meant to him.

  On the other hand, for me things were different. Right now, the simple thought of never seeing him again put a huge knot in my throat, in a couple of months I would feel devastated with it, I just knew it. But I didn’t know what to do about it.

  When we had a week in Paris, I decided to do something. At least a first step.

  "Sir, could I ask you something?" I finally gathered the courage to ask, over breakfast.

  "Yes, of course, habib." He answered, without lifting his eyes from the newspaper he was reading.

  "I would like to go out by myself today. The whole day." I muttered, not sure of how he would react.

  He slowly lowered the newspaper. "Alone? Why?" he asked, his tone serious.

  "Ever since Devlin kidnapped me I haven’t been on my own, for more than a few hours, when I escaped from him." I explained.

  He remained in silence for a few seconds. "I see. Can I at least send one of the boys with you?" he asked, mentioning his bodyguards.

  "No, please. Completely alone." I insisted.

  "Ok, but I want you here before 06:00 pm, is that alright with you?" he finally said, with a smile. "We have to attend a dinner party at my embassy." He warned me.

  "Yes, of course. Thank you, Sir." I jumped up out of my chair, and kissing him on his cheek I ran into my room to put on more comfortable clothes.

  In a few minutes I was out of the apartment building, after he had given me money for any need I might have.

  I walked down the avenue towards the Eiffel Tower. I was looking for a map of Paris. My goal was to find the American embassy and see how they could help me.

  After wandering a little while, I finally saw a map and had no trouble finding it there. Luckily for me, it was very close by and in just minutes I was there.

  With a deep breath and holding my passport in hand I got in.

  A couple of hours later I came out of there feeling a bit better. Now, I was sure they could help me get home, if I couldn’t afford the plane ticket, and that knowledge took a heavy weight off of my shoulders.

  After that, I walked around town, looking at the shop fronts, and the tourists walking around, but I couldn’t even enjoy my freedom, my mind was focused on something else. In what to do with my life, with my future. I had to make some serious decisions, and fast.

  Around five, I returned to the hotel feeling a bit more serene. Prince Ali was there, in the living room, standing close to the window, and his face showed an unreadable expression.

  "Hello, Sir, how was your day?" I greeted, with a smile.

  "It was alright. And yours?" he asked with an emotionless tone.

  "Oh, it was fine, quite good." I answered, with a flickering smile.

  "I'm glad you enjoyed it, girl. You better hurry and change, I don’t want to be late." He ordered me, and nodding I headed to my room.

  Something had changed. He wasn’t the same man I had left that morning, and he was back calling me 'girl'. Could it be possible he had had me followed? But why would he have done that? Feeling even more worried, I hurried to the
bathroom for a quick shower and soon I was walking through the hall, wearing an amazing black dress that made me look like a princess. Prince Ali was already there waiting for me, his face still distant, still cold, and a shiver ran down my spine.

  We went to the party, and he was polite, kind, friendly, and introduced me to everybody as his dear friend from America, and I just smiled. What else could I do?

  When we returned to the apartment, he helped me out of my coat. "I would like to have a conversation with you, Elizabeth, if that's ok with you." He asked me in a cold tone, and my hand flew right to my neck, as to help me breath better.

  "Yes, Sir, of course." I accepted and followed him to his study. He showed me a chair, but he didn’t take a seat.

  "I had you followed today." He announced, and I gasped, surprised.

  "Why?" was all I could mutter, looking up to meet his eyes.

  "The why is no longer important." He answered and his tone didn’t allow any more questions. "Why did you go to the embassy?"

  "I just need…" I started.

  "What? A way to escape from me? Am I keeping you prisoner?" he asked, in the coldest tone I ever heard from him.

  "No, no… it's not like that." I denied getting up.

  "Sit down." He ordered, and I obeyed, running a hand down my face.

  "All I wanted was to have some kind of assistance for my future." I whispered, feeling a bit desperate.

  "Why? Do you think I would kick you into the streets, empty handed?" this time I could feel all his anger and I shuddered.

  "No, of course not." I answered, feeling tears welling in my eyes. "Please, put yourself in my place: I have nothing, no home, no job, no family… I just needed to feel I still belong to my country, that they will be there if I need them." I tried to explain, getting up again and facing him.

  "You have me." He shouted.

  "But… for how long? And please, don’t think I'm expecting more than you've already given me… but I need to feel safe, secure and with a viable future." I replied, feeling the first tear roll down my cheek.

  "And you don’t think that what we have is viable?" he asked, more than surprised, shocked.

  "No, I don’t, I'm sorry. I know that I'm no match for you and if you're honest with yourself you'll admit I'm telling the truth." I answered, wiping the tears from my face.

  He looked at me in disbelief for a few moments, before he gave me his back. He stayed there for what felt like centuries and when he spoke again, his voice was cold again.

  "Please, pack all your things, I'll have the plane take you to the United States. We're done."

  I looked at his back, wanting to scream and cry out my pain, but I just turned around and left. It was for the best, even if it felt worse than hell itself.

  I packed all the clothes he had giving me, because they were all I had, and trying to keep my tears at bay I went downstairs.

  Rashid was there, this time without his usual smile. "The plane is ready and waiting for you, miss. Where should I tell them to take you?"

  I almost let out a hysterical laugh. I had no idea. "I guess Atlanta would be ok." She still had acquaintances there that might help her.

  "Very well, miss. Prince Ali asked me to give you this." The man said handing me an envelope. I grabbed it, but didn’t open it.

  "Is he here?" I finally asked.

  "No, miss, he left the house after talking to you."

  "Of course. Well, thank you Rashid, for all your help." I said goodbye with a shivering voice and walked out the door.

  The trip back to Atlanta was endless. I spent almost the entire trip lying in bed, crying my heart out, already missing him more than I thought possible to miss someone. When we were about to land in Atlanta, I saw the envelope Rashid had given me and decided to open it. Inside, there was enough cash to last me at least a week and the papers and the ATM cards from a money account he had opened for me.

  Even after all of this, he was still providing for me. And that only made me feel worse.

  At the airport I grabbed a taxi and went to a small lodge I had used when I first arrived in Atlanta. I had never felt this alone in my entire life and I was devastated.

  But I didn’t have time to mourn. I had to put my life back together.

  And so I did, I looked for a small apartment, near the last one I had, I looked for a job, not as good as the one I had, but it provided me with enough money to live, and I went back to college at night to study law. I didn’t want time to think, time to remember, time to miss him. I had more than enough when I was asleep. Even so, I hunted down any news about him on the gossips magazines, the newspapers, the internet, everywhere. And it was such a bittersweet emotion every time I looked at his face.

  Time went by, and three months later I was supposed to feel better, to miss him less, but I didn’t, even though I scolded myself all the time about it.

  One day, after work, I was in the line at the supermarket to pay for my groceries, when I saw his face on the cover of a gossips magazine. The headline almost killed me on the spot, but I pulled myself together, grabbed the damn magazine and added it to my shopping. I almost ran all the way home, my heart pounding so hard I felt it would come out my chest.

  When I finally closed the door to my apartment I dropped all I was carrying onto the table and grabbed the magazine.

  The headline announced: 'Playboy prince is getting married.' I opened it and looked for the whole article. There, a picture showed him coming out of Tiffany's in New York, with a small bag in his hand. The journalist explained that he had investigated and that his source inside the famous jewelry store had confirmed that the prince had bought one of their most expensive engagement rings.

  I wanted to cry, but the pain running through my whole body was to strong. I could hardly breathe, and I felt as if I was frozen. Of course, I knew that would happen one day, I just didn’t know it would hurt this much.

  I dragged myself to bed and just stayed there, my eyes staring in emptiness as my mind went through all the moments I had lived with him.

  When the sun came up that morning, I forced myself up and went to work as always. Life had to go on.

  When I left college that night, I felt so tired, so drained I couldn’t keep my head up. And when I turned to enter my building I bumped into someone that was standing there.

  Chapter 17

  "Good evening, Elizabeth." At first I thought I was being fooled by my own ears, but when I looked up he was there. Prince Ali was really there.

  Stunned, I just stared at him, unable to talk.

  "Prince Ali…" I finally mumbled.

  "Do you think you could spare some of your time to talk to me?" he asked with a smile.

  "Yes, of course." I had no idea what he could possibly want from me, but I would talk to him.

  I opened the door to the building and guided him to my apartment and let him in.

  "Why are you living here?" was his first question, looking at the ramshackle apartment.

  "It's all I can afford." I answered briefly, inviting him to take a seat on the couch.

  "I gave you more than enough money for you to buy your own house." He said with a frown.

  "I really appreciated the money you gave me, it helped me to get back on my feet, but I only used it to buy the essential things while I didn’t have a job. I'm replacing all I took." I replied, with a plain tone. I was having a hard time believing he was really there, but inside me, I was struggling with myself to keep in mind he wasn’t there for me, that he was getting married to someone else.

  "That money is yours." He ranted, but I stayed firm.

  "No, thank you, but I'll consider it a loan."

  He stared at me for a few moments and obviously decided to drop the subject. "How are you? Are you happy with your new life?" he asked.

  "Yes, of course." So he was there to wrap up loose ends. "I have a house, a job, new friends… and I'm studying."

  "I see. Any boyfriends?"

  I sighed an
d turned around. "Listen, I don’t know why you're here, but I'm alright, you don’t have to worry about me anymore."

  He stayed in silence for a few moments. "Aren't you going to ask if I'm alright?"

  I slowly turned to look at him, really look at him, noticing for the first time the bags under his eyes and the gaunt face. "Are you ill? Is something wrong with you? What's the matter?" I fired the questions, one after the other, my heart thundering in my chest.

  He smiled, and shook his head. "I'm not ill, I just lost a vital part of my life, and I'm having trouble living without it."

  I looked at him puzzled. Those didn’t sound like words from a man about to get married. "I heard you were getting married." I dared to ask.

  "Yes, I am." Three little words, powerful enough to destroy me. I gasped for air, trying to pull myself together and not let him notice how much I was hurting.

  "Oh… I'm very happy… for you." I managed to say.

  "Thank you. Would you come to my marriage?" he asked, with a bigger smile.

  "Oh… I don’t think… no… I couldn’t…"

  "Why not? Wouldn’t you like to see me become the happiest man on earth?" he asked, insisting.

  "I… I would love to… really…" I turned my back on him again, pressing a hand over my chest in a vain attempt to appease the excruciating pain I was feeling in that moment. "But I can't… I'm sure you understand…"

  He closed the distance between us and rested his hands over my shoulders, pressing his body against mine. "Oh, yes, habib, I understand more than you think."

  I relished in his touch for a few moments before I tried to step away from him. But his hands held me prisoner.

  "But, you see, your presence is essential. You can't have a wedding without the bride." He whispered in my ears.

  I sobbed and covered my mouth with my hand. Now I was hearing things. He gently turned me around to face him. "Please…" I begged, not knowing what…

  "I can't live without you, habib, my life is meaningless without you, it's just an endless succession of empty events." He said, holding me in his arms tight.


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