Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 74

by Veronica Cane

  Once out of there, we walk through the streets, enjoying the amusing chaos of the city. The only problem was the heat, which was starting to affect me.

  "Master, could we stop to get something to drink? I'm very thirsty." I dared to ask.

  Master looked at me a bit upset. "I guess we can make a short stop." He led me to a small restaurant nearby and we sat at the esplanade. Master asked for cold drinks and a couple of local sweets to accompany them. "Are you enjoying your stay here?"

  "Yes, Master, very much. It’s a fantastic town."

  "Yes it is. I can't wait to see how the Lustra club here is. It's something I've always wanted to visit but hadn’t had the opportunity."

  I could sense Master's enthusiasm in his voice, but I wasn’t that thrilled with the idea. Actually, I hated it. Every time I had gone to that damn club I had ended up in pretty bad shape. But that wasn’t something I could say to Master. "When are we going there, Master?"

  "Tonight. I don’t want to wait any longer. And I've been told they have a special event tonight. They're auctioning a virgin. If that's something special back home, here is the top event." Master answered, sounding like a kid in a candy store. "I expect your best behavior tonight, Mary Elizabeth. I want these people to get a good impression of us and if you do anything to ruin that you'll be very sorry." He warned me with his darkest tone. And I knew he meant every word.

  "I'll behave Master, I promise." And I would, the last thing I wanted was to be severely punished again. I still had the bruises from last time.

  "You better. I've settled for us to be accompanied by one of my family acquaintances that is also a member of the club. Like that, it will be easier to get to know the right people."

  "That sounds good, Master." I said when it became obvious he was expecting me to comment. But inside me I was worried. But I decided to toss my worries and apprehensions away and enjoy the rest of the day.

  While we were walking across a lovely park, I had a glimpse of a man with a white fedora. I turned to look at him, but he was gone, lost in the crowd. Could it be possible this man was following us? It worried me a bit, but then I decided I was imagining things.

  We had an early dinner back at the hotel, before we prepared ourselves for the night. "Wear a simple dress, since you'll be naked inside the club. And tonight I want you to wear your leather collar, it will match your cuffs better." He told me when he returned to our suite.

  "Are we going to play there, Master?" I asked, even knowing the answer.

  "Yes, of course we are. I have been waiting for this for a long time."

  "Yes, Master."

  "Don’t bother putting on underwear." That was his last order.

  I put on a simple black dress with no underwear and replaced my steel collar for the leather one. I grabbed the cuffs that matched the collar and put them in master's toy bag. When I did it, I was able to see master's crop and the new paddles he had bought in Athens. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter 6

  We finally left to meet Master's friend at his place. The man lived in a mansion at the shores of the Bosphorus sea that looked pretty much like a castle. Simply huge.

  We were escorted to the living room by a maid, and in seconds we were in the presence of Master's friend. His name was Hussein El-Hashem, he was a man in his mid-forties, black hair, tan skin, and the usual features you expect to find in an Arabian man.

  "Devlin, my dear friend, it's a real pleasure to receive you at my house." The man greeted Master.

  "Hussein, it's a pleasure to me too." The men shook hands.

  "So, this is your little slave?" the man asked turning to look at me. "Some of my friends in Athens have told me about her. But their words don’t do justice to her beauty."

  "Thank you. She's not yet properly trained, but she has turned out better than I expected."

  "She looks simply delicious with her pale skin. I hope you stay long enough as to let me play with her one day." The man said, with devious lust in his eyes.

  "From what I've heard, playing with you would be a bit too much for my slave." Master answered with an amused smile.

  "I know I play rough but I can be gentle too." The man protested.

  "Why don’t you show me how you play gentle and I'll decide? I don’t want my slave to have permanent damage."

  All I could do was hear them talk as if I wasn’t there. As if I was a doll they were discussing if they would share it or not. But I could still hear Master's words in my head, so I kept my position and didn’t show my feelings.

  "I'm more careful these days. I try to leave them pretty much intact. Alexios told me he pierced her breasts."

  Master's face showed his disgruntle for a split second, before he answered. "Yes, he did. It's quite a good job too."

  "Yes, he is very good with that. He mentioned that you branded her, is it true?" it looked like both men had talked a lot about me, and I couldn’t tell by Master's expression if he was happy about it or not.

  "Yes, it's true. She carries my tattoo and my brand." Master said, showing pride on his deed.

  "Will you give me the pleasure of seeing it? I'm a huge fan of the use of hot irons." The other man said, and I couldn’t help a shiver of horror running down my spine.

  "So I've heard. But yes, of course you can see it." Master grabbed me by my arm and made me walk closer to them. "Bend over, slave." He ordered and I obeyed immediately. He pulled my dress' skirt up and exposed my ass to the other man, showing him my brand and the fading bruises he had left on me with his belt the other day.

  "Oh, yes, it's a very nice mark. You must be proud of it."

  "Yes, of course."

  "I usually brand mine on their breasts and their mound. They say it's quite painful, but the results are quite amazing." Hussein said, running a finger through my scar. "Let me show you." He walked to the door, opened it and ordered a woman to enter the room.

  Master made me stand once more, anxious to look at the woman walking into the room. She was completely naked, except for her collar and cuffs around her wrists and ankles, obviously ready for the night. Master Hussein brought her closer and showed master Devlin the marks on the woman's breasts and her shaved mound.

  "Very nice work." Master said, enjoying the sight.

  "Yes, I especially like this one, there's no way to hide it." Hussein said signaling the mark on the woman's mound.

  "Yes, that's true."

  During the whole time the woman was on display, her expression was completely inexpressive and I couldn’t help wondering how she was able to keep it so.

  "Well, I guess you're anxious to get to the club, so let's continue this there." Master Hussein said, turning to the woman and speaking to her in Arab. The woman left the room immediately just to return a few seconds later with a tunic similar to the one I used when I visited the mosque.

  We left for the club in Master Hussein's limousine and we drove for about an hour before we arrived to the club. This one was similar to Master Hussein's mansion, but bigger. A lot bigger, and it was also set at the shores of the Bosphorus sea.

  As soon as we enter a butler guided the other woman and me to a locker room where we disposed of all our clothes and shoes before returning to where our masters were waiting for us. When Master Hussein saw me completely naked for the first time, his eyes shone with lust. He clearly liked what he was seeing and that worried me.

  Master leashed me immediately and we headed to the main room. The place was completely crowded. It was quite clear that the female dommes weren’t common around these parts, and I really don’t believe having seen more than two or three and all of them were lesbians. There were some gay couples, but most of the crowd was made of masters and their slaves. All masters were wearing black suits and almost all the slaves were naked like me.

  Master Hussein introduced Master to several people around the place and I had to put up with several inspections. It seemed people here liked to take a good look at the newcomers like me a
nd Master.

  After a while the master of ceremonies called everybody's attention for the auction that was about to start. I glanced at Master through the corner of my eyes, just checking to see if he had plans he hadn’t told me about, but fortunately his attention was caught in whatever Master Hussein was saying.

  Several slaves were taking to the main stage and the auction started. The master of ceremonies explained the buyer would have 24 hours with the slave, and that any permanent change in the slave was forbidden. All of the girls were sold quickly, because everybody was looking forward to seeing the virgin. From what I had heard, she wouldn’t be naked, to reserve that pleasure for the happy buyer of the woman.

  I shuddered at the thought. I had been sold for 6 hours and if felt like forever.

  The woman was brought to the center of the stage and the bids started. She was blonde, with blue eyes and white skin, probably from Northern Europe, and quite beautiful. She reached the amount of $250,000 that to me sounded insane. But I knew some men were willing to pay that and more for a virgin. The buyer was a man in his mid-fifties, wearing a kafiyyeh over his head, showing his Arabian heritage. The couple left the place immediately and the club returned to its normal activities.

  "That's a very lucky man." Master Hussein was telling Master Devlin. I would have enjoyed to have such a precious woman, but I don’t enjoy the limits they impose in these auctions."

  Master laughed and nodded. "Yes, I see what you mean. I would have wished they had those limits when I put my slave up for auction."

  Master Hussein took his hand to circle my nipple, barely touching my ring. "You have to admit she looks precious with these."

  "Yes, she does, but I was looking forward to doing it myself." Master answered, showing he was still upset with the whole episode.

  "I know Alexios already asked you, but I just need to ask again: are you sure you're not interested in selling her?" Master Hussein asked, his hand now cupping my breast completely. "She would be such a beautiful addition to my collection."

  "No, I've had too much trouble with her to let go of her so soon." Master answered, and I didn’t like the answer. What did his words mean? That he would actually consider the possibility of selling me? As if I was an object?

  "You know I would recompense all your trouble, maybe giving you a slave fully trained?" the other man insisted. "I would love to train this one, the shine in her eyes tells me she’s a feisty one, and you have no idea how much I miss one like that." His hand was still on my breast, alternating between caresses and painful squeezes.

  Master smiled. "Yes, she is feisty. But that can be a bit tiring and frustrating after some time."

  "Probably for some men, but not for me, I love to break them, to reduce them to very obedient dolls that will live to obey all your orders, guessing all your wishes." Master Hussein said, with such passion that it scared me. I looked at Master Devlin, praying he would keep his denial.

  "Are you sure those slaves exist?" Master asked, smiling with disbelief.

  "Of course I am. Amira is one of them. I trained her myself from the beginning. But muslim women are brought up to obey men, so there's not much to break there." he replied, finally releasing me to bring Amira closer to him. "And like Amira, I have three other slaves."

  "Oh, you are a very lucky man." Master said, showing yearning in his voice.

  "You could be that man. Since you seem reluctant to sell your slave, why don’t you consider this? Let's trade them for, let's say, two months. I'll give you two of my slaves, at your choice and you'll give me yours. No limits for you, and I'm even willing to accept the limits you might want to impose to me." He proposed.

  "Why are you so interested in having Mary Elizabeth?" Master Devlin asked, clearly puzzled.

  "I haven’t felt this attracted to a slave in a long time. Your little slave has awakened the hunter inside me." He explained, running a finger over my face. I had to make a monumental effort not to pull away from his touch. "Why don’t you play with Amira for a while and see how it feels to have a slave like her under your command? No strings attached. I'll watch your slave for you, hands off." He suggested.

  Master looked at Amira, admiring her oriental beauty. "No strings attached?" he asked, obviously tempted. I wanted to yell at him not to leave me alone in that place, but I knew that would be a terrible mistake.

  "No strings attached." He confirmed. "You can use one of the dungeons downstairs. I'm sure you'll enjoy them. No limits, you can do all you want."

  "Will you take care of my slave while I'm away? Without touching her?" Master asked, still not convinced.

  "Yes, I assure you."

  "Then yes, I would love to play with her." Master finally decided.

  "Master…" I couldn’t help saying, dreading the idea of staying alone with Master Hussein.

  "Stay with Master Hussein and behave. Obey all his orders. I won't be too long." Master answered me with a threatening look, and grabbing Amira and his bag he disappeared in the direction of the dungeons.

  Master Hussein grabbed me by an arm and dragged me to a nearby couch. He took a seat on it and made me kneel between his legs, facing him. "Oh, yes, you are such a pretty little one. I believe I'll convince your master to give you to me. The things I would do to you…" he said to me, lust shining brighter in his eyes.

  "I'm not a doll for you to trade… Master." I answered, outraged with his assumption that I would agree to something like that.

  He grabbed me by my chin, pulling me closer to him. "You have no say in this, slut. It seems that you still haven’t understood your new place in life. You're a slave, you have no will, and you only live to obey your master's orders."

  I wanted to discuss that, but Master's order made me reconsider it. The last thing I wanted was for him to decide to give me to this man.

  "Nothing to say? Maybe you're learning already. But I can see in your eyes that you want to fight me, and that's what attracts me the most to you." He rubbed his thumb over my lips. "I will convince your master, believe me. I always get what I want. And once I have you, you'll learn what a real master is." He concluded.

  In that moment, other people approached him to greet and talk and he dedicated his attention to them.

  My mind was swirling insanely. I didn’t want to believe that Master would accept this man's proposal. After all, he kept saying how much he loved me, right? I tried to keep calm, but every minute seemed to last forever.

  Around an hour later, Master finally returned dragging Amira behind him. She had marks from his paddles all over her and she still had the marks of tears on her cheeks.

  Master took a seat next to Master Hussein and Amira kneeled next to me.

  "So my friend, did you have fun?" Master Hussein smiled, examining master's pleased expression.

  "I have to say she is quite something." He admitted.

  "Do we have a deal then? It would only be two months." Master Hussein insisted.

  "Can you give me tonight to think about it?" Master asked, and I gasped horrified. How could he really be considering this?

  "Of course. You can come to the house tomorrow to take a look at my other slaves before you decide." Master Hussein suggested smiling pleased. It was obvious that he thought Master had had yielded to his request.

  "Yes, that would be nice. If you don’t mind I'll go back to my hotel."

  "Not at all. I'll drive you, there's nothing more for me here tonight."

  We left the club after Amira and I put on our clothes, and all the way back to the hotel I had to bite down on my lips hard to hold back all I wanted to say.

  We finally arrived to our suite at the hotel and I was finally able to talk. "Master, are you really considering Master Hussein's proposal?"

  "That's for me to decide. You have no say in this." He answered, his voice cold as ice.

  "How can you say that if this is about me? I would be the part affected here." I protested.

  "You fail to understand that you're mine t
o do with whatever I wish." He replied, his tone probably colder.

  "I won't accept such a thing. When I decided to accept joining you and be your slave, I wasn’t accepting to become your mindless toy. I'm a person, with free will and I won't do this. I won't accept being handed to Master Hussein." I ranted.

  His answer was to cross my face with his hand, hard, almost throwing me to the floor. "The day I decided to make you my slave you lost your free will, and yes you became my fucking toy." He stated, in a very cold tone.

  "No… never…" the disbelief was more than obvious in my voice. "I won't accept that."

  "You. Have. No. Say. On. This." He yelled at me.

  "You can't do this to me. I won't let you."

  Furious, he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to his room, ignoring my struggles. He bent me over the footboard of the bed and before I could breathe he had me cuffed to it, my legs spread wide, my ass and the back of my thighs exposed to him.

  "Let me go, I'm done with you…" I yelled, furious, struggling with my restraints, determined to bring the hotel down with my yelling. But he must have guessed my intentions because he shoved a ball gag in my mouth muffling the sounds.

  "I hadn’t decided to accept Hussein's offer, but your present behavior just made the decision for me." He said, before he left the room for a few seconds, just to return holding the leather paddle with the holes in his hand. I struggled harder, to no avail. "You need more than what I'm able to give you, and two months with Hussein will surely make a proper slave out of you." He said, dropping the damn paddle hard over my ass, once, twice… so many times I lost count. All I could feel was the intense pain he was inflicting on me with the hellish paddle, his blows hitting my ass and the back of my thighs with vicious strength. After a while he dropped the paddle and unzipping his pants he shoved his hard cock raw in me, fucking me deep until he came hard inside me.

  After that he removed the cuffs from me and dragged me to my room, throwing me over my bed. "Maybe now you'll understand what I've been telling you from the first time: you're my slave, and you have no will, and no say in this relationship. Is that clear, slave?" he asked, in a cold tone.


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