Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 100

by Veronica Cane

  So, she stood there, bouncing from one foot to the other, looking desperately around and following the slow advance of the watch.

  Finally, she saw Mark with other monitors walking a man to the exit. She took a step to go meet him, just to take it back. She crossed her arms tight around her chest, even more worried. A few minutes later she saw Damian coming out of the hall way with Emily and this time she had to make a huge effort not to run towards her friend. She watched them leave the club, feeling helpless.

  Mark soon returned to where she was. His face didn’t inspire anything good. He was furious and she guessed good part of it was directed at her.

  He grabbed her by her arm and almost dragged her to the upper floor, to one of the private rooms.

  He chose one that looked like a small medieval dungeon, and she felt shivers ran down her spine. That didn’t look good for her.

  "Assume your position." Were his first words to her and she didn’t doubt obeying.

  "Yes, Master." She fell to her knees, her buttocks resting over her ankles, hands behind her back and her head down.

  He stood in front of her and raised her chin with one of his fingers.

  "What role did you play in this situation?" his tone was harsh and cold like a winter's day.

  "I met Emily at the entrance and asked her to accompany me inside, Master." She answered. "I didn’t notice she wasn’t wearing a collar, so I left her alone for just a couple of minutes while I went to the ladies room."

  "She was grabbed by a foreign guest and he was about to torture her and god knows what else." He informed, his words spewing rage. "He completely ignored her cries for help and her safe word."

  "Oh, god. She didn’t want to come in, but I insisted, and I was so nervous she ended up accepting." Rose stammered, almost speaking for herself.

  "So you induced her to disobey her Dom." He concluded.

  "I didn’t know she had been told to stay there." She replied, protesting for the unfair comment.

  "Don’t you think you should have known better? After all I had explained in great detail the dangers of wandering alone and uncollared through the club." His tone was even colder and she shuddered.

  "Yes, Master, I should have known better." And she did. When she asked Emily to enter the main room with her, she should have checked if she had a collar on, and she hadn’t. And if that wasn’t enough, she had left her alone. "I'm terribly sorry." She added, a silent tear running down from the corner of her eye.

  "You will be." He said, and his menacing tone made her close her eyes, not scared, but yes concerned. "The minute you made her enter the club with you, she became your responsibility and you neglected that.

  "Yes Master." She admitted the weight of what might have happened, downing on her. Her nervousness had taken the best of her and she had missed important things.

  "What should I do to you now, little rose?" he asked, his tone still harsh, but the rage was gone.

  His question, though, made her sob. Was he giving up on her? She knew she had been complaining that she didn’t know how to handle him, but if one thing she had clear, was that she didn’t want to lose him. Not yet.

  The Kinky Side



  Veronica Cane


  Orlando, FL

  Copyright © 2015 by Veronica Cane

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

  Veronica Cane/GTQ LLC

  P O Box 540375

  Orlando, FL, 32854


  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  The Kinky Side of Scrooge/Veronica Cane. -- 1st ed.

  ISBN 978-0-0000000-0-0


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty one

  Chapter Twenty two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Excerpts from Bound Discipline

  Excerpts from Submission Chapter 8

  Chapter One

  Perhaps he was getting too old for this. Or maybe he had just lost the capability to be thrilled by it. His last relationships had been a succession of repeated acts and actions that no longer were able to warm him within. He hadn’t experienced the thrill of being with a new submissive in a long time, they all seemed to be alike, to want the same things and act the same way. Not even trying new toys, new kinks, and new devices had the power to make him feel happy.

  Sometimes he was tempted to stop trying, to stop looking. The only thing that stopped him from doing so was the knowledge that going back to a vanilla world would only lead to more boredom, to more frustration and to more loneliness.

  "Hi Alec, where's Adele?" His friend, James, joined him at the bar, patting his shoulder before sitting in the stall next to him.

  "Hey, James. I'm fine thank you, what about you? How's everything going?" he answered in a monotone. "I would appreciate being asked that, before having my private life assaulted," he added with a self-deprecating grimace.

  "Oh, yes, I'm sorry," James said, with a grin that showed he wasn’t sorry at all. "So, how are you, and where's Adele?" he repeated, teasing.

  Alec shook his head, amused at how beyond help his friend's behavior was.

  "I'm fine, thank you, and I believe Adele should be in the loving arms of her new Dom," he answered, looking straight ahead at the countless bottles lined up behind the bar. Mark, the bartender, rushed to and fro, getting people their orders, with the help of two beautiful slaves who loved to help him.

  "You lost another sub? Man, I think you're losing your touch," James replied, obviously teasing him, but deep down Alec admitted to himself that it pretty much described the situation. He had lost his last submissive to a Dom still wearing diapers, but according to Adele, the man had much more to offer her than he did. And so, he was alone again.

  "Perhaps I should dedicate myself to meditation; I might be more successful in that field," he said, with yet another grimace.

  "You have not been able to keep a submissive for longer than two or three months since Jasmine died in that car accident," his friend said, poking the wound.

  Alec's face assumed his usual stoic look, and he pretended he hadn’t heard his friend's conclusion. What nobody knew, was that the night Jasmine died, she was also leaving him. She had had enough of his lack of emotions and feelings, of his incapacity to make commitments and put his heart into the relationship.

  Things were going bad, even back then.

  "And where's Hannah? She didn’t come with you tonight?" he asked instead, looking for the explosive redheaded brat that had become his friend's wife and submissive.

  James’ face lit up with a broad smile before he answered.

  "She wasn’t feeling very well tonight. You know they say: the first three months can be very difficult."

  Alec looked at him puzzled for a second before he understood what the other man was saying.

  "Hannah is pregnant?" he asked to confirm.

  "Yes, six week
s now, can you believe it?" James answered showing all his pride and happiness.

  "I see." And that was the only thing Alec managed to say. He didn’t like Hannah. He thought she was nothing but a fraud, a gold digger who pretended to be a submissive just to hook his gullible friend.

  "Aren't you going to congratulate me?" James asked, showing his hurt, in the face of his friend's non-reaction.

  Alec sighed, and turned to face James.

  "I guess that if it makes you happy, then I'm happy for you," he said, choosing his words carefully. After all James was his oldest friend.

  "Man, I hate to see that Hannah is right about you. You've become a cold shell of the man that used to be my friend," James ranted, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're pushing everybody away from you. No wonder no one sticks around you anymore."

  Alec thought about defending himself from James' accusations, but he simply was too tired.

  He stood up and left the club, heading home. The night had been a total waste of time and as if that wasn't enough, he had lost one of his best friends.

  Outside the club, he looked around for a taxi. It was a cold, damp night, with thick fog that perfectly matched his dark mood.

  Impatient and unwilling to stay there any longer, he started walking down the street.

  He must have walked for some ten to fifteen minutes when he heard footsteps getting closer. The person probably was a woman in heels judging by how the footsteps sounded, and she was running fast towards him.

  He looked around, trying to see anything through the dense fog, hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer. All of a sudden, a small figure came out of nowhere and crashed against him, almost knocking him to the ground. His big, strong, muscled body absorbed the hit and was able to stop the human bullet. Her cry was muffled against his chest.

  Katherine looked around. All of a sudden, the situation had gotten out of her control. The man she had been dancing with for the past few minutes looked at her with shameless hunger written all over his face. Although she had felt him getting closer and more reckless with every minute the dance continued, she thought he wouldn’t dare to do much more than that. So, she decided to wait for the music to end and say goodbye politely.

  Before she could do that, she felt another man getting closer from behind her, resting his hands over her hips. She looked over her shoulder to see the man who had been accompanying her dance partner throughout the entire night.

  "Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" she asked, getting his hands out of her. The man in front of her grabbed her hands together over his chest and the other one returned his hands to her hips, pressing his body tightly against hers, making her notice the bulge in his crotch.

  "We just want to have some fun, the fun you've been promising us all night," he whispered in her ear and she could smell the liquor on his breath.

  "I haven’t been promising anything to anyone," she protested through clenched teeth, trying to free her hands from the first man's grip.

  The man in front of her tightened his grip around her wrists and got even closer to her. They had her completely imprisoned between them and she was starting to feel desperate. How the hell had a simple dance turned into this?

  Her instinct was to start yelling from the top of her lungs, but she was in a club where yells seemed to be normal, besides the music was so loud no one would hear her. She was starting to think she had made a very big mistake coming to a club like this alone. What had she been thinking?

  Of nothing, actually, she had just acted on her instinct. Right, then she had to start using her brains and not her instinct. After all, her instinct always got her into trouble.

  "Of course, you have. Your precious little body has been promising to take us to paradise ever since you came through that door, doll," the man in front of her said, sounding so lame she almost burst into laughter.

  "Oh, that's so sweet, Hun, really sweet," she answered with her best impersonation of Dolly Parton. "Why don’t you boys let me go freshen up a little bit for you? I'll be back in a second."

  "We'll walk you there, we would hate it if you got lost on your way." The one in front of her obviously wasn’t as drunk as the other one and she would have more problems with him.

  "Why, aren’t you boys such gentlemen!" she said, without sincerity.

  But they released her and walked her to the ladies’ room.

  Tonight wasn’t her lucky night. Ladies’ rooms in clubs were normally packed with women, but that night, at that moment, there was no one else there, no one she could ask for help.

  She looked around looking for a way out and the only thing she could find was a small window that opened to the outside. She had her coat and purse stored in the club's reception area, but considering the alternative, she thought she could always come back some other day to pick them up.

  "Come on, doll, we don’t have all night," the man's call hastened the decision. She picked up a trash can, and standing on it, she threw herself out the window. For a short person like her, a fall from over six feet wasn’t an easy thing and she whimpered out loud.

  Still lying on the ground, she heard the men rush inside the bathroom and realize she had escaped.

  The window was too small for either of them to get out through, and they soon realized it. That gave her an advantage she wanted to use, so she got up, ignoring her bruises and started running down the street, not knowing where the hell she was going, just trying to get away from them as fast as she could.

  The fog was very thick and her heart thundered hard in her chest every time she saw a shadow moving.

  She had left the club behind her a little while ago, when all of a sudden, she bumped in one of the shadows. She screamed at the top of her lungs, but her cry was muffled by the chest of the man holding her.

  She struggled against him, scared as hell. The man was huge and obviously strong.

  "Hey, watch it," he scolded the person that he realized was a woman.

  She struggled in his arms to free herself.

  "Let me go, you clumsy gorilla," she shouted, squirming harder.

  He released her so suddenly that Katherine almost fell to the ground. Faster than expected for a man his size, he grabbed her again, helping her avoid falling.

  He stabilized her, still grabbing her, waiting to hear a 'Thank you' from the little beast to no avail.

  Katherine was grateful for not being on the ground again, but she was still scared of this person. And when she was scared she became foul-mouthed.

  "Let me go, you idiot," she repeated, this time without shouting.

  "Are you sure? Or will I need to grab you again?" he asked sarcastically.

  "Just do it, damn I," she insisted again, holding back her desire to stamp her foot in sheer frustration. The man's touch was doing weird things to her senses and she didn't like it.

  He finally released her again, and she stumbled a bit before she was able to stand firm on her own.

  "Where were you going running like that in this weather?" he asked, in his best Dom tone, considering that the little brat certainly needed a few lessons in behavior, maybe some good old-fashioned spankings over her Dom's knee.

  "That's none of your business. Because of you, I've lost precious seconds," she retorted, fixing her clothes.

  As if to confirm her words, they both heard heavy footsteps running their way.

  "Damn, damn," she mumbled enraged, as she started to run out of there.

  "What's going on? Who's after you?" he asked, grabbing her by the arm, preventing her from fleeing the place.

  "I don’t have time for this, you stupid a…" she started saying through her teeth, the footsteps getting closer by the second.

  Chapter Two

  He pulled her closer and covered her little dirty mouth with one of his big hands and she gasped, terrified. Silently, he dragged her out of the way, into a dark doorway, pressing her against it and covering her completely with his body. One of his hands was still o
ver her mouth, preventing her from making any kind of sound, and the other one pinned her completely against the door.

  Her hands clawed the hand covering her mouth and she tried to get it off her mouth, but he was so strong, and she wasn’t even able to move it a tenth of an inch. His whole body was pressed against hers and she couldn’t move at all.

  The footsteps sounded closer, and they were able to tell they were running fast. Alone, she wouldn’t have stood a chance against those two, but the darkness of the night and the fog worked in their favor and was more than enough to hide them from the two men chasing her, and they just ran right past them without noticing them.

  Though she felt grateful for the man's help, she was furious, as well. He had treated her like a puppet he could move around at will.

  Alec waited for a couple of minutes in the same position until he could no longer hear anything before he slowly released the woman.

  The moment his hand loosened his grip over her mouth, the little beast showed her nature and she bit him, hard, deeply and painfully.

  She was still furious by his rudeness, so she bit him until she felt the metallic taste of blood, not letting go until he was able to escape her teeth.

  He managed to release his hand from her teeth, cursing. From his insides.

  "You have a funny way of thanking those who help you," he said, oozing sarcasm.

  "You deserve it. I don’t remember asking for your help, you… you… gorilla!" she spurted as waves of mixed relief and anger rushed through her whole body.

  "This should teach me not to help ungrateful strangers," he scolded himself shaking his hurt hand, wiping the blood she had ripped from him and turning around to walk away.

  The night was even darker and the fog seemed thicker and he was having trouble leaving the little beast there alone, but there was no way of helping people who didn’t want to be helped.

  Katherine looked around, unable to see anything, scared of what might be hidden behind the shadows. She did not even have the money to grab a taxi home.


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