Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 104

by Veronica Cane

  Enraged, Alec looked at the old man, clasping his hands in tight fists. But the words were out and he couldn’t stop thinking about them. Had he really loved her? He looked at the scene once more, the way they were fighting, and he had to admit he didn’t seem to have a broken heart, just a bruised pride.

  "Another thing you should have in mind: Hannah is not Rose. They couldn’t be more different," the old man added, in a scolding tone.

  Alec was hearing the old man's voice, but his mind was still swirling with doubts, refusing to take these visions as something real and not just products of his mind, in a vain wish to change things.

  The old man made him fall over the bed in the dungeon.

  "Not all people have the chance to get another perspective on their lives. Don’t waste yours." His words sounded as a warning. "The Spirit of the Present will be visiting you soon." And those were his last words before disappearing in thin air.

  Alec opened his eyes to the sound of the alarm clock on his cell phone, somewhere in the dungeon.

  He got up in bed and immediately remembered the dream, because it had to be a dream. He looked at his thigh and a red welt marked the tanned skin. He looked at it for a few seconds before his rational mind came up with an explanation; he’d surely hit himself with the whip while he had been practicing. Yes, that was what had happened.

  Despite that, he was unable to get the damn dream out of his mind.

  Chapter Nine

  Katherine spent the whole week on tenterhooks. Her body was eager to go back to the club and finally experience all he had promised her, but her mind was still a bit upset with the way the night had ended the last time.

  But, this time her body overpowered her mind, and on Saturday evening, she was there at the club's door.

  The guard, John, opened the door for her with a welcoming smile, walking her to the coat room before leading her to the main room.

  "You can find Sir Alec near the bar, Miss Katherine," he informed her, leaving her at the door. She took a look at the crowded room, and taking a deep breath, she entered, walking to where John had shown her.

  Alec was there, leaning on the bar, looking at the door. He spotted her immediately, but didn’t move a muscle.

  She slowly walked up to him, stopping a few feet from him.

  "Good evening, girl." He greeted her with an amused smile.

  "Good evening," she answered, twisting her hands, one on the other. She had no idea how he expected her to act.

  "Ready for me?" he asked with a devious smile.

  "I have no idea what are you going to do to me, so it's a bit hard to get ready for that, wouldn’t you say?" she asked, sarcastically.

  The deviousness of his smile became more obvious, but he didn’t utter a word. He closed the distance between them and cradling her face, he claimed her lips with a deep kiss that left her breathless.

  Taking her by the hand, he guided to the same corridor he had taken her the week before, this time only stopping when they reached a door, and he opened it for her.

  The room was decorated in shades of deep red. Its main feature was the huge canopy bed, and to complete it, there were a cross and a couple of different benches scattered around the room.

  "Do you like it?" he asked, walking in and stopping behind her. His hands slid to her chest cupping her breasts with both his hands.

  "Yes, it's amazing," she answered, not sure she was referring to the room or to what she felt each time he laid his hands on her.

  He laid a few kisses and nibbles on her ear and neck, before he released her and faced her.

  "Good. Do you know what a safe word is?" he asked, going straight to business.

  "Yes, of course," she answered, offended by the question.

  "Do you have one?" he asked, ignoring her tone.

  "No, I've never had to use one," she admitted. She hadn’t done much of anything.

  "The club's safe word is RED, so use it if you need to. I'm assuming you know when to use it," he said, in a presumptuous tone that almost, just almost, made her walk out the door.

  "Yes, when you become a bigger badass than you already are," she answered, unable to hold it.

  He pursed his lips in disgust, but didn’t say anything, regarding her remark. Right now he just wanted to have her in his hands, as his submissive.

  "Good. Are you willing to start?" he asked instead.

  "Yes, I believe so. What will you be doing?" she asked, wanting to know exactly what she was getting into.

  "I'll start by tying you up, using some of my favorite knots, maybe use a soft flogger on you and even take you to one of the benches for some spanking. Do you think you can take it?" he asked, and his eyes had a different glow in them.

  Alec had to admit he was feeling more aroused than he had expected. It would be a true challenge to stage a scene with her.

  "Very well, that sounds fine," she replied, her head down, concealing her feelings. She was bit disappointed. He didn’t intend to have sex with her? She knew that not all scenes ended up with sex, but she wouldn’t have believed that this one would be one of those. God, she was already on fire. Her whole body felt as if she was on the very verge of the abyss.

  He took a step closer to her, and with his index finger under her chin, he pulled her face up.

  "The odds are we will end up engaging in sex, so if you don’t want that, I need a solid ‘no’ right now." His eyes locked on hers. "Is it a ‘no’?" She shook her head, torrents of relief rushing through her body. "Say it out loud. I don’t want false interpretations," he insisted.

  "It's not a ‘no’," she answered, in a low voice, thrilled to see the fire burning deep inside his dark eyes.

  "Good, let’s start then. From now on, I want you to call me Sir. I want you to make a real effort to refrain from using that brat tongue of yours and for you to treat me with respect. You can speak freely, within limits, but don’t overuse that privilege, or I might decide a nice gag would come in handy. No protests, I'm the one giving the orders here. So unless something surpasses a hard limit or what you're consenting to do now, I don’t want to hear it," he said, and his voice changed completely. She would have sworn he had grown a couple of inches in front of her. His tone was deeper and his face looked as if he had dropped the mask of the civilized man and was now showing the raw, primal predator he really was.

  A shudder of expectation ran down her spine, and she was only able to nod her acceptance.

  "Words, I want to hear words every time I ask you something. All your answers and sentences must have a 'yes Sir' or ' no Sir' somewhere in it. Do you understand?”he asked. “Too many infractions will certainly lead to punishment. I believe you have enough knowledge of how the dynamic works, so I'm sure you understand that."

  "Yes, Sir. You will take into consideration that I'm new in this, right, Sir?" she asked, trying to control the level of irony placed on the word 'Sir'.

  His grin meant nothing good for her, that was for sure.

  "Of course, I will take that into consideration."

  "Thank you, Sir."

  "Is everything clear? Can we start?" his question showed her his impatience to start, and she had to admit hers perfectly matched his.

  She looked at him for a second, breathing deeply before she answered.

  "Yes, Sir, I'm ready."

  "Good, strip completely and leave your clothes in a neat pile over that chair," he said, signaling a chair by the door. It was his first order and he was able to see her fight her first instinct, to tell him to go straight to hell. The night was going to be something special, he was sure.

  Katherine bit her bottom lip to avoid a sassy retort and slowly she started to take off her clothes and lay them neatly on the chair. During the whole time, he stood there, arms crossed over his chest, watching her every move. When the final piece of clothing, her black thong, came off, she felt the heat of a blush forming on her cheeks. She didn’t remember having stood naked in front of a man like that before. It was h
ard not to feel self-conscious of her body.

  "Are you done?" he asked, sarcastically, obviously referring to all the time she had taken just to remove her clothes.

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Very well." He took a step closer and grabbed her by her mane, hard, pulling her head back, in a harsh pull. "So, you were saying about me being a badass?" he asked, with a devious grin that made her dry swallow.

  "Just my poorly founded opinion, Sir. I'm sure when I get to know you well, my opinion will change, Sir," she answered, her eyes locked on his, defiant, ignoring the sharp pain at her nape.

  He looked at her and she could tell he was struggling between laughing and killing her. Fortunately, he decided to laugh, even if it was a short, dry laugh.

  "Don't ever lose that spirit, sub," he said, loosening a bit of the pressure of his grip. He led her, by her mane toward the center of the room, leaving her there to go pick a few things from a cabinet on the other side of the room. He picked ropes and a few other items she wasn’t able to see what they were.

  He returned to her, picking a small table on his way where he rested all the objects. He put the table next to her and took a few more minutes to look at her body, touching here and there, setting small fires all over her, wherever he touched.

  Anticipation had her on the edge, already.

  He finally grabbed the rope he had chosen, a beautiful red cotton rope, strong and at the same time, soft enough to avoid rope burns.

  He untied the rope, and folding it in half, he started to work, moving her body at his will, as if she was a little more than a doll.

  The ropes went around her breasts, tightly, making them tense up, and though it didn’t hurt yet, she could feel the pressure building inside her. After he was done with that part, he tied her arms behind her back, before he came back to her breasts, making the rope imprison her already hard nipples, applying even more pressure to the whole breast.

  Her breath was getting heavier, and her heart thundered deafeningly in her chest. The feeling of his hands on her, added to the bittersweet kiss of the rope, had her completely aroused. She could feel the evidence of her desire slowly slipping through her lips.

  When he was satisfied with the ropes over her breasts, he continued down, making lovely knots down her belly.

  "Please, open your legs, shoulder-width," he ordered when he reached her crotch.

  She hesitated, not sure she wanted him to see just how wet she was. But a single look at his face was more than enough to make her obey. He wouldn’t tolerate any disobedience, and she had no intention of getting punished that night, not if she could help it.

  "Yes, Sir!" and she slowly opened her legs.

  With a grin, he ran his fingers through her crotch, making them slide inside her lips, and taking them out completely coated in her cream, ripping a muffled moan from her lips.

  "Someone is having fun," he said, with a devious grin, cleaning her fingers on her breasts, smearing her cream all over them, before he made the ropes go through her slit, tightening them hard, making her gasp, when he pulled them from behind, sinking the rope into her tender skin, one at each side of her lips, and then two inside her lips, applying pressure to her pussy and clit. "Is there a problem, sub?"

  "No, Sir, no problem," she stammered, still panting a little bit.

  "Good," he replied, finishing his work with the ropes. "Are you in pain?" he asked, checking all the ties.

  "Not yet, Sir," she answered, knowing that the pressure she was feeling on her breasts would soon change into a dull ache.

  "That's good. Let me know if it becomes unbearable," he said, looking at her, relishing his rope work on her; the way her breasts poked, tense, gaining that purplish tone so beautiful, and the way the ropes caged her hard nipples, making them stand out, hard and proud.

  "Yes, Sir," her voice was little more than a whisper, her chest was heaving, and her breathing was labored.

  She was aroused and he knew it wouldn’t take much to make her go over the edge, but he wanted her to hold it back, as much as he could make her do so.

  He leaned over, pushed the ropes over her clit aside and started brushing his fingers over her aching knob, as he whispered in her ear:

  "You can't come without permission, sub, and if you do, it will be considered a huge infraction, worthy of immediate punishment, understood?"

  She whimpered at his words and actions, and his fingers never left her clit. She bit her bottom lip hard, trying to hold back the orgasm that had been building inside her, ever since she met him again.

  There was no way in hell she would be able to stop it, if he kept rubbing her clit the way he was doing at that moment.

  "Yes… Sir… I understand." But her legs almost failed her, due to the intense shuddering. He grabbed her by her waist with his other hand, his fingers never leaving her crotch. "Please… Sir… please…" she begged, not sure whether she wanted him to stop, or just allow her to let go. "Please, I can't take it anymore."

  "What do you want, sub?" he whispered again, the tip of his tongue exploring her earlobe, making her shudder a little more.

  "Let me come, please, Sir!" she begged once more, feeling the bulge of emotions spreading all over her. She wouldn’t make it.

  She felt a sharp smack just over her aroused clit, at the same time he bit down hard on the crook of her neck and she lost it.

  She flew over the edge, the bulge exploded inside her and she simply dived, head first on an ocean of pleasure and bliss.

  And she came, hard, with no permission. Her body went flaccid in his arms and he had to grab her harder to stop her from falling to the floor.

  Chapter Ten

  "Oh, dear, you just came," he said in her ear, and his grin told her just how pleased he was with that. She had just given him an excuse, in case he needed one, to punish her.

  She slowly returned to earth from her trip to the depths of bliss.

  "You did that on purpose… Sir!" she accused him. But he didn’t answer her accusation. He just helped her stand steady on her feet before he released her.

  "I believe I told you I didn’t want to hear any protests, didn’t I?" he asked, his tone colder than ever, as he pushed the ropes back into place, viciously tugging them over her clit.

  "Yes, Sir!" she mumbled, gasping, the shot of pain rushing through her body.

  "Did you or did you not disobey my order?" he asked her again.

  "Yes Sir, I did," she admitted, struggling with the huge desire of kicking him in the ass. Maybe she wasn’t cut out to be a submissive, after all.

  "Did I or did I not tell you not to come without permission? And that if you did, you would be punished?" he asked again, and she felt her rage reach even higher levels.

  "Yes, Sir, you did. What you didn’t say was that you would do all in your power to make me come, and that's unfair," she added, unable to hold her tongue.

  He almost laughed. He was poking her, just to see what kind of submissive she was. And though she had behaved so beautifully while he was tying her, he had known the whole time she was a real shrew, and that it would show up sooner or later. But instead of being displeased, he liked her strong spirit. She was a very strong woman, even while submitting.

  "A second protest, your punishments are starting to pile up."

  She looked at him and he could see all the rage she had inside. The best part was, despite all that, she still wasn’t calling red.

  Katherine bit her lips hard to stop herself from adding even more punishments. She wanted so much to wipe that hideous smile off his face with a good, old punch.

  "Anything else to add?" he asked, teasing her.

  "No, Sir!" she answered between clenched teeth.

  "Good. Let's proceed then to your punishment." He announced and she couldn’t help shuddering a bit.

  She had never been punished in her life. Her parents had never laid a hand on her, not because they were loving parents, just because they were never around long enough for that. So she ha
d no idea how she was going to feel about it. She had witnessed many punishment scenes in all the clubs she had been to in the past year, and she had felt aroused seeing them, but she had no idea how it would feel on her own skin or if she would be able to take it.

  "What are you going to do, Sir?" she asked, apprehensively. "I've never done this before, so I have no idea of what to expect," she admitted.

  "Not more than you can take, I'm sure, but if you feel it's too much, call red and we'll discuss it," he answered his tone blatant.

  "Discuss? I thought calling red would end things completely," she said, puzzled.

  "Only if you want to stop, otherwise, we'll discuss whatever is bothering you and decide if we should continue or not," he explained patiently. "But, if you call red by whim, I'll be the one ending it all. I have no time to waste with fakes. You have to be dedicated to this as much as I am; even when it comes to receiving your punishments."

  "I see," she said, having trouble combining the two sides of him, the cold-hearted badass and the considerate dominant.

  "And I believe we can add another punishment to your list. If I'm not mistaken, it's been three times now you failed to address me correctly."

  She looked at him, failing to understand what he was saying until flashes of the three mentioned times came to her mind and she moaned, frustrated.

  "Yes, Sir!"

  "Let's start then," he grabbed her by her hair again, and led her to one of the spanking benches. It had a support for her legs, so she was going to be kneeling over it, her legs spread and her torso bending over the bench, exposing her ass to him. Her hands were already tied at her back, so he fastened a strap of leather over her mid back to ensure she wouldn’t be able to get up.

  She was panting hard, nervousness and anticipation rushing through her at a maddening pace.

  "Since it's your first time, I'll warm you up a bit before I get to the punishment itself. It will be easier on you," he said, but for her it was as if he was talking Chinese. "Ready?"

  "Yes Sir!"

  He stood beside the bench, with full access to her whole body and then he ran his hand over her buttocks a couple of times before he started to smack them.


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