Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 109

by Veronica Cane

  "Hi, Mom."

  "Katherine O'Hara, where the hell have you been? I've called you a thousand times so far," she yelled at her, scolding her.

  "Mom, you only called three times," Katherine said, sighing. She loved her mother, but she could be a real charmer when she wanted to be.

  "On your cell, maybe, but I also called you at the house."

  "I went out for a walk at the park. How's everything? Dad?"

  "Don't you change the subject on me. But we are all fine. Will you come home for Thanksgiving?" she asked, getting to the point of interest for her.

  "I don’t think so, Mom. But I'll come for Christmas, for sure," she informed her mother.

  "That's almost two months from now," her mother protested.

  "I know, but right now, I don’t have the time, Mom. I'll be home for a week, at Christmas. You'll grow tired of seeing me," she said, trying to appease her mother. Thanksgiving was only two weeks away, and she was sure Alec wouldn’t like it if she had to leave for a whole weekend, and she did have a lot of work to deliver by the end of the month.

  "I never grow tired of seeing my children," her mother protested, "I guess I'll have to wait until then."

  "I knew you would understand." She chatted for a bit longer about the rest of the family before she said goodbye.

  As soon as she ended the call, her phone started to buzz. It was Lucy.

  "Hi, Lucy."

  "Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to reach you for ages," she yelled at her, obviously concerned.

  "I'm sorry I just arrived home too tired yesterday and didn’t notice my cell phone was off." She explained.

  "Yesterday? I thought you weren't going out yesterday."

  "Yes, but something came up. I need to talk to you. Do you think you can come over for dinner, tonight or tomorrow?" she wanted another point of view on this situation, and Lucy was the only person she could trust.

  "I already accepted an invitation to go out with James tonight, but I'll come tomorrow. I know you're up to something," she said, scolding her.

  "I'll tell you everything, I promise." A censored version of everything, of course.

  Katherine spent the rest of the day trying to get some work done, but it was hard to concentrate. She still didn’t understand why he had come looking for her. After that night she would have sworn he wanted nothing else to do with her, and that had her confused. Either way, he had her hooked, to the powerful connection that existed between them, and she was going nowhere. She was his. And even while that worried her a bit, she intended to take it all the way to the end.

  She prepared lasagna, Lucy's favorite, for Monday's supper, and her friend arrived with a bottle of red wine, to have with dinner.

  "So, what's going on?" Lucy asked, looking at her, intensely.

  Katherine sighed before she answered, pouring more wine for both of them.

  "Do you remember the other night when I went clubbing alone?" she started, and she told her all she thought Lucy should know, a much-censored version of all the facts.

  "And now you're moving in with this guy?" Lucy practically yelled at her.

  "Yes, I’ve made up my mind."

  "Katherine, of all the crazy things you have done in your life, this must be the worst," she scolded her, "You practically know nothing about this guy; he could be a serial killer."

  "Come on, Lucy, don’t overreact. This will be the best way for me to get to know him. Lucy, he makes me feel like nobody else. I have no words to describe it," she explained. She needed Lucy's support on this adventure.

  "I want to meet him. You sound obfuscated by him, and I need to be sure he won't harm you."

  "He won't, but I'll set up a meeting between you two, ok?"

  "Good. But please be careful, and always keep your damned cell phone on."

  "I will, I promise."

  Chapter Nineteen

  Alec arrived on Tuesday morning with a huge pickup truck. She had packed a few boxes with her working materials, clothes and other personal items she might need, so it was thoughtful of him to come in that vehicle.

  He hopped out of it and strode towards her, claiming a hard kiss from her that told her just how much he had missed her.

  "Are you ready?" he asked her, his face plain, with no expression on it.

  "Yes, I have a few boxes in the hall. I just realized I don’t even know where you live," she told him, showing him the way.

  He mentioned one of the most expensive condos in town, and she gasped, surprised. She knew he had money, she just hadn’t imagined it was that much.

  "My house is big, so you'll have plenty of space for you and your work," he added.

  "Nice." What else could she say? "Let's take these boxes to your pickup truck then." She suggested, but he was looking at her with a deep frown. "What's the matter?"

  "You're not wearing your collar. And you haven’t addressed me correctly ever since I got here," his tone was cold, and his expression promised nothing more than problems for her.

  "I thought we were starting it when we got to your place… Sir," she answered, hugging herself.

  "I told you we never stopped, girl," his tone got even colder.

  "Well, I didn’t understand it that way. Maybe next time you can be clearer… Sir." She said, resting her hands over her hips in a very defiant manner.

  His face twisted into a very devious grin, and he slowly walk towards her.

  Katherine took a look at his face and decided her best option was to run, and she did. She turned away and ran as fast as she could to her bedroom, and turned to lock the door on him, but she wasn’t fast enough.

  He pushed the door open almost effortlessly, and then locked it behind him. She ran and put the bed between them.

  "So, girl, you think I should be clearer?" he asked in a sarcastic tone.

  Katherine knew she was lost, so she threw caution to hell.

  "Yes, that would be very helpful… Sir." The pause before the word 'sir' was on purpose, and long enough for it to be impossible not to notice.

  His grin became even more devious.

  "Well, girl, let me be clear with you. My orders are to be followed, no questions asked, immediately. Otherwise, there will be consequences, and depending on the fault those consequences will vary in intensity, strength and length." His words were clear and precise without leaving anything to doubt. "While we are alone, at the house, the club or wherever I see fit, you'll wear your collar. You'll always, ALWAYS, address me with respect. You can use the word 'Sir' if we are in public, but from now on, you'll use 'Master', all the time in private," he added, walking slowly towards her, on the other side of the bed.

  "Now, see? That's a clear message… Master." Again, she defied him, even knowing there was no escape for her. But for some reason, she needed to poke him, she needed to see how far she could push him.

  "I'm glad you find it so, girl, that means you know what comes next." He closed the distance between them with two strides, but she jumped over the bed to escape him. Once more, he was faster than her, and in a split second, he had her pinned against the mattress, face down, one hand at her nape, and a knee over her legs. With his free hand, he lowered her pants along with her panties, exposing her buttocks. "Now, let me show you one of the consequences of disobeying me," he said, just before his hand fell hard over her right cheek.

  She let out a small cry, as the shot of pain ran through her body. She didn’t have much time to recover from it before the next blows hit her, making her whimper. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she lost count of the blows, since he dropped them in a fast succession, of sharp, painful smacks that set her buttocks on fire.

  "Did you get this message clearly, girl?" he asked her when he was done, running his hand gently over the abused skin.

  "Yes, Master," the answer came between sobs, her body still over the bed. She could feel the sting from the blows, but oddly, she didn’t feel hurt, the emotion rushing wildly through her was relief, and that
warm feeling you get when you arrive home after a long absence. Things were back as they were supposed to be.

  "Good girl." He lowered his head and deposited a million little kisses all over her buttocks, his hand still caressing her, his fingers sliding down to her slit, finding, with delight, her pussy completely drenched and palpitating with untamed need.

  He quickly unzipped his pants, releasing his throbbing cock, and pulled her to her all fours before he plunged it deep inside her.

  Her moan of pure ecstasy, as he entered her, was music to his ears and he pounded in and out of her, fast and deep until he drove them both into the arms of a powerful orgasm.

  He hopped out of bed a few minutes later, zipping his pants back up and helping her to do the same with hers.

  "From now on, you'll only wear pants when I tell you to. Otherwise, they are strictly forbidden," he announced as he finished helping her.

  "May I ask you why, Master?" In her voice still lingered the effects of what had just happened between them.

  "Yes, you may. Pants don’t give me a quick access to you, girl. They are quite a nuisance." He accompanied his answer with a naughty wink that made her giggle. "Now, please get your collar. I want you to have it on when you get to your new home."

  "Yes, Sir." She picked it up from her purse, and brought it to him, getting on her knees before offering it to him.

  She wasn’t able to see his expression when she did it, or she would have been extremely happy. Her natural act of getting on her knees before him had touched a cord inside him he believed to be dead.

  He wrapped the collar around her neck and helped her up.

  Between the two of them, they loaded the pickup, and she checked the house, making sure everything was locked.

  "I'll follow you in my car, Master," she informed him as they were getting ready to leave.

  "You have a car?" he asked, surprised since he hadn’t seen her with it.

  "Yes, Master, it's that one. I normally don’t use it when I go out at night." She pointed at a small, old car parked just in front of the small house.

  "You don’t need to take your car, you can use one of mine, if you need it." His expression told her he didn’t like the fact she owned a car, and that puzzled her.

  "I'm afraid I can't leave it here, Master. Though this is a very quiet area, a car parked in the street for too long attracts petty thieves," she explained, patiently, rolling her eyes.

  His hand flew to her chin, making her face him.

  "Wait, Master, I know!" she said before he could open his mouth. "No rolling eyes at you, right?"

  Alec looked at her deliberating whether to smack her or kiss her. "You're a smartass, aren’t you girl?"

  "I believe you had established that prior to today, Master," she answered with a broad smile. She was determined to melt the ice around this man. Even if it meant her ass would never be white again.

  He chuckled and nibbled her lips hard. "Don't lose me in the traffic," he said, closing the subject.

  "I wouldn’t dare, Master."

  They arrived at his place almost an hour later. Like she had imagined when he mentioned where he lived, his house was really a mansion. Of modern design, with huge windows from floor to ceiling, with two floors, it looked awesome. Around it he had huge gardens with grass, bushes and trees.

  She parked behind his pickup and hopped out of her car, meeting him at the entrance.

  "So, what do you think of it, girl?" he asked.

  "It looks beautiful, Master. I'm sure I'll love to live here."

  Once inside, he took her to her own room, decorated in tons of soft peach, with a fantastic canopy bed. "I sleep alone. I've always slept alone and I'm not changing that." That was his explanation to her silent question, and although she found the idea abhorrent, she didn’t make any comment.

  The room he had chosen for her studio was just perfect, with the perfect lighting and the best drawing table she could ask for. She started unpacking her things immediately and in less than an hour she was settled in, and she went to meet him in the living room. He had offered her his help but she had declined politely, she needed to organize her own things or she would never find anything.

  "Have you finished, girl?" he patted the couch near him, inviting her to sit next to him.

  "Yes, Master, it's all done." She sat with a sigh, sitting next to him. "I would like to ask you something, Master."

  "Always feel free to ask whatever you want, unless I've instructed you to be silent, of course."

  "Of course, Master." The grin on her face was of pure amusement. "I would like you to establish clearly the rules, now that we'll be living together. What do you expect from me? What will be my duties here, Master?"

  "Your duties here will be to obey any order that I might give you. I have a housekeeper, a cook, a gardener and a chauffeur, so you don’t need to worry about the housework, nor cooking unless you want to. As for the rules, you already have the basics. I don’t expect you to wait for me at the door, because I know you work at home, but I do expect you to drop work and greet me when I enter your studio, after a long absence."

  "Can you please define long, Master?"

  "Of more than 5 hours, for example."

  "And how am I to greet you, Master?"

  "By coming to meet me and assuming your waiting position, girl. The other rules will be established along the way," he answered, losing his patience. "You ask too much, girl."

  "I'm just trying to keep my ass in good health, Master," she replied with a grimace.

  He chuckled and pulled her towards his chest, making her rest her head over him. "I'll never be bored around you, right?"

  "I truly hope not, Master."

  "We will dedicate a couple of weeks to testing your limits regarding the things I love in this lifestyle, and introducing you to them, since you barely have any experience in it." His fingers ran through her hair, gently.

  "Are we going to visit the club a lot then, Master?" she asked, curious.

  "No, I have a small dungeon here at the house, with the basics, but once in a while we will visit the club. I need to be there at least on Fridays and Saturdays."

  "Why is that, Master?"

  "Because I own it." His answer surprised her a lot, but it explained a lot of things.

  "That's what you do for a living, Master?" A fast smack landed on her sore buttocks acknowledging her slip of the tongue.

  "No, I have a construction company as well, girl. Now, let's grab some dinner. Tonight I want to get to bed early."

  And so things slowly entered into some sort of routine. Every night, after dinner he would take her to his so-called small dungeon, that had nothing to envy about the ones at the club, and he would patiently introduce her to his favorite devices and instruments. Eager to learn all she could, she gave him little reason for him to punish her, but even so, once in a while her tongue gave her a hard time.

  He had been right about her, and she could accept now the truth that she thrilled on pain, when applied to enhance pleasure. She still dreaded his punishments, or so she kept telling herself, but when his purpose was to create the most amazing orgasms she had experienced in her life, that was a whole different story.

  Chapter Twenty

  They went back to the club that first Friday. Besides going to check on things at the club, he wanted her to watch another performance with the needle expert. He was eager for her to let him try that on her, but she had been too afraid and he still hadn’t forced her to face that fear in particular.

  After all, he had rendered her doubts regarding anal sex meaningless, and now she was being trained for it. He had her wearing a butt plug several hours a day, and though she was still furious with him, she was thankful. He was way too big for a virgin ass like hers.

  At the club, he sat at a table and he had her kneel next to him on a cushion on the floor. Several people came to greet him, and he had introduced her to most of them.

  She was sad to realize he didn
’t have close friends in that crowd. They all knew him and respected him, but he kept them all at a safe distance, until James showed up. She noticed he became tense the minute James appeared.

  He sat at the table and look at Alec and then at Katherine.

  "You already collared her?" his questions made Alec pucker his lips, with disgruntlement.

  "I don’t believe that's any of your business," Alec answered through gritted teeth.

  "And yet, you feel you have the right to judge my relationship with Hannah."

  "You barely knew her when she managed to drag you down the aisle."

  "Alec, she didn’t drag me anywhere. The day she agreed to be mine, my wife, my submissive, was the happiest day of my life, up until then. She means the world to me and I just wish you could meet someone and experience a tenth of the feelings I share with Hannah." James replied, with passion in his voice.

  "You're just fooling yourself, and one day you'll realize that." Alec's answer was cold and distant.

  James shook his head, giving up. He looked at Katherine instead. "Don’t let him steal your heart, he will crush into thin dust." He got up and left.

  Katherine stayed in silence, knowing it was too late for that warning and feeling the waves of tension emanating from Alec.

  Suddenly, he got up and gestured her to do the same. "Let's go visit Lady Deviant. She should be ready for her performance." His tone was colder than ever, and his face only showed tension.

  She followed him, a bit worried, but trying not to pay much attention to the whole thing. She knew what she was getting into and that she would pay the price, so she just had to face it and live it up to the limits until then.

  They reached a small stage and the woman was getting ready to show her art with the needles.

  They took a seat at a nearby table, and this time he made her sit on his lap, his hands clasped around her waist.

  This time, Lady Deviant was using small needles, the ones used on syringes, and she had in her tray at least three different sizes, judging by the colors. She started with the smallest ones, piercing her submissive's breast, drawing a circle around the nipple with them. She picked the next size, larger than the first and drew a circle around the first one, before using the third group of needles, repeating the process. The final result was beautiful. Three rows of colorful needles piercing both breasts.


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