Sqeeze Head

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Sqeeze Head Page 3

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  The captain sat down and motioned for David to close the door and take a seat. The captain looked all in and it was only midmorning. However, both knew the pressure was on all concerned. Captain Jerry Lindsey was a twenty year veteran. David felt comfortable being around him. Then the captain said, “My ear is hot from holding the damn phone all morning long. I have only one good ear you know. I doubt if you’re interested in the story, but when I was a rookie, some bad guys took a few shots at us after they had robbed a bank. My partner took out his gun and fired it till it was empty right past my right ear. It’s been ringing ever since. Never mind that, what are we doing?”

  “Well captain, we are following the book and taking it a step at a time. We have to wade through the muck until we kick something loose. I’ll interview the husband at eleven this am with Janice. The husband is a suspect so we will be sure and follow procedure.”

  “The mayor is holding a press conference at five pm. She wants you there along with Janice. I don’t think I need to advise you about responding to any questions from the press?”

  “We won’t embarrass you Jerry. I can’t speculate but I have a good feeling about this case. However, let me remind you, this is a long ways from over.” The captain heard David use his given name and as long as the door was shut, he felt good about it. Were they friends? Jerry wasn’t sure about that, but there were some threads of attachment felt between them. The captain said:

  “Check in with me after lunch and your interview with the husband. I don’t envy you on that score. He packs a lot of weight around town. I’m sure he’ll go to great lengths to make sure the murder was not connected in any way to their lives. I don’t need to remind you to watch your backside.”

  “Thanks captain, now I must pick up Janice as we have a date with the husband at his office.”


  Dr. Jones hung up his phone after talking to his lawyer Jake Hasby. Jake had agreed to lunch and said he would report the answers to AJs queries. He sat back in his custom built ergonomic desk chair contemplating the likely hood of Dr. Zee committing murder. A lot of people underestimate the wisdom of someone over the age of eighty. Most think anyone that old is senile or experiencing dementia. Nobody who was personally aquatinted with Dr. A. Jones underestimated his memory or his intelligence.

  Alex knocked on his office door to bring back to the present the needs of his companion. Alex entered making sure AJ was not on the phone or buried in his computer. Seeing him sitting there thinking, Alex said, “Sorry to break your train of thought, but just checking to make sure that we are having company for lunch?”

  “Ah, yes we are. Jake will be here around noon or shortly thereafter. He told me to apologize to you for his not being able to nail down a specific time. I told him you always have slack in your cooking preparation time, knowing full well us old timers are hard pressed to hurry anywhere. I love it when someone says to me, ‘I’ve got to run now’ Lord knows when the last time I ran anywhere.”

  They both got a chuckle out of that comment. Alex said, “We’re having Irish stew. We can eat at anytime he comes. I do have bread in the oven and I’ll bring you a piece with strawberry jam in a little while.” AJ felt deep down in his being that Alex was a true friend never looking for a pat on the back. However, as AJ smiled, it never hurts to praise the cook.

  AJ turned back to his computer, as Alex left to tend the bread. He had located Dr. Zee home address. He too, lived on the strip in front of Lake Michigan on the top floor of an apartment building. AJ did not recognize the address or the name of the building, but that was not unusual, as he paid little attention to names or buildings. One thing he did know was that no doubt it was an expensive location.

  AJ was right on that it was an expensive place to live. Dr. Zee looked at his watch for the umpteenth time noting it was close to ten am. It was but a short distance to his office. He was most often in his office by ten thirty for an eleven am session with a client. However, this morning at nine am he had called his client to cancel out their appointment due to the crime in the building. Dr. Zee felt confident he had acted the role of shock and outrage to his patient, telling her they would resume in a day or two.

  Dr. Zee paced his living room stopping on occasion to look out at a fine spring day. If anyone were to ask how he felt, he would tell you that he never felt better in his life. Sadly for one of his patients he would seek that thrill of having the power of life or death. Darkness was taking command of Dr. Kenneth Zee.


  Janice would say later, after the interview with Attorney Longstreet, “My god would you believe the opulence of that so called office. Also, it goes without saying that SOB is one arrogant asshole. I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind would live with that dickhead.”

  David was going back over the interview while Janice was spouting indignities about Attorney Longstreet. He had carefully watched the suspect husband of the victim with a keen eye.

  Inspector Cockrun was intensely focused when interviewing a suspect; therefore, he was fairly oblivious as to his surroundings. He thought correctly that the firm’s office would be expensive, but what David did not expect was the firm took up an entire floor of a downtown Chicago office building. Attorney Longstreet’s office looked like it had been transported from a log cabin somewhere deep in the Ozark Mountains. There was wood everywhere you looked: floor, walls, bookcases, ceiling, desk, chairs, picture frames all were made of fine oak.

  When they were ushered into his office by a stunning secretary, Attorney Longstreet stood from behind his desk with a somber look of deep mourning for his departed wife. Neither David nor Janice believed he was sincere with his put-on demeanor. As a matter of fact, no one in the entire office believed he really gave a rat’s ass over the loss of his wife. A few of the partners were privy to the fact Ms. Longstreet was insured for millions. In addition, a few of them also knew he had a mistress tucked away in a suburban apartment.

  After the introductions and the ‘rights’ given David asked, “Mr. Longstreet. I have to ask the question, where were you from around noon yesterday until late afternoon?”

  Janice had her notebook out with pen poised focusing on the suspect’s eyes. It was not uncommon for a suspect to answer the first question with a look at the ceiling for the answer. In Attorney Longstreet’s case, he never blinked and said while looking David in the eye, “I was with my mistress from two pm until six pm yesterday. I received the news of the death of my wife by cell phone at five pm. My secretary will give you the address and phone number when you leave. Unfortunately for me I can’t proof where I was from noon till two pm when I arrived at her apartment. I left the office at around eleven thirty. I drove down to the lakeshore, found a parking place, and then walked trying to decide what to do with my marriage that was on the rocks.”

  “Do you have any idea why your wife was visiting that building at that time yesterday?” David was starting to feel the rush coming on that he so liked. This feeling was almost better than sex. He felt himself leaning a bit forward in his chair and at the same time felt Janice suck in her breath.

  Attorney Longstreet, never batted an eye. He was totally calm and collected. What a pro Janice thought as he said, “I’ve not a clue why she was there. For the last year or more she does what she wants to do day in and day out. I’m not sure, but she was involved with some charities with her grandmother. Other than that, I don’t know why she was there.”

  David saw and heard the first lie coming out of his mouth. What he was lying about would soon be revealed, but in the meantime, he fired another question at the suspect. “Do you think, other than the charities, she was possibly having an affair with someone?”

  Janice nearly fell off her chair. She never saw this aggressive side of David so early in an interview. These types of questions were usually reserved for the interrogation room down at the station. She watched closely to see if Attorney Longstreet would lose his cool. Janice saw hate coming from his blue eyes sta
ring at David. Then she saw a twitch from his left cheek when he said, through a controlled tone of voice, “I don’t think she was having an affair. To my knowledge she was perfectly satisfied with our sexual relationship.”

  “Let’s go back to when you were driving around and walking along the lakeshore. Did anyone see you? Was there anything that maybe you saw or heard that could verify the time, such as, buying a hotdog, a newspaper, a coffee from a convenience store?”

  For the first Janice said, before he spoke, “Walk us through from the time you left the office until you arrived at your mistress’s apartment.” Attorney Longstreet snapped his head to look at where the husky voice came from. It was like he finally noticed there was someone else besides the two males in the room. He said, “Wait, I did stop by a store and bought a can of juice. However, it was an Asian who was tending the store, and her English was poor at best. I don’t know if she would remember me or not. I was there around one pm. I’m not sure of the time.”

  Both noticed his voice starting to sound a little anxious as he could not prove his whereabouts at the time of the murder. The pressure was on and Janice loved it. Both saw him squirm a little in his chair. David thought it prudent to let him stew for a few minutes. He took the opportunity to look around the office of wood. The bookshelf was lined with law books that appeared to have never been opened; they were pristine in appearance. In addition, they looked like soldiers in formation lined up by color and size. He looked for any dust or anything out of place and saw none.

  David resumed his look at the suspect. The suspect was trying to maintain his position, in the phony world of make-believe that he lived in. Janice saw him take a slow deep breath while David asked, "Attorney Longstreet, please give us the name and exact location of the convenience store you say might remember you being there. Also, describe what the Asian woman looked like and what she was wearing. One final question for now as we will have some follow up questions at a later time so don't leave town. How much life insurance did you carry on your wife?

  Attorney Longstreet almost, it was close, lost his cool and professional demeanor. Janice could tell he was almost read his rights and escorted out of the office to the station. However, she only too well realized what her partner was doing to the suspect.

  Attorney Longstreet recovered and said, "We both have the same amount of coverage: five million. Janice almost dropped her notebook, but did in fact drop her pen. With a thought of scorn said to herself that should be adequate to bury the lady.

  David stood up moving slowly to the door so Janice would not have to run to catch up with him. At the door, he turned around and said, "Sorry counselor I forgot my manners. Please accept our condolences on your wife's passing. We can find our own way out, after we see your secretary for the information about your mistress."

  In the car driving back north to the station house, Janice said, "My mother would say, or maybe it would be more appropriate to use my grandmother's voice saying, 'that guy takes the cake.' I don't know if he is guilty or not of murdering his wife, but the world wouldn't grieve if he were missing."

  David turned to her and grinned. Even after almost six hours she still smelled good, he thought. He failed to remark about her dress this morning, but she was looking good in dark green slacks that fit like a glove, but not so tight it was obscene. Her top was a cream color pullover, semi-turtle neck that also was snug accentuating her ample chest. Over that she wore her police jacket. The reason for the police jacket, was not to be mistaken for someone other than a police person, while interviewing the tenants of the building where the crime was committed.

  He said, "That guy is a real piece of work alright. I'll keep an open mind but I don't think he did the crime, but let's keep the heat on him for the time being. Now I'll drop you off back at the crime scene, but first let's stop and get something to eat."


  "Jake, it's good to see you. I'll be damned if I know when the last time we saw each other, but you're looking really old to me."

  "AJ, when was the last time you looked into a mirror? Have you forgotten we are the same age with me being a month older than you?" Both men laughed revealing both with dentures gleaming white. AJ with his arm around his shorter friend and attorney, slowly walked into his office. Alex noted the time as just after noon. He thought that both of them were still on top of their game. AJ had told him that Jake still went to the office four days a week, but kept irregular hours.

  Alex had set up the office with overstuffed chairs for the both of them to see each other directly rather than having to turn their necks sideways. He also placed a small glass of wine on each side table for them to whet their appetites for the Irish stew.

  Both settled in, Jake said, "Let's get business out of the way first then we can tell some old war stories. This attorney Kenneth Longstreet is fairly well off. He's typical of his generation that rode on his father's back to the pot of gold. Right now his position financially is a bit precarious, and that was due from the crash of Lehman a few years ago. His wife spends a bundle every month, and it appears, she withdraws about ten grand a month in cash. Her credit cards are about typical of a rich granddaughter of Wrigley fame. The cash is the mystery here AJ. Rich people don’t use cash they use credit cards without limits. Sure maybe a few hundred in cash for pocket money, but not ten grand a month. That smells like blackmail to me. Now I'll sip some wine and let you mull that over for a few minutes."

  Indeed the mind of AJ was working faster than a computer assimilating what he had heard from his friend. The old, 'something is rotten in Demark' came to his old fashioned mind. Where, he thought, is the cash going? Also, why didn't the bank notify Kenneth Longstreet of heavy cash withdrawals, or maybe they did? He looked at his friend Jake who was grinning ear to ear, and said, "This situation might be very dangerous and also exciting for us old timers. I think we are of a like mind here Jake. Now what say we go to the dining room for an excellent Irish stew?"

  After lunch both men retired to the office and both had a glass of sherry to settle the stew. Jake said, "Before I go home for a nap AJ, do you really think you're in harm's way?"

  "Yes, I do. Before this is all over, mark my words, if I live to tell about it, it will be one hell of a story. I've yet to hardly get my toes wet but before too long I'll be up to my neck in hot water. But I wouldn't have it any other way."

  At the front door, both old friends shook hands with moisture in both men's eyes. After more than fifty years they were more than just friends. Alex, too, was a big part of the warmth that just transpired on that Friday the 13th of March just four days until St.Patrick's day.

  AJ went to his Lazy boy recliner, rocked back, set the foot rest, then closed his eyes thinking about the ten grand, the location of the murder, Dr. Zee, and the husband Kenneth Longstreet. The thoughts did not last long as he tumbled into a nap. Alex sneaked in and put a light cover over his companion.


  Janice, by five pm had determined that the victim never visited the non-profit agencies. As it was closing time for most of the tenants she and her team went back to the station wore out and hungry. She decided to spend some of the department's budget on pizza. She was a little late arriving at the press conference. What she did not know was Kenneth Longstreet had bolstered him position by locating the Asian woman at the convenience store. She verified he came in but could not verify the exact time. She did admit that it was after she ate lunch sometime around one o'clock. That was a long ways away from clearing him, as the ME determined death occurred around two pm.

  At the live press conference, David stood beside his captain who was next to the mayor, Liz Stamper. David dwarfed both the captain and the mayor. They were on the steps of the station house so he dropped down one step to equal out the height difference.

  Liz waited until the director gave her the nod to make her statement. To David she did not appear too nervous, but then politicians are professionals', always looking for photo opts. She was
not much to look at, in his opinion, but she was super smart and articulate. A former lawyer turned politician with her eye on the governor's chair. She said, "I know you are all looking for answers to your questions. The fact is it's too early in our investigation to have a lot of facts for you to print. As reported earlier, we do have a person of interest caught on security tape. That tape was first sent to the University of Chicago and from there it's been sent on to the FBI for review. I can tell you this; it appears that the suspect is a male from the way he walks and his dress. Yes, we know a person can dress and act the opposite of what they are, but there are certain characteristics that lead us to believe it is a male. From the ME report he states death was caused by a long thin knife that pierced the heart causing almost instant death. Also, there was no evidence of any sexual acts, nor was the murder a robbery attempt. Now Captain Lindsey has a brief statement and then we'll take your questions."

  AJ and Alex were both glued to the TV. AJ had woken up with David Cockrun on his mind. Now he watched with intensity at David's face and body action. AJ realized he was a cool customer, but prone to blow his lid when least expected. They listened to the captain drone on saying nothing much. Then it was question time. The first question was fired at Inspector Cockrun, "Inspector, without a lot of lip service would you tell us that all is being done to apprehend the murderer?


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