Sqeeze Head

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Sqeeze Head Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Both woke up to a howling wind, rattling the windows. Neither one was interested in running that morning. David was only a few minutes ahead of Janice arriving at the station before six am.

  The first thing to do was to see if Gail Steward had been a client of Dr. Zee. It was time for a search warrant. The captain was frowning at his request for a warrant so early in the morning, but waving the Inspector away, made a phone call.

  Warrant in hand, a team, including both David and Janice, along with Bloom, descended on Dr. Zee office at eight thirty. Two unanswered phone calls later, they had a locksmith open the door. David, with a security man, woken up early, went directly to the doctor office.

  David sat in Dr. Zee’s office chair scanning the top of the desk. It was rather sparse with only a yellow legal pad and a Parker Pen next to it. Somewhat incongruous was a small rectangle mirror sitting on the far side of the desk. Because of his height, David at first did not see the mirror. Then he ducked down to see his serious face looking back at him.

  Next he went through the drawers which revealed very little. Strangely enough, only a few post-its along with his business cards were the only things in the desk. No files, no nothing. Apparently the legal pad and pen were his only tools of his job. In the center drawer, he found a command module. Seeing a big screen TV on an almost wall to wall bookshelf and electronic case, he clicked on the power button. Nothing. Maybe the batteries are dead, he thought.

  He went over to the TV and hit the power button. The screen turned on showing CNN. David muted the sound and went to the private bathroom. Like his office, the bathroom was spotless. No doubt the cleaning folks had done their job. The usual toilette articles were evident. Opening the shower door, a soap dish held a large bar of soap and not far away, twin plastic bottles of shampoo and conditioner looking brand new. He could not even find any water spots. Jesus, he thought, this place is sterile.

  Now he was pissed off. It was time to tear this place apart. Rip the toilet out, the shower drain, the sink drain, scour the carpets. He speed dialed the station house to get the CSI team on the job. About that time, Bloom and Janice showed up telling him to come to the secretary’s office.

  Still fuming he followed them to the secretary’s office. He passed by the security technician on a step ladder with his head through the ceiling panels. Janice turned her head towards David and said, “You’re not going to believe what you see Inspector.”

  In a credenza a locked set of drawers were open for inspection. Nothing was disturbed. Everything looked like it had its specific place. David remembered his Marine days when they had inspection. What he saw first was a mask like Batwoman would wear. Alongside it lay a cat-o-nine tails. He surmised the game in a flash. He wondered if any videos were part of the stash. Later he would find out no videos were found.

  While most of the team was eagerly looking at all the sex toys, the familiar voice of the captain was heard. He said, "What's so interesting that it takes five detectives to observe what is a in a drawer?

  With him was the mayor peeking around his shoulder. The mayor must have thought it was a crime scene, being careful not to interfere. Janice would comment later that the mayor looked as if she was going to view a dead person; rather than an empty office. By the time the captain walked up to see what was so interesting, most of the team, save David and Janice had returned to their respective duties.

  Both the captain and the mayor sucked in a little gasp of air viewing the various sexual paraphernalia. Inspector Cockrun said, "I don't need to remind you not to touch anything mayor. The CSI team is on its way now. This place is way too clean for my liking. Specifically, I'm looking for blood from the Ms. Longstreet homicide. Any hair samples would not be evidence as both the victims were, or we suspect, patients of Dr. Zee."

  The inspector did his duty showing the two superior guests the sterile office. After looking around the mayor said, "This place gives me the creeps. I feel the same when I had to choose a casket for my mother, who was tucked away in a room just above freezing. Lord, come on captain, let's get out of here. Remember Inspector Cockrun, we have a twelve o'clock press conference. Let me make it clear that I don't want a repeat of the last one," as she walked towards the door; the captain hot on her heels.

  The CSI team came just after they left. David noticed the security tech. was now in the doctor's office. Nothing could be seen of him except from the waist down as he was doing something above the ceiling panels.

  Back at the secretary's desk, Bloom was trying to find a password into the computer. So engrossed with the computer he was startled when he heard a female voice say, "What the hell is going on here. Who gave you the right to paw through my desk? Who's in charge here and a better question might be, who the hell are you people?"

  Janice had been squatting down looking through the upper drawers of the credenza when she heard the offensive voice. She stood up and said, "We are the police and lying on the corner of the desk is a legal search warrant. Am I to presume you are Gwen Largent, Dr. Zee's secretary?

  Gwen realized she was at a disadvantage, but tried to keep up a strong front. She'd done nothing illegal. She'd been smart enough to check with an attorney about the role she played rather frequently with the doctor. He'd told her that the only problem would be declaring the cash as income. The IRS might have a few things to say about that. She might get away with it as she deposited a few hundred cash in the bank once a month.

  "Yes, I am. Do I need a lawyer?

  "Do you think you need one," asked Janice.

  "No, but I can tell you right now I'm not volunteering any information without the doctor's permission. All of our clients have patient confidentiality."

  "Would you follow me into the kitchen area for a few non-patient questions?"

  Bloom had observed the whole thing from where he sat at the desk. The secretary was drop dead beautiful and he flashed a picture of her dressed up in black everything stalking around with a whip in her hand.

  "Bloom," Inspector Cockrun yelled, "get the password from her. Quit fantasizing and get to work." Bloom jumped up wondering where the Inspector was because when he looked around nowhere was he seen.

  The CSI team, most of them wearing coveralls, started in the bathroom. David was hanging around the security guy. The tech was like a jack-in-the-box running up and down the step ladder. It was clear he was tracing the wiring to the video camera that recorded the patient sessions.

  He replaced the last ceiling panel and faced David. Then he spotted the command module on the desk. After picking it up, he said, "Inspector, there's something additional to this video system. I'm only the guy who installs the equipment. After that a tech comes in to program it to the computer. All of it is protected by a firewall that needs a password to access it. Would you like me to call our office and have someone send the tech over?"

  "Please do. The sooner the better. Tell your boss this is police priority, if that will expedite matters. And by the way, thanks."

  David went hot footing it to the small kitchen where Janice and Gwen were dueling it out. He interrupted and said, "Ms. Largent, would you know, and if you do, write down the password for the video cameras."

  "I don't have that information Mr. Policeman. You’d best ask Dr. Zee. I already gave your flunky blue eyes my password into our system."

  David sat down and said, "You know Ms. Largent we suspect drugs were being used here. Would you like it if we strip searched you. Of course your rights are protected. We would only use a female for that job. Her name is Wanda and from the sounds coming from the inspection room, she isn't any too gentle, if you get my meaning."

  Janice saw her face turn white while David looked at her with a grin on his face. The grin and look on his face said it all: pain and a whole lot of discomfort. Gwen Largent tried to recover her composure, but failed miserably. She said, "I told you the truth. I don't have a password or the knowledge of how to access the video cameras. The doctor always made sure they were off whe
n…….. well……… when we had our little sessions."

  David left to catch the tech before he left. The tech was waiting for him and said, "The computer tech is on her way. She'll be here in a half hour or so. I'm going to hang around if you don't mind. I'd like to better understand that end of things."

  "Be my guest. I don't have to tell you to stay out of the way?"

  David decided to set up a command center at the doctor's desk. What bothered him right now was the whereabouts of Dr. Zee. He used his cell to call the surveillance team. The report from them was no sign of him and his car was in the parking garage. David told them to go bang on his door and if no answer, find a building super to let them in. Meanwhile, I’ll get a search warrant for his residence.

  Then he said, “I want that bastard found. Send a team to the men’s club where he hangs out. Let’s get some action here before the bastard kills again.” After closing his phone, Carl said to his partner:

  “Jesus, Cockrun is on the warpath. Come on, let’s go knock on the perps door. If no answer we are to find a way in, but with a card, not tear it down. But first let me call the station and have a team check on the perp’s men’s club.”

  That same morning, Donald Longstreet was huddled in conference with both his banker and stockbroker. He was not happy. What he thought would happened, didn’t. Now it appeared he would have to fall back to plan B. The only person other than him that knew about plan B was his girlfriend. Financially he was in deep trouble. Even with the five million sweetener, it would be too little too late. His banker pointed out that because his wife’s death was due to murder, insurance companies were cautious about releasing the life insurance benefits. Both the banker and stockbroker realized it was just wishful thinking on Longstreet’s part.


  While sitting at Dr. Zee’s desk, David was thinking about Donald Longstreet. He was still a suspect and a risk to disappear. On Dr. Zee’s legal pad he made a note to have Longstreet’s passport taken from him. Under that he drew a line and wrote: “discuss plan with AJ and Alex.”

  Janice came in, sat down with a sigh, rolled her eyes, smiled at him then said, “I think this case is one for the books. If I knew how to write more than just my name, we could have a best seller here. Our dominate female is spilling her guts to bloom about the patient list.”

  “I did confirm that our recent homicide was indeed one of his patients. Also, I got a call that the guys doing the interview at said garden parts that our good doctor attended is, how to say it, looking bad for our ball club. No one can say he was there one hundred percent of the time or that someone saw him leave. The guys are going house to house to see if anyone saw a Robin Hood guy in the neighborhood around the time of death.”

  “We have to keep plodding along Janice. What worries me a little is we don’t know where both Dr. Zee and Longstreet are. I raised a bit of hell and we should soon know there whereabouts. You should know that a computer tech is coming to, hopefully, discover the video camera hookup. She should be here shortly,” as he looked at his watch. It was only ten am. So much had taken place already today. There was one thing he did not want to do, and that was, to attend a press conference.

  While contemplating the press conference, his cell phone demanded his attention. On the other end was Detective Carl Frasher who said, after indentifying who he was, “We found Dr. Zee in his apartment. He was and still is completely out of it. We can’t seem to wake him up or get his attention. His eyes are all glassy looking with his head at an angle off to the side. What would you like me to do Inspector?”

  ‘Where is he? In bed or what?”

  “He’s sitting in a chair fully dressed. The TV is on with a news channel on mute. The manager of the building let us in. we’ve touched nothing.”

  “We can use the excuse it was a medical emergency. Hang on Carl. Let me call you back in a few minutes.”

  David explained the situation to Janice. Janice thought a minute then said, “Call Dr. Jones. He’ll know what to do.”

  David was in process, almost before she stopped talking. Alex picked up the phone, told him to wait a minute he’d get AJ. He told David a good morning and then listened. After hearing the predicament, he said, “This might be a good time to get him off the streets. Call 911 for an ambulance. Because of the fact he might be violent, handcuff his hands and ankles in case he wakes up suddenly. There’s a mental hospital not so far from here. It’s called Sunnybrook. It has no relationship to the general hospital in Toronto with the same name. You can tell them I referred Dr. Zee to be committed for evaluation. Good luck Inspector. See me when you can. We have much to discuss.”

  Before he called Carl back, David called the captain. At this point he was not going to stick his neck out. After a ten minute conversation with the captain, he called Carl to have him do what Dr. Jones suggested; especially the part about restraints on all four appendages.

  Janice waiting patiently, decided to take a peek at what the CSI guys were doing. She saw what she expected to see: a torn up bathroom with the toilet sitting outside the doorway. Afterwards she went to the front office to see how Bloom and Gwen were doing.

  Janice stood there with hands on hips, ready to verbally admonish Bloom because of his drooling over Ms. Largent, when a female knocked on the open door. Janice saw it was the computer tech. Janice motioned for her to follow her to see David.

  Both the techs followed her to the back office. The male tech filled the female tech in on what was happening. David was on the phone. He motioned for all to sit down. After finishing his conversation with the surveillance team who were assigned to Donald Longstreet, he looked at the new tech and smiled. That seemed to put the lady at ease. After introductions, situation outlined, Carol Lilly said, “I’ll need some time to see what can be done. The person, or tech, who installed it originally-- is, is unavailable.”

  She said no more. David told her to see what she could do and let him know something soonest. Both techs left quickly leaving Janice to hide her mouth that held a snicker. Carol was an opposite of Gwen Largent. Gwen was taller than average, but Carol was almost a head taller than Gwen. Gwen was strikingly beautiful; Carol was anything but beautiful. Be that as it may, David tried to not make fun of anyone. Janice wiped the smile off and said, “I’m getting a little hungry.”

  "Let's go get some air. This place makes my skin crawl. I'm not sure we need be here for awhile and I'll tell Bloom what I want."

  They stopped at the front where Bloom was replaced by Carol on the computer. Bloom and Gwen were sitting on a small waiting sofa chatting away like old friends. Inspector Cockrun scowled and said, "Stay here with our computer tech. Call me when you know something. Ms. Largent, you're free to go, but don't go out of town. Believe me when I tell you someone is watching you around the clock."

  David checked the time as he drove out of the underground parking garage. It was almost eleven thirty. Damn, he thought. Now the press conference looms closer. He turned to Janice and said, "How about a Subway for the road?"

  "Good idea. I'm not in the mood for a cardboard burger. What I really want is a look at our Dr. Zee in the mental hospital. If he wakes up and becomes lucid, he'll scream to be let go. I doubt we can stop him from checking out. What do you think Inspector?"

  "Inspector, is it now, huh? Hey, on a serious note, what do you think about we make Donald Longstreet squirm a little?"

  "Yes. You know it was only about two years ago that he took out that life insurance policy on his wife. That seems a bit strange to me. That would be 2009 and not long after he took a big hit with the crash. I sure haven't checked him off my suspect list."

  "We're here. What do you want? How about we split a big roast beef with all the crap you can think of piled on top."

  "Sounds good to me. I want root beer to drink, make it a large please. Here take this money. Lunch is on me," as she dropped the fifty dollar bill between his legs. David felt his cheeks turn warm as he prepared to order out the window. Af
ter ordering, waiting, he realized that women were just too damn smart for their own good. He never felt comfortable around nice looking, intelligent, smell good women like Janice.

  Janice was thinking the contrary. To her, he was a mystery all his own. No one knew she been trying to crack the shell that surrounded him for the last four years. Well, she'd made her move and he developed a slight crack in his shell. Unlike Dr. Zee the future looked very promising to the Subway eaters that blustery spring day.

  It was way too nasty out for a press conference, so the powers to be, decided to hold it at a local community center at five pm instead of noon.

  Janice received the call just before they were to arrive at the station house. David heard enough of the one sided conversation that he turned off on another street to proceed to the mental hospital Sunnybrook.

  A half hour later they found Sunnybrook's visitor parking empty of cars. The rain had almost stopped, but the wind continued to gust being a nuisance Both David and Janice had on their police wind breakers. David put on a Bears ball hat and Janice let her curly hair fly, as they mounted the short flight of steps to the front door.

  Janice had made a call to Carl and now his partner, Don greeted them at the door. He said, "You're not going to believe it Inspector," giving a nod to Janice. "Dr. Zee is quiet and peaceful as can be. When the ambulance arrived, one of the aid guys took his BP. He woke up with the pressure on his arm, we guess. He still appeared groggy and out of it so we brought him here. Since that time, he's been sitting in room calm, but not saying much."

  Janice had signed them in while Don filled in the Inspector. She noticed the institution was warm and had a pleasant feeling. She hated the smell of disinfectant along with some flowery smell from the waxed floors, but Sunnybrook was odor free.

  Exiting the elevator on the sixth floor, that first impression of warm and pleasant ended when the doors slide open. The sounds were not excessive, but it appeared a vacant room was at a premium. A short walk down the hall stood a uniformed policeman at a door. He opened it letting all three pass inside. A quick glance revealed a fairly typical hospital room in a pastel yellow color. A stainless steel bed sat unoccupied and just behind it sat Dr. Zee with a smug look on his face.


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