Sqeeze Head

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Sqeeze Head Page 13

by Waggoner, Robert C.


  A few minutes after nine pm, Inspector Cockrun told the team to give it a rest until tomorrow. He and Janice decided on a late dinner somewhere quiet and discreet. Neither was very hungry. Janice suggested a Mexican place she knew that made a pretty good chimichanga. Janice realized he was a little stressed about tomorrow, so she kept up a line of chatter all the way to the restaurant.

  After placing their order he reached out and took one of her hands and said, "Let's forget about the case for awhile. I'd like to talk about us. There's been such an improvement in my life since I met Dr. Jones and Alex. Now hang on, cause I'm saving the 'us' part for last."

  "Anyway, I can't put my finger on it but somehow I'm much calmer than before. The hate in me was building to a point of eruption. When I first found out that Dr. Zee was the killer, usually, I'd want to take out my Glock and shoot the bastard. But you know, I almost feel sorry for the dickhead."

  "After this case is over, let's take some time off together. AJ told me he has a friend who has a cabin in the Rocky Mountains. The old feller is past his need for it and it's available for us to use free of charge. It comes fully equipped except food of course. He only asks it be left like you found it. I guess a caretaker comes up once in awhile to dust and air the place out."

  Janice had by now taken her other hand and literally was squeezing the hell out of David's two hands. He saw her eyes redden then tears rolled down her cheeks. He wanted to move over, sit beside her, and lick the tears from her smooth brown cheeks.

  Instead he continued in a soft voice, "Just because we are police, doesn't mean we can't have a relationship. Since we partnered up, I've never even thought of another woman. Every day when I first see you my body feels like it's on fire. And then when you get close, that pine smell makes me want to run naked in a forest chasing you," If you tell anyone I said such crazy things, I'll deny," he added while sitting back letting the waiter deliver their dinner.

  "I can promise you I'll not tell anyone, except Bloom, " She said, while wiping the tears of both happiness and excitement about the future with him. He laughed throwing his head back while she saw on his neck where she wanted to feast a few minutes or hours on.

  Both realized they were hungry so dug into the Mexican dinner feeling very happy to be enjoying the time together. Soon enough, they would be back working; however, both knew it could never be like before, as just professional detectives. Now that they'd both acknowledged the love for each other, major changes would occur. And why not, she thought. Change was the catalyst to hope. Hope was all that life was about: peace and harmony.

  As if a bell rang, both looked up and smiled with bulging cheeks. They gobbled up what was left desirous of being alone just the two of them.

  After stopping for ice cream, they went for a drive along the lake. The wind had died down, but there was still a chill in the air. David was driving, Janice had her head against the headrest when he found a place to pull off and park.

  David let the car run as some heat was necessary to ward off the lake air. Janice kicked off her penny loafers, turned to put her back against the door, placing her feet squarely in his lap. David immediately began a foot massage. Janice said, "You spoke your heart at the restaurant David. Now it's my turn."

  "I need to get a few things off my chest, no pun intended," David chuckled. "At thirty four, my parents wonder why I'm not married having babies. I think my father understands better than my mother. They truly would love a grandchild. I've a younger brother you probably don't know that one. He's a good kid, but an accident of a Christmas party some fourteen years after I was born. My parent's spoil him to no end. He's never been in trouble with the law, that I know of, but he's a computer lover. Yes, he likes computer games, but he told me one time he is into looking up the skirts of some companies. I'm afraid he will get caught hacking someday."

  "Anyway I almost got married one time about ten years ago. That was just before I entered the police academy. At the last minute, I backed out. My parents were furious; likewise the grooms parents. To this day, I can't tell you why I got cold feet. It just didn't feel right. With you it feels right. I'd dreamed of this time for the last four years. No, I can't stay home and have babies. I love what we do. I hate the bad guys, like you do. Someone has to step up and face the evil that seems so prevalent these days. My satisfaction comes from meeting people like AJ, Alex, Mrs. Yellow bike, Bloom and others who are just ordinary people going about their own business. We cross paths when some person decides to take a life or do some bad shit to others for one reason or another. At any rate, David, there you have me and my tired feet," as she played with his crotch with expert toes.

  David laid his head back enjoying the pleasure he was receiving. The next thing he felt was her hand on his hard member. She whispered into his ear, "Lay the seat back, and let me show you my love for you."

  David felt his belt loosen, pants unbuttoned, zipper down and her slow hand reaching to free up his rock hard penis. On that Friday night, the day before the climax ending of the Chicago Serial killer, David Cockrun went to heaven.

  He wanted, afterwards, to reciprocate, but she told him later he would have all the time in the world to ravish her body.


  Not so far away, sitting in an arm chair, Dr. Kenneth Zee, sat cleaning his Bersa Thunder .32 pistol. While lovingly fondling the handgun, he reflected back on his four in the afternoon meeting with Donald Duck. The elation of the kill and the subsequent session with Mr. Hwang, set the tone for tomorrow's meeting with the egotistical Dr. Alfred Jones.

  Dr. Zee had a short meeting with the massage therapist Hwang. Dr. Zee had laid a new one thousand dollar bill on his work table that held various tools of the trade. Alongside the greenback, he also sat a short, twelve inch leather whip.

  Walking into the sauna he saw Donald Longstreet looking forlorn and vastly aged. Without saying a word, Dr. Zee strolled in front of Donald, dropped his towel, watching the shocked look of his victim from viewing the oversized member hanging between his legs, never saw the fish fillet knife rip upwards just under the solar plexus into his heart.

  Dr. Zee left the knife in the body. Grabbed the corpse by one wrist, began dragging him out the door to the supply closet not far away. Stuffing the body behind some stacks of dirty towels, he hid the body best he could. Later, after he left, Mr. Hwang would do a better job of hiding the body.

  Coming back out he saw Mr. Hwang wiping up what little blood that was evident. While waiting for Mr. Hwang to begin their session, Dr. Zee was still riding a high. At this point the world was for his taking.

  Mr. Hwang came in, wordlessly washed his hands and commenced his body massage. Dr. Zee relished in the hands of Mr. Hwang. It wasn't long before his member was fully filled with blood. He lay on his back, raised both legs until he could grab both ankles drawing his feet to almost his shoulders. That position fully exposed his backside with his massive penis reaching for the sky.

  Mr. Hwang began long slow strokes with one hand while the other holding the leather whip, he started with slight taps on Dr. Zee's butt, then progressively increased the intensity. He alternately went from butt to testicles, to the giant head of his dick.

  Less than ten minutes later Mr. Hwang washed his hands, picked up the money, and walked out the door, leaving a totally satisfied client still moaning with pleasure.

  Dr. Zee came back to reality when, on the TV; he saw Inspector Cockrun and his side kick female partner he'd so like to kill, say, "Yes, Let me repeat so there's no mistake in what I just said," as Inspector Cockrun pointed at the camera, "We will have closure to this Chicago serial killer of women come tomorrow Saturday evening. David had purposely worked himself up and then, as the camera zoomed in on his face, said, "Yes, scumbag, you're my meat tomorrow. Make no mistake in what I say. You've very little time to get your affairs in order."

  Dr. Zee was both fuming and fighting to stay above the darkness that threatened to draw him down. Looking
down he realized he had a death grip on his pistol. Yes, tomorrow would be the end of Dr. Jones and the Chicago life he previously lived. Texas was his calling. The idea of Texas being the biggest of the best fit him to a perfect size between the legs.

  The last conscience thing he remembered was setting his .32 hand gun on the arm of his chair as his head fell to his chest. A trickle of slobber began at a corner of his mouth. Dr. Zee was going somewhere none of us would wish to visit.


  Once again, or as usual, Inspector Cockburn spent the night at the station. Last night lying in bed, hands behind his head, he thought about Janice and how lucky he really was. It wasn't that his life before Janice was so desperate he would reach out and grab whatever happiness surfaced, he was; in fact, damn picky about whom he revealed his love for. Love, he wondered, what or how to define or describe it was very confusing to all mankind. Women seemed better at displaying their emotional aspects of love. Meanwhile, men went about their daily lives in a fog of self interest.

  As he drifted off to sleep, he felt confident of tomorrow's plan and of his future with Janice Beaker.

  David was up early Saturday morning. He went for a run along the streets. The weather was damn cold out with the dark clouds threatening rain or maybe even snow. Even when he ran he carried his beloved Glock. There were too many crazies out there and unlike before he'd met Dr. Jones, he was looking for an excuse to waste a loser or two. But now, life seemed worth looking at in a different perspective.

  David, an hour later, sweating stripped down to take a hot shower. It was only six thirty, but no doubt someone was in the situation room doing something.

  Getting ready, he shaved close in case someone wanted a hug and kiss later on. Looking at his eyes in the mirror instead of his shaving job, he saw a real sparkle under his bushy brows he so hated. He thought they made him look old, but later Janice told him it was one of the things that made his rugged face so handsome.

  David dressed in blue jeans and sweat shirt. A new pair of Nike made his feet feel good. Over his sweatshirt he wore his police windbreaker. He wanted to make sure all who saw him this day would not mistake his job. His Glock rested snuggly against his side. He decided to for-go the ubiquitous ankle pistol most all detectives wore these days.

  Before he went to the situation room, he went out the back over to see Alvin in his office. He wanted to run the plan by him to see if he could poke some holes in it. David found him writing a report as usual. He thought Alvin looked a little younger than the last time he saw him. Maybe spring has a blessing for our good doctor, he thought.

  The ME stood up and suggested the kitchen for coffee. David followed greeting a few workers passing by. A fresh pot of good smelling coffee awaited them in the kitchen.

  Sitting down, Dr. Alvin waited for David to speak. David said, "Tell me what you think," and related the events to follow that day. When finished, Dr. Alvin cocked one eyebrow and said:

  "Sounds like a good plan to me David. I'll make prep work while you're gone. One more thing, but I know it's none of my business, but I hear a buzz around bout you and Janice?"

  No answer was necessary as Alvin saw an ear to ear smile appear on his face. David said, "Take it to the bank Alvin, we're the real deal. Between you and me, if I survive, we will be gone for a month at least after this case is closed." A very serious look overcame David's face as he continued saying, "Guns and knives can kill or seriously wound, so I am taking nothing for granted."

  Over at the situation room, Janice and Bloom were talking about finding the Robin Hood costume. The problem was, Bloom said, that so many places rented out a Robin Hood that it was impossible to ID just one middle aged man. Inspector Cockrun walked in with a smile and a wink at his significant one. Bloom blushed and made himself scarce.

  Janice brought him up to date on the two teams watching Dr. Zee and Donald Longstreet. The Dr. Zee team reported suspect in apartment and Longstreet's team said he had spent the night in the men's club. A few detectives were busy tying up loose ends, but not a lot was going on. David told Janice that it was time for breakfast. She readily agreed. He followed her out the door with really delicious thoughts running through his not so perverted brain.

  AJ and Alex were both up earlier than normal for a Saturday. Alex was making a special breakfast for AJ. Alex joked that it might be his last good meal. AJ took the humor with grace and fired back saying, "You wouldn't be so nice to me if you knew the details of my will." Both had a good laugh knowing full well each was the recipient of the others worldly goods.

  After breakfast Alex wanted to know if AJ wanted a trial run with his recliner. AJ said, "I'm only going to do it once. Knowing my luck, if we did a test run, I'd break my fool neck."

  Alex said, "I'll go through the place and open all the doors for his inspection. I'll tell you what we must do AJ, and that's to do a test run on those glasses I got yesterday. I'm going to sit in the chair while you sit in yours. I'll read a short news article and then we'll see if all is recorded."

  "I agree, Alex. That's one part that we need to make sure we record for history.

  In the living room, both sat where they were supposed to representing Dr. Zee in one chair and AJ in his recliner. Alex instructed AJ to turn on the tiny button on his black glasses, that held what appeared as hearing aids, attached to the frame with an ear piece to match. But were in fact the plain glasses were both a recorder and mini cam.

  After the successful test run, Alex went to his kitchen to make his weekly grocery list. AJ went to his office to call Jake and tell him visit around six pm that night. After that he read the paper and would take a short walk down the stairs, say hi to Fred and prepare him for a visitor by the name of Dr. Zee. Fred was to deliver the Doctor to his door. Fred could tell from the look in AJ's eye to follow his instructions to the letter.

  Dr. Zee's wrist alarm went off at nine am. The persistent buzzing finally brought him out of his dark slumber. His head felt heavy, and he had a hard time clearing his eyes. Before long they became clear enough to make his way to the bathroom.

  After a hot shower, they rubbing a salve on his welts, he felt hungry for the first in a long time. He wanted to look professional meeting the renowned Doctor AJ Jones. Dr. Zee wanted Jones to see a real professional before he died.

  He found some eggs and a package of frozen English muffins. This would be simple enough, he thought. He scrambled the eggs, made toast and took his plate to his favorite chair in front of the TV. His pistol lay where he had laid it and the TV was still on from last night. While he ate he flipped through the channels then he found a station that was showing George Bush Jr. on his ranch in Texas. Bush was talking about his herd of Longhorns. Dr. Zee thought, now you talking my language Bush. A cattle ranch it shall be.

  Having breakfast at a Denny's restaurant, Janice anxiously asked David about the morning plan.

  "I know you think it's unfair that I not fill you in on the plan. It's not because I think you are overly concerned about my safety. The real reason is," he smiled, "that you might think the plan is not workable or stupid. I'll admit it's not even close to what one might imagine a trap for a suspected killer might be. However, my lovely Janice, the good guys will always win over evil."

  "When we leave here I'll drop you off at the station. At precisely noon thirty, you along with the captain and the mayor will be at AJ door ringing the bell. Don't come before then as you might upset the trap."

  "Of course I'll do what you ask David. Do I need to bring backup, or do I come in with guns a blazing?" she asked with mischief in her smile.

  "I've never told another woman this in my life Janice. But I do love you so much. Now let's get this over with. That cabin in the Rocky Mountains is calling us.

  At ten thirty, Inspector Cockrun was ringing AJ's door. Alex answered as usual. David followed him into the living where AJ was relaxing in his recliner. Alex told him the chair was lined with Kevlar and the fireplace insert was ready to be pulled out.
  Alex said, "I'll push it back in after you are situated. Here's a mini mag flash light. Once the insert is back in place the inside will be very dark. I've been in there and looked out the hole in the picture. You can see fairly well. I'm going to wait downstairs for your Janice and the others to arrive. I'll make sure no one disturbs you guys."

  David asked AJ, "Do you think he'll show AJ?"

  "No doubt in my mind young feller. He's coming to kill me. I'm a threat to his professional idea of what is good for mankind and the role women play in society these days. Regardless, if we can tape his statement, that in itself will be worth the risk. In the field of a head doctor, we can only take baby steps. We're so far from understanding the dark side I wonder if man will ever have a grasp on mental health issues like these."

  "Be that as it may, we best get ready. I can almost hear footsteps now. David, don't worry about me. Just make sure you protect yourself."

  David crawled into the fireplace turned left and wiggled his way between the walls. A space behind the bathroom and the walk in cooler was large enough for him to stand upright, feet spread apart, peeking through a small hole in the picture. He took the flashlight and looked around to make sure if he moved no noise would occur. Satisfied, he once again, checked his Glock with the light He would remain standing, knees slightly bent to keep the circulation flowing. He said a prayer and sent a message vicariously to Janice.

  AJ was ready sitting in his chair, glasses on and at the sound of the door; he would push the button to start the video recording. Alex with list in hand to show he was in fact leaving the premises glanced once more at his watch seeing a tic before eleven.

  The door chimed announcing it was game time. AJ clicked on the glasses, folded his hands across his belly and waited. Alex went to the door opening it with a smile on his face. Fred the doorman was there with a slight built, long nose, middle age man dressed nattily. Alex said, "Welcome Dr. Zee. Dr. Jones is expecting you. I'll take you to him and then I must be off for my Saturday shopping." He turned to Fred and thanked him for bring the good doctor up.


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