The Eternal: Infinity - A LitRPG Saga (The World of Ga'em Book 4)

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The Eternal: Infinity - A LitRPG Saga (The World of Ga'em Book 4) Page 21

by Dhayaa Anbajagane

  The Dark Lord’s eyes followed the weapon. My fist clenched. Sucker. I slammed my hand right into the break in his armor, punching about twice before sticking my arm out and grabbing the falling sword. The Dark Lord put his hand out now, and I shot out of the way. A blast of darkness surged out of his palm, but it was unable to hit me this time, and struck the wall behind instead.

  “Impressive,” a voice chuckled.

  I froze, and my veins throbbed even harder than before. You. My jaw clenched. So, it was you all along. I knew it.

  “Indeed, Diablo,” the voice said. “I did not think you would notice me stopping the time around you that easily.”

  You need to work better on your skills then, Time Lord. You’re slacking.

  He chuckled. “I will take that into account.”

  The Dark Lord shot at me, but I simply charged at him, slashed hard, and sent him up into the ceiling. He dropped back to the ground a second later, and I slashed at him again, sending him all the way to the far wall this time, into one of the craters I’d already made there.

  The Death Lord and the two Eternals fighting him all stopped at the sight of the overwhelmed Dark Lord. Their faces turned between me and the fallen man, all in silence.

  What the hell are you planning, Horace? You’re scheming with the Dark Lord now?

  “Not at all,” he chuckled. “In fact, he’s the one scheming with me.”

  I grit my teeth. I should have realized you were behind this. These Eternals are all from the past, aren’t they?

  “Calm down,” he sighed. “They’re all obscure. It’s not like anyone is going to miss them.”

  “Why are you helping him?” I muttered.

  “That is an interesting question.”

  I shot forward, at the two Eternals fighting the Death Lord, and slashed into them both. Blood flowed from their cuts, and their bodies slumped to the floor. The heat in my veins turned intense, and my hands shook, invigorating more the more blood I saw.

  Answer me, Horace. I slashed at the already dazed Dark Lord and sent him back into the crater in the wall.

  “Now, now, Diablo,” Horace chuckled. “You’re just being mean to him. Let’s raise the playing field a bit now, shall we?”

  A bright golden light sunk into the room. The Dark Lord rose from the floor, and hovered in the air. His golden armor glowed brightly, and runes of jade-green emerged onto it.

  My eyes narrowed. The same color scheme as that devil.

  “Ahhhh.” Azmuth dropped to the floor. “Thank you, Horace.”

  I shot at him, and swung hard. The Dark Lord moved swiftly, and in an instant, he had his hands around both my blades, holding them still. I tugged hard, but I couldn’t even budge now.

  “Amusing.” He let go of the weapons, and kicked me straight in the chest. I shot through the air, and crashed into the floor. Stone and mud threw up in the air as my helmeted head dug into the hard surface.

  I lifted myself up, just in time for the Dark Lord to launch another kick against me. This one landed at my side and I went flying into the walls. I dropped to the ground, with my armor trembling against the cracking stone. The heat in my veins only grew with time, and my vision reddened.

  “Diablo, we’ve been in Rage mode for too long,” Acnologia said. “We need to stop now.”

  I don’t give a damn. I stood up. Keep it going.

  The Dark Lord emerged before me and punched, sending me to the wall. He came after my form, and unleashed a fury of punches into my chest, crushing me deeper and deeper into the cracks.

  I lifted my swords up in defense, but he was too fast for me to block. I tried to open my mouth, and speak a word, but my voice didn’t emerge.

  The Dark Lord’s punches rained pain onto me, pushing me harder against the stone. Cracking echoed from my body, and yet I couldn’t even tell which bone it was coming from.

  The rage had blinded my sense of pain.

  The strikes kept increasing, both in intensity and in strength, and I stood there, taking them all. I coughed, spitting blood just as he landed a series of blows to my stomach.

  My vision began to fade away, and the sounds of punches grew faint in my ears. No, no, no. I can’t fall unconscious now!

  And yet, that’s what my body was doing. I had people I needed to protect. Things I needed to take care of. I couldn’t fall unconscious here of all places.

  A chuckle whispered into my ears.

  “I see your future, Eternal,” Horace said. “Blood. Torture. Undeniable Death.”



  Blood trickled down my arm, and slid between my fingers. Punches sunk into my body, and my armor creaked as strike after strike surged through it.

  “Can’t do anything now, can you?” the Dark Lord launched an uppercut to my jaw. My head threw back, and thud against the stone wall.

  I glanced at Freya, at the Death Lord, and then raised my shaking hand into the air. “Ceebros,” I whispered, just about managing to actually utter that word.

  Darkness rose from the floor and surrounded me. I fell through it, like the liquid black had swallowed my body in. My chest heaved as I sucked large breaths of air into my lungs. My arms hurt, my legs hurt. Every part of my body hurt. If something wasn’t broken yet, then it was close enough to being so.

  The ground was cold beneath me, and was colored with the very same darkness of the skies above. My knees shook as I stood, but I managed to keep my balance.

  “Diablo.” A voice spoke.

  The Death Lord stood a yard away, and his robes of black almost melted into the darkness.

  “Zoran!” Freya ran to me.

  I put my hand in the air. “I’m still…healing.” My voice was weak.

  The elf stopped, and narrowed her eyes. And then she nodded. “What is this place?”

  “Frozen Night,” I said. “It’s a spell I use to create an additional space outside of the reality we live in. Time is null in here. We’ll be safe for as long as I can keep it up.”

  “How long can you keep it up?” The Death Lord asked.

  “My mana is already half depleted,” I said. “If we need to have a solid chance at defeating the Dark Lord now, I need at least 25% left. So, we have maybe five minutes in here.”

  “Not enough time.”

  “It’s the best we have.”

  “You broke through your seal, didn’t you?” Freya asked.

  I nodded. “Two of them.”

  “How much stronger are you now?”

  I swiped the air with my fingers and my Ga’em menu slid down. I opened up my Stats menu and looked at my screens.


  Zoran Diablo


  1562 (19% to next level)

























  Freya leaned over my shoulder. “What the hell?” she gasped. “You’re past Level 1500?!”

  “It doesn’t mean anything,” I said. “The Dark Lord is still stronger than I am.”

  “Oh.” Her voice softened.

  “But with rage mode…” Nyx said. “I don’t know. Maybe you could be stronger.”

  “With both Dragon Fusion and Rage mode you will certainly be much stronger,” Acnologia said.

  We just tried that out. It didn’t work out well.

  I put my finger on the screen and swiped, letting a new set of information fill the screen.


  Zoran Diablo





  Spirit King


  Fear Uprising

  Living Nightmare


  All Arts






  Phantom Lord

  Undead Emperor

  Necromancy Demon

  Master of Ikarius

  Lord of the Night


  Level 10 - “The World shakes in your presence”

  “Wait a second,” Nyx said, his voice shaking. “What happened to your alignment?”

  I frowned. Question marks.

  “That is worrisome,” Acnologia said.

  We don’t have time to discuss this. If it isn’t something that can help me in this battle, then we shouldn’t bring it up.

  I went back to my screen. I quickly noticed that I’d gotten two new abilities and a new title. Lord of the Night, I thought. I tapped on my new abilities and the info screens popped up.

  FEAR UPRISING - You can now summon an army of shadow warriors—Valdar—to aid you. The strength and number of warriors depends on the user’s level. Currently you can summon 200 Valdar, each of Level 700. Additionally, enemies within a range of 50 yards will be afflicted with a fear status effect. The strength and duration of the effect depends on the level difference between you and the targets.

  LIVING NIGHTMARE - Any attack performed in utter darkness will recover your health by 0.1% of the attack’s damage. Any attack performed in utter darkness will recover your Mana by 0.1% of the attack’s damage.

  This is useful. I closed the screens.


  A Ga’em prompt screen popped up in front of me.

  You have obtained a new skill: Dual Wielding! The art of two blades has been passed down through many millennia. You are now one of the Dual Wielders as well. Agility increased by +5% when Duel wielding. Defense reduced by -1% when dual wielding. Attack increased by +5% when Dual wielding.

  You have obtained a new skill: Earth Arts! The language of the ground is rarely spoken by those that walk over it. Defense increased by +5% when using Earth Arts. Dexterity increased by +5% when using Earth Arts.

  You have obtained a new skill: Sword Shield! The crossing of swords can be stronger than just a shield. You can now use both your swords to form a shield. Health recovery increased by +1% when using shield. Mana recovery increased by +1% when using shield.

  I’d already expected to obtain the Dual Wield skill, and the rest were not that useful for me at the moment. My special abilities however, took the cake. If I was getting out of this mess, it was going to be through whatever they let me do.

  “You look like you’ve found a way,” Freya said.

  “Do you remember the Valdar?” I smiled.

  Her eyes widened. “No way.”

  I nodded and then looked at the Death Lord. “How are your injuries?”


  I turned back to Freya. “Yours?”

  “I’m better, but definitely not one hundred percent.”

  “Very well,” I said. “Once we go in, follow my lead. Leave the fighting to your forces.”

  “Our forces?” the Death Lord asked.

  “You’ll see,” Freya said.

  “What about the Dark Lord?”

  “We need to break down his suit,” I said. “That’s the only way.”

  “The Eternity Armor is legendary class equipment. It’s impossible to break.”

  I pointed to a dent in my armor. “So was mine.”

  He said nothing.

  “So that is what you have planned.” A chuckle spoke into my mind. “Getting rid of the present I gave Azmuth.”

  I jerked my eyes through the darkness. You’re not supposed to be here. My chest tightened.

  “But I am,” he said. “And I found something very interesting.”

  Damn it. I cursed.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to stop you.”

  I frowned. What?

  “It’s not like your plan will work anyway. Why must I meddle in it then?”

  “Zoran, you need to save your mana,” Nyx said.

  Acnologia, don’t turn off the limiter till I ask you to. I put my hand in the air. “Ceebros Break!”

  The darkness around us melted away, and we were back in the chambers once again. The Dark Lord stood in the middle, and the four gold-robed Eternals were around him.

  “So you finally came back from hiding,” Azmuth chuckled. “I was starting to think you’d never show up.”

  “I’m sorry we kept you waiting.” I shot to him.

  The Dark Lord blocked my strike right away, as expected. I turned around and swung my foot at his face. He threw his arm up, blocking my kick. I let my free hand swing Dearthsoul, and slashed the weapon into his chest.

  He went sliding across the floor, and stopped five yards away. “Well done.”

  “That isn’t even the start of it.” I put my hand in the air. “Oskis, Erkiela, Uher, Osulier, Tritus Oceanus, Peona, Rivorka, Beltair.”

  A flurry of spells burst into the air, creating colors and forms that meshed together as they hurled to the Dark Lord. I didn’t spend another second looking at him and closed my eyes, concentrating.

  I need all the time I can get.

  I imagined the energy within me lower into the ground. I imagined it spreading through the surface, occupying every last stone available.

  “You think that will stop me Diablo?!” the Dark Lord yelled.

  Damn it. I opened my eyes, and held my swords up in the air, forming an X. A layer of light covered them, forming a temporary shield, and the Dark Lord smacked right into it. I pulled the blades away the moment he touched the light and instantly spun around, kicking him in the chest. He slid across the ground yet again, this time further than before.

  “That barrage of attacks won’t help you at all.” He shot to me.

  I put my hand down on the ground. “RISE!”

  Shadows burst up from all around the chamber, coming to life at the mere utterance of a word. My energy glowed within all of them, as a speck of white within their black bodies. Red eyes painted onto their faces, and a terrifying howl resonated through the chambers as they stabilized their forms.

  The Dark Lord stopped in his steps. “The Valdar.” Even his voice had turned quiet.

  I willed the creatures to charge after the other Eternals in the room, the ones the Death Lord was managing on his own with Freya’s limited help. The shadow soldiers surged away, howling and yelling as they did.

  I paid no attention to them after and shot to the Dark Lord. I slashed Dawnbreaker into the distracted man, and followed up with a series of strikes. He fought back, throwing a punch, and then hitting me with a dark beam.

  I’m taking more damage than him. I huffed, sucking in air.

  “But your Living Nightmare skill is letting you make up for that by healing,” Nyx said.

  Keep an eye on my health for me.

  I took a quick glance at the Valdar. One golden-robed Eternal laid on the ground, completely subdued, while the other three stood there, fending about a hundred and fifty of them away.

  I looked at Azmuth. “Just you and me then.”

  “Like old times,” he thrust his hand. A dragon head of black formed, and a massive blast of dark fire surged out of it. I dived to the ground, but the attack was too big to dodge. It sent me against the wall, and I cracked into it.

  More popping sounds echoed out, and I slumped to the floor. Damn it. I slowly stood up, and sharp pains rose up either foot of mine.

  Definitely broke a lot of things. But I pushed on and stepped forward.

  “How unfortunate.” Azmuth walked up to me, and a chuckle left his lips.

  I crossed my swords, forming Sword Shield just as he pulled his fist back, ready to punch. Jade-shaded flames enveloped him and he struck t
he shield, shattering it, and striking my helmet. I went tumbling back, and cratered into the wall.

  Anger coursed through me, and I channeled it into my body, heating up every single nerve and vein. I gave myself into my rage. “You’re dead.” I got up, stretching my body, and the pain within me disappeared. “That feels good.”

  The Dark Lord stepped back.

  I shot forward, not towards him, but towards the set of Eternals fighting. “Death Lord, Freya! Move!”

  The two of them jumped out the way just as I surged into the golden-robed beings, slashing and cutting at hurricane speeds. Even I couldn’t see what my own motions were. The Eternals were weak, and came down a few seconds later. They fell to the ground, with their health now at zero.

  But I wasn’t done yet.

  I need to kill more.

  I shot toward the Valdar, and sliced into them. They were much less than half my level, and that made them a very good partner to one hit K.O. With every kill. I made my vision turned redder, my breathing heavier, and my body hotter.

  “Zoran,” Nyx said. “What the hell are you—”

  “NOT NOW!” I yelled and slashed into the last of the shadow men remaining. I stood amongst a sea of hazy black and liquid red, heaving air in and out of my probably-broken lungs.

  Freya and the Death Lord looked at me quietly, and the Dark Lord stood there, stunned.

  Idiots. I grinned.


  500 hit Combo Achieved! Blood Drive activated! Infinity Drive activated!

  My weapons began glowing now. The purple jewel within both of them resonated, and spoke hums into the air. Dawnbreaker and Dearthsoul let a hazy glow emerge around them, colored in the purple of their jewels. The jewels themselves were no longer purple, and instead were the shade of the swords they belonged to.

  The weapons vibrated in my hand, and I gripped them tight, not letting them slide.

  I’m coming for you, Azmuth. I shot forward, and slashed at the Dark Lord. The man blast at me with his darkness, but I simply cut through it with my blades.


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