Deadly Illusions (Hardy Brothers Security Book 3)

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Deadly Illusions (Hardy Brothers Security Book 3) Page 10

by Hart, Lily Harper

  “I thought you were coming to rescue me,” Mandy said, pouting. She clearly hadn’t seen Emma and Finn yet.

  “Nice hat,” Finn said.

  Mandy stilled, tipping the plastic fireman’s hat back so she could see past the brim. “Ah, crap.”

  She shuffled behind James, pressing the front of her body against his back so she could hide her current clothing situation. James moved his arms behind him, holding Mandy still so she was hidden.

  “What are they doing here?”

  “What are you doing?” Finn asked. “I thought for sure you two would be screaming at each other.”

  “We had a talk this morning,” James said. “There was no screaming.”

  “There was a little screaming,” Mandy said. “I might have deserved it.”

  “Might?” James prodded.

  “Okay, I definitely deserved it,” Mandy conceded.

  “And now?” Finn pressed.

  “Now we’re making up,” James said.

  Mandy tilted her head, looking around James’ shoulder so she could see further into the room. “Is that breakfast I smell?”

  “We thought you might be hungry,” Emma offered lamely.

  James sighed. “You want the breakfast, don’t you?”

  “Kind of,” Mandy admitted.

  “Fine.” James turned to Emma. “Could you walk into the bathroom – it’s right over there – and grab the robe hanging on the back of the door for her?”

  Emma nodded mutely, retrieving the robe and handing it to Mandy – a sheepish frown on her face. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Mandy said, shrugging into the robe. “Your heart was in the right place.”

  She cinched the robe around her waist and took a step away from James. “What did you bring me to eat?”

  “Eggs, hash browns, bacon, and toast,” Emma said, still avoiding eye contact. “Finn insisted on buying you tomato juice, too.”

  “Score.” Mandy moved around James, who reached out long enough to pluck the plastic hat from her head.

  The smile James sent Emma was small and tight. “Thanks for the breakfast,” he said. “I really do appreciate it.”

  “You don’t look like you appreciate it,” Finn said.

  “I would have appreciated it better in an hour.”

  Finn shrugged. “Live and learn.”

  Emma’s eyes were focused on Mandy. “Does that robe have a fin on the back? Is that supposed to be a shark?”

  James smiled widely. “She’s a geek. What can I say?”


  “So, other than playing fireman, what were you two going to do today?” Finn asked. The four of them were sitting around the dining room table eating, conversation nearly non-existent.

  James bit the end off of a piece of bacon. “I figured we’d play doctor later – and then maybe marine biologist.”

  “You are so sick,” Finn grumbled.

  James rolled his eyes. “It’s Sunday, and my girlfriend almost died last night. Forgive me if I’m perfectly happy staying here all day.”

  Finn turned to Mandy. “What about you?”

  “I was actually looking forward to playing marine biologist,” Mandy said. “I was going to surprise him by being a mermaid instead of a shark for a change.”

  James’ eyes brightened.

  “I even bought one of those coconut bras,” Mandy said, winking at him.

  “Yeah, we’re busy,” James said.

  Finn’s exasperation was obvious when he blew out a pronounced sigh. “Well, I was actually hoping the two of you would go to the mall with us.”

  “You were not,” James scoffed. “You know I hate the mall.”

  “Yes, but Mandy loves it.”

  “I do,” Mandy said.

  “You love me more, though, right?” James asked.

  Mandy wrinkled her nose, leaning in for a kiss. “Yes.”

  Finn found himself suddenly wishing they would start to fight. This cuteness was making him uncomfortable – which probably meant it was sending Emma toward the door. He risked a glance in her direction, but she was watching James and Mandy with an emotion that shocked him: Yearning.

  Finn cleared his throat. “As loathe as I am to tear you two away from … well … each other,” Finn said. “Emma needs some clothes, and toiletries, and, well, a little bit of everything.”

  Mandy’s face sobered. “I didn’t think of that.”

  “I figured, if we were all working together, we could get it done faster,” Finn said.

  “Are you trying to ruin my day?” James challenged.

  “What if I promise that I’ll have you back here in plenty of time to explore … Atlantis?”

  James rubbed the back of his neck, shifting his gaze over to Mandy. “You want to go shopping now, don’t you?”

  Mandy shrugged. “There are a pair of Converse I’ve had my eye on at Journeys.”

  James sighed. “Fine. We’ll go shopping. We’re gone at six, though. Period.”

  Finn smiled. “Deal.”

  “CRIPES, where are they?”

  James and Finn were standing on the second floor of Laketown mall, staring down at the bustling activity a floor below, and taking a breather between stores.

  “They haven’t been gone that long,” Finn said. “Mandy said something about taking Emma to The Body Shop.”

  “That’s the store with the sprays and lotions, right?”

  “I think they have makeup and stuff, too,” Finn said.

  “Yeah, Mandy loves that place.”

  James’ was holding two bags in each hand, and his day had gone from good to bad in a matter of a few hours. A single pair of shoes, my ass.

  Finn glanced at his older brother curiously. “How are you doing?”

  “I hate shopping,” James said. “She’s got two pair of shoes here, a new hoodie, three sweaters, and whatever else she’s going to bring back from the lotion store.”

  “That’s not what I was talking about.”

  “I know.”

  “So, how are you?”


  “Do you want to expand on that?”

  James cracked his neck, looking away from Finn’s concerned eyes. “I felt better after I got some sleep.”

  “Did you dream about it?”


  “I’m surprised,” Finn said. “I would have thought that was all you could dream about.”

  “I had her with me,” James said. “I had her so close she was practically inside of me. I’m okay.”

  “And this morning? How ugly did that get?”

  “It actually wasn’t that bad,” James said. “She was … apologetic, and she felt really bad.”

  “So, you didn’t yell?”

  “Oh, I yelled,” James said. “I just didn’t yell for very long. She was already kind of beaten down. I think she realized what she did. I just wish she’d think ahead occasionally, so she didn’t have to regret so many things after she did them.”

  “Maybe she will now.”

  “That would be nice.”

  “You don’t think so, though?”

  “She wouldn’t be the woman I fell in love with if she changed,” James said. “I just need her to … think occasionally. Just once. I don’t think I’m asking too much.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “What about Emma? How did she sleep last night?” James asked, changing the subject.

  “She woke up from a nightmare,” Finn said. “I was on the couch and heard her crying. I went in and laid down with her and she slept the entire night after that.”

  “You got into bed with her?” James asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Nothing happened,” Finn said.

  “I should hope not,” James replied. “Putting the moves on a woman who just lost everything in a fire wouldn’t be very … gallant.”

  “No,” Finn agreed.

  “She seems to be warming up to you,” James hedged. �
�That must make you happy.”

  “I don’t know how to feel,” Finn said. “Every time she takes a step toward me, it’s almost like she takes two steps back to check herself before getting too close.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Be patient,” Finn said. “There’s nothing else I can do.”

  “Yeah, you’re good with the patience thing,” James said. “Grady and I like to force the issue. Emma clearly needs someone to be patient.”

  Finn kept his eyes trained on the floor below. “That’s why I’m going to be patient.”

  MANDY loved The Body Shop. The bag she was carrying as she left the store was a testament to that. James would probably freak when he saw the size of the tote – but if she used the lotion to give him a good rubdown later, she had a feeling those complaints would disappear.

  Emma had enjoyed the shopping experience, too. Never having been in the store before, it was like Christmas in February. Her bag was smaller – much smaller – but she’d enjoyed sampling the plethora of offerings.

  Emma glanced around as they left The Body Shop. “Where do you think James and Finn are?”

  “Sitting on a bench pretending they hate the mall,” Mandy replied.

  “I don’t think James is pretending.”

  “He’ll live.”

  “You two seem … better today.”

  “It was a rough night for both of us,” Mandy said. “I should have thought about what I was doing before I did it – not that I’m not happy I grabbed the photograph for you. To be fair, it wouldn’t have been a big deal if the power hadn’t gone out just when I was trying to find my way back to the window. No offense, but getting the photo wasn’t worth doing what I did to him.”

  “No offense taken,” Emma said. “I understand.”

  “I need to take his feelings into consideration a little more often than I do,” Mandy said. “I wouldn’t hurt him for anything, and last night I almost crushed him.”

  “You’ll do better next time,” Emma said. “Just tell him you love him, and dress up in that coconut bra. He seemed to like that idea.”

  “He likes every idea that ends with me getting naked,” Mandy scoffed, jerking forward as someone bumped into her from behind. “Hey!”

  Emma took a step back as the figure pushed Mandy out of his way and advanced on her. She couldn’t make out any features, he was wearing a hoodie. Emma was frozen in fear.

  For her part, Mandy was enraged. “Really? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Mandy slammed her foot down into the crook of the man’s knee, bringing him down to the ground. Hard. She then slammed her foot into his ass, knocking him flat, where she proceeded to grab his arm, twist it behind his back, and lodge herself on top of him with her knee in the small of his back.

  Emma was stunned by her actions.

  The Mandy did something really surprising. She opened her mouth and yelled.


  JAMES heard her voice, but he couldn’t find her face. When he finally caught sight of her, his heart was hammering so hard he thought he might pass out. She was sitting on top of a man, his arm lodged at an odd angle behind his back, looking around for help.

  James gripped the bags in his hands and rushed toward the escalator. How did she always find trouble? It’s like she was a magnet – and every deadbeat loser in the area was drawn to her.

  When James hit the main floor of the mall, he pushed through the crowd congregating around his feisty blonde. He dropped the bags next to Emma’s feet and turned, hands on hips, so he could fix Mandy with an outraged look. “How does this keep happening?”

  “Hey, I called for you right away,” Mandy said. “I did what I was supposed to do.”

  “Did you call for me before or after you wrestled him to the ground?”

  “He was going after Emma,” Mandy replied. “I just reacted. If it’s any consolation, I used the moves you taught me when I was in middle school in case any of my dates got fresh.”

  James fought the urge to laugh. This wasn’t funny. He leaned over, pulling the hood off the struggling figure beneath his girlfriend. When he caught sight of the smooth face, he gave in and chuckled. “I think you can let him up.”

  “What if he’s the guy who tried to throw acid on Emma?” Mandy countered.

  James motioned to Finn. “Do you recognize him?”

  Finn glanced at the man. On closer inspection, he was a teenager, not man. “That’s not him.”

  James smirked. “Get off of him, killer.”

  “If he’s not that guy, then why was he going after Emma?”

  “I was going to ask her for her autograph,” the teenager spat out. “You crazy, bitch!”

  Mandy placed her tongue in her cheek. “Oh.”

  James held out his hand. “Let him go.”

  Mandy reluctantly climbed off the boy, brushing the back of her jeans down as she stood. “Maybe I overreacted.”

  James nodded, pulling her over to him so he could kiss her temple. “I would rather see you overreact than not react at all.”

  Finn reached down and helped the teenager up.

  “I’m sorry,” Emma said. “You just took us by surprise.”

  The teen scowled. “Well, if it’s okay with your bodyguard, can I get that autograph? I saw you at Detcon a few weeks ago, and I thought you were really cool. When I saw you here, I just wanted to see if I could talk to you and get you to sign a comic book or something. I would never hurt you.”

  “An autograph is fine,” Emma said.

  “How about a picture?” The boy was hopeful.

  Emma smiled tightly. “A picture is fine, too.”

  The teen smiled happily, handing his cellphone to Finn. “Make sure it’s a good picture, dude.”

  Finn rolled his eyes, but lined up the camera.

  James took the opportunity to pull Mandy away from the crowd. “Are you okay?”

  Mandy frowned. “You mean other than feeling like the ugly stepsister whenever I’m in a room with Emma? Yeah, I’m great.”

  James made a face. “Ugly? Are you saying you feel insecure?”

  “Look at her,” Mandy said. “Who can compete against a woman who looks like that?”

  “There is no competition, baby,” James said. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Mandy shook her blonde head. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

  James pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her. “No, I’m not.”


  “You’re the only mermaid I want,” James said. “Don’t you ever even think otherwise. I can only take so much drama in a twenty-four-hour period. I can’t take you suddenly being insecure on top of everything else.”

  “You have been through it today,” Mandy said, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. “How about we call it a day and go home?”

  “Will you wear the coconut bra?”

  “For you? Anything.”

  “Finn, we’re leaving,” James barked.


  By the time Finn managed to convince the teenager that Emma had someplace else to be, someplace important, he was exhausted. Mandy and James beat a hasty retreat, and Finn had no doubt where they were going. It seemed some undersea exploration was in order on the second floor of Hardy Brothers Security this evening.

  He wouldn’t make the mistake of bothering them again tonight.

  He led Emma out to his Escalade, making sure she was snug and safe in the vehicle before he loaded the hatchback up with her goodies. When he climbed into the driver’s seat, he fixed her with a worried look.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Emma said. “It was just a … weird day.”

  “You’ve been having a lot of those,” Finn said. “What do you say we pick up some food and head back to the apartment?”

  Emma looked relieved. “That sounds good.”

  “What do you like?”<
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  Emma shrugged. “What do you like?”

  “I’m fine with whatever you want,” he replied.

  “I’m fine with whatever you want.”

  “You know, this game is more fun when you actually give an opinion,” Finn pressed. “How about you say a food you like, and then I’ll say a food I like?”

  Emma raised her eyebrows. “Okay, how about Italian?”

  “We could get some pasta from Sorrento’s,” Finn said. “That sounds good. There’s one on the main road just before Mandy’s apartment.”

  “I thought you were going to say a food you like,” Emma protested.

  Finn smiled indulgently. “Next time, how does Lebanese sound?”

  Emma smiled. “I like Lebanese.”


  “Are you sure there’s going to be a next time, though?”

  Finn shrugged. “I guess we’ll have to wait and find out.”

  ONCE THEY got back to the apartment, Finn unpacked the food while Emma sorted through her new belongings.

  When she was done, she joined him at the table. For the first time in her life, Emma felt … settled. She engaged in mindless conversation with Finn, relishing every time her comfort level nudged up a notch. They talked about movies, music, television, and entertainment.

  They talked about politics, the weather, and Macomb County’s changing demographics.

  Finn was both smart and charming. It was an intoxicating combination.

  Not for the first time since she’d met him, Emma wished he could be hers. All hers. His smile. His body. His heart. She wanted every piece of him.

  When they were done, Finn tossed the empty food containers into the garbage can under the sink and then the two of them settled on the couch to watch television. Emma handed Finn the remote control.

  “I picked dinner,” she said. “You get to pick the entertainment.”

  Finn knew what entertainment he would opt for, but he dutifully flipped through the channels, ultimately settling on Grey’s Anatomy.

  Emma arched an eyebrow. “You like Grey’s Anatomy? That doesn’t seem like your kind of show.”

  “No,” Finn agreed. “I’m guessing you might like it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “It’s a popular show … and I took a guess.”


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