Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2)

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Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2) Page 8

by Laylah Roberts

  “Ch-changed? But I’m dressed under this coat, Sir.”

  “I have something else I want you to wear. Will you do that for me?”

  “You…you bought me something?” There was a note of wonder in her voice that shocked him. Had it been so long since someone bought something for her?

  “I did. And it’s yours to keep.”

  Damn. The look of amazement on her face made him want to go out and buy her a whole damn shop.

  Drawing the shopping bag out of his duffel, he handed it to her. Then he offered her his hand. He insisted that she hold his hand when they were at the club, unless they were in the Littles’ room. It meant he could keep her where he could see her, since she had a bad habit of walking behind him.

  He also fucking liked holding her hand.

  Jesus. What was happening to him? When did he get like this? All soppy and shit.

  He stopped outside the women’s changing rooms. “I’ll meet you back out here. Five minutes. You take any longer and it’s ten spanks for each extra minute.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Hmm, maybe it was time to take things a bit further. Perhaps he’d been moving too slow. He walked into the men’s changing rooms and put his duffel in his locker. Grabbing his phone, checking the app for the club. Luckily, they were early enough that one of the privacy rooms was still empty. He booked it and then left the changing rooms to wait in the corridor for her.

  She stepped out right on time. A shy look filled her face.

  “Do a twirl, button,” he said in a deep voice.

  She turned slowly, and he took all of her in. He’d found a pale blue T-shirt that tied at the waist and had the words, I’d rather be in Little space, written across the front. He’d matched it with a short, tiered skirt that was blue and white striped.

  “Adorable,” he told her huskily.

  Her cheeks were red. “I can’t believe you bought me panties.”

  He had to grin. “Show me.”

  She gaped up at him. “Show you?”

  “Uh-huh.” They were alone since it was still early, but the fact that someone might come along would just add to her trepidation.

  Yep, he was definitely pushing her more now.

  “Turn around, bend over and lift your skirt up. Show me your panties.”

  Those pretty pink lips of hers parted. Then shut.

  “Betsy, I’m going to count to three. If I get to three and you still haven’t moved then I’m going to bend you over, pull down those panties and spank your naughty bottom until it’s bright red.”

  Her eyes darted around. Making sure they were alone? Or looking for help?

  Amusement filled him. She was in the wrong place if she thought anyone around here would object to the way he decided to punish her.


  Still nothing.


  She spun. Yeah, he didn’t think she’d let him get to three.

  Lifting her skirt, she revealed the ruffled panties he’d bought for her. They were pink and above the three layers of ruffles were the words, Cute as a Button.

  “Good girl,” he told her. “You can stand up now.”

  Shit. His cock was already hard and pressing against his jeans. She stood and turned to him. “Is that why you call me button?”

  “Because you’re cute as a button? It definitely is.”

  She smiled shyly.

  “Come on.” He held out his hand to her, letting her slip her cool fingers into his. “Gonna do something a bit different tonight.”


  “We’re gonna have a talk. In private.” They walked through the dungeon and over to the stairs where the private rooms were. The monitor at the door handed over the keycard to the room he’d reserved.

  He led her up the stairs to the correct room, unlocked it then held it open for her to enter.

  She drew in a shocked gasp when they entered. “Umm, Sir?”

  “It was the only room they had available,” he explained. He’d never actually been in here before. “It’s the harem room.”

  “H-harem room?”

  “Yeah, if you want to act out a fantasy of having a harem.”

  “You mean one man and multiple women?” She gaped at the huge bed that looked like it could fit at least ten people comfortably.

  There was a wall of cupboards which held all sorts of implements from dildos to restraints to crops and lots of lube.

  Lots and lots of lube.

  “Yeah, or the reverse.”


  He had to grin at her shocked face. “There are people out there who live in permanent ménages or with multiple partners.”

  “Seriously? I mean, I knew there were books about it, but it’s real?”

  “It is. I have a friend who likes to share with his two best friends. And not just for a fuck.”

  “Wow. You learn something every day.”

  “You can explore, brown eyes. Nothing in here will bite. Although be careful of some of the vibes in the cupboard.”

  She shot him a look and he grinned.

  “What are we doing in here? Aren’t we going to the Littles’ room?”

  He sat on a huge fucking armchair. This thing would fit three people comfortably. Widening his legs, he crooked a finger at her. “Come here.”

  She walked over, stopping when she was right in front of him, his thighs bracketing hers.

  “You like being in the Littles’ room, don’t you? You feel safe there.”

  She looked a bit surprised then her lower lip was caught between her teeth.

  “Uh-uh, leave your lip alone. You keep abusing it and I’ll have to find something else to stick in your mouth.”

  He’d been thinking about a pacifier, but her eyes chose that moment to dip to his hard cock. Yeah. The thought’s occurred to me too, babe. Every night he went to bed, if he was honest. He’d lie awake thinking about that soft mouth, her pert breasts.

  His hand was a very poor substitute.

  “Kneel, Betsy.”

  Her eyes flared but she knelt.

  “Easy, brown eyes,” he soothed as he saw the way her breathing quickened. Did she think he was gonna order her to give him a blow job?

  Shit. He needed to stop thinking about her lips wrapping around his hard cock.

  “Nothing happens that you don’t want, remember? What’s your safeword?”


  “Good girl. Now much as I like the idea of your mouth around my cock, and fuck me, girl, I like it a lot, we’re not ready for that. Okay?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you didn’t answer my question.”

  “I feel safe in the Littles’ room.”

  “I’m glad, brown eyes. But I feel like maybe we’ve been neglecting other areas.”

  She shifted around then froze. This was obviously a surprise to her. And not a welcome one by the way she looked up at him. “Sir?”

  “Would you like to do any playing out in the dungeon?”

  Her eyes flitted to the door then away.


  “Is that what you want?” she whispered.

  Oh no. That wasn’t happening.


  “Nope?” She gave him a confused look. “What do you mean, nope?”

  “I mean, nope you’re not doing that. I asked you what you wanted. I didn’t ask you to give me the answer you think I might want.”

  “Oh, shoot.”

  “How often do you give me answers that you think I want to hear, Betsy? If I can’t trust that what you are telling me is the truth, then how can I trust that you will use your safeword, huh?”

  If her eyes grew any wider, they’d pop out of her head. Her breath came in harsh gasps.

  Fuck. Was she having a panic attack?

  He grasped hold of her shoulders. “Betsy. Betsy, look at me.”

  She raised her gaze to his. “Are you giving up on me? I can d
o better, I promise. I can do better. Just give me another chance.”

  Christ. Goddamn, fuck him.

  Ink drew her up into his lap, not even thinking that she might not want his touch. But instead of rejecting him, she curled herself around him, her arms so tight around his neck it was as though she couldn’t bear to let him go.

  He ran his hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her. “It’s all right, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She might have all these barriers that she threw up to protect herself but he wasn’t letting that deter him. He’d dig his way under them, blast through them, smash’em all down to find her at the center.

  “When I was growing up, my mama, she always used to tell me, ‘if I wanted you to have an opinion, Elizabeth, I’d give it to you.’ I was never supposed to say what I thought. Only what she wanted me to say. And my husband, he never wanted to hear what I had to say. He only wanted blind obedience. I just…please…I’ll try not to do that…”

  Shit. Maybe he’d already blasted through some of those walls.

  “Easy, baby. Easy. It’s all right. You’re safe, brown eyes. I’m here. You’re safe.”

  Christ, with how hard she was shaking, he was starting to worry about her.

  “I’m sorry I gave you such a fright. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You will,” she said with certainty. “Everyone does. I’ll let you down. It’s inevitable. I know it’s going to happen. And then you’ll hurt me too. Why am I letting you close? Why am I doing that to myself? I need to go…” She froze. Something occurred to her. She rubbed her hand over her face. “It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it.”

  “Betsy? What’s not worth it?” Being with him wasn’t worth it? Wasn’t worth what? Opening up? “It’s not worth being with me?”

  She blinked at him. “But it is, isn’t it? You’re amazing and gorgeous and strong.” She groaned and took a deep breath. “I feel so messed up.”

  “You’re not messed up, Betsy.”

  She let out a humorless laugh. “I’m the most screwed up person you’ve ever met.”

  “I get this is fucking hard. Submitting to someone, it isn’t always easy. And yeah, it can mess you up. Bring things from your past forward when you thought you’d dealt with them. But it can also be cathartic. Letting go of old shit. Of course, it can all just be about the spankings and orgasms. That’s fun too.” He winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

  “I wouldn’t know. Haven’t gotten any orgasms.”

  “Why, Miss Betsy, is that a note of disgruntlement in your voice? Do you need to get off?” He decided it was time to lighten the mood.

  “I…I…” She licked her lips, glancing up at him.

  “Are you wet for me?”

  He chuckled as she went bright red.

  “I damn well love that you can blush, brown eyes. Tell me, do you lie in bed at night and think of me fucking you?”

  Her breath quickened. “Do you?”

  “Uh-uh. I asked you a question. That isn’t the way things work. You just earned a spanking.”

  “What? There was no warning.”

  “There have been plenty of warnings about not answering questions when I ask them. You’re very good at deflection, brown eyes. But it’s not working here.”

  “Well, fudge.”

  Fudge, indeed. Christ, she was fucking cute.

  Far too good for him. But he didn’t want to think about that right now.

  “I’ll give you my number before we leave tonight. You’re going to go out immediately in the morning and get a new phone because I do not like the idea of you walking around without one. Then as soon as you get a phone, you text me. Understand? If I don’t get a text before midday then I’ll be taking off my belt next time I see you.”

  There was trepidation on her face as well as a hint of arousal. Hmm, liked the idea of his belt, did she?

  “If you’re ever late again, without contacting me, then you’ll get five spanks for every minute you’re late.”

  “Sugar balls.”

  Sugar balls? Really? Christ, how could she make him grin when he was trying to be strict with her? Brat.

  “Now, onto the serious part of the night.”

  “We haven’t got to the serious part?” she squeaked.

  “Stop being so damn cute,” he grumbled.

  “I’m being cute? Huh. Don’t think I’ve ever been called cute before.”

  “Don’t think you’ve ever worn ruffled panties either.”

  “Not sure about that, big guy. My mama had some very weird fashion tastes.”

  He winced. “Not sure I like that me and your mama might have bought you similar clothes.”

  “Don’t worry, she never bought them with the idea of taking them off me.”

  She went as red as a tomato while he threw his head back and roared with laughter. He laughed so hard that tears filled his eyes.

  He wiped them clear. “Well, brown eyes, think you’re right about that.” He winked at her.

  “I like it when you laugh,” she whispered. “You should do it more often.”

  Leaning in, he took in her scent. Cinnamon and vanilla. Delicious. “So should you.”

  “Haven’t had much to laugh about.”

  He wanted to change that.

  “Right, no more distractions, brat.” He tapped her nose. “I want you to tell me what you really felt after the last spanking I gave you.”

  “I’m not sure I can remember.”

  “I can re-enact it if that will help,” he growled back, not amused.

  “Son of a peach.”

  “Being cute only gets you so far, Betsy.”

  “I’ve never been cute before, so I’m not sure how far it can get me.”

  “Let me clue you in, if you find yourself over Daddy’s knee getting your butt spanked, then that’s how far.”

  “Well, fudge.”

  “And here we go.”


  He turned her over his knee.

  “No, no! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!”

  “Too late, brown eyes.” He didn’t grab her wrists up in his. He just held her over his lap until she stopped wriggling around, trying to escape. Then he slowly raised her skirt. “You need to learn to answer Daddy when he asks you something. You’re getting twenty.”

  She groaned.

  He placed his hand on her ass, just letting her feel the weight and warmth of it through her ruffled panties.

  “What did I tell you would happen the next time I spanked you, brown eyes?” he murmured.

  She stiffened. “You wouldn’t?”

  He felt safe grinning now. “Oh, I would.” He started lowering her panties. “Remember, you always have your safeword. I will honor it, even during a punishment.”

  “Except I’ll get another punishment.”

  “After we talk things through. If I deem it necessary.”

  Jesus. She was wrapping him around her little finger.

  You’re still in charge, man. Fucking act like it.

  “Saying your safeword to get out of a punishment is bratty behavior that incurs more punishment on top of the original,” he explained. “Saying your safeword when you’re in true distress or discomfort is completely different.”

  “I understand.”

  “Good.” He drew the panties down, revealing her tight, small ass.


  There was no way she wouldn’t be able to feel his erection pressing against her. And he was going to have to wait until he was home to damn well deal with it.

  “Maybe I should have bought the panties that said, Spank me, Daddy. Hmm?”

  “I don’t need those!”

  “Don’t you? Because I think that you lied about how you felt about that last spanking. I don’t think you disliked it. I think you’re confused because you felt the opposite.”

  “I didn’t like it! It hurt!”

  “And how did you feel during it? After it? The truth, please.”
r />   “I…I…felt odd.”


  He rubbed her ass as he talked. He wondered if she knew she was relaxing into his touch. She’d gone from flinching at the most innocent touch to practically purring in his arms as he massaged her butt.

  Her gorgeous, fuckable butt.

  Slap! He whacked his hand down on her right cheek.


  “You’re not talking to me, brown eyes.”

  “Oh drat. It’s hard to concentrate in this position, please can I get up?”

  The request was asked in such a sweet, respectful voice. He might have felt regret at denying her, if he wasn’t enjoying every damn second of holding her over his lap like this.

  “You asked so prettily, but I’m going to have to say no. I like having you like this. Bare. At my mercy.”

  “If you give an evil laugh, I’m so out of here.”

  “Got it. No evil laughing.”

  “How did I not know you are insane?” she asked.

  “How did I not know you’re a brat? Who still hasn’t answered me.”

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “Just so you know, these spanks aren’t part of your punishment,” he murmured.

  “What?” She tried to turn her head to look at him.

  “Oh no. These are because you’re still not answering me.”

  She groaned. “Fine. I felt odd. Like I wanted you to keep going. Like there was something inside me that had been locked down that wanted out. At the same time, I didn’t want you to keep going because I didn’t want to let that part out. Because I didn’t know how to rein it back in.”

  He paused, thinking that over. Sounded like the spanking had been getting through her emotional walls, which had scared her.


  “Thank you for telling me. It was naughty of you not to tell me that in the first place, but I get that you didn’t know me well. Now that you know me better, I won’t allow you to hold back. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now, it’s a count of twenty.”

  He smacked his hand down on her bare ass, loving the way her white skin instantly pinkened. Did it make him weird to enjoy this? Maybe. But fuck, he was in a building full of weirdos then, right?


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