Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2)

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Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2) Page 32

by Laylah Roberts

  She huffed out a breath that turned into a cough. Yeah, it was real amusing.

  Now that the wave of adrenaline was leaving her, she felt weak and cold. Could also be blood loss. She hated to think about how much dirt had gotten into the wound on her arm.

  Don’t think about it. Nothing you can do right now.

  She studied his back. He wouldn’t help her then turn around and hurt her, right?

  For God’s sake, Betsy. Of course he could do that.

  She swallowed. Watching Silence of the Lambs the other night with the boys had definitely not been a good idea. Her bottom clenched as she remembered the spanking she’d gotten for that.

  Best not think about it. Because if she thought too much about Ink right now, she might just break down and cry.

  She hated to think about how worried Ink and the boys must be.

  “Can feel you panicking from here. Don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you. If I was, I wouldn’t have pulled you out of that grave, would I? Simpler just to shoot you and leave.”

  Amazingly, she actually believed him. Maybe she was just being a naïve fool. Maybe she shouldn’t be so trusting. But she didn’t have much choice but to follow him right now. If she tried to run, she wouldn’t get far. She also had no idea where she was. She felt like a two-year-old coming down from a massive sugar high.

  She stumbled, managed to catch herself, clamping down on her bottom lip to stop the pained cry from escaping.

  Ow. Ow. Owie.

  He moved through the dark forest like he was gliding. Of course, he did have the flashlight. And he wasn’t injured. He also wasn’t recovering from a cold.

  By the time the Fox stopped at a clearing, her legs felt like jelly and she was near collapse. The Fox swept his flashlight over towards what looked to be an old trail. “This leads out to the road. Give Ink these instructions.” He rattled off some directions that she hoped she could remember.

  “D-do you have a p-phone I can use?” she asked through chattering teeth. This night felt so bizarre though that she couldn’t seem to grasp hold of a proper thought.

  Why was he telling her the instructions when he could just tell Ink himself? Where was his car? How had he gotten here?


  She gasped as she realized he was right in front of her. Shit. He moved so quietly. He had his flashlight aimed at the ground. And she looked down to find he was holding out a small cell phone. She held out her hand and he dropped it into her palm.

  “Call Ink, Betsy. Tell him to get here quick. Anyone else turns up other than him, you hide, understand?”

  “Y-yes.” But wasn’t he going to stay with her?

  “And tell Sunny that the Fox says hi. And to call me. I miss her.”

  He drew off his jacket and set it around her shoulders. She was so numb she barely felt the material touching her. But her shivers did start to die off. She tapped the screen of the phone, lighting it up as he moved away. She stiffened. Then a thought occurred to her.

  “Oh no, I don’t know his number. Do you know anyone who could—”

  She turned, her body swaying precariously at the movement, only to realize that the only light in the clearing was coming from the moon and the phone in her hand.

  And that she was all alone.

  “Hello? F-Fox? Are you there?”

  He…had he left her? But now, he’d left his jacket and phone with her. He wouldn’t just go. Would he?

  “Fox?” she asked in a higher-pitched voice.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Trembling, she stared around the clearing. Was this some sort of sick game? Was he going to leap out at her? Was he going to tell her to run in some creepy voice and then stalk her through the woods like he was hunting game?

  She hadn’t seen a gun on him, but then she hadn’t seen much of him at all, had she?

  But if that was the case why would he give her a phone? She could just call 911, right? He’d told her how Ink could find her…so long as he’d told the truth. She sobbed. She tapped the phone again, her finger hovering on the emergency button.

  Then something occurred to her. She looked at the phone and brought up the search bar. Please have data. There were three bars of reception on the phone. That should be enough. The search engine popped up and she nearly cried with relief. She typed in the name of Ink’s security company.

  Up popped a call button. She nearly dropped the phone in relief.

  “Hello, Callahan Security.”

  “Hello,” she said in a low voice. “This is Betsy McClain. I need to speak with Ink, do you think—”

  “Betsy? Holy shit! Ink has been going bat shit crazy trying to find you, girl.”

  Relief flooded her. He was searching for her.

  Of course he is. Have faith, Betsy.

  He told you he would always come for you.

  “Is he there?” She really needed to talk to him.

  “No, but I’m going to patch you through to him, all right? You just stay on the line, Betsy. Actually, tell me where you are just in case.”

  “I’m in the woods somewhere. I don’t know exactly where, but I was told to give Ink these instructions to find me.” She rattled off what the Fox had told her.

  “Okay, Betsy, if you stay on the line, I can also trace you. All right?”


  “Are you okay? Do you need medical care?” the man asked carefully.

  “I just w-want Ink.” Her voice was thin, wavering. Tears threatened and she blinked them back.

  Tears never helped anything, Betsy.

  Oh, shut up, Mama. She took in a shuddering breath, trying to calm herself.

  “I’ll put you through to him now, Betsy. Just going to put you on hold while I explain the situation.”

  “Wait!” she said sharply.


  “I don’t know your name, but you’re one of my favorite people on the planet right now.”

  There was a pause then a chuckle. “Yeah, well, tell the boss that. I could use a raise. Actually, maybe don’t. He might get the wrong idea and then I’ll end up with a black eye. I like my face the way it is. My name is Ryan. Here’s Ink. Stay safe, Betsy.” The humor had disappeared from his voice with that last admonishment and then Ink’s voice filled her ear.

  “Betsy! Brown eyes, are you there?”

  “I-Ink,” she managed to get out.

  “Oh, thank fuck. Betsy, I’m going out of my fucking mind here. Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

  “I’m okay.” She winced, knowing she’d pay for that when he discovered her injuries. But there wasn’t anything he could do about them right now except worry.

  Her legs buckled. She had to sit down. She looked around; she didn’t like standing out here in the clearing like this but she didn’t want to move closer to the trees in case she lost service.

  “Okay, huh? All right. Brown eyes, Ryan told me where you are. I’m coming to get you. Are you safe?”

  “I…I think so.”

  “You think so?” he asked sharply.

  She swallowed heavily. “I’m in a clearing. It makes me kind of nervous to be out in the open like this, but I’m scared if I move back into the trees that I might lose cell service.”

  “Shit. I’m coming, okay?” There was a muffled noise, like he had his hand over the receiver.

  “Ma?” a different voice came through the phone.

  “Baron?” she asked, voice trembling.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine, honey.”

  “Ink, Stone, Reyes and Spike are riding out to get you. We want to come too.”

  “No!” she said sharply. “Please, Baron. I need you and your brother to stay safely at home. Please.”

  He made a low noise then there were more shuffling sounds.

  “I’m back, brown eyes. Don’t worry, the boys are safe and staying here.”

  “Is Sunny all right?”

  “Sunny’s just fine. Worried about you. We all
are. Brody has a fix on your phone. If someone approaches do you think you have time to get somewhere where they can’t see you?”

  “Yes, I think so.” If her legs would cooperate.

  “We’re about an hour out. And by the way, I know you’re lying about being okay. Sunny said they shot you and you hit your head.”

  Poor Sunny, she must have been terrified.

  “Just a flesh wound. The bleeding’s stopped, I think. My head hurts but it’s tolerable. My nose is still stuffed up though,” she tried to joke.

  His growl through the phone told her it didn’t work.

  “I…I…Ink, I’m so scared,” she blurted out. She didn’t know if it was a good idea to tell him. She didn’t want him to do anything rash to get here.

  “I know you are, brown eyes. You know how I know? Because I’ve been going out of my mind for the last fucking six hours.” Just listening to his voice was calming her down. A wave of dizziness assaulted her. She wanted to sit but was worried she wouldn’t get back up again. Fat drops of rain hit her face, making her decision easier. She moved back under a tree, hoping that Ink didn’t cut out. She sank to the ground, keeping her gaze roaming around.

  “Brown eyes, what happened to the men who took you? Are they still around?”

  “No. They’re dead.”

  “Dead? How?”

  She cleared her throat. Should she tell him? He was already freaking, should she add to his worry? There was nothing he could do, after all. Nothing either of them could do.

  “Betsy, answer me. Now.”

  “I…I…there was a man.”

  “What fucking man?” he roared.

  Her mouth opened. Closed. Another shiver rocked her. She tried to huddle into the jacket, to keep herself warm. She didn’t like wearing someone else’s jacket.

  “Betsy, baby, I’m sorry for yelling. I didn’t scare you, did I? Button, are you all right? Talk to Daddy.”

  She let out a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

  “This man appeared out of nowhere and killed them. Then he led me out of the woods to this clearing and then he…he left.” She decided not to tell him that she’d been sitting in her own grave.

  “He left!”

  “Daddy, don’t be mad,” she whispered

  “I’m not mad at you, button. Never at you, understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Do you know where he went? Who he was? What was he doing there?”

  “He said he knows Sunny. And he called himself the Fox.”

  There was a minute of silence. “Daddy? Are you still there?”

  “That goddamn motherfucking bastard. He knew you’d been taken, injured and he didn’t fucking call one of us? Fucking bastard. Gonna fucking kill him. Wait, and he just left you on your own? That fucking douchecanoe, asswipe, jerkface…”

  She pulled the phone away from her ear, wincing as he continued to roar out his displeasure.

  “Ink? Daddy?” she asked. “Daddy?”

  There was silence then she could hear him take a deep breath. “Sorry, button. Shit. Sorry. Lost it for a minute there. Can’t believe he fucking left you.”

  “He did save me.”

  “Yeah. On his own fucking terms.”

  “Is he…is he dangerous?”

  Ink sighed. “He saved you? He didn’t threaten you?”

  “Well, yes. He said that he killed Forrest’s guys, he was really furious that they captured and hurt Sunny. And he led me out to this clearing, gave me his phone and jacket. So yeah, he saved me.”

  “Then I’d say you’re as safe as any of us. Well, except Sunny. She’s likely the only one in the world who’s truly safe from him.”

  “What? Why?”

  “He loves her.”

  “Umm…” She didn’t want to point out the obvious.

  “Not like that. Or at least, I don’t think it’s like that. Nah, if it was then he’d have taken her from Duke.”


  “Not that Duke would let her go. The Fox would have to fucking kill him for that to happen. Then Sunny would hate the Fox. Which is possibly the only reason he hasn’t done it. The Fox doesn’t seem to have much of a moral code but he does care what Sunny thinks. It’s likely why he helped you. For her. He probably knows that you’re her friend. It wouldn’t be for me.”

  “He…he seemed to know things about me. How?”

  “God knows. If he’s bugged us again, I’ll track him down and kill him. Don’t care that he’s a fucking assassin-for-hire.”


  “He’s a what?” she squeaked. Her breath came in sharp pants. That ended in a coughing fit. Damn cold.

  “It’s okay, brown eyes, you’re okay. He wasn’t there to hurt you.”

  “A-a-assassin? S-sunny is f-friends with an a-assassin?”

  “Friends might be a loose term for their relationship. I’ll explain it later. He has no reason to hurt you. Pretty sure he only harms the people he’s hired to kill.”

  She let out a burst of laughter. There was no humor in it. “He said he was used to dragging bodies around.”

  “Christ. I’ll fucking kill him.”

  “No. No. He did help me. I think I owe him my life.”

  More silence. “I do not like owing that fucker something. But yeah, you’re right.”

  Shivers racked her body. Fear was still flowing through her body. A small whimper escaped her lips. She was so cold. And scared.

  Thunder roared and she let out a cry. Oh God. Just wonderful. It was growing even colder. There was a storm coming.

  “Betsy? Betsy, you still there?”


  “Betsy? What’s wrong? Tell me right the fuck now.” His voice was wild. He was on the edge.

  “I’m all right. I’m okay. It’s just…I’m not used to the outdoors. And it’s dark. And cold. And I just heard thunder and it’s starting to rain.”

  “Yeah, it’s pouring down here. It’s all right, brown eyes. I’m on my way. All you have to do is stay safe until I get there.”

  “Maybe I should walk out towards the road. It will be safer there, right?”

  “Just stay where you are. I’ll tell you when we’re close. Stone is driving my truck, Spike and Reyes are in his truck behind me. They all wanted to come, but Sunny’s in no condition to be moving around. And I needed Razor and Jason to stay with Royal and Baron. Don’t trust them not to sneak out after me.”

  “Yeah, that sounds like something they’d do.”

  “The safest thing is to stay where you are. Right now, you’re safe. All right?”

  “All right,” she whispered.

  “Brown eyes, I’m about thirty minutes away. You can do this. When I get there, I’m going to hold onto you and I’m not letting you go for a long time. You’re going to get sick of me, because Daddy isn’t letting you out of his sight for at least the next twenty years.”

  She let out a small sob. “I must be suffering from shock because that actually sounds good. Ink?”

  “Yeah, Brown eyes.”

  “I lo—”

  “Nope,” he interrupted her.

  “Nope?” She didn’t understand. Was he rejecting her declaration of love?

  “No, you are not telling me that for the first time over the phone, Elizabeth Victoria,” he said sternly. “You tried it before when you thought you were going to die. You are going to tell me in person. I’m coming, Betsy.”

  This time, the tears slipped free, dripping down her cheeks. “I know. I know you are.”

  “So you do your job, brown eyes. I’ll do mine. Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” she agreed.

  “I’m nearly there. Hold on.”

  Ink’s truck bounced along the worn track. The road had disappeared about five minutes ago, turning into this track. Stone was driving so he could concentrate on talking to Betsy. Behind them, Spike drove his truck.

  “All right, brown eyes, I’m nearly there. Keep an eye out for my lights.”<
br />
  “I’m ready.” Her voice was growing faint and it worried him. A couple of times he’d been certain she’d fallen off to sleep. She’d told him she’d just closed her eyes. He was worried about her injuries. And the fact that she was out in the cold when she was still ill.

  “I…I see lights.”

  Stone parked the truck and Ink jumped out. “Betsy!”

  Where was she? Then he saw her. She stumbled out from the shadows. She was moving slowly, painfully. Her arm was hanging at her side.

  But she was there. She was alive.

  Relief flooded him and he strode forward. He hesitated before he grabbed her. She slumped against him.

  He caught her up, even as she let out a cry of pain.

  “Brown eyes. Jesus. Fuck. Jesus.” He couldn’t get any other words past his lips. He leaned down and brushed his lips over her head. Then he drew her carefully back, supporting her with his hands on her hips. “Brown eyes…” his voice cracked. Fuck.

  “I’m all right,” she said. “Now that you’re here, I’m all right.”

  Reyes walked forward and wrapped a jacket around her. “Let’s get her out of here. I’ve called Hack, told him to meet us at your place. Figured she’d feel most comfortable there. But we can go to the compound if you’d rather.”

  “I want to go home,” she whispered.

  “Guys that took her are dead,” Ink explained, gently swinging her up into his arms and starting towards the truck. It was pouring down now. He needed to get her dry. He set her in the backseat. She reached for him with a cry.

  “I’m coming, brown eyes.” He turned to Reyes. “Apparently the Fox rescued her and took them out.”

  Reyes scowled. “Want me and Spike to go searching for them?”

  Ink shook his head. “No way of knowing where the bodies are. No doubt Fox is taking care of things. I just want to get Betsy home and taken care of.”

  Reyes patted his back as Ink climbed into the truck. He drew her against his chest as Stone turned the heater up.

  She let out a gasping whimper as they moved over a rough piece of ground. Stone slowed down.

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” he muttered.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Damn it, I should have brought blankets.” He held his hand to her forehead. “You’re burning up. Fuck! Maybe we should head straight to the hospital rather than meeting Hack at my place.”


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