Arbitration Commission 18
arbitration system, federal48–49
Asian immigration 114, 124
asylum seekers 115, 138–139, 151
Australian Socialist League 42
Australian troops, deployments 61, 74, 87, 90, 92
banks, nationalisation proposed 83, 84
Barton, Edmund 3, 11, 12–15
border security 115, 138–139, 151
‘Brisbane Line’ 79
British House of Commons position 27
British loans 53, 58
Bruce, Stanley Melbourne 45, 46, 47–49, 65
Cairns, Dr Jim 119
Cameron, Archie 69, 101
Canberra, development of 48
‘Captain’s Calls’ 159
carbon tax 149, 151, 158
caretaker prime ministers3–4, 102, 120, 123
Chifley, Joseph Benedict 80, 82–85
‘Children Overboard Affair’138–139
China, diplomatic relations with 118
coalition partnerships 22, 68, 69, 70, 101
Commonwealth Court of Conciliation 18
Communism 48, 85, 91
Connor, Rex 119
conscription 39, 43–44, 52, 57, 75, 87, 92, 118
consultation, lack of144–145, 159
Cook, Sir Joseph 19, 36, 37–40
corruption allegations152 credit squeeze 92, 96
Curtin, John Joseph Ambrose61, 71, 72–76
Deakin, Alfred 14, 16, 17–19, 51
defence services, establishing 38
deposed by own party, prime ministers2–3, 6, 70, 129, 132–133, 145, 146, 152, 159–160
Dismissal, The 117, 119–120, 122, 123
double dissolutions 39, 91, 119
Curtin’s drinking problem 73
Hawke admits problem 128
Hawke’s world record 127
East Timor 115
economic development within Imperial framework 48
post-World War II 84
economic reforms 132, 137, 138
Fadden, Sir Arthur William 45, 67, 68–70, 91, 101, 110
Federation9–10, 13, 18
Fisher, Andrew 18, 28, 29–32, 39
Forde, Francis Michael 77, 78–80
Fraser, John Malcolm 106, 114, 119, 121, 122–125
Gallipoli 31
Gillard, Julia 144, 145–146, 148, 149–153
Gorton, Sir John Grey 103, 104–107, 111
government spending, cuts to 124
government spending cuts 57
Great Depression 34, 52–53
gun control 137
Hasluck, Paul 106
Hawke, Robert James Lee 124, 126, 127–129
high commissioners, London 27, 31, 40, 43, 74
High Court 14
Holt, Harold Edward 92, 94, 95–98, 123
Howard, John Winston 135, 136–140
Hughes, William Morris 31, 39, 41, 65
Imperial Honours System 159
income tax, flat 26
industrial relations changes 139
industrial tensions 49
infrastructure30–31, 84
institutional establishments 18
‘It’s Time’ campaign 87, 112, 118
Johnson, President L.B. 97
Keating, Paul John 129, 130, 131–134
Korean War 87
Kyoto Protocol 144
land rights 114, 115, 133
land tax 26
Lang, Jack53–54, 131
‘Lang Labor’ group 54, 61
League of Nations membership 44
Lewis, Essington 74
‘Loans Affair’ 119
Lyne, Sir WIlliam 14
Lyons, Enid 57
Lyons, Joseph Aloysius 45, 54, 56–59
MacArthur, General Douglas 75
market reform 133
McEwen, Sir John 99, 100–102, 105, 110, 111
McKew, Maxine 140
McMahon, Sir William 102, 105, 108, 109–112
memorial service, Harold Holt 98
Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon 3, 45, 58–59, 66, 87, 89–93
mining tax 158
ministerial portfolios, Rudd announces 144
multiculturalism 114, 124
national anthem 114
nation-building period8–10
native title 114, 115, 133
Nelson, Brendan 165
New Guinea, Australian control 44
Niemeyer, Sir Otto 53
Northern New South Wales Separation League 64
Operation Sovereign Borders 158
Page, Sir Earle Christmas Grafton 45, 63, 64–66, 69, 90, 101
Parkes, Sir Henry 13, 26
Parliament House, officially opened 35
Parliamentary Apology, Stolen Generations 144
Peacock, Andrew 137
Petrov, Vladimir 92
Political Labor Council 51
political parties Australian Labor Party 9
Country Party 34, 44–45, 65
Fusion Party 19, 33–34, 38
Liberal Party 45, 70
Liberal Party of Australia 5, 91, 137
National Labor Party 44, 52
National Party 34, 44
Nationalist Party 39
Protectionist Party 22
three main9–10
two-party system 10
United Australia Party (UAP) 45, 53, 58, 69, 90, 91
see also coalition partnerships preferential employment bill 39
prime ministers British subject 21
deaths in office 2, 56, 59, 62, 72, 76, 90
forced to resign 2
former Labour minister, non-Labor PM 58
Free Trade prime minister 25
loses own seat 49, 140
‘the most humourless’ 37
multiple terms2–3, 129, 146
retired by choice 2
revolving door 162
top five list 4
youngest 21
Public Service 18
reconciliation 133
longest serving MP 3, 45
longest serving PM 89, 92
Reid, Sir George Houstoun 18, 24, 25–27
Rein, Thérèse 143
republic referendum 165, 169
Reserve Bank 96
Rudd, Kevin Michael 139, 141, 142–147
Scullin, James Henry 34, 50, 51–54
Shorten, Bill 152
Slipper, Peter 152
Snedden, Billy 123
Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme 87
social policy, Turnbull 166
social welfare/reforms 18, 30–31, 96, 118, 129
‘solidarity pledge’ 38
Soviet spying 92
Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) 114
‘Stop the Boats’ promise 158
Theodore, Ted 53, 57
Thompson, Craig 152
trade unions anti-union legislation 48
preferential employment 39
Turnbull, Malcolm Bligh 160, 161, 162–167
Uluru (Ayers Rock)114–115
US, Australia turns to 75
Vietnam War 87, 92, 97
VIP aircraft, alleged misuse 97
voting, compulsory 35
voting rights, women 9
war cabinet 90
‘war on terror’ 115, 138
Waterside Workers’ Federation 43
Watson, John Christian 18, 20–23, 20
White Australia Polic
y 9, 14, 22, 96, 118
Whitlam, Edward Gough 116, 117–120, 125
women, voting rights 9, 14
World War I 31, 34
World War II60–61, 86–87, 90
First published 2016
Exisle Publishing Pty Ltd
‘Moonrising’, Narone Creek Road, Wollombi, NSW 2325, Australia
P.O. Box 60-490, Titirangi, Auckland 0642, New Zealand
Copyright © 2016 in text: Kim Wildman and Derry Hogue
Kim Wildman and Derry Hogue assert the moral right to be identified as the authors
of this work.
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A CiP record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia.
Print ISBN 978-1-77559-266-2
ePub ISBN 978-1-921497-11-7
Design and typesetting by Nick Turzynski of redinc. book design
All photographs, with the exception of the photograph of Malcolm Turnbull on
page 161, supplied by AUSPIC/DPS.
The photograph of Malcolm Turnbull supplied by the Office of Malcolm Turnbull.
While this book is intended as a general information resource and all care has been
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First Among Equals Page 10