Their New Home [The Men of Space Station Two 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Their New Home [The Men of Space Station Two 1] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  “That’s it, babe. Come for us.” Mason was having trouble holding back his climax for her.

  “Scream on my cock, hon. When you come, I want to feel it on my cock.” Mason cupped her cheek in his hand as she sucked on him.

  Just when Mason thought he’d come without her, Randi screamed around Bryson’s dick like he’d asked while bucking under him. That’s all it took for him to empty his wad deep inside her cunt. He heaved, trying to catch his breath as Bryson pulled from Randi’s mouth and came all over her chest. The other man slouched forward, catching a hand on the headboard to keep from falling on their woman.

  To his surprise, Randi reached down with one finger and scooped up a fingerful of Bryson’s cum and sucked it into her mouth. She smiled at them under hooded eyelids. Randi was perfect for them. If he hadn’t already thought that, this proved it. Mason was sure he was already falling in love with her.

  * * * *

  Randi yawned then stretched as she climbed from between the two men. It was still early, but she’d slept like a rock after the night they’d had together. She grinned like a silly girl remembering what they’d done in bed together. She never would have believed that she could be that wanton before. Not only had she fingered herself to orgasm with the guys right there, but she’d sucked on Bryson’s cum while they’d watched.

  Sheesh. I’m getting all turned on again. Since when have I been this sex starved?

  She padded into the kitchen and started the coffee for her men. She liked that. Her men. They were, and she was their woman. Even more than before she felt like they were a family. Nothing could have prepared her for the possessiveness she felt toward both of the guys. They were perfect in every way.

  Yeah, there were times Mason’s stubbornness got to her and Bryson’s constant teasing sometimes bothered her, but that was natural in any relationship. No one was perfect. She sure wasn’t.

  By the time the men made it downstairs, Randi had breakfast ready for them. She’d gathered the eggs, leaving the majority of them for the other families in a basket for them to pick up later. She’d poured some of the milk from the bucket into a gallon pitcher and had carried it and the eggs back to the house after putting the coffee on.

  “Did you sleep okay? You sure were up early,” Mason said.

  “I slept great. Just woke up and didn’t see any reason to lie around in bed when I had things to do. I plan to do some baking today for this weekend.”

  “What all do you plan to make?” Bryson asked.

  “Bread, some rolls, a stone berry pie and maybe some egg custard.”

  “Better make extra ’cause you know we’re going to want to eat some when we get back home,” Mason said.

  Randi chuckled. “I figured as much. I’ll be sure to make an extra pie just for you guys.”

  They finished their breakfast then got ready to leave. Randi gave them each a kiss.

  “What are you doing today?” she asked.

  “Don’t expect us back until tonight. We’re going over to the store to help unload some grain one of the farmers is bringing over to make room for the new crop when it comes in. We all need to know how to work every part of the storage facilities in case one of us gets sick or something,” Mason told her. “We should be back by supper time.”

  “If you need anything, use the radio to get hold of us,” Bryson added.

  “That nasty little bunnycat can keep you company.” Mason hissed at the creature that had taken up residence on the floor in front of the stove.

  “It’s not nasty. He’s sweet.”

  “Whatever. Keep him off my chair. I don’t like sitting on fur.” Mason walked outside followed by Bryson wearing a wide grin.

  Randi smiled the entire time she cleaned the kitchen then she set out what she needed to bake.

  “They’re good men, Tinker. I know Mason fusses about you, but he’s fine with you being here now. I know I am. I’m counting on you keeping me safe when they’re not around.”

  The bunnycat yawned then rolled over on its side as if bored.

  “Some friend you are,” she told it with a smile.

  She spent the next four hours baking bread and rolls. She took a break for a quick sandwich then returned to baking, making three stone berry pies and two custard pies. By the time she’d started supper, Randi was exhausted. She curled up in her chair and fell fast asleep waiting for the men to show up.

  A soft nudge not long later woke her as Tinker climbed up in her lap and made the cutest stuttering purr sound she’d ever heard.

  “You sound just like a motorcycle did back on Earth. I miss living there. My mom and dad are gone now. My brother is on another planet somewhere, and all my friends are either dead or on another planet like my brother.”

  The bunnycat bumped her hand, so she started petting it. “I sure hope we all get to be good friends here. I get lonely here while the guys are out working. I know once we plant and things start growing I’ll get busier, but right now I feel all alone.”

  Randi chuckled when the creature patted her cheek with one paw then head-butted her chin before kneading her thigh like a cat making biscuits. The little thing was so cute and cuddly until it bared its double row of sharp teeth. That was a sight she didn’t like seeing. It had only happened twice so far. Both times were at Mason when he’d threatened to toss it outside.

  “Mason likes you, you know. He’s just grumpy at times. Don’t pay him any attention. Now that he’s fussed about having you in the house he can’t back down from it, but he likes you.”

  Randi heard the back door open. She scooted the creature off her lap and got up to greet her men. Both looked beat as they walked inside and pulled off their boots at the door.

  “You both look done for. Why don’t you go clean up and rest until supper is ready?” she suggested.

  “You’ll have to wake us up. I doubt either of us will be able to keep our eyes open for long. I don’t think I’ve worked that hard since I was a teenager rounding up cattle to brand,” Mason said.

  “Me either. I think every muscle in my body is on fire.” Bryson stretched then groaned.

  “Supper will be ready in about an hour. That gives you a good forty-five minutes to nap, guys.”

  Randi watched as they shuffled out of the kitchen. She felt bad for them. Still, she knew how they felt to a certain degree. She’d been on her feet cooking nearly all day. She quickly set the table and fried chicken along with making rice and gravy. It should be a good, hardy meal for them after working so hard.

  An hour later she woke the dozing men up and ushered them into the kitchen to eat. They both smiled at the platter of fried chicken, bowls of rice and gravy, homemade rolls, and purple hull peas.

  “Damn this looks good. Thanks, babe,” Mason said.

  “I feel like I could eat an entire chicken by myself,” Bryson added.

  “I hope there’s enough but save room for pie.”

  Each man filled their plate then scarfed down the food before sitting back and rubbing their bellies.

  “That was amazing,” Bryson said.

  “I’m going to pass on pie right now,” Mason said. “I’ll eat a piece after this settles.”

  “Me, too.” Bryson got up and carried his plate to the sink.

  It was another reason she liked them. Even though they’d worked hard all day, they still did the little things for her like rinsing out their plates and setting them on the counter for her to load the dishwasher. Those seemingly innocent things meant a lot to her.

  She quickly cleaned up then joined them in the living room. Both men were lightly snoring. She doubted they would want any pie when they woke up. They’d want to go straight to bed she was sure. Randi didn’t blame them. They’d obviously worked hard all day.

  The funny thing was that Tinker had curled up in Mason’s lap and was snoring right along with them. Randi smothered a laugh at the sight of the bunnycat sleeping away in his nemesis’s lap. In that moment, she wished she had the camera
to show Mason what he missed by falling asleep, but she really didn’t want to move from her chair to go get it from the office. Instead, she picked up her e-reader and dived into her current romance.

  An hour later, Bryson roused enough to open one eye. His lazy smile as he looked over at Mason and his guest was priceless. Randi put her finger to her lips so he didn’t wake the other man up.

  “Shhh, he’s so cute like that.”

  “Are you saying he’s only cute and cuddly when he’s asleep?” Bryson asked in a soft voice.

  “No, but the second he wakes up and sees Tinker on his lap he’ll go crazy. If he does that, the bunnycat will probably scratch or bite him. Let him sleep a little longer,” she said. “I’ll get the creature off him in a while. I’m at a good part in my book.”

  “Ah, reading dirty romance, are you?” Bryson grinned wider now. “Maybe you should read it to me. You know, to give me some new ideas.”

  “Not on your life.”

  “Aw, come on. Let me hear what turns you on.”

  “You guys are good at doing that without instructions. No need for you to read up on it.”

  Bryson chuckled. “So, we turn you on just fine, huh? I’ll remember that for later.” He winked at her.

  Mason murmured something in his sleep and shifted in the chair. The bunnycat stood and stretched then jumped down and walked to the kitchen where she kept a bowl of water for it. They’d already discovered it preferred meat to anything else, so the animal ate whatever they had for breakfast and supper. It didn’t seem to care about lunch.

  “How about you finish reading, and I’ll wake Mason up, and we’ll shower and get ready for bed. Then you can come up when you’re ready?”

  “That sounds like a great idea.”

  Bryson roused Mason despite his cursing then the two of them checked all the doors and windows before heading upstairs. Randi loved that they were so diligent about safety. Despite the fencing surrounding not only the entire compound but the additional fence around their yard, she couldn’t help but worry about what could climb over or tunnel under.

  “See you when you come up, hon,” Bryson told her.

  Mason seemed to be operating on autopilot the way he shuffled up the stairs. Randi smiled. They were wonderful. Neither man had fussed about her reading so much when she had the chance. Once they put in the garden, there wouldn’t be many chances available to her.

  After finishing the chapter, Randi got a drink of water then headed upstairs. She expected the men to be awake and waiting for her, but both men were sound asleep once again. Well, maybe tomorrow night she could seduce them into making love to her once again.

  They were terrible teases when they weren’t exhausted. She liked how they touched her every chance they got and the way they teased her during the meals. It all made for a heady feeling throughout the day. She anticipated their return and what might happen later that night. So far, they’d surpassed her wildest dreams when they loved on her. She just hoped they were as satisfied as she was.

  Randi showered and climbed into bed. She didn’t bother with clothes any longer. They’d gotten past her modesty for the most part. She still tended to huddle beneath the covers until they came to bed if she was the first to shower. She didn’t think it would take long before she was used to them and could strut around naked in front of them. Maybe.

  Chapter Six

  Jane and Felicity helped Randi put away the food they’d each brought for when they’d finished planting that afternoon. The men were already gearing up, setting the seeds in front of the row where they were going to go. Randi and her men had planned their locations based on the ledgers from previous gardens from the other settlers. They knew what worked well close together and what didn’t.

  “I can’t wait to get finished with this so we can all relax and talk. I’ve missed you, Randi. Jane and I get to chat all the time,” Felicity told her.

  “I’ve missed you guys, too. We’ll have to plan to at least eat lunch together once a week. Surely we can manage that.” Randi closed the refrigerator door.

  “At least call on the radio and chat if nothing else,” Jane said.

  “I really hadn’t thought about that. I can do that,” Randi said. “That’s a good idea.”

  “Hey, ladies. Time to get to work. The day’s a wasting,” Marcus said from the doorway.

  “We’re coming,” Jane called out.

  The three of them laughed then strode outside to begin the long, arduous task of planting seeds. After an hour of bending over and dropping seeds into the narrow trough Mason was making, Randi’s back ached something fierce. She stood at one point and stretched, trying to relieve some of the kinks.

  “Back hurting?” Mason asked.

  “Yeah, but I’ll be okay. Am I planting the seeds too close together?” she asked.

  “Looks good to me.” He called out to Bryson who was covering and tamping down the soil behind Randi. “Bryson, are the seeds far enough apart?”

  “Yep. She’s planting them just right.”

  “There you go. Keep it up, babe.” Mason nodded at her. “You know Bryson is staring at your butt while he’s back there.”

  Randi felt her face heat up. “Thanks. I hadn’t thought of that. Now I’m going to feel self-conscious about my big butt in his face.”

  “Your butt isn’t big. It’s just right. Perfect in fact.” Mason winked at her.

  Randi sighed and shook her head. There was no getting one over on him. He always knew what to say. She bent back over, thinking about her ass up in the air and began dropping seeds into the trough once more.

  By the time they took a break for a light lunch, Randi wasn’t sure she’d ever stand up straight again. Her back was killing her. To her surprise, Bryson turned her around on the bench they were sitting on at the picnic table and began massaging her back. She moaned. It was echoed by Felicity next as Aaron started on her back, as well.

  Jane presented her back to Rusty and looked expectantly over her shoulder at the man. He chuckled. “Thanks, guys, for showing me up.”

  They all laughed but didn’t stop the massage. Randi nearly lay down on the bench but would have ended up in Felicity’s lap. After another ten minutes, the guys stopped and demanded food.

  “We need to keep our energy up. We’ve still got a couple of hours’ worth of work ahead of us,” Bryson said.

  The women all groaned but stood to bring out the sandwiches they’d made earlier with Randi’s homemade bread. The guys scarfed theirs down followed by tea while the women took their time, not wanting to end up with a bellyache when they had to bend over again.

  “Let’s change up. We’ll cover the seeds while one of you plants them,” Felicity suggested.

  “I sense a mutiny on our hands,” Aaron said in his best pirate imitation.

  “You bet your parrot,” Jane added.

  “Okay. We’ll see how it goes. Covering up the seeds isn’t all that easy either. Wear our gloves so you don’t end up with blisters.”

  They exchanged gloves and the hoes with the guys and took their places at the end of the line. After thirty minutes, Randi was thoroughly enjoying the view of Mason’s ass ahead of her. It wasn’t too hard covering the seeds then tamping down on the soil over them, but she was sure her hands were going to be tired the next day.

  Three hours later, while the guys watered the garden, the women prepared the feast. They had everything from fried chicken to posh casserole and lots of posco fruit as well as mashed potatoes.

  Randi set her rolls on the table just as the men walked up, drying their hands on their jeans. She shook her head at them.

  “Go inside and wash up. You’re not sitting down at the table with dirty hands. Your jeans are nasty,” she told them.

  The six men grumbled but did as she asked. Jane walked outside with the last two glasses of tea as the men filed inside.

  “Looks like everything is ready,” Felicity said. “This was a great idea. None of us would hav
e felt like cooking a full meal after the day we’ve had.”

  “Cold fried chicken is great when you’re eating it at a picnic but not so much when you come home from working all day,” Jane said.

  “The only thing we’re missing is potato salad. I just didn’t think it was necessary since we had so much else to eat.” Randi sat and waited for the men to return.

  “I agree. Plus, there’s enough pie and cake to fill anyone up. We all made sweets,” Jane said.

  They ate and chatted then talked some more after all the food had been put away. It was nearly dark before they broke up to return to their respective homes. Randi had had a ball. They needed to do this more often when the work allowed. It was nice to have other women to talk to. She really needed to remember to use the radio and call to check on them occasionally.

  “Have a good time?” Mason asked her.

  “It was great. It even made up for all the hard work. My back aches, but it’s better after the massage.”

  “You were looking at my ass the entire time you were covering those seeds, weren’t you,” Mason said.

  “Not all the time. I had to be sure I was actually covering up the seeds and not digging another row up.”

  Mason and Bryson both chuckled.

  “Did it make you horny?” Bryson asked.

  “Maybe a little.”

  Mason picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. “Just a little? Bet when I strip you out of these clothes you’re soaking wet for us.”

  “I need a shower, guys.”

  “We’ll clean you up. How does a shower for three sound?” Bryson asked.

  “We can’t all fit into the shower,” Randi protested.

  “Sure, we can. They made it large enough for all three of us on purpose. You’ll see,” Mason told her.

  When Mason started up the stairs, Randi squealed and latched onto the belt at his waist. He just laughed and slapped her ass when she did. Bryson followed behind her, laughing, as well.


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