The Dark Kingdom Anthology

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The Dark Kingdom Anthology Page 1

by Krissy V

  The Dark Kingdom Anthology

  Alice Le Roux

  Anna Edwards

  Brooke Summers

  Gemini Jensen

  Isabel Lucero

  Karen Frances

  Krissy V

  Leah Negron

  Logan Fox

  P.T Macias

  Raven Amor

  Samantha Fontien

  Sean Azinsalt

  Taylor Porter

  Copyright © 2020 Dark Kingdom Authors

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit scenes, adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

  Disclaimer: Please do not try any sexual practice without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from the use of the information contained in this book.

  Formatting by Anna Edwards -

  We want to thank all the authors who have contributed to this wonderful collection of stories. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without you all.

  Anna Edwards, thank you for doing our formatting for us to make this beautiful book.

  Give Me Books for organising our cover reveal, release day blitz and for arranging our ARC’s, and doing the boost. But most of all, thank you for being amazing to work with.

  Hope you enjoy this anthology.


  Brooke, Krissy & Raven



  Alice La Roux

  The Council of Seven

  Anna Edwards


  Brooke Summers

  Saving Reli

  Gemini Jensen

  Prince of Ruin

  Isabel Lucero

  Captured in Underland

  Karen Frances

  In to deep

  Krissy V

  Catch me if you can

  Leah Negron

  Web of Rejection

  Logan Fox

  A beast by any other name

  P.T Macias

  Princess and the Capo

  Raven Amor


  Samantha Fontien


  Sean Azinsalt


  Taylor Porter

  Innocence Lost

  Everyone loves a fairytale story, right? What about if that story that you know inside out is taken and dragged into a dark world? Do you think you’d love that as much? Of course you would or you wouldn’t have downloaded the Dark Kingdom Anthology.

  There are 14 authors who have taken your favourite fairytales and mashed it up, taken it apart, put it back together again with different characters, different locations and sometimes a different ending.

  We hope you will open your mind, relax and enjoy these dark, slightly familiar tales.

  The Dark Kingdom Anthology Authors


  “It’s almost time, she should wake soon.” I hear a voice mumble through the fog.

  “Number Seven is going to be happy. He has a soft spot for this one.”

  My eyes won’t open, it’s like they’ve been glued shut as I try to focus. Everything in my mind is hazy, I must still be dreaming.

  “I don’t know why; she doesn’t look like anything special.” I hear a noise above me that sounds like something tapping on glass. It stops after a moment.

  A soft chuckle. “You’ll see soon enough.”

  Where am I? I relax, finally realising that fighting my own body is pointless. I wasn’t ready to wake, so I may as well go back to dreaming… At least in my dreams I wasn’t afraid.

  Chapter One

  I blink, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the light—it’s bright in here, and my skin feels too tight. I rub my face, wincing as I feel something sharp in my left hand—a cannula is stuck into my skin but not hooked up to anything. Where am I? Have I been sick? What were they putting into me? I run my fingers over my body, but nothing seems out of place other than a needle in my hand.

  “Hello? Is anyone there?” I call out as I sit up. I’m not in a hospital like I thought, but instead on a large plush bed with white silk sheets. The walls are dark red, and a huge mirror dominates the wall opposite me. There is a small table and a single chair in the corner but nothing else, nothing personal, and yet it feels familiar.

  A man in black scrubs with a face mask comes in with a small bag and a clipboard. He appears to be around the age of thirty with a few lines around his eyes and a smattering of grey hair. His grey eyes don’t meet mine as he stands next to the bed, eyebrows furrowed together.

  “Riley O’Hara,” he says as he reads some notes. “Please lay back down while I take some bloods.”

  I begin to tremble, something about him makes me nervous. “Am I sick? Where am I? What happened?”

  He sighs softly. “No, but the re-awakening process can take its toll on the body, and we need to make sure you’re in top condition before The Council arrives.”

  He sits on the edge of the bed and gently inserts a needle into the crook of my arm. We’re both silent as the vial fills up with crimson liquid. As quickly as he pushed the needle in, he’s removing it and placing it inside his little bag. He tapes a little ball of cotton wool over the puncture, watching me carefully.

  “Who? What? Re-awakening?” I mumble, “I’m sorry...I don’t understand.”

  He pulls his mask down under his chin as he explains, “The Council of Seven, our benefactors. They fund this little project, and in return, they have certain freedoms.”

  Have I met him before? His face looks familiar as the ghost of a small smile flits across his face, the type that feels a little forced and never reaches the eyes.

  I sit up, my head spinning. “What project? Where am I?”

  “The Eden Enterprise.” He says it simply, as though I should know, but I don’t. I don’t know anything. I didn’t even know my name until he spoke it, and still it feels odd, like a pair of shoes that don’t quite fit and rub at the ankle. The name Riley O’Hara is chafing at my mind, like there’s something important I should know.

  His gaze finally meets mine, and I see kindness, but there’s also something else, and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

  “What is The Eden Enterprise?”

  “I don’t have time to explain,” he says softly as he checks my pulse and then my blood pressure, scribbling the results down on his clipboard. He removes the cannula from my hand quickly and almost painlessly, like he’s done this a million times before.

  Why can’t I recall anything? I close my eyes and try to force a memory. I focus on my breathing. I remember...nothing. Blank. It’s all blank.

  Once he’s done, he stands but not before placing a hand on my shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry, I have to
leave now. Your vitals are all perfect. I really am sorry, Riley. Maybe this time will be different…”

  “Wait, Dr…” I realise I don’t know his name either.

  Another almost smile. “Dr. Saith. And I can’t. They’ll be here soon.”

  “What do you mean this time? Doctor! Doctor!” I shout out as he leaves, swinging my legs out to try and stand, but as I hear the click of a lock, I know it’s pointless. He’s gone, and I’m trapped. But why? What is The Eden Enterprise? Where am I?

  I stumble out of the bed, my legs feeling like they aren’t mine as I try to stand. Even though I heard the lock, I still try the handle and half sob when it confirms what I already knew. Why am I here? I look around, to see if there is another way out, but there isn’t even a window. If only there was something I could use as a weapon, I think to myself, but again there’s nothing. It’s like they anticipated that whoever was in this room would try to find a way out. Was I a danger to myself? Was this a mental hospital? Or was I a danger to them? A wave of tiredness washes over me, and I sit, trying to catch my breath. My thoughts are a mess as panic keeps me going in circles. I stagger back over to the bed, admitting defeat but promising myself I would try again when I wasn’t so exhausted.

  I’m not even sure how much time has passed when someone else finally enters my room. With no widow, the lighting changes every so slightly, and I’ve been using that as my indicator for time of day. The room has a brightness to it that makes me think it’s close to midday when two women in red scrubs with black face masks enter. They say nothing as they take an arm each and pull me carefully out of the bed.

  “Where are we going?” I demand as they get me to my feet. “What’s happening?”

  They look at each other, and I can see one of them roll her eyes before they start guiding me towards the door, my legs still weak and wobbly.

  “No, I won’t go!” I screech as I try digging my heels in.

  The smaller of the two leans in and hisses in my ear. “It’s time for a shower and some hot food. Stop fighting us!”

  “Then someone please tell me what I’m doing here,” I sob, feeling exhausted again.

  She pinches my side, and I yelp but start moving again. “You are part of the project, so be quiet and do what you’re told.”

  We shuffle along a white corridor, past other doors, but we don’t come across another person before we enter a communal shower. One of the women turns off the water and waits for it to steam before helping me untie my hospital gown.

  I take her hand in mine. “But I don’t understand...I don’t even know what the project is.”

  Pulling her fingers free of mine, she places my hand on my chest before whispering, “They will hurt you if you don’t cooperate.”

  The other nurse slaps her arm. “Don’t tell her that!”

  The smaller one shrugs and looks sadly at me. “It’s the truth.”

  “This is Snow White,” the larger one leans in and mutters. “They’re going to hurt her anyway.”

  The smaller one looks away, not meeting my eyes. Who was going to hurt me? Why? In the name of science? Was I part of an experiment?

  “I’m what?” Something stirs in the back of my head but still no memory, just a feeling, like I’ve been here before. “Snow White? Wasn’t that...a fairy-tale?”

  They don’t answer my questions, instead they push me under the hot water and one begins to scrub my body with a sponge and some gel while the other puts shampoo in my hair. I try to ask more questions, but the water fills my mouth every time I do.

  Chapter Two

  I’m led back to the room, where they dress me in a white silk negligee with a matching G-string. This was too sexy for a hospital and setting off all kinds of alarm bells in my head. They both tuck me into the bed before leaving, and I’m beyond frustrated and confused since neither of them would talk to me after the shower. My questions all went unanswered, and I was battling with the tiredness that had been creeping up on me. If showering required so much effort, maybe I was ill and what Dr. Saith said about being fine was a lie. Maybe I am dying...

  I drift to sleep, a million questions on my mind and not a single answer in sight. Why was I a prisoner? What was The Eden Enterprise? Why were The Council going to hurt me?

  I wake slowly to hands wandering over my skin, pulling at my clothes. The room is completely dark, I can’t see anything. I can only feel as a hand clamps over my mouth and my underwear is ripped from my body. Someone pinches my nipple hard, and I can’t help the half moan that leaves my mouth. Was I dreaming? Nails drag across my stomach. No. This wasn’t a dream. It was real, there was someone in the dark with me. Panic sets in. Fingers brush against me, and I try to move away, but my body is pinned in place, something tied around my ankles and my wrists, stretching me out across the bed.

  Kisses and gentle bites are like a treasure map leading to where X marks the spot as a hungry mouth moves down my stomach and over my hip. My body and my mind are conflicted as I slowly lose control. I feel like I’ve been here before, teetering on the edge between panic and understanding. There is a stranger doing whatever they want to my body, and yet there’s a part of me enjoying it. The sensations overwhelm me in the darkness, swamping me with lust as I can only feel. My inhibitions disappear as warm hands massage my thighs. My sleepy body is now fully aware and aching to be touched, all fear faded as if it had never existed. A small voice in the back of my head realises how that doesn’t make sense, but that too grows quieter and quieter with every kiss.

  I groan, my back arching as I pull against the restraints as two fingers slide inside me. They withdraw slowly before smearing my wetness over my clit, leisurely tracing circles on my flesh. I move my hips, wanting more and at the same time feeling ashamed at the noises I’m making. The weight on the bed shifts, and moments later, a mouth replaces the fingers, sucking and licking me like I am an ice cream. I can feel my orgasm building in minutes, and just as I’m about to come, they slip their fingers back inside, fucking me as I ride their face. The orgasm drowns me, my body tingling as all of my nerves are firing at five hundred miles an hour. When I finally come down, reality sets in that I am not alone in the darkness and someone is still crouched at the bottom of the bed.

  “Hello? Who’s there?” I call out, mouth dry as I wait for some sort of response.


  I wait for a few moments but the person still says nothing. A hand on my ankle makes me jump, but as it begins moving up my leg, I find my body welcoming the stranger’s touch. A thumb brushes over my already swollen nub, making me squirm at the intensity of the touch.

  “No, please don’t. I’m sensitive,” I whisper, but I don’t move away.

  I feel them moving again, this time a hand comes around my throat, pinning me to the bed as their thumb moves faster. Harder. Unrelenting as they force another orgasm from me. As I come, they slide their fingers back inside me, and I swear I can feel them smiling in the dark as my body clenches around them.

  “Please…” I beg, and they move in and out of me slowly. My pussy is so sensitive and swollen as they drag out the sensation. I feel spent and tired, despite doing nothing but lay there. My eyes feel heavy, and as I let out a sleepy sigh, I hear them chuckle softly. It’s a man, the sound is rich and deep, and I should be more alert, more afraid, but all I want is to rest.

  “Not yet, Riley,” he murmurs as he kisses my breasts. His tongue flicks over my nipple. “We aren’t done yet.”

  I try to turn away, my body lethargic, but he captures my nipple between his teeth and sucks. “Let me rest first,” I plead.

  “I like you when you’re sleepy,” he growls. “So much more responsive.”

  Does that mean we’ve done this before? Did we know each other?

  “Who are you?” I call out into the darkness as I feel his cock replace his fingers.

  He thrusts slowly, as though he has all night to fuck me. He grabs my hips and lifts them off the bed slightly so that he can
bury himself in me, like our two bodies were on the edge of merging together. I can feel a third orgasm building, even though I never normally come from penetration alone. It’s like he’s rewired my sense of touch and my body is hyper aware of him.

  “Number One,” is the reply and the last thing he says to me all night.

  When I wake in the morning, I’m alone and sore. Number One was unrelenting, and every time I started to drift asleep, I’d be woken by a caress, or a kiss, or a lick.

  I stay in bed, no longer restrained, until the women in scrubs come again with food and to take me for another shower. They also don’t speak to me, but instead share knowing looks as I undress. They said that I would be hurt, and while I was tender, I wasn’t hurt. Did that mean there was more to come? I eat without asking any questions, but as they leave with my empty tray, I notice a key hanging off the belt of the larger one. I need to get my hands on that and find out where the hell I am.

  Chapter Three

  The soft hue from the lighting wakes me, and my day begins again, the same as the one before. The two women enter; in my head I call the tall one Edith and the smaller one Janet. I hate those names, just like I hate the two nurses who check me over and drag me to the showers.


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