The Dark Kingdom Anthology

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The Dark Kingdom Anthology Page 18

by Krissy V

  I watch as he brings a big piece to his mouth.

  “Yes,” I say softly. “I remember a little more.”

  He lifts his chin and stares at me. “Oh yeah? Is it important?” Another big section of the steak is cut and put into his mouth.

  “Chester,” I spit out, wanting some of the food before he eats it all. “The name of the man who brought me here. It’s Chester.”

  He nods slightly. “Okay, and what do I do with that information?” Another bite.

  “He’s American. He told me there are rules here. Curfew and banned locations.” I fire the information off, hoping to be released from the restraints and given some food.

  The man’s head comes up, and after a few seconds, he places the plate on the tray and stands. I watch as he strolls in my direction, stopping in front of me. His hand reaches out and squeezes my right inner thigh.

  My gasp turns into a groan. My leg muscles are sore and cramped, and his hand brings both pain and pleasure.

  His grin is barely perceptible, but I can tell he’s happy to see me hurting. He begins unfastening the chains at my back and legs. I breathe a sigh of relief, but as soon as the cuffs around my wrists are removed, I collapse to my knees, my muscles giving out completely.

  He leaves me there and goes back to his chair, bringing the plate back to his lap.

  “Good girl. It’s not that hard to tell the truth, is it? Now what else?”

  I want to curse at him while gouging his eyes out of his head, but I don’t even have the energy to stand.

  “He told me rules were meant to be broken, but if you were caught, you were sent to Queen Annika’s castle where she’d decide your punishment. He hinted it could be death.”

  His lips curl up at one side, but it’s not really a smile, more like a sneer. “Good girl. Come here.”

  I can’t muster up the energy to walk, so I crawl to his feet, humiliation burning my cheeks. However, he seems to enjoy it. His eyes light up with amusement, and something akin to desire.

  He glances at the plate and says, “Open your mouth.”

  I do, both quickly and gladly, because I’m dying for food. Instead of a piece of steak, he gives me a forkful of lettuce with just a sliver of tomato. Though it’s not what I wanted, I chew it up with a moan.

  “Anything else?”

  I think back, but I can’t remember anything else that may be important, but I desperately want another bite of food.

  “Um. Oh, he mentioned something about someone bringing him here.”

  The man scowls. He’s not happy with that information, but it’s the only thing I can remember. I’m still rewarded with another bite of the salad.

  “Before, you mentioned there was a woman.”

  My eyes widen with excitement. “Oh yeah! She worked at the hotel. She checked me in and had white hair, though she was young.”

  He smiles. Not wide. It doesn’t even reach his eyes, but it’s better than the chronic scowl he’s been showcasing. He reaches down and strokes my head, pushing my hair away from my face.

  “That’s a good girl.”

  Warmth spreads through my chest and I hate myself for feeling happy that I’ve pleased him. After all, he’s treating me like a dog. But I do prefer his praises rather than his negligence.

  He cuts off a piece of steak and feeds it to me, then brings the cup of water to my lips and allows me a generous gulp.

  I whimper, thankful for the sustenance. My body needs the energy. “Thank you.”

  His only response is to give me a few more bites of food, then another drink.

  “Is that all you have for me?” he asks.

  “For now,” I say, shifting to come up higher on my knees and staring into his dark eyes. “I really do believe I was drugged, and I think as the effects wear off, I’ll keep remembering more.”

  His lips form a straight line, then he stands, reaching down and helping me up. “I imagine you need to use the facilities,” he says, taking me into the bathroom.

  He allows me some privacy, and once I’m finished, he escorts me back to my cage.

  “I’ll be back later, I have something to do.”

  “Oh...okay,” I murmur, sort of wishing he’d stay.

  Chapter Seven

  Short blasts of memories hit me.

  “Why are nightclubs against the rules?”

  “Those aren’t typical nightclubs.”

  “What kind of club is it?”

  “You’ll have to go see.”

  “But it’s against the rules.”

  “But the rules—”

  “Are meant to be broken. I got it.”

  He laughs, squeezing my shoulder. “Didn’t you come here to get some adventure in your life? Come on. Let’s go.” He takes me by the hand and starts pulling me toward the door.

  Nightclubs. Is that where I was when this man found me? A banned location? Another memory plays in my mind like a movie.

  “There you are!” Chester announces, waltzing into the lobby. “I have something for you.”

  “Extremely strong coffee?”

  “Better,” he replies with a grin.

  “Yeah, yeah. Just give it to me. I’m dead on my feet here.”

  Chester brings both hands from around his back and presents them to me. In his left hand he holds a cup, and in his right hand, his fist is closed, hiding the contents.

  “What is that?”

  “Something to keep you awake.”

  He opens his hand and a light pink pill rests in his palm. “A caffeine pill?”

  His grin widens. “Yes. Take this with this.” He drops the pill in my hand and passes the cup to me. “And you won’t have to worry about falling asleep.”

  I eye it warily, unsure if I can trust him. “You have another one?”

  He puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a handful. “Want more?”

  “No. I want you to take one as well. I’m not about to end up roofied.”

  He laughs. “Oh, Allison. Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “Just take one.”

  “Fine.” He pops the pill in his mouth and swallows it dry. “Happy?”

  I purse my lips at him, but I take the pill and swallow it down with a big gulp of coffee. Or what I thought was coffee.

  “Ugh. What the hell is that?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Come on.”

  I knew I was drugged. That wasn’t a damn caffeine pill, or if it was, that drink was definitely not coffee. Maybe the combination of the two was what messed me up, because Chester swallowed a pill, too. Or at least he made it seem like he did.

  My captor enters the room again, and I watch as he settles into the chair that’s once again placed right outside my cage.

  For a couple minutes, he doesn’t say anything, he only watches me. He’s unbuttoned a couple buttons on his shirt, allowing me a glimpse of tanned skin at his chest. His sleeves are pushed up, showcasing forearms thick with muscles. This man would be the star of my naughtiest dreams if he wasn’t keeping me captive.

  “Where’s Eloyra?” he demands.


  I watch his jaw clench from here. “You were wearing her mask.”

  “A mask?”

  His nostrils flare. “Stop asking questions. You’re supposed to be giving me answers.”

  “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Still not remembering, huh?” he questions with disgust.

  “No, I have!” I get up from the mattress and rush to the bars, gripping the gold bars in my fists. “Chester gave me a pill and something to drink. He said it was to keep me awake, because he wanted me to go out with him that night. Now I’m sure he drugged me.”

  “Mhm, and what else?”

  “He told me about some nightclubs. He said they weren’t typical nightclubs, and that going to them was breaking the rules.”

  “And you went?”

  I give a halfhearted shrug. “I guess so. I don’t remember.�

  He sits there, stewing in anger. His leg bounces constantly as he stares into the corner of the room, trying to figure something out. I wish I could help. I really do, not just for him, but for myself. It’s unnerving to not recall large chunks of what you did one night.

  “Who’s Eloyra?” I ask meekly. “A friend?”

  His head swivels in my direction, his eyes pinning me in place with a furious look. “Don’t ask questions!”

  My attitude flares. “You don’t have to snap at me!”

  In point two seconds he’s up and entering my cage, anger radiating off of him in waves. I scoot back to the head of the mattress, bringing my legs to my body and curling up into a ball.

  The nameless man kneels next to me, pulling my legs down with ease and once again gripping my throat with a single hand.

  He straddles my body, his weight pushing me further into the mattress, and his eyes attempting to bore holes straight through my brain.

  “You want to know who she was?” he asks, though I’m not given the opportunity to respond. “She was whatever I wanted and needed her to be.” He removes his hand from my throat and while I’m gasping for air, his fingers trail down my chest. “She was obedient.” His hand cups my right breast. “She was smart.” My heart races as he pushes his growing erection into my stomach and pinches my nipple. “She was a warm mouth and a wet cunt.”

  His thumb comes to my lips, parting them with force and resting on my tongue. He shifts his body to the side of me, taking residence on the concrete while his other hand trails up my thigh and slips past the panties.

  I squirm, kicking my feet and attempting to bite down on his thumb, but he’s too strong. He grips my jaw with his remaining fingers, pulling my mouth open so wide I can feel my jaw pop.

  “She didn’t fight me,” he continues, allowing me to close my mouth around his finger again.

  The other hand journeys to my panties again, pushing the thin material to the side. His finger swirls around my opening before dipping inside.

  “But it looks like you also have a wet cunt and a warm mouth. So I suppose you’ll have to be her replacement.”

  His finger keeps moving inside me, so I squeeze my thighs together in an attempt to stop him, but my traitorous body continues to become aroused.

  He looks back into my eyes, grinning menacingly at me. “I knew you’d like it.”

  I shake my head and try to disagree, but it only comes out like a muffled moan, and he slips another long finger inside me.

  “No?” He grins. “Eloyra was loyal to me. I could trust her to come and go as she pleased. I don’t think I could trust you to come back if I let you go. I have to find out what happened to her, and I think you’re the key.”

  I murmur, “I don’t know,” around the thumb that presses down on my tongue.

  “The only problem is, she knew things only few people know. We had a deal. A plan. And now you’re here instead of her, and what the fuck am I supposed to do?” he shouts, his fingers thrusting hard into my body.

  I cry out and he glares down at me, removing his fingers from my body before standing up. I’m both relieved, and oddly upset to be denied the orgasm that was building, whether I wanted it or not.

  His erection pushes the material of his pants out, so he casually reaches in and adjusts himself while continuing to watch me.

  “You may be good for one thing, but unfortunately, that’s not going to be enough. You will be obedient, and it would behoove you to start remembering!” he spits, turning on his heel and leaving me in the cage.

  Chapter Eight

  Bright, flashing colors. Reds, greens, purples and pinks. Crowds of people in masks covered with flowers, and another group dressed in full-body costumes—birds, rabbits, butterflies. That’s what I wake up remembering.

  It takes a few minutes, but then it hits me. The nightclubs. That’s where Chester took me and that’s where I saw all these people.

  “You ready for adventure, Allison?”

  Warmth spreads through my chest, and knowing I’m about to break a major rule here in the Isle of Redquin gives me a small thrill. I take a deep breath. “Yes.”

  We enter a very dark room, and it takes several seconds before my eyes can adjust. We’re in a small foyer that’s lit only by a blacklight. Chester opens another door and we descend a flight of stairs.

  “The clubs are underground?” I ask, keeping my hand on the wall while I take slow and measured steps.

  “Of course.”

  At the bottom of the stairs that seemed like they’d go on forever, I read the neon lit sign. “Rabbit Hole?”

  Chester doesn’t reply, he just pushes open the door, and I’m suddenly assaulted with bright lights darting through the room.

  People are all around us, dancing, laughing, and drinking. They’re all dressed up in some of the most outrageous costumes I’ve ever seen.

  “Why is this against the rules? The queen doesn’t like obnoxious music and outfits?” I yell my question at Chester, not one hundred percent he can even hear me.

  “I wouldn’t speak so loudly if you’re planning on uttering the Q word. Some people around here are not very fond of her.”

  I mash my lips together, gazing around the room. Everybody seems to be having a good time, and I’m sure nobody heard me.

  Chester pulls me further into the room until we hit a small hallway with a door on each side. It’s somewhat quieter, but not by much.

  “I’m very confused,” I tell him. “Does anybody like her?”

  “Sure, but isn’t that how it goes with people in power? Not everybody’s going to like you, but you’ll always have some loyal followers.”

  “Or people who are afraid of you.”

  He grins. “That too.”

  “And you? How do you feel about her?”

  Chester smiles. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Yes, I would.”

  He chuckles and leans against one of the doors. “Look, Allison. There are people who want her gone, but it’s not that easy to get to her. These clubs aren’t just clubs. They’re meeting places. Groups of people come here to plot and plan how to get her out of power.” He looks at his nails as if he’s inspecting his manicure. “Probably not true, but I hear if you’re the one to kill her, you get to be Queen.”

  I make a face. “That doesn’t sound right.”

  “This place is ass backwards. Speaking of, let me show you the hall of mirrors.”

  Underground. That’s where Chester took me, and where I’m sure I still am. If I were to attempt to flee, I’d still be trapped. I have to try to convince him to let me go, or at the very least manipulate him into allowing me to leave, thinking I’ll come back.

  He wants the information I’m starting to remember, but maybe it’s not wise to give him everything. I need information about him, and I don’t know how I’ll get him to talk to me, but I have to figure it out.

  When he comes back, he brings with him another tray of food, but I don’t get my hopes up that I’ll be able to eat it without giving him something first.

  After unlocking the cage, he gestures for me to step out, then takes me to the bathroom. Instead of escorting me back to my cage, he walks to the couch, leaving me standing in place.

  “Are you still willing to do what it takes to get out of here?”

  I bite back my initial response, it would only enrage him, and I settle on a simple, “Yes.”

  “Come,” he commands. I do what he says, coming to a stop in front of him. “Sit on my lap. Let’s talk.”

  I hesitate for a few seconds, swallowing a lump in my throat. He arches a brow, waiting to see if I’ll obey.

  Meek and obedient. That’s what I need to be.

  My heart races at the thought of our bodies connecting. He’s the most attractive man I’ve seen. Both strikingly handsome and utterly terrifying. I really wish these weren’t the circumstances in which we had to meet, though I doubt we’d have ever met otherwise.r />
  With his hands on my hips, he spins me around, and has me give him my back as I sit on his lap. My barely covered ass touches what is unmistakably his penis. I’m sure he’s not hard, so the size is probably quite substantial considering how well I can feel it.

  “So, Allison, I want you to be a good girl and tell me the truth today, okay?”

  I nod, biting down on my lip. The deep timber of his voice with that unique accent has goosebumps racing up my arms.

  “What else can you tell me about your night with Chester?”

  “We were in the nightclubs.”

  “Good. Okay, what do you remember about those nightclubs?” he asks, stroking my thigh.

  “Lots of bright lights and people in costumes.”

  “Good,” he says, brushing my hair over one shoulder. He rests his hand at the base of my throat while his thumb prods at the jugular notch between my collarbones. “Very good.” His breath tickles the skin on my neck.

  “I remember going to the bathroom and then coming out and finding him whispering with the woman with white hair.” It’s a lie, but I have a theory, and now I’m testing it out.

  The man stiffens below me. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I watched for a few seconds before they spotted me. They seemed to be discussing something important. She walked away soon after, and Chester presented me with a mask. I thought he was just being nice.”

  “Her mask,” he growls.

  “I guess so.” I pause, wondering if I should push it. I have nothing left to lose, really. “Do you think they planned for me to be found by you? I just don’t understand why.” He grunts, but doesn’t respond, so I make another attempt. “I know you said you and her had a plan, so maybe she was making plans with Chester, too.”

  “No,” he says with confidence. “No, it’s unlikely she’d attempt to make any plans with him.” The way he says him leads me to believe he knows Chester and isn’t very fond of him. “Unless…” he trails off. The way he shifts his body under me gives away his nerves. He’s lost his previous confidence. Maybe I’ve gotten him to doubt her.

  “Chester seems very immature,” I say. “But from what I can remember, and considering my current circumstances, I don’t think he’s very trustworthy.”


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