The Dark Kingdom Anthology

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The Dark Kingdom Anthology Page 21

by Krissy V

  Jo, my dear cousin and best friend.

  She wasn’t the only person affected the day her parents were killed instantly in a car crash. No, my sweet, perfect life turned upside down when she came to live with us. My life was consumed by anger and jealousy. I’m certain my parents thought they were doing the best they could, given the tragic circumstances, but not for me. Jo was no longer my best friend. She became my sister overnight and I hated that she stole my parents away from me.

  They weren’t hers.

  They were mine, and I wasn’t used to sharing.

  But I would still do anything to protect her and keep her safe, because, isn’t that what families do?

  Chapter One

  “What do you mean Rosie didn’t come in?”

  “Miss Weston, she called and left a message saying she couldn’t make tonight’s shift and she has a new client and asked if someone could accommodate him. But I have no one available. What will I do?” Lisa, my club manager, whines at me whilst shuffling the papers before her.

  I draw in a deep breath before staring at the computer screen. She’s right, there’s no one available, except… It wouldn’t be such a hardship for me to take control and look after the client myself, providing I check out all the paperwork he has filed is correct, which I’m sure Rosie will have taken care of. That girl doesn’t take on new clients without doing background checks and then running everything past an officer we deal with inside the force.

  “Miss Weston?”

  “Lisa, don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of the new client myself.”

  “Oh!” The word falls from her surprised and slightly parted lips as she stares blankly at me. It’s not something I make a habit of, working in my own club. No, I get my fun from going elsewhere, where there is no chance of anyone putting my very public life along with my private life. To say this is a bit risky is an understatement. “Okay, am I free to check in on the girls and then get to work?”

  “Of course. Leave room twelve free. I’ll take that one,” I say, pulling up all the files Rosie has on the new client. I skim past his name and read the police reports first; clean as a whistle. Next report is what he’s looking for. He’s never been in a club like ours before. So he’s inexperienced. Great. A newbie. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as I think. I really could do with blowing off some steam. Getting rid of my frustration.

  I take note of the time he’ll be arriving at the club. Eleven. That’s late considering it’s Thursday night.

  This club is the only one of it’s kind in the city. It’s completely exclusive and we don’t accept just any old Tom, Dick, and Harry as members.

  I suppose you’re wondering how a well-respected business woman such as me came to be running a BDSM club. Simple. I need to be in control of all aspects of my life. Have done since I was fifteen, and my sex life is no exception. Sex is sex. I don’t do relationships; they’re far too complicated. They can ruin lives. I was introduced to the club by an acquaintance and then, somehow, I ended up buying it. So, here I am, the proud owner of the most exclusive club in the city, and my family and friends know nothing about it.

  I keep myself busy in my office, doing some more work on a hotel merger that has nothing to do with the club. I own a few hotels and I’m currently working on a deal that will increase my hotel portfolio. Yes, I’m a well-driven and focused woman, or as my mum still says, her little girl. Although, I’ve not been her little girl since Jo moved in with us and I felt pushed out of my own family.

  I had no option but to prove my worth to myself. I don’t actually care what others think of me, but I’m not finished proving my worth. I’ll just keep pushing myself.

  When I look at the time, I see it’s ten-thirty; I should get changed out of my very expensive dress and into something that might be a little more in keeping with what the client expects. I open the closet and pull out my leather trousers and tight halter neck top and change. I slip on a pair of heeled boots. Standing in front of the full mirror, a smile tugs on the corners of my mouth. I loosen my dark hair from the neat, tidy bun it’s been in all day and run my fingers through it until I’m satisfied with how it looks; slightly wild and wonderful. Not the usual style I would have for a day in the office, but tonight is different. I’ll be the one taking control of someone’s darkest and deepest desires. Warmth spreads through my veins at a rapid speed and excitement bubbles deep within. Time to play.

  Eleven p.m. on the dot and my man walks in through the front door. His eyes dart around and I can tell he’s apprehensive. Poor guy. I wonder if he knows what he’s really let himself in for, but there’s something else… Darkness, maybe. I sense some sort of power and control radiating from him. Well, for tonight, I’m the one in control.

  “Good evening,” I say, approaching him. “I’m Faith. I’ll be looking after you tonight.” Faith is the name all the staff here know me by, except Lisa.

  “I thought I had Rosie,” he says as his eyes finally look at me and run slowly over my body. The corner of his mouth twitches, and I can only presume he likes what he sees.

  “No, you have me tonight, unless you want to reschedule for another night with Rosie?” I leave my question hanging in the air giving him the option to cancel.

  “No, you’ll do.” Something is off about the way he says it, making me uneasy.

  I lead him through the building and straight to room twelve. As soon as I enter, I switch on the lights and hit the switch beside it, activating the security system allowing my security team access to this room. I’ve never had to activate security when I’m in a room. The girls use it all the time. It’s for their own protection.

  I stand by the door, allowing him to enter and have a look around. He doesn’t seem too fazed by the array of instruments on show on this room, or the huge four-poster bed with shackles on each post. I expected him to at least look surprised. Fuck, I was shocked the first time I entered one of the rooms here.


  “It’s as I expected it.”

  Okay. “And are you still wanting to be here?”

  “Yes,” he says, removing his suit jacket. “I’m eager.”

  That I can see. I smile politely and close the door behind us.

  “There are a few rules for you to follow. You are mine to do as I please with tonight. If you don’t like anything, all you have to say is fire. You will have pleasure if you behave. If you don’t, then it will be a long night for you, I’m afraid. Do you have anything you don’t want to do?”

  “No. I’m open to try anything. I need to try it.”

  The way he emphasises need stops my train of thought. “Why do you need this?”

  He’s unbuttoning his shirt, but stares at me as if thinking about my question. “I can’t explain it. It’s just a desire that I’ve had for a long time and I can’t shake it off. My life is full of control…” He trails off and his eyes drop to the floor.

  I nod, unable to speak, because I can understand that. This was my way of controlling the monster within me after I was consumed with jealousy after Jo came to live with us. It wasn’t Jo’s fault and I tried not to let her see how it had affected me. For a long time, I struggled with self-doubt, my confidence was at an all time low, and it took over every aspect of my life.

  “In your world, you dominate everything.” It’s more of a statement than a question.

  “Yes. I need to be submissive.” As he says it, I’m not convinced this is what he needs.

  He removes his shirt and lets it fall to the floor. I adjust the light in the room. “Leave them on,” I say stepping toward him as he unfastens the belt on his trousers. He looks disappointed at my request, but does as he’s told.

  I stand before him, my eyes darting to the whips on the wall, wondering which one I should use first. He’s silent and still, waiting. “I think…”

  My voice trails off as he lunges toward me. Strong arms grab my arms tightly.

  “What the actual hell?”

��Did you really think I was going to allow a dirty whore like you to dominate me?” he sneers, shaking his head. His eyes are clouded with darkness, cold and dead, and it’s now I see the beast within him. “No. I’ll be the one using you, and what’s more, you will enjoy it.” He forces his mouth to mine, trying to push his tongue inside, but I keep my lips tight together and my eyes open. “Oh, I do like a challenge, but I will wear you down and I will get what I want. One way or another.”

  He pushes me toward the bed, still gripping my arms. I try to dig my heels in to the spot but he’s too fucking strong and he’s easily over-powering me. Something I’m not used to. I’m thrown roughly down on the bed.

  “Stay where you are!” he shouts as I try to crawl away, and he climbs onto the bed, straddling me, pinning me to the bed with his weight before putting each arm in the shackles.

  He’s a fucking mad man. I need to stay calm. Panicking is not going to get me out of this situation. “For a fucking whore, you don’t say much, do you?”

  “What do you expect? I could whisper sweet nothings in your ear or tell you a story, but somehow I don’t think that’s what you’re after.” I try to keep my tone even and steady but I can hear the waiver and uncertainty. I just hope he can’t.

  He laughs in my face. “Do you think this fairy tale will have a happy ending?” I don’t get a chance to answer as he lowers his lips to mine. This time, I close my eyes because I don’t want to see the monster that is about to take control of my unwilling body.

  Please don’t do this.

  He brushes his fingertip along my jaw, softly, with delicacy, as he tries to push his tongue inside my mouth. He waits, silently hoping that I’ll grant him access, but I don’t. I open my eyes when his weight leaves me. He’s standing in the middle of the room, looking around. For what, I don’t know, but I’m hoping he doesn’t find the security camera that I activated when we entered the room, and I’m hoping my security can see what is going on. I know where it is, obviously, but it’s very discreet. In the position I’m in, I can’t give them a signal.

  I use this time to study him, taking note of every detail I can, from the almost black colour of his eyes to the breath-taking eagle tattoo sprawled across his back. He’s tall, broad, strong shoulders, handsome if you like the athletic sort. Looks can be so deceiving.

  My heart is racing and there’s a bead of sweat forming on my brow. I take several deep breaths in an attempt to control the fear that is building within. How I feel right now is alien to me. In all aspects in my life, I’m professional and controlled, but the deep murmur in my stomach fills me with dread.

  This guy was a very good actor. He had me believing that this was his first time doing this, but obviously, it’s not. Or maybe it is, or maybe this is what he had planned from the start when he first met with Rosie.

  Shit, Rosie! There’s no way she would’ve coped with this. In a weird way, I’m glad it’s me here with him and not her. I can accept my fate.

  This is my punishment.

  And I deserve to be punished for the way I feel toward my parents and Jo. For ten years, I’ve acted like a spoilt bitch.

  “Now, what should I have you do first?” He kicks off his shoes and removes his trousers and boxers before climbing back onto the bed. He sits on my chest, his erection thrust towards my face. Taking his erection in his hand, he pushes it closer to my mouth. My lips stay shut but I’m not sure how long I’ll get away with this for.

  I turn my head away from him. I’m stunned when his free hand connects with the side of my face. “Bitch, you will take me, and all of me. Stop fucking fighting.” My cheek stings and tears fill my eyes. I will them not to fall. I won’t allow him to see that he’s winning. I know without a doubt that I’m going to be left with a nice bruise.

  Where the hell is my security?

  He grabs my face, holding it in place, and forces his dick into my mouth, all the time laughing as I gag on the intrusion. I kick my legs on the bed, wriggling and squirming, but it’s no good. He’s where he wants to be.

  Laughing. He’s laughing at my foolish attempts to protect myself. His laugh turns my stomach but shouting surrounds me as the door is flung open. Thank fuck. I sigh to myself as he is dragged away from me by two members of my security team who don’t waste time or hold back on him. Relief fills me and my body shakes. That bastard. This was his plan all along, but why?

  Lisa rushes into the room. “Oh my gosh.” She covers her mouth with her hands for the briefest of moments before removing the shackles from my arms. Dizzy and filled with anger at the man still wrestling on the floor, I stand and Lisa wraps her arms around me. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” The questions rush from her mouth as she assesses me.

  “I’m fine. Honest, he didn’t hurt me.”

  “Oh, thank goodness. Now, the police will be here soon.”

  I nod, unable to do anything but stare past her at the man who is now on his feet with my security at either side of him. His eyes flit around the room before settling on me. The fearless look in his dark eyes and the wry smile on his lips tell me he’s not worried about the police arriving.

  But why?

  Chapter Two

  The bar door opens and I’m giddy with excitement, because although I see Trey everyday, it’s been weeks since we’ve all been together. We’ve all been so busy with our own working lives, and I suppose in my case, extra-curricular activities, but we won’t tell the boys that. They have it in their heads I’m a lady, a princess and I wouldn’t want to tarnish my own reputation.

  If only they knew. Some parts of my life not even Trey knows about, and that’s the way it needs to stay. Although, it would be so easy to open up to the boys and tell them all about last night and that fucking man at the club. There is a bruise on my face, and I’m hoping that my make-up has covered it enough so neither of them question me. Shivers lace my spine again, thinking about him and what could’ve happened if I didn’t have security cameras fitted.

  The boys have kept me sane over the years. Our friendship is one that developed because we all stayed in the same street and our parents were all friends who would socialise together and we just had this natural connection between us. Jo could never really understand the closeness between the three of us. When Jo came to stay with us, they accepted her, no questions asked. Jake, with his strong Scottish accent and heritage has always taken a keen interest in Jo. I never could work out if his interest was sexual or if it was in the same protective way he’s always treated me. They would actually make a really cute couple.

  Now, Trey, I trust him with my life. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me. He’s my protector. Well, that’s what he’s called himself since he was ten years old. I love Jake and Trey dearly. They are my brothers from another mother, and another father, but nonetheless, they are family.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I mutter to myself before taking a large gulp of the wine before me, seeing that Jo is with them. The three of them, all with smiles on their faces, walk toward where I’m sitting.

  I plaster a fake smile on my face. I really had hoped it would be just the three of us tonight. You’d think I’d be used to sharing my life with Jo. Ten years my feelings have been bubbling away under the surface, since I was fifteen, and it hasn’t gotten any easier the older I’ve got. Yes, I know that makes me a selfish cow, but I can’t help it. I’m jealous of her, of the attention she gets, all because of her circumstances.

  “Darling, you look wonderful as always,” Trey says, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and kissing both my cheeks. I can’t help the smile that tugs at the corners of my mouth. Trey is greeting me as he always does, the same way my father has greeted my mother from as far back as I can remember: darling. It’s funny how the small things make me so happy.

  “Why thank you, handsome.”

  “Sophia, he’s been too kind to you. I think you look tired.”

  Jake always speaks his mind, another reason why I love him, although I actu
ally thought I didn’t look too bad tonight.

  “I must look as good as you then,” I say, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. He frowns, shaking his head, and I know not to press the matter before he takes the seat beside me and I turn my attention. “Hi, Jo. How’s Mum and Dad?”

  “Wondering when you’re coming to visit.”

  “I’ll call Mum tomorrow. I’m hoping I’ll make dinner on Sunday.”

  “She’ll like that,” she says softly, with a warm smile that shows off her cute dimples and rosy cheeks. “I happen to agree with Jake. You do look tired. Are you working too hard? What’s the point of running your own multi-million company and not having any down time? You’ll make yourself sick if you don’t slow down.”

  She does tend to worry, especially when I don’t return missed calls or check in with my parents. Jo does have a good heart and I beat myself up over my feelings toward her. She’s never done anything wrong. We were best friends until her parents died and I suppose we still are in a way. I’d never let anything bad happen to her after all she’s been through.

  “I know, I know, but there’s been so much going on lately. I’m in the middle of a deal. Hopefully, once it’s all signed…”

  “Enough. No talking shop tonight,” says Trey, putting an end to our conversation. Jo eyes us both sceptically, not happy that he’s interrupted her. He’s right, of course. Tonight is all about having fun. Jake and Jo really don’t understand the complexities of my business, whereas Trey does because he’s my number two. Well, he knows almost everything. There’s one tiny part of me and my business that not even he knows about, and it’s been challenging keeping the club away from him. “I’ll go to the bar. What are we all drinking? Champagne?”

  “Oh, what are we celebrating?” Jo squeals.

  “The four of us being together. That’s cause for a celebration. We don’t get together often enough,” Jake tells us with a smile and a look of disappointment. How the hell can one person pull off two separate looks at the same time? I don’t know how he does it. Something is going on with him.


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