The Dark Kingdom Anthology

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The Dark Kingdom Anthology Page 31

by Krissy V

  Steven left, leaving me alone again. I hoped it wouldn’t be long until I got to see him again. Time dragged on with no one around. I never did find the fairies; mom told me about. I think she made them all up. My little gardens were growing. The problem was, so am I. It won’t be long until my clothes don't fit me anymore.

  Several months later, Steven showed up with a huge bag full of things for me. I was so happy to see him that I almost knocked him over, trying to hug him. I hadn’t realized how lonely I was until his first visit.

  “I see you decided to venture back to the cabin. Is it because the mayor’s family was mean to you again?”

  “Oh no, they usually just ignore me. I wanted to see you and bring you all the things that I’ve been collecting for you.”

  “I’m glad you came to see me, but you didn’t have to bring me anything. I don’t want you getting into trouble for taking anything.”

  “They won’t miss it believe me. Besides my small apartment, there is a storage area above the garage. It’s bigger than my whole apartment. I’ve been going through the stuff in there. I found some things that will really come in handy for you. I also brought you some clothes. My sister is just a little bigger than you are, but I figured you would grow into them.”

  “Steven, you are so thoughtful. How can I ever repay your kindness for all that you’ve done for me?”

  “Just be my friend. I don’t have any, so coming here means a lot to me. Before I forget, at the bottom of that bag is a small cooler. I took a little bit of meat out of the freezer. I figure you’ve only been eating plants and berries. You need the protein to grow up big and strong.”

  We spent the rest of the day unpacking all the things that Steven had brought for me. I couldn’t get over all the different seeds that he had brought. I would be able to grow a big garden. Each year when I harvest the garden, I have to make sure I keep seeds from everything so that I can grow them again the next year. Time flew by so quickly that it was time for Steven to head home. I hated seeing him leave, it meant that I was all alone again.

  As time went on, Steven’s visits became fewer and farther apart. He was getting an education in the hopes that one day he would be living in the big house. Whoever is the mayor of the town lives there. As much as I look forward to our visits, he has begun to change from all the years of neglect. Mayor Phillip King wasn’t a very nice man from everything that Steven had told me.

  On my sixteenth birthday, Steven came to see me. Because he didn’t have a lot of money, he gave me what he called, ‘true loves kiss.’ I love Steven, but the kiss just didn’t feel right to me. I felt like I was kissing my brother. I didn’t mention it to him because I didn’t want to hurt Steven’s feelings. He spent that afternoon telling me that he would be leaving for college in a month. Steven had gotten scholarships because of his excellent grades. He told me that he would be gone for four years, but that he would come home for holidays as often as he could.

  After he left for home, I decided that now it was finally time for me to venture into town. I would have to find one of the cutest dresses that Steven had given me. I also had sandals to wear. Deciding to take a bath tonight, I got enough water hot so that I could wash my hair until it gleamed and scrubbed my skin until it sparkled.

  I laid there in bed for a long time, wondering how different things would be. It’s been a long time since I ventured into town. Part of me was still scared, the other part was so excited I barely slept.

  When I woke up, I made a quick breakfast of oatmeal and some fresh berries. After eating I put on the blue dress with the flowers on it. The sandals were comfortable, so it shouldn’t be too bad walking through the woods. I grabbed my white sweater just in case it was chilly on the way home later. It took about thirty minutes of following the path the Steven had worn down over the years to get to the edge of town. I can’t believe I was this close the whole time.

  Wandering around in total amazement at all the new sights. So many new buildings and stores. The mayor had really built this town up while he has been in office. I didn’t have any money, but I sure enjoyed looking in the windows at everything. I ran into a beautiful girl with long blonde hair when she was coming out of the bakery. Oh no, she dropped her packages because of me, I’m really going to be in trouble now.

  “I’m so sorry. Please let me help you pick up everything. I need to pay better attention to where I’m walking instead of staring at all of the goodies in the window.”

  “It’s okay, really. I’m such a klutz that I’m always dropping something. I’m surprised that my father let me drive the car to pick up the pastries for later today. Let’s sit the boxes on the table here so I can see if I need to replace any of them.”

  Looking through the boxes, my mouth was watering, then my stomach had to grumble. Ugh, it was loud enough that the pretty girl heard it. She smiled at me when we got to the last box. It had several mixed pastries in it that had gotten messed up.

  “By the way, my name is Delilah. Wait right here for me while I go replace these. Would you like some coffee or maybe tea? There isn’t any sense in letting those pastries go to waste. We can eat them and have a drink as we get to know each other, okay?”

  “I don’t have any money to get anything. I can’t believe I messed these up. How can I ever pay you for this?”

  “Don’t worry, Father has a lot of money. I’m going to enjoy eating these and making a new friend. The family keeps an eye on what I eat because they don’t want me to get fat. Now tell me coffee or tea?”

  “If you’re sure, I would love tea with honey. Oh, and my name is Felecia.”

  Sitting down, I waited as Delilah went into the bakery to replace the pastries and get our drinks. I can’t get over how nice she is to me. Could I be so lucky as to find a new friend just as Steven is leaving for college? I’m not going to mention Delilah to him, not until I know her better.

  I had the best time ever with Delilah that day. I had never spent time with another girl before. We ate the pastries and talked until she had to leave. Delilah offered me a ride home, which I declined but thanked her. After she left, I couldn’t help but hope that we run into each other again soon. That would mean I would have to make more trips into town. I also need to find a way to earn some money. Maybe I could set up a stand so I could sell some of my fresh fruit, honey, and preserves that I had made.

  Taking the rest of the box of pastries with me, I decided it was time for me to head home. I couldn’t help but whistle as I walked. Everything seemed to be more glorious after meeting Delilah. Maybe it’s because I got a glimpse of things through her eyes.

  A few weeks had gone by and Steven never came to say good-bye before he left for college. That boy has a one-track mind. It’s all about getting revenge on the family who took his sister away and neglected him. I almost felt bad for him, but I didn’t have time too. I had finally gotten the nerve up to build a small covered stand to sell my fresh fruits and vegetables and the honey and preserves that I made. I had found an old wheel barrel to use to take everything to the stand. I wanted to be able to treat Delilah the next time that I saw her.

  Chapter One

  Time seemed to fly by. It had been almost three years since Steven went to college. I never heard a word from him, but at that time, I had become a success with my produce stand. Delilah and I had started spending more time together. We never went to her home; she said her Father was obnoxious and would make me feel bad. I did finally break down and tell her my sad tale of losing my parents and growing up in the cabin in the woods.

  She started visiting me at the cabin. I taught her all the different plants, showed her my gardens, and even taught her how to make the preserves that I sell. Delilah was utterly fascinated with everything. She had grown up pampered, never allowed to get dirty or do things other than her school work and lessons. She excelled at everything and even graduated from college early.

  One afternoon she brought some books with her. I had learned to read a litt
le bit before my parents died, but that had been a long time ago. Delilah decided that I was going to be her pupil. That made us both laugh, me at the thoughts of school and her at my face.

  The more time we spent together with each other, the closer we got. I didn’t have the words for how I felt. I just know that I couldn’t imagine Delilah never being in my life. It felt as if someone stole the air from my lungs if I even thought about it for too long.

  We had been studying for a few months and I was now reading college books. It didn’t take long for everything that I had learned to come back to me. The only issue I had was not knowing some of the words or what they meant. On her next visit, Delilah brought me a dictionary so that I could look up the words that I was unsure of. I went to give her a hug and a simple kiss on the cheek. She turned her head and our lips touched. This kiss was like nothing I had felt when Steven kissed me. Everything in me lit up like fireworks. Not understanding what was going on, I broke the kiss and backed up apologizing to Delilah.

  “Felecia, please don’t apologize. I wanted to kiss you. If I’m honest about it, I’ve wanted to for a long time. I know we aren’t supposed to be attracted to each other, but I am attracted to you like no other.”

  “Delilah, that kiss made me feel funny. I’ve only ever been kissed once before. I felt nothing from that kiss and yes it was a boy. It was on my sixteenth birthday. It felt more like kissing my brother. With you, it’s like fireworks exploding inside of me. I feel all warm and fuzzy right now.”

  “It felt different because you’re like me. You have stronger feelings for girls than you do boys. I guess I should say women and men instead now. I just wish that my father would quit setting me up on these dates with guys that give me the creeps. I will never marry a man. If the right woman wanted to get married and spend her life with me, I would be all for that.”

  “I don’t understand. Have things really changed that much from when I was a kid? I remember the horrible things people used to say about two women or two men who went together. Is it really legal to get married now?”

  “So much has changed since you’ve locked yourself away out here in the woods. Several countries have made it legal for same-sex marriage. Many states acknowledge it and even the federal government allows for Civil Unions now. It’s the same as marriage, just not called marriage. Hopefully, that will change one day. My father, on the other hand, will never accept that he has a lesbian for a daughter. Father sees me married to some rich man and having kids. Don’t get me wrong, I want the kids, just not the husband. I want a wife.”

  “Now I’m bewildered. If you marry a woman, how will you have children? I do know how babies are made and where they come from. The birds and bees talk were one of the last ones that mom ever had with me.”

  “It can be done. Some men donate their sperm. The woman will go to the doctor and be injected with an anonymous donor’s sperm. If it fertilizes the egg in the woman, then she will have a child. Sometimes it takes more than one try. Other times there is a medicine that you have to take to become fertile so that the sperm can do its job.”

  “Wow, things really have changed a lot. Would you want to carry the child or would you want to have your wife?”

  “If I find the right woman, we will both have a child. Just at different times. I think maybe a couple of years apart, but not more than three years. I don’t want to big of an age difference between them.”

  “This is all so fascinating. It’s also a lot to take in. May I ask, why did you want to kiss me?”

  “Felecia, you are beautiful, not just on the outside either. You have a kind soul, a loving and nurturing nature about you. When you care about something or someone, it is with your whole heart. You are honest no matter what, which I admire. The list goes on and on, but the biggest one is I think I love you.”

  “Delilah, if the fireworks you sparked in me are love, then I think I love you too. I do know that even before the kiss, I couldn’t imagine you not being in my life. I was so worried about you getting married to a man, having kids, and forgetting about me. It felt like someone was ripping my heart to shreds every time I thought about it.”

  “I know because I feel the same way. My father is forcing me to go on another one of those damn dates that I hate so much tonight. After this date, I am telling him no more! I’m sorry if it hurts him, but I have to be true to myself and to you. I’m going to tell him tomorrow that I refuse to see men anymore. I have met a young woman that I am falling in love with and that’s all there is to it.”

  “Why not tell him now? This way, you won’t have to go on a date later.”

  “It’s some big shots, son. Father has some kind of business deal going with the man. So, while they talk business, I am to entertain the guy’s son.”

  “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have to be the window dressing for your father’s business deals. That’s just wrong.”

  Before Delilah left, we spent the afternoon talking, holding hands, and oh my kissing. Lots of kissing. I keep catching myself, rubbing my lips, imagining that my finger is her lips touching mine. I can’t wait to see her again tomorrow after she talks to her father. If he gives her a tough time, I’m going to tell her that she can stay here with me if she wants too.

  After finishing with my chores for the evening, I decided to get ready for bed. I hadn’t been asleep very long when I heard a racket outside. Someone was crying and beating on my door. It sounds like a woman, who could it be this late? Taking my lantern with me, I open the door to find Delilah standing there. Her dress is torn and she looks like someone beat her up really bad. Grabbing her hand, I pull her inside with me, slamming the door shut and locking it behind us. God, please don’t let whoever did this have followed her here.

  “Delilah, what happened to you? What can I do to help?”

  “Oh, Felecia. Tonight, was horrendous. The guy that my Father set me up with.”

  What the hell did he do? She can’t stop crying and now she isn’t even talking. As I wrap my arms around her, trying to comfort her, I can feel her trembling. I pulled the blanket from behind us and wrapped her in it, then I sat down with my arms around her, just hugging her and humming a soothing melody until she’s ready to tell me what happened. It took about thirty minutes for Delilah to calm down enough to be able to tell me what happened.

  “Felecia, it was horrible. Phillip showed up at the house, he made sure to knock on the door and meet my parents before we left for the date. The jerk told them he had reservations at one of the fancy restaurants and that after we might go to a movie.”

  Delilah broke down, crying again. I just held her, rubbing her back to soothe her until she calmed down again.

  “The bastard never even took me to the restaurant. Phillip claimed that he forgot his wallet and had to go back to his apartment to pick it up. I was okay with that because I’m not paying for the date. When we get there, he said he also needed to make a quick phone call. Bastard invited me inside, I said okay since it was going to take him a little while. I mean he, is a friend of my father’s son, so I thought I would be safe. Was I ever wrong?”

  Holding onto Delilah even tighter, trying to give her the strength she needed to finish her story.

  “When we got upstairs, I sat on the couch. Phillip went into his bedroom supposedly to make the call and get his wallet. There was a knock on the door, so Phillip asked me to answer it. When I opened the door, it was another guy standing there. He asked me if Phillip was home. I didn’t think anything of it; I said yes and let him in. Once he got inside, he introduced himself as Vance. I sat back down as I told Vance that Phillip would be right out.”

  Placing her hands over her face as if to fight off the nightmare she had just been through. Delilah took a deep breath before she started to speak.

  “A minute later, Phillip came out of his room, only wearing a pair of jeans. He had been dressed in a suit and tie when he picked me up. I started to get that feeling that something terrible was about to happen.
They guys greeted each other with a handshake and talked a couple of minutes. After that, Vance stood up. I thought he was getting ready to leave. I have never been so wrong in my life. As I had been watching Vance, I didn’t notice that Phillip had moved to my side. That’s when a sadistic grin came over Vance’s face.”

  “Take your time, Delilah. I know this is hard for you to talk about.”

  “I have to say it or I never will. Phillip grabbed both of my wrists as Vance moved towards me. I heard him ask where Phillip wanted me. Phillip’s reply was in the bedroom. I started to scream and fight, kicking at Vance with my feet. That’s when Vance smacked me across the face so hard that I saw stars. By the time I had regained my senses, the two of them had carried me into the bedroom and started tying me to the bedposts so that I couldn’t fight or get away.”

  “Oh my God, Delilah.”

  “I started to scream again. That’s when Phillip shoved a gag in my mouth so that I couldn’t make noise. They ripped off my underwear and tore my dress to get to my breasts. Felecia, those fucking bastards took turns raping me for almost three hours. They laughed when Phillip raped me first and found out that I had been a virgin because of the blood. They stopped long enough to do some drinking and snort a few lines of coke. Phillip untied me, telling me to go to the bathroom and clean myself up. That as soon as they were done, there was going to be another round with both of them fucking me at the same time.”

  Being so naïve is my downfall. How can two men fuck one woman at the same time? Then it dawned on me that one of them would be taking her anally. I started crying for my friend at the horrors she had been through this night.

  “When I got in the bathroom, I went straight for the bathroom window. It was small, but I was able to squeeze myself through it. Once I got outside, I started running and didn’t stop until I got here.”

  “Delilah, you have to tell your father! You also have to report them both to the police! I can’t believe this happened to you. What can I do to help you?”


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