Life at the Ranch

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Life at the Ranch Page 7

by Malone, Misty

  “But they might know then.”

  “They might. But I'm not sure it would be much of a shock to them, considering he's probably upstairs right now promising her pretty much the same thing when they get home tonight.”

  Alicia's mouth fell open. “No. Are you kidding? Wyatt spanks Kayla?”

  “Only when she deserves it.” He studied her a moment. “Are you saying you didn't know that?”

  “No, of course I didn't. Why would I?”

  “You two have gotten pretty close lately. I just assumed you had talked about that.”

  Alicia was still in disbelief. “I didn't know.”

  “Well, maybe it's good that you do. Now tomorrow you two can comfort each other, maybe compare notes.”

  * * *

  Wyatt waited until he heard Bo and Alicia close the front door before addressing the situation. “I'm glad we found your phone, but this could have been a real disaster.”

  “Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, Wyatt. I didn't mean to leave it here.”

  “We'll address it after dinner, when we get back to the ranch.”

  “Wait. What do you mean by we'll address it?”

  His eyes were large as he looked at her. “Seriously? You want me to spell it out for you? Okay, I will. I'm going to blister your butt tonight after dinner. We just talked about this very same thing.”

  “I know, but I didn't do it on purpose.”

  “You never do, Kayla, but this is the third time in two weeks. Three days ago when you left your phone in the same exact place I told you exactly what would happen. Maybe sitting on a sore butt for a day will remind you to make sure you have your phone when you leave the house.”

  “For a day?”

  “If you find sitting tomorrow to be a little uncomfortable, hopefully it will be a reminder to you.”

  “Oh, no. The last time you spanked me hard enough at night that I felt it the next day, it was awful. I had trouble sleeping that night, it hurt so much.”

  “What was that spanking for?”

  “It was when I ran out of gas and you had to come get me.”

  “But what exactly was the spanking for?”

  “For letting my car get too low on gas.”

  “And have you done it again since?”


  “My point exactly. It hurt that night, I'm sure, and you felt it the next day when you sat down. But it got your attention, and you haven't let your car get down past a quarter of a tank since. I know because I've been checking it every time I come over. So hopefully this will help you remember to take your phone with you.”

  “But Wyatt, nothing happened tonight.”

  “That's not the point, and you know it, Kayla. Something could have happened. Then what would you have done?”

  “But nothing did!”

  “What would you have done if you'd been in an accident, or had a flat tire?”

  She knew what he was saying, but she had a hard time ever admitting he was right, especially when she knew it would end up with her being spanked. So instead, she fought back yet again. “But nothing happened tonight!”

  “Kayla, this is not a good time for an attitude. I was going to wait to spank you until after dinner, and then I could take you in my office for some privacy, but if you insist on arguing with me and copping an attitude, maybe we need to take care of this before we eat.”

  “You can't do that, Wyatt. We have friends waiting on us.”

  He looked at her closely, at the stance she had, and her cute little hands balled up into fists, resting on her hips. “We can always tell them we need a little time first, and meet them at the restaurant.”

  He had every intention of waiting until after dinner, until her next statement popped out of her mouth. “I don't think so. Now come on, they're waiting for us.”

  As soon as she'd said it, she knew it was a mistake. Seeing the look in his eyes solidified it. “I'm sorry, Wyatt, I didn't mean that.”

  “Oh, I think you did, sweetheart. And I know exactly how to change your attitude, end this little tantrum you seem to want to have right now. Come on, let's go.” Without another word he led her by her elbow out to talk to Bo and Alicia, who Wyatt noticed were apparently having a bit of a heated conversation themselves. Maybe this would be better for everyone.

  He approached them, still holding on to Kayla's elbow. “Bo, Alicia, I'm sorry, but it appears Kayla and I have something we need to discuss. Would you mind if we went to the ranch, to my office, and sort something out before we go eat?”

  “That's actually a very good idea,” Bo said, much to Alicia's dismay. “It seems something's come up with us, too, that we need to talk about. Why don't I take her down to my house and we'll have our little discussion while you two talk at the main house. Then maybe we can just order a pizza tonight, and go out tomorrow evening instead.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea,” Wyatt said wholeheartedly.

  Kayla sounded a bit desperate when she objected. “But what if we're hungry?”

  “We'll take your mind off of it,” Wyatt quipped, and Bo had to struggle to keep from chuckling. Neither of the girls, however, felt like laughing.

  No one said a word on the way back to the ranch. Bo helped Alicia out of the vehicle and headed toward his house. “We'll meet up later.”

  “I'll leave the door open. Go on into the living room if we're not there yet.”

  Bo nodded as he strode toward his place, his hand in Alicia's, somewhat tugging her behind him. Kayla was giving Wyatt just as much cooperation as they went into the main house, and straight to the office.

  He locked the door, and turned to look at her. Holding her upper arms, he asked, “Anything you want to say before I blister your ass?”

  He watched her eyes as her angry expression seemed to dissipate. Then her shoulders slumped. “Why did you have to ask me that?”

  Now totally confused, he stared at her. “What do you mean?”

  “I had a good mad going, but then you asked me that. Although I can tell you're upset, that question reminded me you care about me.”

  “What are you talking about, Kayla? Of course I care about you. I am upset right now, but that certainly doesn't mean I care about you any less. As a matter of fact, if I didn't care a great deal about you I wouldn't be spanking you now.”

  “I know,” she said, as tears welled up in her eyes. “I guess I forgot that. All I could think about is how much this is going to hurt, and that made me angry. But then you asked me that and I remembered, you told me the first time you spanked me that you'd always give me a chance to say whatever I felt you should know, or anything I wanted you to know before you spank me, and you always have given me that chance.”

  A few tears were escaping now, and she swiped at them. “I'm sorry, Wyatt. I forgot my phone, and I'm sorry I worried you. But I'm sorry I argued with you, too. I was feeling sorry for myself. I got myself into trouble, but I didn't want to admit I earned this, and I know it's going to hurt. I'm sorry I took it out on you.”

  He took her into his arms. “Thank you, Kayla. I like this attitude much better.”

  “Me, too.” She cuddled into his chest as his arms wrapped around her. “I was feeling sorry for myself.”

  “That attitude is why I decided we need to do this before we eat. Now since we're here, though, I think we need to go ahead and get it done. Besides, from the looks of it, I think Bo was having a bit of a problem with Alicia. My guess is he wants to address her attitude, as well.”

  Kayla stilled, and slowly looked up at Wyatt. “Are you saying Bo spanks Alicia?”

  He couldn't hold back a chuckle. “I'm not sure he has before, but if not, I'd say she's being introduced to it even as we speak.”

  Kayla pulled back. “Wyatt, that's not funny. That's terrible.”

  He pulled her back into his arms. “Why is it terrible? He's warned her before, and she knew what would happen. What makes it terrible?”

  “Because it hurts!”r />
  “Yes, it does, and then it's over with and everyone moves on. From what I've seen of Alicia, she needs someone like Bo. My sister and her husband have spoiled her from the time she was born. It will do her a world of good to have someone finally hold her accountable for her actions. She's a good person if you can see past all the spoiled brat in her.”

  “That's not very nice to say, Wyatt. I like Alicia.”

  “As do I. As does Bo. He has deep feelings for her. But you know her well enough to know what I'm saying. Can you honestly tell me you don't see a spoiled brat in Alicia?”


  “That's what I thought,” he said with a grin. “Even you have to admit it. I like her. I like her a lot, but Bo's got a handful in that one. I hope they work it out because you can easily see they care for each other.”

  “I hope it works out for them, too. I really like both of them.”

  “Yeah, me, too. But we have to let them work things out for themselves. Right now we have our own issue we need to work through.” She nodded.

  He sat down and pulled her down and across his knee. “We've already talked about you not taking your phone with you when you leave the house. Do we need to talk about it any more before we get started?”

  “No, sir.”

  His mouth turned up a bit at the corners at the respect she was showing him. He took a deep breath before reaching underneath her to unfasten her jeans. He pulled them and her panties down and started her spanking. He spanked firmly, and didn't start talking right away. He waited until she started struggling, trying to squirm her way free from him, and then started reminding her what had gotten her to this place. He reminded her of several things that could have happened.

  He continued the spanking as he told her how worried he and Bo were when they couldn't reach either of them. She was crying, which he knew was good. She needed the tears before she could release all the emotions she tended to hold inside.

  When they had a disagreement she got very emotional, but held it inside, which led to an attitude, which made their argument that much worse. It had taken Wyatt some time to realize the crazy cycle, but when he had, he took her over his knee and spanked her. After it was over they both felt better. She'd released all the emotions she'd been holding inside, which greatly improved her attitude and allowed her to see the point he'd been trying to make.

  From that point on, they'd incorporated spankings into their lives. She hated them, but admitted they helped her, and she loved how she felt afterward, cuddled in his loving arms as they reconnected.

  This spanking was no different, and when he was satisfied that she'd been able to release all the anger and frustration, he pulled her up and into his arms. They spent the next ten minutes holding onto each other and talking softly about nothing in particular.

  * * *

  Bo took Alicia into his house, which was located midway between the main barn and bunkhouse, and the main house. He went inside, taking her with him, and locked the door. He went directly to his living room and sat down on the couch. Before Alicia could say any of the wonderful arguments she had ready, she found herself over his lap. He'd unfastened her jeans and was pulling them down.

  “Whoa, hey, wait! You can't do that.”

  “Settle down, Alicia. I've told you a couple times when you're spanked it will be on your bare bottom, and you've been warned about not taking your phone with you, so this shouldn't be a surprise to you.”

  “But I thought you meant to have my phone when I went out on the ranch.”

  He paused a moment, then pulled her jeans and panties down in one quick move. He gave her ten quick, sharp swats on her bottom.

  “Ow, ow, ow! Bo, stop, that hurts!”

  “Alicia,” he said in such a calm manner it immediately got her attention. “I can't believe you just said that.”

  “I'm sorry,” she immediately said.

  “It wasn't even two weeks ago that we had this exact conversation. Remember that day; when you were coming home from work and saw the cattle out, but you couldn't call and tell me because you forgot your phone?” She was crying, but didn't say anything. “Unless you want more swats like you just got, I would suggest you answer me. Do you remember that day?”

  She was still crying, but managed to say, “Yes.”

  “What happened that day? You saw the cows were out, but didn't have your phone with you, so you couldn't call me. What happened next?”

  She was crying harder, but she managed in between hiccups to answer. “I came home to tell you, but they had moved by the time you got there. Everyone had to go out looking, and finally found them and got them back in.”

  “It turned into an all afternoon and evening event. When we finally got it under control, what did we talk about?” When he didn't get an answer, he gave her ten more swats on her bare bottom. “What did we talk about, Alicia?”

  “Ow! I'll tell you, please stop!”

  “I'm running out of patience, Alicia. What did we talk about that day?”

  “That I need to have my phone on me anytime I leave the house.” She was crying hard now, and he knew it wasn't all from the pain in her bottom, though he knew that had to hurt. It was already a bright red, and he knew this was her first spanking. As much as he wanted to pull her into his arms, he knew she needed him to see this through.

  “So why did you just now tell me you thought that was only when you were going out on the ranch?”

  She sniffled, but managed to say, “Because I didn't want you to spank me. I was afraid it would hurt.”

  “And does it?”

  “Yes! It's terrible.”

  “Then maybe you'll remember to be honest with me the next time.” He laid his hand on her bare bottom, and she flinched. He could feel the heat, but he held it there, not moving it. “Alicia, if you had been honest with me, my intention was to give you a spanking for forgetting to make sure your phone was charged. That was going to be it. Then you decided to have a tantrum, so I was going to add a couple more spanks and tell you that's not acceptable. You would have been done now.”

  “Would have been?”

  “Yes, would have been. If that had happened, you'd be in my arms now and we'd be cuddling. But instead you decided something gave you the right to lie to me when I held you accountable. That bothers me, Alicia. Forgetting to charge your phone is not a good thing, but it doesn't upset me as much as you lying to me in an effort to shirk the consequences you've earned. Honey, how can we have a strong relationship if I can't count on you to be honest with me?”

  She started crying harder, but looked up at him. “I'm sorry. I just did it because I was scared.”

  “Scared of what? Were you scared of me?”

  “Not really, but kind of. I've never been spanked, and I was scared. I was afraid it was really going to hurt.”

  “Did you think I would truly hurt you, cause you real harm?”

  She looked at him, and he could tell she was considering his words. “No, but I didn't think of it like that. I was afraid you were going to spank me and it was going to hurt.”

  “Let me ask you something. Did you earn a spanking?”

  “What do you mean? I didn't want one.”

  “I understand that, but that's not what I asked. We've talked about you not having your phone charged and with you, and you said you understood why I felt it was important. I also told you what would happen if it happened again. Do you agree with that?”

  She looked down at the ground, but quietly whispered, “Yes.”

  “Then do you feel you deserved to get what I said you'd get the next time it happened?”

  “Maybe, but I was still scared.”

  “Alicia, what I'm hearing you say is that you knew you were to have your charged phone with you, and you knew I told you you'd be spanked if it happened again. I hear you saying that means you deserved what you'd been told you'd get, but you didn't want that, so you decided to have a tantrum in an attempt to get your way. Now, you
correct me if any of that's wrong.”

  “I wasn't trying to get my way,” she denied.”

  “Then what were you doing when you lied to me?”

  She looked back at him with an indignant look on her face, but when she tried to put her feelings into words, she stopped. After another few seconds she slumped over his lap and cried. All she managed to say through her crying was, “I was scared.”

  Bo rubbed her back gently. “I understand that, honey. But this is exactly what I meant when I told you you were a spoiled little brat. You're not used to being held accountable, and I understand that. But I care about you, Alicia. You're a better person than that, and I know it. I told you you're going to be held accountable from now on, and I meant it. I also told you you'd feel better about yourself once you get used to knowing someone cares enough about you to call you on things like this, and I truly hope you give us enough time to see that I'm right about that, too.”

  She turned enough to look back at him. “What are you saying?”

  “We can't have a lasting relationship if we can't count on each other being honest. What I'm saying is right now I'm being true to my word. I told you you'd be spanked for not having a charged phone with you the next time it happened, and that's what's going to happen right now.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “But Bo, you just did. You did spank me, and it hurts really bad.”

  “That spanking was for lying to me. You told me you didn't know you were to have your phone with you anytime you left the house, and we talked about it specifically less than two weeks ago. That was a lie. I know it was your way of trying to get out of a spanking, but it was a lie, and you were spanked for it. We still have to deal with your phone being dead. I told you you'd be spanked the next time it happened, and you need to know I'm a man of my word.”

  He raised his hand from her bottom, and she flinched. “No, Bo, please. It's going to hurt.”

  “Yes, it is, but if you don't flinch it won't hurt as much. It is going to happen, though, because I told you it would.”

  She remained tensed, and he reached down and rubbed her back gently. She slowly relaxed some, and when she did he quickly resumed the spanking, telling her once again it was for not having a charged phone. He reminded her of things that could have happened, but the spanking didn't last long. He knew she was already sore. He didn't need to make her miserable this first time, but he did need to let her know he meant what he said.


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