An Unlikely Bride

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An Unlikely Bride Page 15

by Nadia Lee

  He groans harshly, the vibration rippling through me. I use my tongue and lips and cheeks and hands to stimulate him, give him the pleasure he’s giving me.

  We drive each other to greater and greater heights. I grind my hips against his face. Our love frees me, leaves me shamelessly honest with him.

  He grows thicker and harder in my mouth, and I know my uninhibited response is driving him insane. I’m going crazy too, but I hold on, wanting to prolong the most basic connection a man and woman can share.

  “Come for me,” he growls against my clit.

  Instead of letting go, I pull him harder and deeper into me. He moans, and I say, “Not without you.”

  He thrusts two fingers inside me, filling me, stretching me. He bumps against my g-spot, and I shatter, helpless to hold back anymore.

  His pelvis moves once, twice, mouth fucking me, then he groans, spurting in a hot, salty froth. I drink him in greedily, loving it that I’m the one responsible for that tortured sound he makes as he comes.

  He pulls me up and kisses me. The taste of us mingles, and I lose myself in him, trusting he’ll keep me safe, he’ll put my shattered self back together.

  “That was…pretty amazing.” I can feel myself blushing.

  “First time in the congress of the crow?”

  “The what?”

  “Sixty-nine. That’s what it’s called in the Kama Sutra. No idea why.”

  “Oh. Yeah, first time. Alas, I’m not that, uh, adventurous.”

  He grins wickedly. “We should rectify that.”

  “We should.”

  He brushes his lips over the tip of my mouth, then my mouth. “To new memories.”

  “To new memories.”

  * * *


  After buying a box of condoms, Lucas and I spend the rest of Sunday afternoon and evening in bed. I can’t bear to be away from him…but at ten o’clock, I finally extricate myself from his embrace.

  “I should get going.”

  He takes my wrist. “Don’t.”

  “I have to go to work tomorrow. I have no change of clothes here.”

  “We can get the concierge to get you a new outfit. Stay.”

  I smile at his near-petulant tone. “Lucas, it’s okay. I’ll be back tomorrow.” When he keeps pouting—rather adorably so—I can’t help but tease. “Unless I have to work. My boss is a slave driver who gives me so much work I’m up late.”

  He winces. “That asshat was probably jealous you might go out with Jon.”

  “Seriously? Is that why you gave me so much to do?”

  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  “I think it’s cute that you were jealous. Too bad I couldn’t do that to you so you had to stay home working instead of…” I trail off, suddenly feeling like I’m on the wrong track.

  “I’m a moron, and I don’t deserve you.”

  I glare at him. “Don’t say that.”

  He continues as though he hasn’t heard me: “But I want you to know. Nothing happened between me and Faye. You’ve wrecked me, Ava. I don’t want anyone but you, and if I can’t have you, I want no one at all.”


  “I ‘dated’ Faye because it would look more convincing if I did that before marrying her. Most people believed Elliot and Ryder’s show, but not everyone. If I’d married her out of the blue, people would start talking again.”

  “You care about what they say?” The idea is unfamiliar. Lucas is always so steady and clear on what he’s trying to do.

  “I don’t care…but Elizabeth probably does. She’s beautiful and wealthy, and has her share of stalkers and creeps. If they knew she had to marry soon, they might think it’d be their chance.”

  My mouth forms an O. I never thought about that.

  “And just to let you know, I’m going to have to see Faye again tomorrow.”


  “To break things off cleanly. We may not be…intimate anymore, but she’s always been a good friend.”

  “Do you regret she’s going to feel used?”

  He runs his hand through his tousled hair. “I don’t know. The marriage was her idea, and even though we were seen in public, I never told her I would marry her.” He scowls. “I know you were watching when we kissed at the medical center opening.”

  So he did that on purpose, to hurt me… I push away the ugly feeling it elicits. We were estranged then, angry and in pain.

  He holds up a forestalling hand. “Elizabeth told me. I had no idea until then.” His visible eye narrows. “Faye said an ex-boyfriend was watching, and she wanted to show him they were through. So I figured, why not? It was an easy enough request, and I was still messed up from our separation. But I didn’t like being manipulated into hurting you.”

  “Thank you for that.”

  “So…stay the night?”

  I laugh softly. “All right. I have a feeling if I say no, you’re going to move into my place.”

  “It’s a distinct possibility. But that apartment is small, and I don’t like that it doesn’t have any security.”

  “It’s a safe enough neighborhood.”

  He snorts. “I’m not leaving anything to chance. Rachel’s going to look for an acceptable property, and we’re moving in together ASAP.”

  “Can’t we just move into your current place? It’s not like I need a separate bedroom.”

  “Not the best idea. I’m crashing with Blake at the moment.”

  My happiness dims a little at the mention of his oldest brother. “You are?”

  “We’re on two separate floors, but still.”

  I’m quiet for a moment. “I see.” I clear my throat. “Okay, that’s fine. I won’t pretend I’d be okay living with him, but I do need to work things out with Blake. He’s your brother, and I don’t want awkward feelings between us.”

  “Well, he’s going to have to deal or I’m cutting him out of my life.”

  I gasp. “You can’t do that!”

  “Watch me.”

  “He’s your family.”

  “My family is you. And anyone who tries to make you feel unwelcome or unwanted can go straight to hell.”

  He pulls me down for another kiss. Even as I slowly submerge into the heady pleasure, I make a mental note: I have to mend things with Blake.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I wish Ava would call in sick. It’d be perfectly acceptable, since everyone at the hospital knows she fainted on Friday. But then if she did, she wouldn’t be the woman I fell in love with.

  She only has a cup of coffee—no time for a full breakfast, since we spent way too much time savoring each other in the morning—and that makes me frown. I should’ve budgeted our time better.

  “Don’t,” she says, knowing exactly why I’m unhappy. “I’m perfectly fine with coffee. I’ll grab an energy bar on the way in, and if I’m still hungry, I’ll have early lunch. I promise.”

  She kisses me lightly on the mouth, but it’s the promise to eat that mollifies me. I hate the idea of her being hungry. She grew up that way, and she should never have to re-experience it.

  Ava puts on the gorgeous red Dior dress and matching pumps I had the concierge buy. The silk skims her body just so, and I can’t help but lick my lips as my cock swells.

  “No,” she says at my undoubtedly lustful expression. “We’ve had enough the past twenty-four hours, and I’ve got the soreness to prove it.”

  I smirk.

  “We can hang out after work, but you are not going to make me late.” She kisses me again and walks out before I can pull her down in my lap.

  At least we had hot shower sex. My blood heats at the memory of her cries echoing around the bathroom.

  I check out around ten thirty and try to call Faye, but she doesn’t pick up. I text her to meet with me for lunch at an elegant Italian bistro she likes. Normally I won’t go to these lengths to break things off, but Faye is a friend, and I feel slightly guilty for having to end things lik
e this.

  If she’s your true friend, she’ll be happy for you.

  Except…friends don’t use friends, even if they volunteered.

  My phone vibrates. Got it, Faye’s text says.

  I text Rachel to find a suitable place for me to move into ASAP. Something spacious with great security. At least two full baths, with a tub big enough for two adults. Three bedrooms, but only one with a bed, preferably with strong, sturdy boards. The other two should be converted to home offices. Just in case Ava brings work home. She’ll look totally sexy typing away on her laptop. How long will her focus last if I sit between her knees? That’ll be a fun experiment to try.

  After giving Rachel instructions, I head to the bistro. Faye took me to the place about six years ago when we were together. She thought it her duty to introduce me to all the great things in the world, including L.A.’s finer dining options.

  Faye is already waiting when I get there. Our table is by the window and intimately small. Thick, white cloth covers the top, a pretty pink and yellow rose centerpiece adding to the romantic mood.

  She’s dressed in a shimmery golden wrap-dress that flows over her like liquid metal. Her black hair frames her delicate, smiling face in waves, and from the way her amber eyes shine with expectation, she believes the lunch will go very differently from what I’ve planned.

  Damn it.

  Just then a love aria, “Che gelida manina,” soars from the sound system, wrapping around me like the proverbial wet blanket. I curse myself for choosing this particular venue. I should’ve picked a casual café with no romantic vibe.

  “Hey,” she says softly.

  “Hi.” I take my seat, smoothing down my black V-neck shirt. “Have you ordered?”

  “Not yet. I just got here.”

  A crisply dressed waiter comes by. Faye decides on grilled halibut with basil and pine nut sauce and a sparkling pink lemonade. I ask for whatever the special is—I’m not in the mood to be finicky about lunch—and a dry Riesling. Something stronger would be better, but it really is too early for hard liquor.

  Our drinks appear almost instantly after the waiter goes away. Faye sips her lemonade and looks at me through her lashes. “I was surprised to get your text. I thought we were going to spend some time together yesterday.”

  That was the plan…until Ava. “Something came up.”

  “Get cold feet?”


  “I saw you go to a jeweler on Wednesday when I was out shopping. I didn’t say anything, but…”

  I scowl, but she’s correct. I went to get a ring, something large and flashy enough to suit her. But there’s no way I’m telling her that now. “I was shopping for a gift. For my mother.”

  “Oh? You have a sudden attack of filial piety?” I haven’t told her much, but Faye is smart enough to read between the lines.

  “Yeah, I know. But she’s still my mother.” Who I stopped buying anything for when I cut ties with her. This, Faye doesn’t know.

  The arrival of our lunch interrupts our conversation. I push the angel hair pasta around, and Faye takes a small bite of her fish, then stops.

  “What is it?” she asks.

  I pause. I assumed this would be easy, but it’s not. Maybe if I didn’t like her, it would be simpler, but I do, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

  “Lucas, you can tell me anything. You know I prefer straight shooters.”

  I nod. “Okay. I wanted to let you know it’s not going to work out.”

  “What isn’t?”

  “What you said at the hotel. I don’t think we can marry or…pretend to have romantic feelings.”

  She blinks a few times, then looks down at her fish. “What happened?”

  “I’m just not interested in you that way anymore.”

  “You mean I don’t turn you on anymore.”

  Damn it. “Faye.”

  “I’m not stupid, Lucas. I can tell when a guy wants me. You don’t.”

  “It’s not you…”

  “Then what? You’re way too young for physical issues.”

  I run a hand across my lips. “No, it’s nothing like that. It’s just that…I can’t do it with anyone but Ava.”

  Faye pulls back. “She left you.”

  “She came back.”

  An awkward “I knew it” smile crosses her face, then she shakes her head. “So it’s that simple, huh?”

  “You’re still my friend, Faye. I’ll always be your friend, but sometimes friendship isn’t enough.”

  “She’ll never love you the way I do.”

  I grow quiet. Faye is right. Ava’s love is hard won and hard to keep. But it’s worth it because she doesn’t love easily, and when she does, it’s absolute. And now that I have it, I can’t give it up, not even for my friendship with Faye. “No, but I love her, Faye. I want to grow old with her, have family with her and give her the world.”

  Her eyes shine with tears. “What about me? Have you felt anything about me?”

  “I love you too, but as a friend. The more time we spent together, the more I realized that.” I reach over and hold her hand. “This doesn’t change our friendship. I’m still going ahead and invest in the venture you wanted to talk about. I’ll always support you and be there for you. But I can’t go beyond that. It wouldn’t be fair. You deserve a man who can’t keep his hands off you and thinks the sun rises and sets with you.”

  Her chin trembles, and she presses her lips hard until she can control her emotions again. “How can you say such pretty things when you’re dumping me?”

  “Don’t think of it that way. Think of it as creating a relationship that works for both of us.”

  She manages a smile. “You’re right. Forcing anything when you feel this way would only ruin our friendship. Thank you for telling me in person.”

  A knot eases in my gut, and I smile back. “Thanks for understanding. Really.”

  We finish our meal, chitchatting about immediate plans and the gossip we’ve heard about people in our circle. Faye’s a bit subdued, but she tries hard to be a good sport, and I know we’ll be all right. And I meant everything I said about being her friend.

  After lunch, I pick up the tab. “You don’t have to,” she chides.

  “Hey, I asked you out.” I pay and hug her.

  Turning her head, she brushes a kiss on my cheek. “You’re the best.”

  She walks away to her car, head high and stride elegant. After making sure she gets inside her Mercedes, I climb into mine and text Elliot.

  You’re inviting me and Ava to dinner at your place tonight.

  A second later, his responds hits my phone. Ava?


  What happened?

  We got back together. Now invite us.

  Don’t you want to spend some private time with her?

  I do, but I also remember her story from the weekend. I’m never going to do anything that’ll give her the impression I’m not proud of her or that I’m treating her the way her douchebag dad treated her mother. The bastard is lucky he’s dead, or else I would’ve made him wish he were. Of course. And I don’t want to see your ugly mug, but she wants to get to know you and other members of the family better, so just invite us already. Or I’m gonna show up anyway and embarrass the shit out of you. In front of Belle.

  That’s low, and FYI if my mug’s ugly, so is yours, oh thoughtless twin of mine. You guys can come by, but we’re doing Thai takeout because it’s Monday.

  Thanks. I’ll be there after our appointment with the realtor.

  Moving in together?


  That done, I text Ryder to know I’m bringing Ava for Thanksgiving. Within a minute, I get a call from him.

  “I thought you two broke up,” Ryder says, no hello or how are you.

  I’m feeling too good to be annoyed with his shock. “We made up.”

  “Since when?”


  He laughs. “Dude. Did you beg or did she?�

  “There was no begging. A mutual decision.” I’ll always treasure the memory of her choosing us over her fears and insecurities, even when I probed her to see how real it all was.

  “Okay. That’s fine with me.”

  “Oh, I forgot, she’s going to bring her foster parents and their kid, too. A toddler.”

  Ryder grunts.

  “Don’t worry. They’re great people.” Ray and Darcy treated me with skepticism, but they’re the ones who nurtured her, making sure she grew up to be the strong woman that she is. For that alone, they have my eternal gratitude. I’m sure her biological parents didn’t do shit.

  “Cool. You going to bring them, or should I send a car?”

  “I’ll deal with everything on my end. You just worry about making the holiday awesome. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  “Okay, ’preciate it.” He hesitates for a moment. “So. What’s gonna happen between you and Faye?”

  “I talked with her, and we ended it. Friendly and no drama.”

  “She didn’t try to stab your face?”

  I snort. “Life isn’t one of your movies, Ryder.”

  Ryder’s quiet for a moment. “Watch your back.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Faye really wanted to marry you, and now you’re going to toss her aside for Ava. No woman’s just gonna be okay with that.”

  “She doesn’t feel that way about me.”

  He sighs. “For a smart guy… Have you seen the way she looks at you?”

  “Yeah…and trust me, it’s not the way you’re thinking.”

  “Oh my God. You’re so blind it hurts. Mark my words, Lucas. ‘Better safe than sorry’ was coined for situations like this.” Ryder hangs up.

  I shake my head. Maybe in my brother’s experience, every woman who hangs around wants to marry him, but not in mine. Besides, Faye has never been dishonest with me.

  Except that one time at the opening…

  Whatever. She probably thought she was protecting me.

  I check and see a text from Rachel. She’s already found a realtor who can help.


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