An Empire is Born (Maraukian War Book 3)

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An Empire is Born (Maraukian War Book 3) Page 7

by Michael Chatfield

  “Good. Once we reach twenty level-one fabbers, I want the next five to be making the new repulsors,” Dominguez said.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Sun made a note.

  “How are we looking combat wise?” Dominguez glanced at artillery pieces that were also hidden in the darkness of their storage area.

  “There are currently eight hundred thousand Westerly Three Complex crew members, two hundred thousand troopers, four hundred thousand support personnel. Fifty thousand of the Westerly Three Complex crew are undergoing training to become troopers.

  “We have armaments for five and a half carrier groups’ worth. We’ll have to use the old Harmony War armor and the revamped Victor Corp armor. It takes about six hours to make a new set of the Defender Armor, so it’s going to take a long damn time until we can step up a company strength unit. With the increased level-two fabbers, it will get easier. As you advised, we’re focusing on making a platoon strength unit of forty-two people first and then moving them to the key locations, giving the different bases greater mobility to react to circumstances.

  “We’ve got eight thousand shuttles, so we can move one hundred and sixty thousand troopers at any one time,” Sun finished off, checking her notes to make sure that she didn’t forget anything.

  Dominguez knew that it sounded like a lot of fighting power, but there were billions of people on Earth. With those kinds of numbers, there was no way that they could try to control the planet.

  Dominguez didn’t want to control Earth, at least not all of it. She just wanted a small section of it to act as a base for the Victor Corporation. “How have the suckers been working?” Dominguez asked.

  “Really well. The dust that covers Earth has a lot of metals and other items in it. With it being captured by the different funnels and fed into the processing machines, it’s having a pretty big effect in reducing our material needs.”

  “Never thought that we would be using the red dust from Earth to build something.” Dominguez laughed as they passed a gunsmithing area where E13s were being assembled. The modified rifle improved on the E13555 that Dominguez was familiar with.

  “How are things on the surface?” Sun spent most of her time dealing with the technical issues of the troopers who were stationed on Earth still and the building projects that were underway.

  They had increased their strength underground in case the corporations ever came knocking or the other gangs started attacking them. With the information from Mark, the Union coming out of nowhere, and the Maraukians appearing, they’d gone into full overdrive to be ready for what was coming—whatever it was.

  “Everyone is looking to the different corporation cities to see what happens. The slums are quiet. It seems that everyone knows that something big is happening. The gangs seem to have sensed this and most of them that are allied with us in some way are making sure we know of their support.

  “There are some who are looking at us with plots or making moves to try to push us back. We’ve dealt with it quietly enough that the corporations haven’t noticed. We’ve consolidated our control over our territory. Clean water, sanitation, and proper buildings—even if it’s all simple—helps out a lot.

  “Word is spreading and the Skill Schools that were created before the Victor Corporation left are churning out their first batch of techs and specialists. There should be a good number of them. I just hope that things get worse with the corporations. The more they tear into one another, the weaker they’ll be and the greater freedom we’ll get.” Dominguez had no love for the corporations of Earth that only looked at other people’s lives as if they were numbers on a sheet, a commodity and a workforce—nothing more and definitely nothing like humans who might have feelings, worries, or fears.

  Sun was about to say something when both of their tablets went off. Dominguez grabbed the pad and looked at it. Her face turned grave.

  Four Maraukian insertion barges had been detected entering the Ramesh system. They were growing planets. Food stores for many. This was devastating news for some.

  With that, three systems were now under attack by the Maraukians. There was no knowing when or where they would strike or how many ships and Maraukians they might have with them.

  All Dominguez could do was grit her teeth and move forward, hoping that the preparations she was making would be enough for the uncertain future ahead of them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  VCF Osdal

  In Transit from Otarvi System to Emarl System


  Mark entered the command center. His spare time had been taken up with working with the fabbers aboard the Moby and the Osdal to make orbital defensive platforms.

  Inside, there was Admiral Hall, Jerome, Captain Chen, and Captain Yu. On the screens, there was Esamai, Dominguez, and Ortiz. Mark knew that Moretti was overlooking this meeting but he hadn’t revealed himself.

  When they had left Earth, Moretti had laid down communication buoys, allowing them to create a network that connected all of the Victor Corporation. As Ortiz was heading out to meet the EMFCs that were hiding in deep space, the freighter he was in was also leaving a path of communication buoys.

  In fact, all of the moving ships of the Victor Corporation were laying down buoys whenever they re-entered real space.

  Mark trusted that it wouldn’t be long until they had their own secure network running across the known universe.

  All eyes looked at Mark as he moved to the command table in the middle of the room.

  He quickly merged and took in all the information that was available to him, understanding all the parameters of the Victor Corporation. He understood that, with his words, the corporation would start moving.

  “All right, well, let’s start.” Mark looked to the people in the room.

  “We need to increase our defensive stance in the Emarl system and be ready for attacks from anyone. We’re working to bring all of our freighters that are currently moving through the EHC up to date with Alcubierre parts.

  “We’ve got forces moving to meet up with the EMFCs that are currently on standby with all of their crews in cryo.

  “In the Emarl system, to meet our needs, we need to expand our mining efforts. With many of the workers in the Yard becoming military personnel, we’re in dire need of some trained personnel.

  “The people aboard the EMFCs will be given the option to retrain and join any of the industries or jobs that we are working on. We’ve also got personnel on Earth who are training up and if they’re willing to, we can move them to Emarl and bolster our numbers. I have hopes for the people of Tricticus, but from the numbers, it looks like most of them want to become troopers instead of people to work on the civilian side of the Victor Corporation.

  “The freighters will allow us to set up a trade route through the EHC to supplement our needs but it is my aim to try to recruit people to form these different systems to bolster our numbers in Emarl.

  “Eighty percent of our capacity will be turned over to create the different weapons, ammunition, and vehicles that we will need to defend and support different planets. The remaining twenty percent will be turned over to create civilian freighters as well as trade goods.

  “Admiral Hall will be in charge of the fleet, whether they are civilian freighters or warships. General Ortiz will command the trooper forces. I will be in command of the Vanguard force made up of mergers. Dominguez will be in charge of all Earth operations. Charles will be in charge of development. Esamai Victor will be in charge of the Yard, station, and asteroid mining efforts.

  “It will be up to you all to break down how you want to command and control these different items.” Mark looked across all of their faces.

  “With all of this, we’re going to need a better system of governing it all, and one that won’t lead to corruption down the line. As humans have shown that we’re not the best at making our own systems, I have been working with the other mergers and we created what we call the gauntlet. It is an AI that will analyze ev
eryone based on their knowledge, as well as their management and personal skills, to pick the best person for different areas. The areas selected are science and development, manufacturing, foodstuffs, military, general law and governing, trade, and information. A person will be selected by the AI to fulfill these roles. They will be paid higher than most and they will get greater access to pursue advancing their knowledge in their given realm. The terms are not determined; it will only be when a better representative is found that they will be replaced.

  “This way, if they’re out of touch with their field, they will be let go and they can once again come into it and possibly regain their position or stay to support the system. Without a human there to pick the leader, we can be sure that it will not be an emotional call. It is possible that among us we will not hold onto our positions for very long once this AI comes online.

  “Only in very strict circumstances can someone not be removed from office. This has been programmed into the AI so, again, it will not be a decision made by emotional or political means.”

  The others in the room seemed to agree with this. Mark saw that there was some nervousness hiding in their expressions. Losing one’s position because they were deemed to not be the best person for it was a hard pill to swallow but he knew that they were strong characters and even if there was someone above them they would be able to continue forward. It might even lessen the load on some of their shoulders.

  Mark sent Sarah an order as everyone received an information packet.

  “I have sent you all information packets with all that you will need to know per your job. It’s time that we started building.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  VCF Osdal

  In Transit to Emarl System


  The transit time from Otarvi to Emarl would take forty weeks in total, some ten months. The troopers could have used the cryopods that lay in the freighter, but instead of doing that, the troopers were still awake and working.

  Most of them had training in the yard as one profession or another so Jerome, Mark, and Hall had figured out a rota to train the troopers and keep their skills up to date, while also driving them to work with the fabbers located in the freighter.

  The freighter was filled with materials and they had three level-one fabbers and one level-two fabber.

  Right now, the level-one fabbers were working around the clock to make NIAIs for all of the troopers and personnel on the freighter. The level-two fabber was working on making another level-two fabber.

  The Moby, which was moored inside the freighter, had its own fabbers as well, greatly increasing their ability to make items.

  If they had ten months, they didn’t want to waste it. They needed weapons, ammunition, and Defender Armor.

  “I have the numbers in,” Jerome said as he walked into Mark’s office on the Moby. He sent the information from his NIAI to Mark.

  Mark merged, assimilating the information quickly. “I thought more of them would want to be part of the Yard.”

  The numbers that Jerome was talking about was a list of people who wanted to remain as troopers or work in the Yard or Emarl system. They needed people in both roles.

  It didn’t make sense to resume training with those who were going to work at the Yard as soon as they got back to Emarl. Instead of adding them to the training rota, they would be added on the manufacturing side of things.

  Although the fabbers were great at making new items, there was still a need for people to design items, to build them in the machine shops aboard the freighter, and upgrade the system that they already had or make new ones.

  Charles and the engineering team weren’t wasting any time as they worked to upgrade the Moby launch systems that could also drop supplies, new reactors, and an anti-matter generator so that they could travel faster and farther while also supporting any needs of the Vanguard.

  The ship was getting new weapons, better armor plating and engines. When completed, the Moby wouldn’t be comparable to the ship it was before.

  “Most of them miss being troopers. It always looks better on the other side,” Jerome said.

  Mark grunted in agreement before his eyes moved to Jerome. “I see that you’re on the undecided rota.”

  Jerome scratched his head and moved the seat out in front of Mark’s table and sat down. “I don’t know, Mark. Thinking of Esamai on the Yard, dealing with everything there—I want to help her out. I also want to be with you guys on the front line. I feel that if I’m not there, then I’ll be letting you down.”

  There weren’t many people he could talk to about his doubts but with Mark there were no barriers. They were brothers through blood and sweat.

  “I can’t make that decision for you—that’s all yours. You have to decide for yourself what works for you.

  “You have a kid and a wife now, man. Not many of us were able to get to that stage. That’s a whole new thing that I sure as hell can’t give you advice on. Also, the Yard is not simple. With the mining going on, the station, and the Skill Schools, there’s going to be a big influx of people joining.

  “You’ve been a trooper for half of your life and managing the Yard for the other half. Don’t think that because you’re working on either you’re letting the other down. Do what’s best for you,” Mark said. This decision was big. Also, Mark didn’t doubt that they would be thrown into the deep end. Whatever Jerome decided on, he’d have to commit himself to.

  “Thanks, Mom,” Jerome said, dissipating the tension in the room with his offhand joke.

  Mark smiled, but even with his merger-capable body, he looked tired and drawn-out. His body might be in peak condition but his eyes seemed aged.

  “So, how is prep for training going on your end?” Jerome asked.

  “We’ve got about ten thousand people who have applied to take the merging selection. The option has been given to the people in the Emarl system and it seems that a lot of people there are interested in becoming mergers.” Mark sighed.

  “What’s wrong?” Jerome could easily tell Mark’s mood just through his gestures.

  “All of these people are applying, but they don’t know what they will lose if they get through it.

  “By the time the choice comes, they’ll know finally, but too many are willing to sacrifice their humanity. It scares me, Jerome.” Mark held up his hand and examined it. It turned from tanned to silver, transforming into different tools and items.

  “Purpose-built war machines, stronger, faster, more connected, but at what cost? The cost of our humanity, perfect recollection of when your buddy died so you can live with it every moment and replay it thousands of times in a minute, never erasing it or being able to numb it? I crave merging now, the way it allows you to sink into the whole, to leave your worries behind and just become a cog in the machine. It’s so much easier than trying to deal with everything.”

  The duo sunk into silence, thinking on their lives and the bodies they had left in their wake. They had served with some of the greatest people they knew, yet out of them, there were too few survivors.

  They both knew that all the training didn’t matter to a random rocket or a coil gun round at just the right angle.

  That guilt that they had survived but others hadn’t left them pushing forward with everything they had. They didn’t know when the end would come but they would do everything that they could to make sure that when it did, the people they cared for were protected.

  “With more mergers, we’ll be able to increase our manufacturing efforts, though,” Mark said on a lighter note, trying to distract them both from the depression they felt themselves spiraling into.

  “Yeah, by the time we reach the Emarl system, we should have at least enough weapons and armor for a carrier group’s worth of troopers,” Jerome said.

  “Hopefully it’ll be enough.”

  “We’ve got a long way to go but it’s a start. At least now we’ll be fighting for our people, not some corporation or twisted politic
ians,” Jerome said. “I heard that Charles found something out about the Maraukian signals?” Jerome had a frown on his face as he remembered the rumors he had been hearing.

  “Yeah.” A grave look appeared on Mark’s face. “It seems that the Maraukians are being directed by someone. There is a signal that appears occasionally to the insertion barges. This signal is passed to the herd commanders, who are nothing more than signal repeaters. When the Maraukians lose them, then the herd goes wild as they lose all direction and go feral. We don’t know where the signal is coming from but Charles has recognized it, so he is trying to make something to trace where the signal is coming from. Then we can hit the root of the problem.”

  “Why would someone send the Maraukians to attack us?”

  “Who knows how an alien thinks?” Mark shook his head. “It’s clear that they’ve put centuries of work in to carry out this plan, taking people from Earth and planting them on different planets, then leaving hibernating Maraukians on the planets until the planet’s technology reaches a certain point and the Maraukians wake up.

  “Then, after the planet recovers a bit, they’re hit by another wave of Maraukians. If this wasn’t a war, I would think that they’re trying to train us up, keep hitting us so that we get stronger or we fail.”

  “Why the hell would they want to train us up? Also, what changed so that they’re now using Alcubierre drives to move instead of just their sub-light engines?” Jerome asked.

  The two of them had complicated expressions on their faces as they tried to answer these questions or figure out who was behind the Maraukians.

  “We know that before, it looked like they wanted us to survive, making it easier for us to fight one another. It’s clear that they had this ability before.” Mark shook his head, giving up on trying to figure out aliens.

  “Join the EMF, go to exotic new places, and kill the bastards trying to kill you,” Jerome said, repeating the old phrase used by many troopers.


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