An Empire is Born (Maraukian War Book 3)

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An Empire is Born (Maraukian War Book 3) Page 17

by Michael Chatfield

  With their combined weight, they moved millions of personnel and forces across the entire planet.

  It was no small undertaking and Yousef felt the pressure once again rise. He knew the path ahead of him would be anything but an easy one.

  “All right, now that we’re all here, it’s time that we started the briefing,” Yousef said. Although it looked as though they were all in a large command room, in fact they were all holographically projected to one another.

  This made it so that if they were attacked in one location, then all of the officers wouldn’t be killed.

  The Maraukians might be dumb but the legion wasn’t in the habit of tempting Murphy’s law.

  “We have been holding the Maraukians in a steady state for some weeks now. With our forces now firmly stuck in, we’ve been able to free up more people and resources to move around the planet. It is my aim to collect these forces in different areas and begin clearing out the Maraukian presence at our walls and move to any possible Maraukian nesting sites that might have survived a nest buster. As we clear areas, we will be moving forces to where the fighting is, concentrating our efforts to remove the remaining threat. I aim to start our push back at the Ducharev line. If we are able to eliminate the Maraukians there, then we will be able to pull the larger than expected force from there to help clear other isolated areas. The areas of attack are all contained in the information brief.” Yousef had given out the information packet days ago so all of them had plenty of time to read it.

  The nest busters were a type of missile that were meant to penetrate the ground and explode inside any of the Maraukian nests that might be left behind.

  With the space legion’s forces above and their satellites, their coverage wasn’t the best, but they were able to see most of the Maraukian movements. And from that and previous information, they could figure out to a high degree of accuracy where the nests were and launch a buster.

  Although the busters were almost always effective, they still needed to have forces on the ground making sure that there were no Maraukians left in the nest. If there were, it was possible that they could come right back out of the ground and renew the attack against the legion, catching them off guard and making them lose everything that they had earned up to that point.

  Yousef’s plan aimed to gather the forces from Ducharev, which, although they were great in number to cover such a large area, weren’t fighting all that many Maraukians overall. The line at Edani was much smaller than the one at Ducharev and a force just a sixth the size the one at Ducharev could have held it with ease.

  There was also the hidden danger in the Edani area. They didn’t have much coverage other than what the mergers had left behind. They were now getting information from spy satellites, but the area had been unrecorded for a long time, and they didn’t have that much information on the Maraukian movements, so it was very likely that there were a few nests located in the area that they had no idea about.

  If this were so, then it meant that they were sitting on a ticking time bomb.

  Yousef would feel a lot better if they were able to confirm or deny the existence of a nest in that area.

  “Now, any questions or issues?”

  No one raised any issues on the plan that was to be carried out. They knew that although this was the first part of the plan that it would change as the situation changed on the ground.

  “All right. Then in nine days we’ll start taking back Indalia. Make sure your people are ready and you have everything needed.”

  Legate Yousef closed down the meeting. Now they were committed. It was time to clear up his home.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Indalia, Otarvi System


  Legate Quina sat with the fifty or so leaders of her mismatched cohorts. New orders were starting to drift in and they were going to be split up. Looking to Rayin and Valez, she received an incoming message. Legate Yousef was healing well and would be joining them at the meeting. Now that she was alerted to him being well, she knew her step in commanding what was left of their legionnaires was over.

  The door at the back of the hall opened and Legate Yousef and Centurion Augustus stepped inside. It was obvious to her that the legate still had injuries, but he seemed in control. She stood to greet them and was then surprised when the door opened again, this time revealing Nerva. She hadn’t thought he would be needed here today. Even Legate Yousef turned to see, then his face changed as he waited on Nerva to approach him. Quina watched as they conversed for only a brief moment, then they both turned to her.

  Nerva approached her and all her instincts kicked in. She had no idea what were his intentions after the other day. “If I may speak with you and Legate Yousef for a moment in private.”

  Yousef looked confused, but he led the way so they could talk.

  Quina quickly followed.

  They entered a smaller office, which only had the one desk and chair, but Nerva didn’t sit. What Quina did see was him quickly check the room for anything. Then his eyes fell on them both.

  “I’m commending you both for your service to the legion on Indalia. Protecting the people here and in keeping as many of ours alive as possible,” Yousef said.

  Quina looked to Nerva, who lowered his head.

  “When I was injured at the city wall of Edani,” he then nodded in Quina’s direction, “we were picked up by a transport and brought to Ducharev in some of the first evac shuttles. The commendation goes to Legate Quina and her reputation for stepping up.”

  Nerva eyed over Yousef very carefully. “Injured in the line of duty does not negate what you’ve done for the Otarvi system.”

  “Thank you, Legate.”

  Quina wanted to ask all the questions pounding through her head, but she waited for Nerva’s eyes to turn to her.

  “Speak freely, Legate Nerva,” Yousef said.

  “Of the commanding men outside, are they trustworthy?” he asked them both.

  “I would stand by any of them and fight,” Quina stated. “They fought with passion and honor.”

  “I have a proposal that I take Legate Quina and any men who wish to join with me when I leave Indalia.”

  Quina read into his gaze the more he stared at her, and then he turned to Yousef.

  It was Yousef who locked his eyes with hers. “I will not stand in your way,” he said.

  Nerva seemed to visibly relax. “Good. I have a lot of things I need to put into motion. If you trust all the men outside, I will address them all. If you hadn’t, it might have had a different outcome.”

  Nerva sent over files to them both, which Quina accessed quickly and started to shake her head at.

  The information it carried confirmed everything she’d seen on the front line. Everything she’d heard and witnessed. She turned to him, anger and pain in her voice as she said simply, “I want that bastard dead.”

  “We have to be a little cleverer than that. Here’s the second part of what I’d like to ask of you both. You are powerful people in your own rights. I need full backing on this for it to even start to work out.”

  Yousef didn’t even read through the proposal before he answered. “Whatever it takes.”

  Quina was a little more cautious. She opened the new document and read through it. They could join with Nerva or return to the legion, and that meant being spread about their planetary systems in various jobs. Quina let out a small laugh and Yousef gave her a concerned look. There was no way she was returning to the people who abandoned her and her men.

  “All I ask is that you don’t…” Nerva started to speak.

  “The people of Indalia have a great legate to help them rebuild. They’ll need help for the foreseeable future, to keep the forces here and the Maraukians at bay.”

  “Of course.” Quina lowered her head toward Yousef, who beamed with pride. She felt her energy building, and she knew where she wanted to be. Yet she wanted to be sure she was doing the right thing, her gu
t telling her she was. “Requesting to be on your transport, sir.”

  Yousef smiled when Nerva just nodded at her. “Thank you, Legate Quina, for your service. You will not be forgotten here on Indalia. We will need to rebuild and I’m more than sure we will support you, especially after the events that transpired here.”

  Yousef turned to Quina. “There’s a lot to fortify still before you leave. And, if possible, beat back those Maraukians while they’re losing.”

  Quina contained her smile. “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Bellona 3241 Hellcat

  Indalia, Otarvi System


  Thomas McDougall checked all of his systems. “Once more into the breech.” He thought of the talks he had with Nerva and those with his own crews and tanks.

  After this, this was where he drew his line. He was ready to send word to his wife and daughter, informing them of his decision and telling them to join him in Emarl, but he made that their decision. It had been too long since he had last seen them both.

  The few months or weeks that he got away from the legion weren’t enough.

  He had given the legion his all. He had seen the corruption that ran rampant among those with connections, the shit that they pulled.

  Still, he was able to lie to himself and say that if he looked the other way, it would be fine. He just did his job, looked after his people, and let them play their games.

  Now he was angry—angry at himself for looking away.

  Nerva couldn’t do it anymore, nor could many of the others who had looked over the evidence Nerva provided them with, showing Admiral Hesra’s past and the way that he cut off supplies and necessary support from the Moby and the mergers.

  Many of the people who came with Nerva knew him well and others had come to from their time on Gilese. Hearing what had happened to the mergers and the legionnaires in Edani, few of them had anything good to say about the space legion or their admiral.

  The fact that he had tried to get Ares fighters to shoot on them as they were leaving the system peacefully, having to flee for fear of being shot down—McDougall and the others were done.

  They would save these people and this planet, but their future wasn’t with the legion anymore.

  He didn’t know whether Emarl would be any batter. He did know that he would do his best to try to turn it into something that they could be proud of.

  McDougall looked through his sensor readings. Four Bellonas waited on the road that had been built up to the massive gate that led beyond the wall. All of them had their sweeper barrels locked in place and ready to fire.

  Across the Ducharev line, Bellonas were ready and waiting.

  Beyond the wall, one could see the continuous artillery that was tearing apart the natural features of the region, killing tens of Maraukians.

  Weapons fire echoed along the wall as machine guns fired nonstop. The Maraukians’ own coil guns and rockets hit the wall, trying to break it down and open up a path for them.

  “Artillery barrage is incoming. Follow your NIAIs!” McDougall said as he saw the time warning.

  With his words, the first Bellona moved forward, the massive military machine proudly charging forward.

  McDougall rocked with the Bellona as his tank followed after them.

  The four tanks advanced along the road, their massive tracks sending the gravel flying.

  Artillery came down like the hand of God, smashing into the Maraukians outside of the gate.

  “Artillery is shifting fire. Demoness, be ready to engage!” McDougall said.

  The artillery shifted its fire as the Demoness, the leading Bellona, watched the opening gate.

  Even under the artillery, some of the Maraukians that were farther back or could still move started to push through the opening and those that were to either side started to pour in.

  Crazed or controlled Maraukians—it didn’t matter at this moment: all of them were grouped together.

  “Gate open!” McDougall yelled as the Demoness’s cannon belched out its sweeper round.

  The canister shot smashed everything ahead of it into the ground. The tank’s twin support gunners went to work. Their machine guns hammered away as acceleration tubes fired, angled to come over the wall and drop on the Maraukians pressing in from the sides.

  The Demoness hit a low ridge, smashing through it as the dust was whipped up by the three other accelerating tanks.

  “Shifting aim!” Valentine said as the main cannon moved, facing the left-hand side while the third tank shifted its aim to the right.

  The Demoness’s main cannon fired again as they left the gate and the wall behind. The tank bounced as it reached the uneven terrain. Maraukians in their path turned into a fresh blue coating as they rumbled on.

  The secondary weapon systems all lit up, looking like an angry ant hill as tracers cut through the early morning light.

  McDougall bounced in his chair as they, too, left behind the gate. The Maraukians on either side were still pushing in as Valentine fired. The main cannon’s canister shot tore down hundreds as they pushed forward.

  Instead of an unending sea, the Maraukians were only in the final three hundred meters of the wall.

  “Prepare to halt!” McDougall said as the third tank cleared the gate.

  “Demoness, arcs ten to two; Hellcat, seven till ten; Rabbo, two till five; Rampage, four till eight!” With McDougall’s orders, the main cannons on the different tanks moved to orientate themselves in the directions he spoke of.

  The gate was quickly sealing behind them as they were now on the other side of the battlefield.

  The Maraukians’ rounds hit them, and blow-out panels were doing their best to take out the missiles before they struck the armor.

  McDougall was thrown about in his seat as one of them exploded too close for comfort.

  All of the weapons systems were firing as the tanks slowed down.


  The tanks turned quickly so that they brought more weapons to bear on their arcs. The Rampage Bellona shot dirt into the sky as it turned itself all the way around, protecting their rear.

  “Blow out!” Rabbo’s tank commander said as armored doors opened on the tank. Sealed pods were revealed, blowing out their coverings as missiles shot off, one after another, again and again. The launches sounded like a machine gun going off as they covered the tank in ejection gasses and propellant.

  “Stands going down. Deploying anti-explosive defenses!” Robert barked from deep in the Hellcat as panels opened and boxy-like objects were thrown out around the Bellona. These were remote blow-out packs that would destroy incoming explosives and heavy weapons fire. They could also blow themselves up to create close-in defense and give the Bellona time to get the hell out.

  Up and down the line, Bellonas stopped, cutting the Maraukians up.

  The fire from the wall doubled as everyone who could use a weapon had been put on the wall.

  The Maraukians were lambs to the slaughterhouse as they were struck from two different sides with artillery and other munitions dropped from above.

  The missiles that the Rabbo had fired out hit pockets where herd commanders had been seen.

  The Maraukians were rapidly losing cohesion. Some of them threw their weapons away as they charged forward into the weapons fire with nothing but their claws.

  “Lackey, twenty degrees right! Valentine, shift by ten to the left!” McDougall moved between his tactical displays and fields of fire. It was easy to go tunnel vision, so it was his commands that made sure that they saw the whole picture and not what was just in front of them, directing them on to new targets.

  “Sending!” Valentine yelled as the tank bucked with the round mowing down Maraukians.

  The entire teams were working together, relaying information and knowing what the others were doing. The Maraukians were being eradicated.

  “Group to my right, marking!” Chang said as Lackey shifted fire onto the n
ew target.

  “Shit—got some trying to move through those craters in front!”

  “Firing,” McDougall said as acceleration rails fired, dropping fire into the creatures and stopping the Maraukian advance.

  “Long-range fire mission.” McDougall’s NIAI showed him the target area as he approved it. His missile racks were exposed as he fired off missiles into the skies.

  “Sending!” The tank shook as a new section of the Maraukian herd was reduced to mist.

  “Got a bad hit on the left outermost track! Going to need to blow it if we need to move!” Robert said.

  “Got targets coming up between fields of fire. No one on my side on it,” Rampage’s tank commander said to McDougall.

  “Lackey! Get those bastards!” McDougall sent the information to him.

  All around them, sensors continued to update them on Maraukians and their movements. Sensor shells were overhead, making sure that they could see everything on the battlefield.

  McDougall saw as they were clearing an area around themselves, their time to react growing with the Maraukians they killed.

  There just simply wasn’t enough of them left anymore to swarm the tanks, which was the most dangerous situation for a tank to be in against the apes.

  Comms chatter died down as people started to get an understanding of what was going on. The gunners didn’t even need to talk to one another as they worked with each other, even on different tanks.

  This could only come from a tank group that had fought together constantly.

  The tempo of the battle started to die down. The Maraukians couldn’t keep up and their losses were severe to the point that their rushing tactics had failed completely.

  They pushed the Maraukians away from the tanks and started to use their longer-range weapons. Zooming in on targets, their shots were more accurate because they weren’t panicked.

  As fast as it had started, the weapons fire started to slow down. They shifted from close-in weapons systems to longer range ones, hitting the Maraukians that were farther away.


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