No Safeword: Matte - Happily Ever After (Safewords)

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No Safeword: Matte - Happily Ever After (Safewords) Page 33

by Candace Blevins

  It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, but she looked rough.

  She used a brush to apply yellow concealer over the bruised areas, and then a sponge to apply her foundation. Another brush came out to blend and smooth, and then she started in on her eyeshadow.

  Tara came in as she was starting her eyeliner. “I wanted to see you before you started the makeup, but you’ve done a good job.” She sat and gave Sam a critical eye in the mirror. “I’m not sure I could’ve done better. Great job with the shadowing to help camouflage the swelling.”

  “Can you help with my hair? I’d like to wear it down, but it might be better to just leave it in the French braid. No telling how it’ll look.”

  “Not a problem.” Tara went to work pulling the braids out, careful not to hurt her. When she’d released about a third of Sam’s hair she went in search of the flat iron and plugged it in before freeing the rest.

  Sam waited until she looked presentable before going into Ethan’s area. He needed to see her strong and healthy so he could focus on his own fight.

  When Sam stepped into his room his face was hard and he was focused. Her cheeks flamed hot as she realized this look set her insides on fire. Damn, she wanted him when he looked like this. Of course, she knew he’d never really hurt her, while his opponent wasn’t afforded the same luxury.

  She gave him a short pep-talk before she followed him out for his walk to the cage, and felt her adrenaline kick in again as they neared the center of the arena.

  Ethan hugged her last before turning himself over to the officials, and bent her backwards for another of his caveman kisses. The crowd went wild, but she didn’t cut it short, and only smiled at him as he let her up and turned to the officials.

  Sam thought the two men evenly matched for about the first twenty seconds. Right up until Ethan swept the man’s feet into the air, rode his body to the ground, secured him so he couldn’t escape, and pounded his face bloody before the referee could step in and stop the fight.

  Ethan stood and backed off the second he was told to, and while Sam couldn’t see the man on the ground amongst medics and coaches, she could tell Ethan was worried he’d caused serious injury.

  Jerrod urged her into the cage, but she stepped in and to the side while Jerrod walked to Ethan. This was their moment, and she was happy to stay out of the spotlight.

  Sam looked up to the huge screens in the ceiling and counted nine punches after Ethan had taken his opponent to the ground. According to the clock, it took him a mere six seconds from the time he began the initial drop until the ref called the fight.

  The crowd seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief when the bloodied man stood and waved. The announcer called the winner, the ref held Ethan’s hand up, and the crowd went wild.

  The two fighters shook hands and talked a few seconds, and then Ethan turned and walked straight to Sam, lifted her, and kissed her breathless on live television. Again.

  The crowd went wild, and she tapped his shoulder as if she were tapping out in a fight. He laughed and put her down, and they faced the reporters together.

  The reporter asked Ethan the standard post-fight questions, and then turned to Sam. “You don’t even look as if you’ve fought today, Sam. I saw Jose Clemente just before Ethan’s fight, and…” He looked towards the camera, “Can we get a picture of him on the screen, maybe a side-by-side with the way Sam looks now?”

  Sam looked towards the monitor, saw the two pictures, and winced. Both of Clemente’s eyes were mostly swollen shut, he had multiple cuts, a swollen and split lip, and his whole face looked pretty raw and painful.

  With her makeup on, one eye looked a touch puffier than the other, but there were no other visible signs she’d been in a fight.

  She looked back to the reporter and shrugged. “I’ve had time to ice my face and lie down and chill. Probably not fair to show him right after the fight, I’m sure he looks better now, too.”

  Another shot came up on the monitor, a live shot of him in the audience with stitches and bandages on his face, his eyes still pretty swollen, and his face still and raw and painful looking.

  Ethan chuckled and said, “I warned him he had no idea what he was getting himself into.”

  “We’ve seen her take you down, but we also noted you never struck her. Would you be interested in fighting your wife, and not just sparring?”

  Ethan shook his head. “Give me a woman who is as big as me, and who I believe can give me a worthy fight, and I’ll have no problems with a sanctioned fight in the cage, but I won’t fight someone full-on with this big of a size difference.”

  “You’re saying you’d have no problems with allowing women into the men’s division?”

  “I’m torn, actually. I’d like to keep the two divisions, but if the top women want to know where they stand, perhaps we could allow the top five women to compete with the men? Or, the top three? I’m not for totally opening it up, I’d like to keep a separate men’s and women’s division, but I see no reason why we can’t allow the top women to compete with the top men, if both parties agree.”

  The reporter turned to the camera and said, “And that may be the best idea I’ve heard yet. A nice balance between deciding between one open division, or two closed divisions.” The camera turned so it was only zeroed in on the reporter, and he began doing a recap of the evening as he prepared to bring the broadcast to a close.

  They were both interviewed together and separately by not only sports reporters, but a few regular reporters as well. However, Ethan somehow managed to get to their suite first.

  When she walked in she heard his deep voice from the bedroom. “You alone?”

  “Yeah. How was your last interview?”

  “It was fine. I want you naked when you walk in the bedroom, and if you aren’t in here by the time I count to fifteen I’ll stretch you with my cock instead of getting you ready with my fingers first.”

  Sam started stripping as she walked towards the bedroom, and pulled her underwear and bra off at the doorway before she stepped inside, just as he reached eleven.

  He met her a few steps inside the door, the green of his eyes giving her a punch of adrenaline.

  Ethan was all coiled power and lethal warrior in the cage, and now he directed the same determined, aggressive, feral energy towards Sam.

  His lips met hers in a punishing kiss before he ordered, “Hands and elbows on the bed.”

  She smiled as she realized he was taking into account the shape of her right hand.

  He took his time stretching her, and by the time he pressed into her bottom she wanted the stretch. Wanted to be filled with him, owned by him.

  Movement wasn’t easy, with his hands holding her hips, until he paused and ordered her to her stomach, and rode her down as she went.

  He wrapped his legs around the outside of hers, pressing them together, and Sam sealed her lips together to keep from screaming as her body moved under his, meeting him stroke for stroke.

  “I’m not gonna last long,” he grunted. “Come when you want to, I’ll try to hold off until you do.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  They’d planned to spend four days in London before braving the airlines to get home, and with Ethan in such good shape, he had fun interacting with the media this time.

  They also managed to get a good bit of sightseeing in, and they ate junk food to their hearts’ content.

  The airline bumped them up to first class, and they were treated like rock stars by the flight attendants. Sam wasn’t sure what to do with so much attention and let Ethan do the talking for both of them.

  It was good to have the house to themselves again, though it was a week or two before Sam’s ribs didn’t hurt anymore. Ethan used her regularly, but didn’t give her a full blown scene until she was back to one hundred percent.

  They took a long weekend to the Florida Keys, where they spent a little time kayaking and swimming, and a whole lot of time lounging around and being lazy.

  He’d only packed a few toys and tools, but he seemed to enjoy making do with his belt and hand when she needed pain, and with the little bit of rope he’d brought when he wanted to bind her in place.

  However, one morning, when Sam asked permission to come as he took her ass from behind, he said, “Not today, Samantha. I want you needy.”

  Her heart sped and she exclaimed, “I’m not sure I can keep from it, Sir. Not like this!”

  “Figure it out or you’ll be punished.”

  Sam tried to hold onto it, but her knees slid backwards and he rode her down. His hands wrapped around the top of her shoulders from below, and he held her in place as he pounded her.

  The position squeezed her legs around her clit, and pressed the bed into it, and Ethan’s feral, untamed lust pushed her over the top as she screamed and writhed uncontrollably through her orgasm as he took her.

  He didn’t say anything, merely held her as she came under him, and several moments later he grunted, lost his rhythm, and pounded her without mercy as he finally spilled into her.

  He barely paused as he stood on the side of the bed, picked her up, and carried her to the ensuite bathroom.

  Sam wasn’t sure what Ethan was up to as he settled her on the side of the bathtub, but it didn’t take long to realize the thin porcelain top might be wider than the device in her closet, but was still narrow enough to serve as a wooden pony. Or, a porcelain pony.

  “Wait here. Don’t move.”

  Sam leaned forward on her hands as he left the bathroom, unsure how this would work so low to the ground, but afraid he’d figured out a way.

  When he returned with rope she was just as confused — until he tied her ankles together behind her, with the rope supporting them over the tub’s edge.

  Next, he fashioned a rope harness around her upper torso, tied her wrists to the back of the harness, and connected it to the short rope between her ankles, bowing her spine into a backward arch.

  Sam’s mind sped a million miles an hour trying to keep up with the sensations as Ethan manipulated and positioned her. She wasn’t hurting yet, but knew it wouldn’t be long before she was.

  He put his phone on the vanity so she could see it, and set the timer going down from ninety minutes.

  Well, at least she knew how long she’d be here this time, but she remembered from before how watching the clock was its own version of hell.

  However, she hadn’t deliberately disobeyed him, so the time wasn’t as long.

  Ethan stood, and walked by her and out the door; however, a few seconds later he returned and settled a bath towel below her on the floor, bunched against the tub.

  “I’ll be close enough to hear if you yell, but don’t unless there’s a problem. If you need to pee, some will go in the tub and the rest will go onto the towel. No need to ask permission.”

  He’d placed her so when she relaxed, her weight rolled her forward onto her clit. She had to fight to lean backwards to rotate her weight onto her pussy or ass.

  As she’d expected, watching the clock was torture as the seconds passed slowly, and the minutes slower. Her thighs, back, abs and arms were exhausted, and her clit was on fire. She leaned back and off it as long as she could, but it took every ounce of energy she had to pivot backwards.

  Ethan returned wearing jeans and no shirt when she had around ten minutes left, and he sat on the floor and watched silently. Sam wasn’t crying, but a tear escaped every once in a while.

  When his cellphone signaled time was up he put it in his pocket, lifted her from the side of the tub without removing her bondage, carried her to the bed, and gently put her face-down on the comforter.

  Now, the tears flowed. Ethan gave her girl parts a cursory exam before removing her bondage, and as soon as her arms and legs were free she rolled to her side, pulled her knees to her chest, and asked, “Ice, please?”

  Instead of answering he dropped his pants, flipped her onto her back, spread her legs, and climbed onto the bed to kneel between them.

  “Grab your ankles, Samantha.”

  She held eye contact as she brought her feet up and grasped her ankles as instructed. This was punishment. Begging would do no good.

  Ethan leaned forward, positioned his cock to enter her, and pressed.

  Sam barely held onto her scream as his cock pushed through bruised and tender tissues.

  Thankfully, he only went in and out a few dozen times before pulling out and climbing up her body.

  He touched her hands and lifted her fingers to let her know she could release her ankles, and he situated his cock at her mouth.

  She opened for him, grateful he didn’t pound her bruised and tortured pussy. He’d gone in enough to make a point, but was taking it easy on her.

  Of course, he didn’t take it easy on her mouth, but she hadn’t expected him to. However, he didn’t take long, and gave her permission to swallow right away.

  He stood, put his pants back on with no comment, and she rolled to her side again and said, “Ice now, Master? Please? God, it hurts so bad!”

  He stood, still as a statue, and she looked up to see him in his Greek God pose.

  “Tell me what you learned.”

  “You’re serious when you warn about punishment. When you’ve trained me for something, you expect me to…to…and if I don’t, consequences will be rough.”

  He left the room and returned with ice, which he put into a zippered bag and handed to her.

  When she was positioned as comfortable as possible on her side, he curled behind her and caressed her hip.

  “Punishment’s over, Darlin’. I know you’re tired, take a nap if you’d like.”

  Sam closed her eyes and relished his touch until she drifted off, safe in his arms.

  * * * *

  When she awakened they went swimming, lounged on chairs by the ocean, and then went out to eat. She’d been on the side of the tub long enough to hurt, but the bruising wasn’t bone deep this time.

  “I meant to say something after the fights,” she told him, “but if you hadn’t insisted on armbinder training I’d have had to tap out.”

  He nodded. “I saw. He didn’t expect you to be so flexible, and you used it to get out of the hold.” Shrugging, he added, “We don’t know for sure you’d have been forced to tap out, but he had you pretty good.”

  Sam tilted her head. “Either way, thanks. Not just because it kept me from losing, but because my shoulders are even more flexible now than before I was shot. You’ve helped me move past where I was, and…” She wasn’t sure what else to say, so she smiled self-consciously and repeated, “Thanks.”

  His thumb stroked the back of her hand and he said, “You’re very welcome, but speaking of training, do we need to concentrate on denial training again?”

  Sam looked at her plate. She was uncomfortable feeling this submissive in a restaurant, even though they weren’t doing anything to draw attention. “I don’t know, Sir. It was a combination of the bed and my legs stimulating my clit, and I hadn’t known ahead of time I’d be denied, which isn’t an excuse, it was just…I couldn’t hold it off.”

  “Okay then. When we get home we’ll play every day for two weeks, and you’ll never know which days you’ll be allowed an orgasm, and which you won’t.”

  Sam’s insides flared to life as she said, “Yes, Sir.”

  She didn’t look forward to orgasm denial, but loved that he had another project for them to work on together.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Several weeks later, Sam flew to California with Ethan. She was back to work with a full schedule, but had taken three days off in order to take the five day trip with him.

  “I have two offers for you.” Dave pushed a button and two men appeared on the huge monitor on his office wall.

  “That’s the current heavyweight number one and two,” Sam said.

  Dave smiled and looked at Ethan. “Which do you want to fight?”

  Ethan didn’t say anything, so Sam as
ked, “Which would you advise?”

  “I can make it work either way,” he said, looking at Ethan. “It’s purely a matter of who you feel more comfortable taking on. Do you want another fight before you go for the title, or are you ready to step into the cage with the biggest bad-ass on the planet?”

  Ethan finally spoke. “What does Jerrod think?”

  Dave shook his head and pushed a sheet of paper towards them. “He’s at this address. It’s a gym and you’re both welcome to work out. Talk to him and let me know what ya’ll come up with.”

  “I’ll ask again,” Sam said. “What’s your advice?”

  “If he goes for the title it’ll be a damned good fight.” He turned his head to address Ethan again. “You’re faster, and your ground game is better, but he’ll give you a run for your money, no doubt in my mind.”

  Sam sighed. “I don’t know that Ethan will have the edge on the ground game much longer. Once people realize they need to work on it in order to beat him, they will.”

  Dave nodded. “Jerrod said pretty much the same thing.” He looked to Ethan. “Work with Jerrod a few days, look over some film, talk to Sam, and let me know before you go home. As soon as you know, we’ll make an announcement. I’d like to have you here a day or two after we go public, if possible, but…no rush.”

  Dave focused on Sam, and she knew what he was going to say before the words left his mouth.

  “I have a few offers for you, too.”

  She shook her head. “Not yet. I may consider it at a later date, but I’d like to focus on Ethan this time. The last time was crazy, with both of us fighting.”

  Also, she wasn’t sure she wanted to dive into the women’s division at all, but she wasn’t prepared to tell Dave just yet.

  Dave sighed and leaned back. “Karen Johansen tells me she wants to fight you and put her title on the line, but her manager is advising her against it. For now, she’s taking his advice. I could put you against number six right now, but the top five are closing ranks and saying you have to prove yourself within the division before they’ll give you a slot.”


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